The Register News-Pictorial from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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The Register News-Pictoriali

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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CHE 80U1H AUSTRALIAN REGISTER TUESDAY MAY 10 859 D1RD SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE and staff CORRESPONDENCE ARRIVAL TWO MAILS it THE EBBUARY MAIL Register ADKLAIDK: TVRBDAT MAT 10 1868 ADELA1DS RETAIL PEICK8 nnw COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE IM 170 la 1 10 LATEST NEWSPAPER DATES Dales Dinette noth log dota 0 0 10) I 10 0 10 frraa 10 I 10 4 March SWAN RIVES SHIPPING 0 10 ApsU ranoe barqae trwn Adelaide CARGOES EXPECTED IT TO 1 1 10 Marte 9 ebraary tt ISO00 The laeofrM an held over RafUah teib no100 1034 00 March 18 April ebruary March A Martha April I January 3 Aprils Milt8 to uaan Dueta 7 la 8 pair Pewit if to 1 ounpU Geeae to lleaeh Piceona L'C pai' Babbits I' to tp pair Turtsys 12 to 1 each Crayflsh it to it each Quail none IMcki none Teal mm Plovers per brace Watllebirte ia per bran Murray cod 'i per lb Cordials 30 earn Drapery 8 ditto Kegi 7 fahte lour 81 tone Ifltt 3 ditto bCto 30 ditto rail 3 eases Hay 8 tone leather art Maoufac unenameratod1 pkg Uata qra Salt 11 tone beat 01 qra coee cd clean per Ih DiUn mtodlia? per Greeny Hrht per Ih portion at the aorUng population who have ahom tbeffitelvee fully eonpetet to aerobe the The motion for the accond reading of tlio Government Reform Bill waa to be made on the 2Irt March and it vie expected that the debat would occupy an entire week Lord John RqmoU had given notice of hie intention to move a hoetile reeolation which would moat probably accomplish the defeat of the Derby Ministry and then it wu believed in well informed circle Minister would dissolve Parliament We have not given the usual prominence to the rumour of which monthly reach ns from tb Continent of Europe It is not because they are less numerous or serious on thia occarioo for on the contrary they come thicker and more alarmingly than ever On all sides the prospects of the war are openly oanvaseed the strength of the parties ia mra sored and the probability of the strife are foreahadowed We are told where how and whan Austria is to be attacked and we ar told bow strongly prepared she is to repel the strong in the material efficiency of her armies and still stronger in the moral ooopera lion of all Germany The rench Emperor appear to quail at the proepact before him bat fawighted people affirm that his seeming re loctmteia an as fulfil veil the better to hide his ml Mitimmfi and hii iataoded acta One Carse of tbs Eiitabeth fra rom Port WWur SO tone floor it (to bran AU bags bnriey Phoro and Butterworth rom YanksKIta St tons of wTst bad taken place bun (Mr Hite) and tbs Dean tta date of tbe institute had ben grsaily Mglnted hr many raocthi past Al bn roquMi Air Clark entered a Htolotam on the mtotttee msd ia the eveniidt banded to him tbe advertis whih led to tbit nteus Shall proposed a motion espreaator siiietette with Mr Hate's ooodact an Secretary tod Morpbett ia proposing ita health ot the Secretory He Mid tel ba believed South Autnlia would berate one Thwedar May Tbe ecboooer EHubath 18 tana i master for Melbourne via YutalUla Welsh Slates 1J CIS 1X)O Gtaea British plate 90 to vs bet Piunitl) iastiin Peisut iach end i Cut floor brads I Cut lath (VS bort testimony to the aid afforded to oountry lutUiutcs by Mr Haile Tbe motntte withdrawn and ibe amendment carried as a eubataoUve motion It was Bay erent la Ibe tdev AtheitM bareoete ton CW mate Ban Grata staff per mm boodfee Hama perm 1 Ontea per cwt 1 Pototoee parton to town 1 WINES (COLONULJ CT We are requested by Merer Wicketed Botunr Townsend On to call attention to tiimr sale efjpoUtee ex Idrei TMs Dy nt te Port al 12 Sf Merer Wickstesd Betting Townsend Md (X req to to sail attette to the ante e( te wgorfteMwyieewnrtTtoi Day elte Pori all solette Mr Bruce proposed an amredment that the Gownore be rajoestod to tail a meetinf of te ARRIVED Ct'AffTWlRE Mends May Tbe stoenwr Corto Coletnsn master from Nepeen Bay May te mml from te steamer Bensraa Coleman PROJECTED eoenty vote to respect of property eltoate In boroorhe nukes proprietors oi freeholds to borosfhe to vote for the election of bonne swmbera witent reqiti tag psrsenai pinsn st te psilinr booth nr riddism to te borough doos not provide te pratoetteofte ballot doos not extinguish any stull or corrupt borough doss not serifs any toeneoed number of rsprs toalsUree to tees lorn Urougbo of te metropolis aed te eovntry which are now so laadeqaately rapra day tbe retirement from his official petition of Prince Napeleon and a pacific article in tbe Aforefenr reen to Uay th popular forebod ing only that they may break oat in loader and more portentooi tone on the next day It ia retd that tbe King of Sardinia hat formally applied to tbe Emperor of rance for aawtanee in an effort for the expulsion of the Austrians from Italy and whether ill or well founded the report created a profound eenMUoo Lord Cowley't peaceful errand to Vienna is said to I have erided fruitleealy end certainly warlike 1 are going on with increaaing I rigour in all the State to oetentatioualy pro 1 claiming their determination to remain at prece Deed ipeak louder than words i Our reader will be glad to find that the i subject of the navel defence of Australia has excited considerable attention and that tbe Government have announced their intention of eetabluhing a Commodore's station at Sydney A suggestion for which the colonies will pro bably evince little gratitude although it emanated from a friend wa made in the House of Common by Lord A Chunhill That nobleman proposed that soma of the useleas block hie now rutting in British dockyards should be sent out with emigrants to Australia and then manned by a colonial naval militia for the purpose of defending our shores At a time when Britain is seriously concerned at the close equality of rance in uaral architecture and ia straining every nerve to maintain her supremacy it is rethcrtoo bad to expect colonial volunteers to fight iu ship in which it ia supposed that British tan cannot cope with their antagonists It i another specimen of the old Anything will do for England is now increasing her nary very considerably with tbe consent of all parties for even the moat Englishmen are satisfied lint it will not do to abandon tliat position of ma trial strength which so wonderfully aastains the moral influence of Britain Amongst tbe minor events recorded in llie two months' news we may mention tbe return of Mr Gladstone from the Ionian Isles we believe we must say unsuccessful Hie suc cessor ha been obliged to dissolve the Legisla ture because they would not carry out the scheme of reform propouuded by the English statesman lhe islander seem now to hove fallen under the rule of a King Stork though certainly Mr Gladstone was anything but King Log The King of N'aplee i dangerously ill and indeed ia not expected to recover Hu son the Duke orCalabria administer the affair of hi kingdom a Regent Some of the victim of his tyranny including Poerio are now on English soil They were shipped fur America but when out to Ma they compelled (and very geitle compulsion seems to have sufficed for the houtst Yankee) the shipmaster to steer for the coast of Ireland and land them at Cork In England the noble exites were enthusiasti cally teceived and all classes of the people vied with each other in efforts to promote their comfort The interminable war in Circassia again come into notice A Russian army is now besieging a strong fortification Scbatnyl' head quarter The pertinacity of the Circassian is truly wouderful SH MvtkriUiv Towny Gawles ttrly ar Ovtera By Ari DU dsj wi ar Port UtwUn Pw Msrton May ifo BIRTH A YOUNG PRTMCB PRUSSIA On annary just a year from the date of Her Koval il'gnree'a marriage Ute Prineeaa rederick William of Prussia waa safslv de livered of a eon at Berlin Tire jytul Intel ligence readied Windsor Catle by electric It graph in six minute after the event had taken place The constitutional phlegm of tbe Germans was unusually disturbed by thia liappy inetdeut All Barlin went mad with illuminations and rejoicing and to do tire good )eople of Prussia jiislur they hailed this iiicrt'ise to tlie royal family with feeling quite as warm as our own but much mure tumultuous EUROPEAN NEWS TO MARCH 18 THE NEWS ROM EUROPE It is a somewhat remarkable cireumftanee that the last mail under tbe old contract and the first mail under the new contract bare arrived eimultaneoualy Tire length of time i during which the ebruary mail was detained in Melbourne and the protraction of the paa I sage of tbe Benin have together produced thia result but in point of actual speed of transit