The guardians of harmony: The return of the Dark lord - Chapter 1 - Kingsavant (2024)

Chapter Text

Chapter 1: It has begun

Canterlot was once a city that was once fairy average in terms of appearance and lifestyle, but that all changes when equestrian magic starts leaking into the city and trouble of the magic kind happens almost literally on a daily basis, from sirens of the ancient past to magically possessing people.

Eventually, however, the residents of the city have grown used to such events. It also helps that the city has seven defenders who will defend the city from such threats. And with these seven defenders defending the city, the residents of this city are able to sleep peacefully and without fear.

However, this would not last as there would soon be a threat that would put the city defenders to their limits. They would soon face a threat unlike any they have ever faced, a threat that would change their lives forever. As in the dark night, in the depths of the everfree forest is a dark cave, and deep within it is a stone door with ancient ruins. The ancient ruins of the door glow before the door burst open, and not long after that, a large creature came out of it.

“Finally free,” the creature said as it left the doors and went through the cave until it found the entrance out of it. "I must find the elements of harmony and destroy them so I can ensure my master's victory." It left the cave and began wandering through the forest with the intent of finding and destroying its targets.
In a dark room, a figure covered in darkness looks at the computer monitor in front of him. His monitor picked up powerful energy readings early, and he was able to track them down to the ever-free forest.

“So it has begun,” the figure said in a serious voice. ”The only thing that can be done now is to watch and hope they are ready.”
Meanwhile, in the school of Canterlot High, the epicenter of the city's magical problems, Seven girls were eating lunch in the cafeteria. These seven girls are known as the Rainbooms or the Equestrian Girls. Currently, right now, they are enjoying their lunch, not knowing of the danger that is ahead of them.

“So is it true that your mother is now the CEO of Sparkle Industry?” Rainbow Dash asks Twilight sparkle.

"Yeah, I want to know too, so I can throw your mother a congratulations on becoming a CEO party,“ Pinkie Pie said.

"Yes, it is true. My grandmother recently retired, so my mother is now the new CEO,” Twilight said.

“So what is it that your family company does again?” Applejack asked before taking a bite out of her apple.

“Well, I am glad you asked."Twilight said, ” Sparkle Industry is a company that researches and develops technology and other such things for the benefit of humanity.“ She said with pride, “It is one of the most advanced research facilities in America, and it is in fact where I got my parts to build my magic tracking device.”

“Wait, you mean that device you use during the friendship games?” Rainbow Dash said in shock. Twilight nodded yes. ” I thought you made it with some parts you found in your garage or something.“

“Of course not. Did you think an advanced device that can track and stick out magic could be made from parts you found in hardware stores?” Twilight scoffs, “The parts needed to make it would need to be very advanced, and in fact, most of my inventions are made from parts that sparkle industry has.”

“Well, I for one can’t wait for our field trip next month to sparkle industry.“ Sunset said eagerly. Since sunset arrived in this world, there were two things that fascinated her the most about the human world, and those were their video games and their technology. She was amazed at the things that humans have developed over the centuries, as the technology they have developed could easily make life easier for anyone back in Equestria.Back in her queen bee days, she even thought of introducing technology from earth to equestria, as it could help improve the quality of life for what she thought would be her future subjects and gain praise and love from them.

"Well, let's just hope nothing happens.“ Rarity said as she ate her salad, ” I mean, with our luck, equestrian magic would probably appear and turn one of the machines evil or cause a giant robot to appear and try to kill us.”

“Fighting a giant robot now, that sounds awesome.“ Rainbow said, ” Like the time we had to fight microchip rogue toaster robot,“ she said as she remembered how fun it was for them to fight.

“ Well, let's just hope nothing happens, as the last thing we need is another rogue killer robot,” Sunset said.

“One time,“ Microchip said in annoyance as he heard the conversation while walking past them. ” I made a rogue killing robot one time, and people never let it go.”

“Welcome to my world." Sunset said, "Trust me when I say I know how you feel since people sometimes keep bringing up the she demon incident.“

Microchip then walks off, annoyed.

“Anyhow,“ Sunset said, getting back to the conversation, “we need to be careful and be on our guide since, with our luck, trouble won’t be far.”