to Australia th new system doe not at the outsd manifest much superiority over tbe old one In South Australia however we have reason to liail tbe change as a marked improvement for if tbe Benares had followed the course of the Oneida we might have been kept waiting for our English March cor respondence some nine or ten days longer Tire circ*mstance which have retarded tbe passage of tire Benaree will be found detailed a fully as we are acquainted with them in another portion of our issue Having two new before us it is impossible that we can supply our readers with anything like a complete digest of the whole at once All can do is to mention the most important facts rrereving the subordinate matter for further relation This we have eodcavoured to a compliah and in our lett'r and our selections from English contemorarie our readers will find almost every feet of inte rest contained in lhe two months' budget On this occasion we have a twofold complaint to make against the telegraph It has ains of omission and commission to answer for It informed iu falsely that the Derby Ministry liad fallen and it omitted the item of iutelligence ao inUnsting to the fairer portion of the community that the Prince rederick William had preeen'ed Prussia with a royal son This event took place on tire 27 ih January and on tbe 5ih March the infant Prince was baptised and received tbe name of rederick William Victor Albert There are many persona who acarcely deem themselves to have reached lhe prune of life who can clearly recollect tbe accession of Queen Victoria then a mere girl herself and now tbe progress of eveula has invested her with lhe venerable tide of grandmother It i needless to aay that the event was hsilad with great satisfaction in England where it was known iu six minute after its occurrence and that it is regarded by thoughtful men aa favourable to the consolidation of constitu tional liberty in Europe It is said that a matrimonial alliance between tbe Prince of Wale and another acion of tbe blood royal of Prussia is in contemplation and also that the Princess Alice is shortly to be betrothed to a Prince of the Netherlands In connection with these personal ma' ten we may mention that Lady Mac Donnell haa arrived safely inEnglaud fact which will be learned with tire liveliest pleasure here Her Majesty opened Parliament on the 3rd ebruary and the speech which she delivered on that occasion is above the average standard of that class of compositions We would call particular attention to tbe pro mise it contain of a measure fur enabling tire owner 'of land in England to obtain for them scire an indefeasible title to their estates and intercata and for registering such title with aimplicity and We are glad to aay that the promise thus made has been fulliliml and that tire measure at tbe data of our latest papers wa making steady and safe progreae through Committee in the Commons It scarcely possible that it could be tossed during the session because the Derby Reform Bill would certainly lead to a disorganixalioii of Parliamentary business either by causing the overthrow of lhe Cabinet or a dis solution of tbe Parliament But there can be do doubt that th question commanding as it doe a majority in the existing House of Commons would lose nothing from tire trans ference of its consideration to a still more liberal House The Government measure entitled Tire Title to Landed Estate Another measure introduced by the Derby Government met with a less fortunate we mean their Church Rate Bill It wu not intended to abolish but merely to modify tire operation of that unjust imposition and the House of Coinuona would not have it It wu rejected on the motion for the second reading while Sir John Bill for the total abolition of church rates was carried by a majority of 2)2 to 1G8 On another question of Ministerial policy the conduct pursued in relation to the Charles ct George's affair the Government received a severe handling in both House of Parliament but no decisive vote wu recorded in either But the great measure of the session wu the Reform Bill which in all probability hu ere tin time plunged the country into tbe turmoil of a general election The Bill hu pleased no party Some member of tbe Ministry have acceded from the Cabinet on account of tbeir dislike to it provisions The Whigs and the Radicals in Parliament alike denounce it even its author hu been compelled to avow ao in tention at altering some of it provisions while out of door it has aroused a perfect storm of reprehension Tire grounds of the opposition to tbe meuure may be understood from the following resolution adopted by a large meet ing of the City of London electors held in the GuildWl: Thal te Mora Bill sabolltod by ths Oeveraosnt to te Hoes of Coauooas moot thy of te scceptauo of te otltae of Loodoe as settlement of te ctami toajestsadeeroprshoasin meaews of rafora lose AimoMe drted 1 Ditto rrera none Apples to ICY Ditto Dned IQ Aprtata aeoe CiaciberhM boo Cherries wee Cttrrae i to each Qxnsnati I etch Conants Btak Bad Walls non DsEMraM ione ir tos Aoua ilbert none GaMeuerrfi Cape me Ditto (irasn oom Ditto ripe none that afrht at te ssme ptaa te Chairman te oom muntate te the Governors of IM losutai te rcsaiaUon Poutoe NewI to1 Itompkiss ft to 1 Radishes seerte Bbabarb ssarvO Banners Sesrlei Ji to I I tteloti ii to TobaiomI to Turnipst to 8 w'tn Watercress I banoh to sesrifs is Ad te la Ii broken took iih to to reset to 1 Id Copper quoted at £112 10 per too and firm at that price smelters not being inclined to st lh Tire following are the exports to Adelaide from London and Liverpool to tlie dates indicated rom ebruary 18 to March 12 both in BAJd £10 be Ml ISU brandy MO yds pto 878 yds prntd and dyd tael rordar 18180 earranta LuO yds esmbrt and moalna Sal and btokta £tn ram pc talker pteves wl sad wd towr ffllti 4OW di Iwsy rape Ac bops MS Hua £874 yd laese nets aeta silk £A7 steel msoufbotn 10 suits sad soeaterpea 1 0 nun M2 12000 spirits 78 dt printed shale sad khdkfa wl sad wed staff AM S3 i wine 10 itoe rom ebruary 10 to March 15 both to i tmj i uai NEW WALE3 By the Havilali we have Sydney files to the 30th uh Tbe following appears in the Moniitg Herald of that date Wliest and Menn Barker A These urcity of wheat here sud the state of the markets ia the other colonies have emnbned to brine about sdrauca of £4 lr ton in Hoar fine is now £21 and second quality 4 vptrton of IOOQtte end Arm liras 1 3d jt iusbel wheat 7s to 7i Ad for aonud tampta Mr An advance in the price of thur of £2 per ton ken place during ths week The mills now quote er ton of fOQibe for fine flrer end £18 for spends wish firm market Wheat 7a 5 to 7a 8d per bushel for secund qatiltie Messrs uriosi and kenndr ine thor has advanced to £21 prtouend secund quality £18 per too with ti4 prospect of an esrlv further apwsrd movement Bria la ptr bushel Wheat good quality la worth 7a 8d per bushel TASMANIA The Hobart Tote Mtrcurif of the 28th ult has lire following An average supply of wheat came forward today sod sold st 7a to 8a per bubal tbe Lstlsr fior being sti'l given for very superior samples Otte are quoted st As to As Sd Ibr colonial bat meet with very little demand Barley is dull of English tt Oetnd Cape at Aa to Aa 51 Hay la ilaliotiuy at Lrarer rales Imms fetching from £1 Us to £5 lot per ton accord Inc to quality and country pressed from £5 to AS If anything potatoes ar a little firmer bat a yet very little is doing There is a steady demand fur fiour and price eotoinue firm loor frutn tbe best ceionlaJ wheat sells at £18 te £18 10a per too tMordmg to quantity Bran Is fid to Ik bushel Tbe Corniratl Chnmiclt report the Laun ceston markets as follow Private advices have confirmed merchants here in their vsprc atwM respecting an early advance in price in Victoria and a oonsideribls advance ba already taken pises here in coosequen of te brisk demit which ha arban within te last tew day for wheat ad oats SJesof wheat bars been effected at 7 AdaiJ o' prime feed osu at Ac Ad to 6 per busbsL Account sales of paresis of grain disposed of st Melbourne scarcely warrant such high wheat having only reailxM 8a3d to81 and rats 6s Ad to Sd The receipt of further advices expected by Che Bojai Shep herd to day ire eagtriy looked for PORT ADELAIDE CUSTOMS RETURNS IMltlKTS OR WEEK ENDING MAY 7 ArOclesuid (jiunUtle Apparel Iptg Ditto 3 ditto Apples 2 bushel Bout and shoes 98 cases Cske 37K ih Cu'dcrj I ease Coals 28 ton Ditto ditto Cigar 26 eases Ditto 1 ditto Ditto 3 ditto Coffee to pkgs (ntto 97itiito Candles 0 boxes Dilto3u0 ditto Drapery 2A pkg Ditto 3fi ditto ltud fruit 30 otote Drags 3 ditto Butter reeh XStoilO Oiilc Sat 2 to I 6 frwse Cuta Ditto EsriL 3 to Ditto Swiss 19 Lard LU Lfi per doseo Ham CMMua'i8tol8y 1 Per avoarits barqae Bond mietm sailed April 11 too coal non aiusocatri Ocoeea! Jeeap barqne 191 tone Oay sasster ayHl Mat oraks taikiw 2 1 oases mstchea 10 boxes tea 77 bhu boss 100 railway chain Jamas schooner 114 tons Kitcbls master sailed (for Willwtt May 4 lAbdiaand 3 bates bags VB86RL5 IN HAltBDDt Adnona srhoeoor Hi toes Welsh Bterter Bom Anek bad Witaa and iUackkam agents Company AgaowrAtehoooCTfiltonAHefilhmtoter from Toris' Pmirala Cempary's wharf Ant Skraraer 140 tous rewta master from (Mfibre Bay keererbulMd and Co agents CoIHmoo Vharf lendiooot schooner Iona from Vena Bap Hnntef Stovaesm and Ce4 Town rsaeh Port apniA late Stream Sara ship 133 tone WsUa aaeter from Memel Am man Mala Lindsay and strata CsUtesn Whsrt SHIP MAIlre General oeLOBra Adeteld' Tnesdey May 10 18SA Jit will be fitpatehaj as nodes or Great Brit ala by te contract packet to Bus sad Overland on Wednesday May 1 or Kaw South Wata vb Melbonnre by te BavUeh (steamer) on Wedacsdsy May ll at I or Vieturu by te Harilah Uteamer) to Portland and Mslboerae on Vateaaday May 11 all by te Tommy to Melbourne this day Tuesday May al JO by tbe OmcK to Melbenrve an Wednesday May 11 at balApaat i by te Rabscea to Melboerae on wed nesday Nay 11 at 10 Tasmanb and New Zealand via Metearea by te HaviUb (steamer) oa Wsdnesiay May 11 at A or Wsetera Australia by te eoutraet peahet to Klug Bound on Wednesday May 18 or Mauitiu and Cap of Goad Hups by the to tnet packet te Maarten an Wafcesday May or Beat Indies rad Chiu by te contract packet on Wsdnesdav May U) by eBotid I fitohmf lit AayTwdajllatA rom Vahse Ditto IX ditto Grocenss 3 pkgv Hardware i ditto Ditto ditto Ditto ditto Hops 4 pockets Iron mxiUfactutecScukt Lead manufactures pkgs Locomotive engines 3 Muscovado so ar 1i0 bag1 Ditto 97 cwt Ditto 264 bags Mantifac tmenonreraied 4 pkg Ditto 3 ditto Ditto 112 ditto Millinery I ditto ttuiuu 14 bigs Orasgee 3 buxco otatoes 46 tons Ditto ii ult to Perfumery I case Paling II OJO Perfumed spirits 1 ease Printed books 2 ditto Ihtto 1 ditto da gsuges 1 ditto Hire 3 bags Sawn limber 23 loads Dtto elite Bbeepwash tobreeo 608 lbs fitatkioery 3 case Sperm oil 2 casks Spices ft bags boap 4 boxes Ditto 113 ditto 1 allow 7 cuke Tools 1 box Tea i44ehsl371 box litto 1 box Wine 30 qr casks Waterpipea 1342 EXPORTS OR WEEK ENDING MAT 7 Aiticlas and (jnaalitie To Value Apparti 1 pkg Brk 0 tons Bran 6 tone Auckland Batavia Bombas Cape of Good Hope CsioBlta Ceylon Robert Town Hongkong Laimeestan Madras Mauritius via Melbeorae Melbourae Direct Nefoon Direct New York ria Melbourne Panama via Melbourne Portland via Mslboare Perth Australia via Melbourne Bio do Janeiro via Eagiand fiaa rancisco via Melbourae ingapor Direct Sydney via Melboarne Valparaiso via Melbourne NEPEAN BAY alllPPlNG aaairsB Monday May Tbe Beoarei I Skodowe eiwnmsnder from Bmi March a Aden April A and MaariUM April 17 Paengers foe A rom Soathamptoa: Mr sod Mr urvwua family and aarvMls Mr Huth Mias WocmIs Mr and Mr Hope Mus Browne Mt Eyre and Mr IL Price rom MarscUle: Mr Mal xdm and Captain Robert fyoa Miiua or rom Souihampion: Mr and Mr McNab and mtr Mr and Mr Martin Mr and Mrs Merry Mr and Mr Wilcox and tamily Mr and Mr White Mr Ballard and Nr JO Bloxbam rom Alexandria: Mr and Mrs de Graves and Mr Daria rom Maroeilta: Mr Hauriqae and Mr Gibson rom 8ux: Mr A Mollwon rom Mauritius Mr Anderson rom King Georgs' Bound: Mr White or tom South smptoa Mr Atkinwm Mrs Gardiner sad family Mias Hsom and Mr Bridges rom Maiseilie Mr Cnallis Mr Wilkinson Mr Maguire and aervanl Mr Denham and Mr Maclauie rom Stiei: Com render Reynolds rom Aden Mr Crabtree rom Klug Geuege'e Sound: Mr Maitland CULto Monday May Tbe as Benaree for Melboarne with pans wi gen for Mvlb mrne sod Sydney twroats Cargo of te rom Londo: 1 pkg Elder Stirth sad Co rom Mauritiui 3 pkgs Elder Stirling and Co POST W1LLCNGA SHIPPING white (te para jam of te fi I grape) tog qratite Mik par gal Ma MJ Superior dttto ef tart you vto tafc ediUo'diltodtttoLiobalkh 7 pergaBoo Ditto ditto ditto ta brtita perl dos 1 Beperioe eokmtal wins of MM I i and aM ta telk Bread BteS Btaaf UrTWB wait Be3ito9WB Peek to lV Lamo to i pet tarter Vsai 4 to HuUreAto du sv rwnooa th tew ratettng to bnnkrnptoy and teotmey for brinfwg tofrthor ia on Mt at rtotote io cteeoified form nod with each atodiA tioa experience will enmit to yoa th tews relitfng to crime tnd ofeooe te England and Ireland for enabling tb owner at land in England to obtain for tiwmeeiM in defenaibl litte to tbeir ertntee and iateneu and for registering eueb tittea with aunpUcity and security Your alteotiou will be ctlted to th state of the tew which irfateto the rrpraentation of the people in Parhewrtnt end I OMBOt donbt but that you vriU give to this grert eubjort a degree of calm aad tmpurttel oeuMdeMlMM pro portioued to th magnitixte at th interests in volved in the result of your discussion These and other proposition for the amendoseut of th tews which wiL be brvnght under your noria as the progree at pobbo buaueM may permit I eommend to th xer cim of your deliberate judgment and I ear nestly pray that your counsels rosy be ao guided to ensure tb stability of tbe throne tbe maintenance and improvement at onr moritn lions anil th general welfare and bappiiMM at toy people" ARRIVED Maodey May Th steamer Bsvltah 330 tons Mcta master from Maibeorae May A vta WamMteeUrart ury and Portlaa May7 JDarwsol Tows i Newmaa sad Seo Port agaate Mr Banta Mr and Ur Ashton Miss Emily and Lwy Aibtea Mtasn Bdoard Cbsrim Harbert and Juba Album Dr and Mrs iwter sad Msmn Tbomp SMM Hsvta 10 tecaMai Mrs and Ja Jnhaaoa Mayra Mrs Dena Jobnsteoe and alx ft Wtab for Adelaide Mu Martha White tuster for Alsialde NEWCASTLE NSW SHIPPINQ 1UT1D April Adalobua brig from Adelaide Anna Vina brig O'Hagen master Adel aids AprQ svourlta barque Bond master for Ad IrtOe Sorril At STBtLfiN There was etiur uf number of the South Autlrxlun Inatitat on Monday eveulng st th Gresham Hotel The object wu to hear from Nr Haile a siatemeut of te reasons which teJ to tw ulvertUed vacancy In tbs offira of Secretary to te Institute The lion Mr Davies MLC was called to tbs cbiir there bUig then or duriag tbs proceedings about WU person present in cluding a great proportion of influential and expectable cilixetM and an Interesting admisuire of inteitigsnl loaog sen Mr Haita opened his statement with a humorous and tffcurs prciaee fie then gv ft a written paper an historical iketoh graphic and truthful of te rise and progtes tri te present taiitui Ho ataied tet from te outset th re bad bees 0uo voume added to te original library and that there were Alik werth uf book to arrive sud ibars was a balsa a of £700 unexpended I while the incnise of reaJc might be estimated from te fact that lb eireolaiiOQ of book amounting to 2 3 ia te fost quarter of te resuK luted Inicitute had li'creased to iVvi In te isrt completed quaner Mr Bailes referred to ths duties of Secretary which incioued attendanoeou tvery oidiuary dy sod many siiraovdinary matters such a preparations for soirtu service rendered toeuntury Institutes tbe getting up of te petition signed by ln3 persona and the atteu tioa to country petitions to which te tiding grant might be to scans degree attributed Tbe Govsraor op to October IM7 kindly aassnted to all his proposition sum of which suited dusstrously but at tet data (be membora elected Mr Clark to assist Um gentlemen nominated by His xoslency Ths I'b msdiate ootwqwMS of tbM ection was a propcoal to charge member tot sdmissioa to te a i reposal frequently repeated at Board mselings but Mr Hrta eoaid be no party to it aa be eotuldered it a breach of teitb wittite subecriber It was aexi proposed to lead bosks to oonutry Institute before te books intended lor sub eireulaUon were remised and while tbs Central Institute was suffering from an Inadequate supply Be wa opposed to tet considering that to exhaast tte iunteiu wu not te bel mean of replenishing the stream Another propooittat was Uta book sbouM not be parches wl In te eolcwy Ha maintained tist as muh as could be judiciously expended should be laid out among te people who to liberally supported te Institute Taos were some of lhe obstructions be had io iwiand with sod he tendered his resignation on tbe 17lh November 1 67 and referred to it again on te 1st December but witLdree It on the 8 of te ease montii Then cams te question of te site for lbs pre posed building The Givsntors were uol dissatis fied with it be was He was present at te meetiag In te Etebsage in te character of a dtixso where be hfci te miafortune to differ from Dean arrell who teemed to fed ao greatly tb part he (Hr Htilea) took Uta be propmed to the Deta to prepare a minute em bodying reugaatiso Tbe Dean declined disclaim tug at desirs to cause snob a result Mr Clark than GdEAf BRITAIN The following frum our London corre spondent The City riday Evening March 18 Until the lari day or two the money market hu en extremely easy and capital