Everyone nodded at her, acknowledging the fact that trouble probably won’t be far with their luck. The remaining lunch time was spent talking about what they were planning to do after school was over until the bell rang. Everyone then left the cafeteria and got ready to get to class. While walking to her class, she saw the janitor discord walking to the janitor room. He saw the sunset and waved at her, which she returned. Discord is quite famous or infamous, depending on who you ask in school. This is because he is known for his pranks on both students and faculty. Despite the numerous complaints, he still remains at the school. When sunset was still the bully, she decided to let him know she was in charge of the school. However, she was not able to find any incriminating or embarrassing secret, so she ended up using pranks and messing with the school to give him more work to show him who was in charge of the school, to which he ended up responding by returning in kind. It continued like this for a while, however sunset eventually stopped when Discord somehow filled her entire locker with pudding, which was enough for her to stop messing with him. Since then, Discord has stopped bothering her, and she has stopped bothering him. However, she still keeps an eye on him, just waiting for him to slip up and show her a weakness she can exploit. However, after the fall formal, she originally thought he would be one of the many people who would try to get back to her for all her misdeeds, but to her surprise, the opposite happened as she found him cleaning the graffiti on her locker and trying to encourage her to accept the rainbooms offer in friendship. It was actually his encouragement that helped her put in the effort to try and show people that she had changed. She was curious why he helped her and thus asked him one day, and his response was simply, “We former troublemakers got to stick together.“ He didn’t elaborate more on that, but since then, she and Discord have become more or less friends.

As soon as Discord walked past sunset and got into the janitor room, he shut the door behind him and locked the door before bringing out a small circular device. He presses the button on it, and instantly a holographic screen appears, showing the mystery figure.

“How are they doing so far?“ The mystery figure asks.

“Good as the creatures haven’t arrived yet, but I will keep an eye on them just to be safe” Discord said.

“Good, keep them safe, and only intervene when it is necessary since they need to do this on their own,“ the figure said, to which Discord nodded.

“You know I don’t like the fact that I cannot intervene until it is necessary."Discord said. ”Are you sure we should not help them?”

“I don’t like this as much as you do, but it must be done,” the figure said. ”They need to overcome this one on their own first, as soon they will be facing more dangerous foes than this one.”

Discord can’t help but nod in acceptance, as the figure was right.

“Just keep an eye on them for now and intervene when it looks like they can’t handle it,“ the figure said, to which Discord nodded before disconnecting the call.

“I just hope they are ready,” Discord said in a concerned voice as he unlocked the door and walked out.
On the roof of Canterlot City, the mystery monster was hopping from building to building; it could be sensed that the element holders were near.

“Soon the element holders shall meet their end, and my master shall rise again." It said as it jumped again until it saw the canterlot school. He senses that the element holders are inside the building.

“So that's where they are right now?“ It said as it smiled wickedly and its red eyes glowed in excitement at the carnage it was about to unleash on the unsuspecting school.
Rainbow Dash is at the school soccer field practicing with the school soccer teams, and as she played, her friends Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy cheered her on. ”Another score for me,“ she said as she kicked the ball past the goalkeeper.

“Good work, Dasher." Pinkie said it happily.

“Yeah, excellent work.” Fluttershy whisper.

“Thank you,“ Rainbow Dash said. ”But then what do you expect from the best?“ she boasts. However, her little celebration was interrupted by a scream. She turned and saw the soccer team looking atop the school building. She decided to look up to see what it was that caused them to scream, and she was shocked to see a large monster on top of it looking down at them.

(Author note :Go to this page if you want to know what the monster look like

As soon as she saw it, the monster jumped from the school roof and into the middle of the field, and after doing that, she let out a fierce roar at them. All the soccer team, having gotten used to monster attacks by now, just started running.

“Not another one.“ One of the players said annoy as he ran to the school.

“It looks like I own spitefire five dollars,“ another said, running into the building after making a bet with the soccer captain on what the next magic mayhem will be. Spitfire bets a monster will attack while the player votes for a person being corrupted by a magical artifact.

Everyone but Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy left, leaving those three to deal with the monster.

“Why does this keep happening?“ Fluttershy said annoy.

“Well, it looks like it's time for us to deal with another monster.” Rainbow Dash said, ” Hey big guy, you may as well surrender because we beat enough monsters to know how this ends.” she boast.

However, to her shock, the monster simply laughed, and then it spoke, and what it said shocked Rainbow and her friends: “Oh, I am pretty sure you have; after all, you are the holders of the elements of harmony.“ It said .

“What, how do you know about the elements?“ Rainbow asks in shock, which is reflected by her friends. They were shocked that this creature knew the elements of harmony since the enemies they faced in the past didn’t even know what the elements were, yet they were alone in wielding them.

“Oh, I know a lot of things.“ The creature said, “If I were a nice guy, I would tell you how I know, but I am not a nice guy.” The creature then jumps high in the air and is about to land where Rainbow and her friends are standing, but all three manage to scatter before he lands on them.