quite a drag in tbe mai ket for owing to the eriticui state things abroad milher joinUatoik produce nor aay other kind of speculatiois fairs bora even thought of The commercial demand for accommodation has been luenaiing and just no te value of money wbih was 2 to haa risen tod tbe Bank price Th Con mental ifoarwe are utt ny petslyiei but the Stock Exchai although sjtnp thuing with foreign ivementi has not been nearly much affected partly from the rkiraordinsry eaarusi of te public to invest tbeir small ravings oa evry fall Ti a has not been nearly so much iffcted by for Ign politic although the ewation of foreign orders hare altogi'hcr arnk 4 te full expandn we Im! trrry right to expect at te commancemest of te year tud unless euntid nc la rel reJ will tell in the end but al resent ih activity te India and China trade has rpt manufacturers tolerably ll employed denial securities are in great request New ffouth Wa'cs 6 per rent JOz to 113 Victorian Bailwa) Lum fi percent la to 113 booth Australis fi per crn 111 to HA Consol bare declined to 06 for money and for account The following from the Home Setrs of March 18 City Tbnreday Evening March 17 Though the qno a too of price on ths Eng isn fitock Rxahange ruing out by the present mail will show some Imiwovsmmt on those given in our issue of 33rd ebruary these mutt not be taken a te xvt ImU i i of public opinion ai to te question of peace or war It I not too tnsh aay that at present the msj ty of tbe pnbiie think te probabilities uf a couliueuUl war are as great as ever That it may be postponed is wo ndered more probable and 'hi kmpressiimrombiuedwiih tnertrady absorpti of stock by the public ba tended toiuprort price TheoewpoliiclnieletiitheMuatesr attracted as a matter of course a great deal of attcutuio but had little effect upon te stock markets many of te speculator being evidently at a fora as to tbe interprets Uoa to be put upon It By fleeting person tbe new Imperial address is regarded as a half menacing appeal to Germany to maintain a atnctiy neutral attitude hIti ranc bring her quarrel with Auvtria to ao arbitrsment wither by diplomacy or by tbe sword The fresh fsl) which hu taken pit on te Pula Bourse prove tet in rench fl'ism il circles every where eta Louis profession or moderation which thinly disguise a splenetic Insult to tbe Ltgti lauve Assets bias of more than one of lhe tirrmsn btatM are little calculated to calm te deep agitation of te publie mmd Ao attempt to extend lbs area uf rench dicta' loo seems to iarolse a very circuitous route to peace though possibly barmooiting with tbe peculiar idea of a potenUte who after driving all bis ndghbonre iuto armour complacently claim to have established the Irauquiility of Europe upon a firmer Tbe number of those who believe that tbe tranquilHty" now prevailing I profound can be eapected during Hi tenure ol power ra pidly increasing Th demand for kccomtuodsfioa hu been mor active doting te tat few days and even flrt clsa paper ha been obliged to pay te Bank miaiiuam rate namely 9) percent The stoppage of electric commoalcatkM between Malte and Osgliari will cause a delay of shout three days In te receipt rf Indian Chinese and Australian inteili grace in London In te ordinary course new is tele graphed from Malt oa te arrival of te mail steamers frum Alexandria Latest date from Adelaide December 12 The following is the London wool report for March extracted from tlie Home Sctri of March 18 Tbs first sal of this year oomiDSnrad on te 94tb of ebruary tbe number st balsa being 3606 rom te 1st of Jaaoary to te commencement of Ums seta te nativity of oar market had considerably abated both dealer and manufecturer looking with great distrust opon te course of events the former sold their stocks wit wUttagnsaa at te best profit they could obtain and the latter found more difficulty in quitting tbeir production st recant rate Holders in London were mere disposed to meet the market and these who held eecond parcels quilted anything they oeld at eost to a alight profit TiMee ctroamstaacea evidenced an opinion that wool would rule lower al tbe sales and buyer held aloof preferring to await te result At tbe opening sale tb attendance of borne buyer was gnod and although bidding could scarcely be quoted there was a disposition to purchase particularly by those who were actually In want of a few bales to kaepteir machinery going As soon however a Immediate re qairementa were satufied an indlspumtion to parehase became apparent all parties biddmg with Indifferencs te deci especially to Tbe ateiufeslatton of this feeling soon toM oa tbe market until te prices on the average a compered with tat seta may be thus quoted Sydney good to fine fd to id adeems scoured good to bw Id to Hd advance ort Phillip good to superior abort (d advance fair to good to Id decline ordinary to average IjJ to l(d deeline Other dstertotion an swag of id to decline Heavy and Inferior description contiausd difficult cl aale and in some instaocM biddtoga ware to low that ter ware taken in Parehase on account of continental buyers were ex eeedlngly i with the aception of a tew good Port Phillipa and Cepsa their operations were almoetnil Indeed large parcels have been received from te Con tinent this market being te only an al which wool can be sold at full market rate Judging from lhe present aspect of political affaire at boros ano abroad and the difficulty experienced by manufacturer to sell al coat present rata wiU not be maintained al te May sales at which about 60000 to 7n(OJ bales are expected to submitted and it it worthy of particular notice that at present rates there it ample room for a a hint which it ta hoped op ratur on other aid will sly note The possibility of war and with it those evils from which trade doe not to soon rally behoves the greatest motion on tbe part of all and it Is a very gratifying feature ia our market that all operate with te greyest enution The probability of a change la our owu Ministry and aa appeal to te country will produce a stagnation in our market te full ettat of which will not be felt UH our May eata and it will be well for those who have operated on the ether ai such ex trem the leasee of whom will be very great should the present tendency to droop oontinoe even if a serious reduction ta Mt asteblianea What te mult may be to those if a dwIiMta established of xd to 3d ta apparent when such prime aa la Od to is lid are paid all roond toe good flock Range of Price of Adelaide Average to good flxk in fair condition I 7d to It lid ordinary and titaoditioned la 60 to la 7d roourad efotoing la KM to 3 Ad do lambs la to 2 id fob ana MAURITIUS Tbe Arfta at the Sth instant acltnowledre dale from Port Louie to 24th March The following notice of the sugir market is given la ragare Immediately altar te last mail arrived there wa an active demand for rance an 1 England and prioea advMeed abort The aniaatioa ha aoutlnned and swing tote scarcity at sultabl qualities a farter advance te token place la aom description of fuby ia The quantity ahipped this seaaon oonnderaUy timed tet of tai aid famg te stapls ill be vary vce Tbe aeeuaat from Autaalia Mt being fleonsbiM there i been little ddnr for these colonies The prime are vacuum eiaireed first quality do secund $7 60ei radinary firs' very fine yvitow 7 76e fiMyeilue 37 good ysli iw fid 25c mlddllug yellow IfiOue low yellow 6 fiut 6m grey $5 7te good Krey $6 toe middling my 35 80r few grey 3 5 60c bx elceka 13 ee A ds effseta ck ends 14 bxa piaster figures Ml ba 4 window gtas 4 pkra hwara 1 bit I peri hsbdy nil iron 1 bi Jewellery oMteery £101 2 a paper h) bu pickle 1 ek tad pioe 140 ii Rtfd 400 plain 1 ck plain tpirita 00 bt oilmen storoa 912 ebs surra 14 starch I bt wsigrts IN brli tt bdle 17 ring iron 1 lets wire brl plated ware Share and stock are quoted a follows Slant and Nsw rerth Waks Gov remert fiteuritiea6 per cent 1888 to 1878111 tUB do I ptr eeoL IM 10J Booth Aartnlian tiovrromrul per cent January and July 111 to IU Victorian Govenrtnrat 8 per cent April and October lit to lid floatb Aartrallaa Company to 11 Adklaidi Thi The settling for te late Adelaide rax took place on Mon py ev tang at te Globe Ina Rundle etveet Daring the evening thm were het ween 30 and 4) person pre aont aed te following stake ware handed over to te resective winner rrak Cup £88 fit Lever £223 Town plate Brt Hack Race A4 Malden Hakes fkuth Arttrallaa and Muscovado Can (iaduding gold sup valued at £62 10a) £40 10 Jockey Club Cep £1M Hurdle Raes £47 Elitott's Cap £6 MsIokl ugar seen Ditto Water to 8 Mulberries non Nsct arn oom Nats Spanish Orange 3 to ffi each Puare ft tu lb Peaches mm PlnrasVotlet BurlMUf quart DittoEgr none tto Orleans mm Pte nante 8 ear Quinces tb noa Msddoeka 1 tet sack (Urawbemra non Walnuts 1 Ditto Colnulal 18 raavsa Marrows Vrvt able fl to3 Ontona3 Parsley I bui BaariU brig i7 ta i Ltakirt Tewa oootti K111 GJrttah' tons Jsukina master from Prat ElkTTlfita! Tow aad Mau Port Guiraai SteSra tone Bartley ro'UT'fr1 Qnlwa YoungsMbend tad Co agents On te Be'vtei steamer 330 tone Meta MelMenw Darwent Tawn Newman and Son Port worts Wharf Hrary GtMespte 37 tons Hadgeou master from 1404 Philip Levi and Co agents Leets Wharl Hesperian barque 663 tone Btansbarrl master from London Philip Uvi and Co agents Levis Wharf Loehinw brig i tone Bet ret master from New Mstls NW Wdaon and Black ham agent Com pany's Wharf Nanon steamer IS i tons Ward master from Port Augusta and ort Liueoln Darwent and SUlln and Co Town and Port egenia Conpaia Wharf Mary tailh schooner Pa tons from Whampoa hunk of South Australia sgeota In tbe Stream Mery Stewart tehoueer 73 too Thonson marier from Circular Head Bobla and Le Measurkrsgsuts Company's Wharf MsiaalL barque DS tons Bboll master (ram Sydney wee each 0 14 Wsteraeedt 0 ALLOW Aa Candles mould per lb 0 fi at per lb 0 0 Tallow barf per ton (very eearee) 0 Ditto mixed ditto (very tearoe) d) 0 Ditto m'tUouiiitto (very scarce) 70 VBEM Copper cake Be per ton at ort Adelaide far net 0Mb 133 0 iNttoorofia per eratj par unit Ditto renins ditto ffi Gold per wMM I if BUvcr bail ore ear tan Ifi 0 PASTORAL AND ARM PRODUCE aeon per to Bettor freeh per lb vum sun per Cetera rack Cheese per lb Umon 3 to 8 each Lunu to 1 Artkhokee per Airurasus uuoe Ceara tread mm r'tc renchfi to8V Parauipe Uy beach ticvMAi eavww Cabbags fe 18 Capsl uma ft per dot Cenote ft to A buaoh Csiufiowjrv nuua Cetayt to8 Cocntubera l( to 4iarlir 8 tb Rorsnradisb to ly stick Trombones fi to 1 Meets scaro Letter? 1 to3 May 6 via Sydney vie Melbourne via Singapore 'via MelbeurM via Mauritius via Point de Gall March 33 via MalbeuM March 37 vs MslbourM April x8 via Point de Gslta ebruary 31 via Melbourne April 38 ri Point de Gall Karsh March I MISCELLANEOUS Ta Tn puag of llsvilah ba beenMHaphebed ta the usual lima although during tbe early tart of ll much ooutrary weather prevailed toft Melbourne on Thursday taw on taari lull earg ef general msrehanJta some portet of wta have been landed st the western purls he a'eo bring TltanTrtSrlita mail frum 'te KM chip '4 nd on beranivsl st th Lightship several taxes end tea aare ta suffi ieirt lime to be forwarded by te upttrrta i but ths larger portion pr ceeded ta 'he steamer to te Ifort snd was sent subsequently tai Mm Tb Benaree left Suri let on te evraint of the Xih March one day after time ths crareepaod ng steamer on tb home rale having been oatataedby bed wester ta the Bay el Biscay Arrived at Aden rt 1 3 left Aden al i Anri) A Arrived at Mraritias st amao the 16' sod wss AaUined there fifty hour ui labmrxrL After leaving Mauritius terapvriMrod strong hsadwmds ami high ta oresn days Arrive te Kitto Sound at 7 pm on May 3 and left te following evening at pm rhe (Hewing sitrar te diry of a geatismae i oho was ri rrr per ojuuim emM tew addition natticul areta Saturday March 1Kb kft Malte at talf pasi 10 eta pnu and on the nrrved st AteasndriA having encountered heavy weiuter in which a euiwd seaman tat overboard and all etforu to ran proved ineffectual Ou tbe 37th having landed frora IM steamer proceeded to Cairo per trainbrae arrival at bslf past I ami Next morning at hail post Kfeff snd arrived at Sari at 2 o'clock where the wa waiting end 1 halt past 2 pjn on te Irth Vr Iwr dejurtu'e snd run down the Red Sea snlttag at Aden oa te 3rd April but through two oUttt siratnvr baring been ooated before her somau to ptaot here before lbs required quantity of foil was placed on board and on te evening of the 4th sbe again sailed end arrived at the Mauritis on the IKh st 10 am Here she was unfortunately agaiu te third vewel for a supply real nl a further detent ion toot place UH Sunday the 17th when she left and ex pe rirwed five dev strong head winds Un tbe 3rd Msy arrived ta King George's hvunl and found there eevee Dutch vraeele laden with coal for te Company's use bat on scnonnl of th Benares reaching the Bound at nfehl the was compelled to remain outside iUlth muig aff orded suffiefent light fat her to proceed to tbs an nbkh was Itft ta half past 8 on tbe The fa quite a ne vresel havng only made a voyage Um Cape te her ration aud taken the mall from Bombay to Boes stare tearing tbe e'uek Tbs Corio eouriuded het first trip with tb Engtisb rail an Monday evening after haring remained Nrasen Bar for several day aaticipsuou of th arrival of th and Company's itea nship Benares Tb oMMl ctiamtW made oat on Monday morning from the Bay and ta quarter toll tbe Corio lashed sfongtid end received the mail and passenger on taard destined for Ibis rrt This operstiou uf tiau shipment wu very spoxdily effected and st ll IM Benares wsa on her way to Melbourne without mor than a very short detentkm Ths Harbsv Maeter (Mr uua) was bovd te Corio sud describe tbe Benares a i very Aa Immediately on tb transhipment bring eumpisted the Corio wu pul undri fuB steam and moat eireiitnt run to lhe Uieovlg Jttiy wbers ths uwraren and te MaresillM pmlfan of te mad wer lauded Tnt and Company' steamship Saisette arrived al I am tbs snth March and left ths follow tag wuiag with ths Uo'ubay man DeEmra strived at Mauritius on April in adto kbied stake having brokts tat intermediate shaft two dsys sftar Iravfog King George's Bound Her mail and pas engers were ivk ou to i sun evening in le nd Comrwny a vainer Grenada Tb Eimu Ml Maoriliu ou Ue ti for Bumbuy dircut for repairs Tbs Malte arrived ug tieurgr's Bound tbe giro and isfl ou te 14di fur Mauritius and Buex All Th Columbian hie been uld to lheP audO Company far £2u to be delivered Sytiuey It had been owvtgaged to lb Western Buna ul Bwllaud and wu Sold hr IM Bq udstor We find in th Tir of lhe 9th ebrwy the following npiariatfoo of the posifmnemeui uf lhe uispttch of the maia to th 23rd consequence uf ani UiM the departure tbs Oueuls trom Sydney with the homeward Janutry mall would be daferrsd it hu been ordered by tbe (r nerntneot that tbeuulgviug A retraltan mad be delayed for wish The Tetiol will oonaeqvstfy not leave tfouthampton till th 14th fo rt rad uf th ikth and the Wye will be diaptacbad from Mwmtlfes the arrival of te Loudon mails of te Th Earoriydoa touted te James Jardine for Ade laide at anchor in tta nvsr which vernal received slight faropsua Tim eb uuy The Orenn tagle from London for Adelaide wu epuhan Torboy ou ibe 7lb ebruary Ibid The roevmatis ta Adelaide ws puk in lat 2 tong IB on the 1 tts September Tbe Ate trem ixndou Io Adelaide which put Into Limerwh en te 23rd vrenber leaky dtochs ged her rorgn repaired and proceeded on her voyage eb ruary Euw New rukry 33 Uy tbe Nne Vrr of March 18 we perceive thst tbe finals rf haring Lady Mltonnvll sod Mr and Mrs igbee passengers from this colony arrived st London am March 14 Tbe James Jardine from Iivwpml for Adelaida was sf*cken on ebruary ta 1st t't foaa 1 VICTORIA The lstet oomtnereia) intellijmne is con I tained in the Hrraltl of tlie 6tb instant That journal say I he arrival from Sooth America of a large parrel of floor toward tb dose of last week did not prodare anv rloos Bret upon the market iiiamueh as it wsa well ond tstaodthatte eargolaqorition vu nw hkriyto be followed by other some time to come It cannot i he denied however that holdit eiier enced entisi derabl apprehension at te moment and feared that quotations would suffer A a proof of the firmness of i the market and ti extent of tbe legitimate demand for eonramptior we msy remark that oMwitbstanding th i arrival uf tre Erluih mail and various diitarUng i causes prices in tbs market for fl mr and grain bare ruled slightly higher Ou Sitn day last oountry bra of Adelaide fl ur were worth £'l and we quote them to iy al £11 10 to £33 whilst town brands are selling st We have euterte ned a streng opiiuon llita prtore wiuld range higher and we are gratified to find cur antii ipstions fully rralis more especially as oar news eiashed with three whkh were streanoasly uplwll by aatnoritie who claim to be considered h'ghly cMupeient I'i reference to the future coarse of pneee it to Impossible to spstk with any degree of csn taiiitybut it is nevertheless tolersby dearthat noma terial diminution in rates can take place According to tbe latest advices from Adelaide flour was flrm at £21 end what was quoted this day at 8a fid tu 8 fid per taeheL With rcgvd the tn ar ket for grain three I a stellar flrmrui iu rates sod wheat is rateable at to 8s 3L per bushel liiaaii quoted st The intelligence re ceived from tb United Kingdom respecting the expor tation of oats in all January is unsatisfactory and tadi that shippers had gone extensively irtoihe colonial trrfe bat msy observe that tne high rati of frdght which were establirbed at the commencement of ebruary would have a direct tendetey to check transactions Kurths' we are credible