“You might have beaten many formable foes in the past, but it doesn’t matter how many small fry you take down since all their were small fry compared to me.” the creature said. Rainbow, in response, uses her super speed to run towards the monster and rapidly punch all over the monster's body as hard as she can. Thanks to her super speed, she managed to hit it more than a thousand times, and after she was done, she ran away from the monster and went to stand by her friend's side. Even though it has been punched more than a thousand times all over its body, it looks like it has not hurt at all. ” Is that the best you can do because all that just tickles me?“ it mocked.

Pinkie Pie decided to help by bringing out cupcakes from her hair and throwing them at the monster, which had an impact when it hit the monster. She did this repeatedly, bringing out cupcakes from her hair and throwing them at the monster. When she stopped, everyone took a look at the monster. Its body is covered in burns, and there was a bit of scratching on it, but besides that, it looks fine.

"Congratulate! You managed to actually hurt me.” It mocked, “But now is my turn.“ It said as it then fired a magical blast from its mouth towards the three. All of them manage to dodge its attacks; however, the magical blast continues to flee until it hits the goalpost behind them, destroying it completely in a large explosion. ”This might be more difficult than we thought, “Rainbow said, looking at the place where the goal post used to be and then turning back to the monster. Before anyone could do anything else, everyone heard an alarm sound. Everyone looked and saw that it came from the school.
A few minutes early

When the soccer team fled from the field, one of them went to the school hall and went to sound the new alarm for magical magic threats. Principal Celestia introduced the concept of a magical threat alarm as a joke in a staff meeting; however, they eventually set it up when, coincidentally, on that same day when Celestia jokingly brought it up, stray equestrian magic struck the school again by turning the school meatloaf into a living giant monster. So this alarm was set up just in case another incident like that happened again. When the alarm was hit, a red light began flashing throughout the school with a recorded voice repeatedly saying, “Magical threat alert.”

Everyone in the school heard the alarm and quickly fled from their class and whatever location they were currently in.
In Mr. Cranky Doodle class, the teacher saw the light turn red and the repeated warnings. He sighed and looked at the sunset, rarity, and twilight.

“All right, I guess it is that time of the day.“ He said annoy. The three nodded and went out of the classroom, ready to face the latest threat.

When they left the classroom and went into the halls, they encountered Applejack, who had just come out of her classroom after hearing the alarm. “So where are the latest magical problems? she asks them.

“It is on the soccer field,“ one of the football players said, running towards them. “Rainbow Dash,Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy are currently dealing with it.”

All the girls nodded and thanked the soccer player before heading towards the football field, but not before making two quick stops at the janitor closet and sunset locker so Rarity could retrieve the broom that was in the closet, so she can use it as a make a shift bo staff by breaking the top half off, and for sunset to retrieve her fencing sword from her locker.

After that, they ran out to the soccer field to face the latest magical threat. Unknown to them, while they are running through the halls, Discord is watching them from nearby. ”I hope you girls are ready.” He said it in a concerned voice.

When everyone went outside to the school soccer field, they saw Rainbow and the rest fighting the monster. Currently, Rainbow Dash is using her super speed to rapidly throw soccer balls she got from a ball cart at it, while Pinkie continues to throw more explosive cupcakes at it. As for Fluttershy, she is currently hiding behind Rainbow Dash. However, their attacks are barely affecting it at all.

Sunset and the rest run to Rainbow and the rest of their friends.

"Ok, what are we dealing with here?” twilight ask.

“It is a monster that showed up suddenly and attacked us.” Rainbow said as she stopped throwing balls at the monster as she ran out of balls to throw at it. Before adding, "Oh, and get this, it knows the elements of harmony and that we are its holders.“

“ What ?” Everyone said in shock hearing that.

“ Well look at what we have here, the rest of the elements of the harmony .“ It said further shocking everyone.

“ All right buddy who are you really and how do you knows about the elements ?“ Sunset demanded.

The monster look at her for a few minutes before it start taking.” Well since I am about to destroy you, you many as well know the one who going to destroy you name. “ it said” My name is vindicator and how I know about you elements its simple. My master told me and it was my master who sent me to destroy you”.

“Who is you, master?” Sunset asks the monster, now known as the vindicator.

“I would tell you, but you are not going to live long enough to find out.” Vindicator said as he fired a magical blast from its mouth, and the girls scattered, letting the blast hit where they were standing, resulting in a huge explosion that left a crater.

“By the way, quick warning,“Rainbow said. "This guy is tougher than he looks. That is saying something since he looks pretty tough to begin with.”

Everyone nodded before activating their geodes, making them go into what Pinkie Pie called their magical girl transformation. Once that was done, everyone got ready to fight the monster in front of them.