informed that lhe large par els now in trarui'a will fall Into the hands of Importer who ve detemioed to bok) and this ciroumstooc wt ne eemrily etert a fsvonrable influraee on tbe market In pis nc uf this acknowledged tact ller have been unwilling to submit to any reduction in rates and colonial Mt are still quoted at Sa fid Beo'ch 6s and Irish It to 6 3d Maize doe not command a higher value than 6 per butliel and gram to in the market at £10 lu per loo The following ii from the last weekly report of lhe d'Hue There hai been quite a stir ia the produce market tire week loor is up in price and as the mfHeri ere mostly very short in siwk there ha been some little anxiety on their pert to secure tbe small quantities ottering Wheiher it la that tbe farmer ar too much engaged with ploughing or that the quantity of wheat iu the interior is smaller than bra of late been supposed we cannot say but the price io some of the up country markets te stag and erden for flrar have been for warded to town Holder are of Mura miking tbe meet of tbe movement but farmers should not hastily calcuiats on prices rising slili further er evea on the present advene being tuin talned for any length of lim a no one can frm any idea of the quantity that tasy bo on tbe way hither from California ur Soutb America Tbe last JD une i scenni iron toe rxaiern sia ray tnal rar wu rising in eooacquence of a defleien in lhe a ipplte anticipated from te interior snd Wevtern Stats and that ablpmenl had therefore tana mueb cheeked There to however plenty on this aide of the Continent and a pert of lhe surplus msy be sei hither Wheat beii in sock request has risen proportfonably with flour In barley there hu teen no tenge but te speculative tnovetneut iu oats hu bsan quite frustrated by lhe arrivals uf the last few das from California Eng land and ibe Bailie and the certainty that several more is'ge shipmtnu are to follow Hay ha faliu again tbs market haring Lren quite overstocked the last few day To isy severe' loaf rmaiiMd unsold The Aiyv of 30th any Torre ha been a steady Ims ness doing today Tbe arrival of tb Asiatic with tons of fl nir from Val paraiso bu caused much enquiry about tliat article but that dis pilon flour is wanted bv the trade it to liktly to rou ter price heavr utiieesInMHgvncet further supplies from that quarter Is annotneed Th fe i stilt eptvula'ive enquiry far oata but no sJes of importance srerejoried Ihefolluwing i from the latest market it port sot the lr Since tbe cors iu i of tbe Easter bobdayt the market genrnlly have assumed a more healttiy appearance a sieady business for consumption ha been carried on tbe country trade has been brisk andpnre of nearly all ictiptiou of imported goo to have presented a firmerptaarstMe he late boar at which tbe ebruary mail received to day per tfadda wu delivered hu nolailuwcd lime for correct uiformatvua a to coming shipment to be ditareDitAied through the markets and until tbe remuupttou of business the eniung week the results will tut be apparent Generally speaking there ie but luile change to reyort iu tbe value of any Imported goods and qooutioua are raucely altered ctace those of Iasi week The There baa been a eteaJy buvineas doing lbtuabrral tb week at weil eustainsd price at some of the mil's advanced rate are a led and quotations are a foliuw ine floor £70 to £21 second £7 HsxJ £22 lus per ton waa is lid wheat ad to tie fid per bushel Hsv The aberace of rain teaviae teams in leu rnjuirenietit cu the irrateids hu ludsoed a large supply of hay at market tins week 444 loads have bo brought in bot the demand having been brisk sak te treco iff etod with tolerable readioeee and to day the market wa cleared onutually early Prime hay te still Wurth lu good hay brings frum to £8 io tenor and stained from £6 to £7 lu per ton iNPoitrs PM Hevish I casee rlmorfMsrt I ett trsnta effects HJWSebireo CTudd 10U carat brandy printed csliwev Heriot 33 half 1101 npte A and Bartieet 10 LdTttataw 8 A Mining Asauostta to bdla ir 71 liirkt fi tranks bales tagota btoekttta imiH Bai Heel b'wts 7 wks spirts iSt'and Pr M1 baH raest tea 46 box do brass soap It pkf 1 woo' pressee 1 bra Ormerod aaJCo ta haltck'eu ami 10J boxes tea Morgan and Poiterd i ta Ches' tea Yoangbuaband and Oaj rad bon 4 pkgM A and II Bsrtlret I row i 3 do books Laos mwi Cai I Ax nrating apparel A Hardy 11 bdu boeksis 1 do eie bandle 2 case Martin and Saeh Psrevte pee OnrMs: I rase books Richardson 1 dufa pteua 1 doffete PhelS ta seeds rand I A jeweller) La Henry and Co I bot documenta Andrews MINES RE IIS AND MuNEY MARKET King WUnam street Adelaide May 0 1M3 raani xnut Burra £119 P'lores itoyali £36 Riyals 3d own Mtain Monty on freehold 10 to lt per cent on Burra strip per eeuU on discounts leasehold email loans and other fexurity 3) per cent JNO RICHABDflON 1 MELVILLE I To Sydney Geelong Melbourne Melbourne Sydney Portland Melbourae Gevteng Mclboarn Sydney Melbourne Melbourne MelboUM 17 Purttend 10 Meiboora ISO Melboarne 41 Geelong 2180 Melboarne 100 Nadgrlend ea Orange Peter Trsvs 3 Deli rom Liverpool ab 10 Jamee Jardine MarlA Eurio MUODO 0 MIT IPILXIDfi At Loudou March 18 Salamaaea Autipodee Nila Cleopatra Qmdreds Georg Kidd At Liverpool Match 13 JoUe llsyn City ef Boston At te Clyde March Jan Grey Escort SINGAPORE SHIPPING wheat and Butterworth RRHRH SHIPPING ertnan vaoM roar aottiusL eb George Kidd Mrlpotnea Mr Aiata Uiliioeeo master io te Down eaiiao roe roar sdsluob rom Leodou Jan to Eflx Rubeek ab Ocean Bagla Cosm polite Roropo 3 Halen pany's Whar' Melbourne brig 131 tow Knarsten muier from Port rederick Captels agent wen's Mrf Omagh barque Ul time Davidson mutw fetal puss Whlnnerab urnt Company's Wharf Rebeeoa barq 1 tons Marsh rowcr from a errtte Hart and Hughs Iebroraehmer tt tons Jama WrighE muter from Thistle aland Hunter stevenaosi and Eo town rench Purt agent In the Stream Salaraa baniqe Iran Hedman maawr from seder uTmT Elder Burling and Cs sgente Company a flcStequa 417 tons Wedin master from London Kid burling and Cagcnt Levi Whtrf Teaaer raUer 6 tons from Copang JTiakerfent la tbe stream Tommy rahoooer tons Gibson muter from eo tar Head qasmi'e Wharf Vanquish brigantine IM tans Sc tt master town iretoo Bar You ighabrad and Co szeote Wre Tottic bri 162 tons Brown from ibart Town Elder Stirling and Co agent Quan's Government schooner Melville milter from Guiten Bay io th Stream st va a u'larsirv Carolina berqne 370 Umm Dytarg muter from Her nusuud Ayiwm agent RANCE Tbe ipeech ddirenxl by the Emperor Na pofeon nt the opening uf tbe rench CltMnbera follow Mcaaii ur le Mcoaii'ur lev Depute rance has ax you are aware daring tbe Inat an year seen her welfare augment bee nclta increase her internal disaeoawua dw out her ibflutMio restored and yet there arise at intervals in the midrt of tbe general ealn and proenrrity anxiety a bellow agitttioD whrn without any well defined cauae poaaoaae itorll of certain minds and shako publjp ooc fllence I deplore these periodical diacourifumcnta without beit'K astonubed at them Iti a octey shattered like our by ao many revolution! lime alone can confirm conviction give re newed vigour to characUr and create a poli tical faith I he anxiety winch haa just been produced without the appearance at imminent dangers may justly cause surprise fee it give evidence at the same time of too much distrust and of too much alarm A doubt eem to have arisen on the one land of the moderation of whkh I have given ao many proofr and on tbe other of the power of ranoe Uepptly the great mass of tlse people ia far from hanng such impreaeum as there To day it ta my duty again to explain to you afreeh what it Mwtns to have forgotten What has been conatautly my policy To maatire Europe and to restore to rance her n1 rank to cement etrictly our alliance with England and arrange with tbe Couti nental 1'uwere of Europe lhe degree of my friendship according to tbe fiimilarity of our view and jo the nature of their proceeding aa regard rance It wa thua that on tbe ere of my third election I made at Bordeaux the declaration LEmpire c'etl la pout' wiabing thereby to prove that if the htir of the Emperor Najx loon reacended the throne lie would not mew an ere of conquests but would inaugurate a system of peace which could not be disturbed except for the defence of great national into rest Aa to the alliance of rance and England I hare employed all my perserertnc to eon solidito it and I have found on tbe other aide of the Channel fortunate reciprocity of araiti menta on the part of the Queue of Great Britain aa writ ae on the put of atateemen of all ouiiiiuni To attain the auine end ao useful to the peace of the world I hare on every occasion trampl'd under foot the irritating remembrance of the peat tbe attack of calumny and even the national prejudice of my country Thu ailiancehu borne iti fruit not only I have we Required together a laeting glory tn the I East but again at the extremity the world we have juat thrown open an immense empire to the progress of civilisation and of the Chrio lion religion Since tbe conclusion of peace my relationa with tlie Emperor of Russia have aatumrd tbe charartir of the moat frank cordiality because we have been in accord on all pointe under dis pute hare equally to congratulate myaelf on my relations with which have nevor reeled to be animated by mutual goodwill The Cabinet of Yicnoa and mim on the I aay it with have often found tbemadvee at variance on question of principle and a great spirit of oonaliaUOQ waa required to succeed in solving them Thus for instance the reorganisation or thePanubian Pricipelitiea oould only be effected after nutne roua difficulties which have hindered the full satisfaction uf their moot legitimate daairae and if I were aakud what interest rance has in those distent oouutrire which tlie Danube water I tlxmld reply that the interest of ranco ia everywliree wlteretliere ia a juat and civilising enure to promote In thia alate of things there ie nothing extraordinary that rance should draw closer to Piedmont which had been so devoted during the war to faithful to our policy during peace Tbe happy union of my well beloved cousin Prince Napoleon with the daughter of King Victor Emmanuel is not one of three unusual events for which one must seek some hidden reason but lhe natural consequfloore of the eommunitv of interest of lhe two countnee and of the friendship of the two Sovereign or some time past the state of Italy and her abnormal position where order eauoot bo maintained except by foreign troops has justly disquieted diplomacy Thia ia liowevw not a auffithent motive for believing in war Let sotbe invoke it with all their hearts without legitimate reasons let others in their aggre gated fear amuse themaelve by allowing to rance the danrero of a new coalition 1 shall remain firm fittbnedtbbj in the path of right and justice and of the national honour and uiy Government will not allow itself either to drift or to fear bccauie my policy wiU never be provoking nor purillanimoui Rway then with there false alarms there unjuet suspicions there interested apprehensions! Peace 1 hope wiU not be disturbed Resume lin calmly the usual court of your labours I have explained to you frankly the state of our foreign relation and this ex planation oorreeponds with everything which I have endeavoured to make known during the last two months aa well aa abroad you will I flatter myself find that mv policy ha never ceased for on moment to be the firm but coocihatovy Therefore I reckon with confidence upon your aaaest as well aa upon the support of the nation which haa retruatod her fate to me be knova that my actions will never be guided by personal iuterret or petty ambition He who ascends the atepe of a throne eep ported by the voice snd feeling at tbe poopu rises up to the diacharga of tbe weightiest of all responaibilitie far above the wfenwus region where vulgar intereata are debated and tbe first motivea of hi actions re his last judge God hn oountry and posterity I MISCELLANEOUS Thr Australian ANNTTimiiT Tbe celebration of lhe aeventy flret enniyerrery of the aetllenent at the Australian eolMrevlook place at the Albioa Hotel London ou Jaaeary 26 Ilenry kloor Kao lata member of thio legislative Couucili of Sow South Walea and Victoria occupying the chair Tbe Vice Chairmen were Sir Montague Manning (re praeenting New South Wales) Jamre A louB Esq (Tasmania) Hturt Eeq (Vietera) Stephens Esq (South Aoatraba) James ilagtrald Esq (New Zealand) About HO pcreon tat down to the banquet fte Might Hon Sir Bolwer Lytton Sir John 1'skington tbe Karl of Carnarvon Lord Alfred Churchill Mr Hovland Hill Sir Jarere Stifling Colonel Gswler and other were among lhe guests Among the colcuieta pr amt we notified th name Meear 0 A Amt and Dutton foe tfoulh Australia The apeechre altar th went off with greet sninL Sir Bolwer Lytton gave tbe toast of th evening The Amu verrary of th oundation of tbe Austra lien Colonie1 and oonctaded hie remarks in propofiing it aa follow Th day my com when you will find aa easy to raire amire wno fowd te raise the mall force of police which ia required when taoteBd o( tbe ooe amed atauMr vhkk Ibg Otr Gold Mr tfolwyn the geo logist having employed liimre'f during the whole of last week in examining the country about Echunga and Hahndorf aa far aouth as bull's Creek sud Clarendon started on Mon day for Willungaea route to the south He purpwe examining the slate formations on Ibe western side of the southern ranee croering over from Rapid Hay to examine tlse granite formations about Encouuti Bay and Hind marsh Valey and will return by way of Struthalbyn and the eastern slopes of the Mount Barker and Nairne range This will occupy him probably eight or ten days when he will start on a lengthened tour to tlie north lie ie at present accompanied by Mr Womum and in hie northern trip the Pcputy Surveyor General Mr Ooyder will be his companion and guide he having an extensive and accur te knowledge of tbe northern districts Mr Sei wvn'e stay is expected to extend over a period of two months Tbe Havilah arrived oa Monday morning bringing tbe Oneida' mail which reached Melbourne on riday April 29 end remained there for an entire week in couaequence of three being no earlier mean of rending it for ward or rathre backward far under the arrangement with the Royal Mad Company it had already been cernral past the South Australian waters The arrival of the Benaree with the March mail tbe aatne afternoon compel ua to limit very materially our extract from the ebruary paper The Oneid bring telegraphic new to March 10 the head of which a well aa there of the European and Continental new gew rallv having already been in part tranemft'ed to Adelaide Uiruugh lhe same agency She left Sort at 1 itn on March 1G Aden on Maroh 23 Point de Cfalle on April 7 end arrival at Port Phillip Head ou riday April 29 at fi pm Her preaage was favourable with regard to weather but coaling and a slight injury to the engine occasioned some little delay OPENING PARLIAMENT Queen Victoria opened the serriun of 1S39 in person on 1 lie 3rd of ebruary The weal her wu clear and cold Crowd lined the route from Buckingham Palace to tit Stephen' and Her Majesty was everywhere received ttk acclamation! At shortly after 12 thepeoreacand those who were ao fortunate as to secure reais in lhe galleries began to assemble in the House of Lords and by half past 1 tbe grand room wu crowded by oue of tlae moat distingutslied assemblages that lua ever been convened then The peers in their robe of white and crimson tbe Irtikopa iu lleir vestment and the iudgv in tbeir wig and gowns were on tlie iloor of the House while lhe Mreeaaee occupied the seal which rite pyramidically on eiher aide a small apace only being reserved for the diplo matic corps The clear unlight wa softly dif fused over the concourse by tne ataioed glass of the windows and added to the beauty and har mony of the gorgeou dresses uf the ladies re vealing in many places amid the sea of splendid female costume and face lhe liquid light of the diamond Tbe scene from an elevated point wa magnificent and one of the finest effects was produced by the graceful and exuuisite bead dreaaee of the peeresses rom uicnes in tbe elaborately embellished trail the medieval statue of lhe baron of Magna Charts emcd to look down with gratified pride upon their assembled descendant Stillness save the low murmur of rustling dresses and xaruallv sup pressed whispers prevailed Where there were so many distinguished persona it would be un wise to particularize At 20 minute past 2 a 1 burst of distent martial music announced llie approach of Her Majesty who in a short time entered tlse room preceded by tbe great officers of Slate bearing their emblems of office the wltole concourse standing and wa conducted to the throne After the had taken her acai 1 she commanded the Lords in a dear lone ol voice to be seated and the entire assembly obeyed Her Majesty then signified her readi ness to receive the member of Ute House of Commons arid in a short limo they assembled in ler presence When ailence waa restored Her Majevty read her speech in a swarf clear and remark ably distinct toue of voice tvery word was enunciated so as to be beard by all present and the concourse listened with profound at tention The diplomatic corp were evidently much interested each of it members seemed absorbed in Iler words a if ready to catch the shahtot reference tu their owu country and when the speech waa finished many of them breatlied freer than during its reading The ecch waa a follow My Lords and recurring at Lite usual season to (he a lvice of my arliauu ut 1 am happy tu think that in the intemxi state of the country there nothing to excite disquietude and much to rail for satisfaction and thaukfulneM Pauper ism and crime have considerably dimmished during lhe put year and a spirit of general contentment prevail The blessing of the Almighty cn the valour of my in India and on the skill of their commanders has enabled me to inflict signal eltasluemeut upon those who are still in arms against my authority whenever they Lave ven tured to encounter my forcii and 1 trust that at no distant period I may be able to an nounce to you tlie complete pacification of that great empire and to devote my attention to the improvement of its condition and to the oblit ration of all trace of llie present unhappy conflict assuming by your advice tbe direct government of that portion of my dominions 1 deemed it proper to make known by procla inatiou the principle by which it was my in tention to be guided and tho clemency which I wa disposed to show towards those who might have been eeduced into revolt but who might be willing to return to their allegiance 1 imve directed that a copy of that proclama tion should be laid before you I receive from all foreign Power assurance of their friendly feelings To cultivate and confirm these feelings to maintain inviolate the faillt of public treaties and tooontnbute a far as my influence ran extend to the preservation of the general peace are the objects of my un solicitude 1 nave concluded with the sovereign who were partie to lhe treaty of Pari of 1350 a couveution relative to the organization of the Principalitiea of Moldavia and Wallachia Thoee Kouman province are now proceeding to tabltali under it provision their new form of government A treaty of commerce which I have con cluded with the Emperor of Russia and which will be laid before you ia a satisfactory indica tion of the complete re establishment of those amicable relation which until tlae late un fortune interruption had lomr suLnutrd between us to lhe mutual advantage of our respective dominions The measures which in concert with my ally the Emperor of the rench I thought it neocuary to take upon tlie const of Chinn bate resulted in a treaty by which further effusion of blood has bran prevented and which holds out the prospect of greatly in creased intercourse with that extensive and densely peopled empire treaty into which I have entered with tlie Emperor of Japan opens a fresh field for commercial enterprise tn a populous and highly civilised country which has hitherto bran jealously guarded against the intrusion of foreigner A soon as tbe ratification of these treaties ahall have been exchanged they will be laid before you I have great satisfaction in announcing that the Emperor of the rench ha abo islied a system ai negro emigration from the East Coast of Afrira against which a una voidably tending however guarded to tbe encouragement of the stave trade my Govern ment has never ceased to addrera to His Im perial Majesty it moat earnest but friendly representation This wise act on the part of Ilia Imperial Majesty induces me to hope that negotiation now in progress at Pane may tend to tbe total abandonment of tbe system and to the subeti lution of a duly regulated supply of subetan tially free labour state of the Republic of Mexico dis tracted by civil war haa induced me to carry forbearance to it utmost limit in regard to wrong and indignitie to which British resi dent have been subjected at the hand of the two contending parties They have at length been carried to such an extent that I have bam compelled to give instructions to the com mander of my naval force in tliove era to demand and if neceaaary to enforce due re ptration Gentlemen of the House of I have directed that tbe Estimate for lhe nuuing year ahsll be aubmitted to you They have been framed with due regard to economy and to the efficiency of tbe public service lhe animal introduction of steam power into naval warfort will render nconmir temporary incretse of expenditure in prov Kling for tbe reconstruction of tbe Bntiab nvv but 1 am persuaded that you will cheerfully vote whatever ram you may find to be requisite for aa object of rach vital importance a the mtmteotnee of the maritime power of tbe country My Lord and Your labour have ia recent Massons been usefully directed to various nraamires of legal and social improvement In the belief that further mMouw of simitar character mar be wisely and beneficially introduced I have dcaired that Bill may be sobmitted to voa witiwut delay for toahmtetinf wun( Regieter Office nHay Evening May 9 IS'rfL The lotr Marekt has been very firm to dnv Early in the morning a country brand was done st £22 and later in the dsy a town brand wu done at £23 for rash within the 50 tons In Whkat very little business has been transacted but nothing has been talked uf under 10a and there have been no seller at that price in any quantity Tm English Some disappoint ment waa experienced ihi morning at the nun arrival uf ths March mail by the Curio from Kangaroo Island the more so as Mr John Tajlor Mr Alfred Watts and Mr Henriques iun who were known to have taken a trip in her had returned to tewu This fact wa ex plained a follows Benaree not haring arrived and the gentlemen in question having become wearied at waiting for nearly a week at Nepean Bev got the Corio to steam them over to Rapid Bay thence they reached Wl lunga on horseback and came to Adelaide by tlie Willurga mail The arrival of the Cono wu however announced by the electric tele graph in tlw course of the afternoon AND DEALERS' QUOTATIONS Nvau Nuts Mish*t Co Muodsy May 0 flour £21 per ton bran Is OL psr oltarJ per tHishsI axdosive of bss BUILDING MATERIALS Dra 3x9 solid3 to man 4 towc 20 to30f ay foot too Ditto saou 0 extra each Luba 1 trat l00u out La'hi Il test 18 iOfr' Dra 8X4 solid 10 Drst poleslO rtuh fast Botnan Cvront 0m 8X8 Portland ditto 30 to 7 foot ditto br) 40 Otto uno Of aitrs saeb Plulsr ol Par La 30 to 36 cut Bricks dciiversd ia fowu Ora's 11 3 solid 7k to £3 17s ttto til it Willunffcoltfuial)SItoY Ditto rawn axtra ssoh aquara toot out WeltaNtaisi2tXl3il Batten 7X9 solid to 1000 ft Wlh SIM 83 X13 il Battens 7 3 wild 4) to £10 lMO Ul I Cedar Board meh fl to ft sapor Ditto Lugr 4 to fi loot super Blnnpors Csdar foot super flouring Boards rvoossd and tonrir 18 If rfl to 4 fant Btringybvk 3 Lead 60 cwt 100 (rat Zura 60 vat D'ifl XJ 13 100 feet Galvanised Iron Msy 6 eat Mslbouroo Cirwlar Head MslbourM Puri rsdtfLk London London Msiboarae Lacdoa blnsspors London thnaporo MslbourM MslbourM Nyduey Meltnaras Sydney Mslbosras MslbourM Meiboarra Muboaras M7 3 biagspors Gsetoa 3 London CkrtesqMrtspsrotaL It 0 10 GiararWiuo ditto ditto 1 LcracnSrra ditto drtl 0 IS 0 1 to 0 Noyesa ditto dtto M30 10 Psppersunt ditto ditto 0 1 0 00 RMpbnryVtaratJ'todltto 14 0 13 WOOL Rows 1 rood eltxn per It I 1 1 014 Gmay heavy pet lb 0 8 00 Ditto hfht per lb 08 00 Raw Bom ffxLM mViotosue (Murray Baer stated that arraageraente bad boas made far a ToetartM' to take plan st tbs next Tbsbartou meetup ta Jsaaary lam tea eotrias fat wkieb wraM te takta on the same terms as the St Leper oa lhe 1st of Joly He also said teat th Covporauon tad give ths Jockey CtaS psrattafae to feoee la sod plooph ths ddalaite Cione a id ta taped that by lhe Mt mteUaf it would ta arata tapeovsd aa It ataold ta (mediately ploubed and laid with south mee they would also ff poraTwc pot tbe Gnad Btaad la a tatter pomtian rat htaths wtoMrt and of tte preemies of tta rank 60CTH AVSTBAUAN PS0DVCK WB0LK3ALK Mty 7 I'M VLOL'K GRAIN do tatr 71m pct too of luuO') st th Port tap to 1 23 0 0 oiuoeu Wheat ia Town Ik beat tbe Port 1A1 hostel lots without bags Bran per tatael of SO Ibe at the Port ha Uda dad Pullard per bathe) of St) (be IM Data pet bushel at 0 te i oitboot ban New fiuley Cape Pr ostial of (0 Ibe without bag Barley £nlfeh pm bubal of) 60 lbs wltboat bop Hay per too Do pressed attM Port per too Straw town par toe Ate netby per lb Adelaide ditut per ditto oaokMla ditto Cream bfeeoite ditto Nonpareil ditto dittos VnaAitVi ditto HIDES 8KLN8 RUNES Ao Bara wsuieper wa Bouse par wa Rites each Hoofs per too Pel to each Btanke prr ton Bktas Calf eata nrtA KanraflVt Mf down Ditto Lamb (beforoeheartnt)eataO 0 Ditto Steep par lb 0 0 Ditto Wallaby pt doiea 0 I LBATHXR Colonial calf per lb 0 4 Dittokip ditto 0 I ntfta ffielta dMHA A 0 MEAT st Slsnithierhoase May A Melbourne ti London HobirtTjwn I Meiboarae 34 Shields Suu Alelboarnt 97 Sblelde 16 Sydney Sydney ifiu Smzapor 1 UelboatM 80 MelboanM 23 Sydney Sd MelbootM Su dory 981 MelboarM 819 London 176 MeitxiurM SJ MtiboarM 7 Melbourne 1 Binnpor i Mydoey MelboarM 39 London 17 Sydney 14 Meiboarae 3 Meiteurue MelbrarM 24 Newctetlo IJttO Sydney 40 Bior "pur 1W Melbourne la Melbourne 24 Loudon te Sydney 6M Meiboarae 1 Melbourne 3 MelboarM ll.

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.