(Author note the superhero outfit their wore is the same one their wore during the music video cheer you on)

Applejack ran towards vindicator and punched him as hard as she could with her super strength, causing him to fly into the air. She then jumps into the air and punches it again, causing him to fall to the ground face first. Vindicator then tries to get up, but Rarity runs towards him, plants her bo staff on the ground, propels herself towards him, and kicks him in the face, making him fall on his back. Rainbow dashes, then jumps onto him and uses her super speed to rapidly kick him all over his face. After that, she jumps off him as Rarity uses a diamond shield to slam him on the face hard. When he got up on his feet, Sunset ran up to him and jumped near his face to hit one of his eyes with her fencing sword, which caused him to scream in pain and move backward in pain as Fluttershy called some birds that attacked him. As he was busy swatting the birds away, he didn’t see Rarity make two diamond shields appear in between him. As the birds flew away, Rarity slammed the two diamond shields together as hard as she could, hitting him between them.

After the diamond disappeared, Rainbow used her super-speed to circle around him and tied his legs together with a hose that was nearby on the field, causing him to fall face-first on the ground. He sat up on the ground and used his large hands to tear the hose apart before standing up to see Applejack in front of him. He tried to claw at her, but she managed to dodge it and grab one of his hands before flipping him over, making him once again land on the ground on his back. Rarity then makes a diamond shield, which Pinkie Pie gets on. Rarity then flew Pinkie over the monster, where she would rain down as much sugar goods as she had on the monster, which exploded on impact..

When that was done, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Twilight, Applejack , and Fluttershy fired a magical blast at Sunset, which powered her up to fire the finishing blast at the monster, causing huge smoke to cover it.

“Glad that’s over.” Rainbow said as everyone mirrored her relief; however, that was short lived when their heard laughter.
Everyone looks at the directions of the laugh and what they see next, which scares them, as when the smoke clears off, it show vindicator. He looks like there are a few wounds, scratches, and a few burn marks on him, but besides that, he looks completely fine.

“That is impossible; that attack always defeated our enemy’s,“ Twilight said in shock, along with everyone seeing the monster still standing.

“It’s like I told you friends early that I am nothing like the small fry you face till now," vindicator said as his body was suddenly covered in a black substance that hardened immediately. The end result was a statue that resembled him. However, after that was done, the back of the statue opened up, and out came vindicator. His injuries were not only healed, but he now looks completely different. Earlier he was just big, but now he can be easily described as enormous, as now he is big enough that at best they can only reach up to his stomach, which is contrary to early, when they were only half his size, his color changed from grey to green, his claws are now longer, and by the looks of things, he has a few spikes coming out of his back. He then put his hands forward and launched his nails towards them. Rarity manages to quickly make a diamond shield appear in front of them to protect them from the attack. Vindicator continues to fire his nails at them, but he eventually stops when he realizes that it has no effect on them, so instead he fires a magical blast from his mouth that explodes on impact on the shield, which ends up destroying it and blowing everyone back.

As everyone got back up after being blown to the ground, Applejack, being the quickest to recover, ran towards the monster and punched him in the face. While this works and she manages to punch him across the ground, she ends up feeling pain from hitting him.

“Ouch, that hurt,“ she said as she rubbed her sore fist.

However, Vindicator got up, and unlike when she punched him before, this time it looks like he was barely hurt at all. ” I feel that a little,” he said as he rubbed his cheeks with one of his hands where he was punching, and with his other hands, he brought his first fingers and thumb closer together to emphasize the point that he was barely hurt.

Rarity ran towards him and hit him with her bo staff, but it just broke on impact. He responded by swatting her away. As Rarity's scream was being flung in the air, she suddenly stopped and saw that a purple aura was surrounding her. She looked down and saw Twilight using her magic to stop her and bring her down safely.

Sunset ran towards him and tried to stab her sword in the eye, but he stopped the sword between her fingers.

"Ah, Ah, Ah,“ he said mockingly. ”I ain’t going to fall for the same trick twice,” he said, then flicked his hands on her, sending her flying towards her friends and hitting them on impact. Rainbow, after getting up and getting angry, used her super speed to kick and punch him as hard as she could, but after a while she stopped due to feeling pain from hitting him. Vindicator then grabs her and throws her away.

“Banzai,“ he hears a voice scream and looks up to see Pinkie trying to body-slam him, but it doesn’t have any effect on him at all. She saw him glare under her and smile sheepishly. “Ah, want to play cards instead of fighting?“ she asks nervously, bringing out a deck of cards from her hair.

Vindicator just responded by grabbing her and throwing her away. “Ahhhh!” she screamed as she hit the ground. After getting up, everyone gathered around her.

“It is about time I end this.“ vindicator said as an energy blast slowly built up in his mouth, and seeing that, Rarity quickly covered them with a diamond dome to protect them from the attack. However, when he blasted his energy, it was a more powerful one than the ones he used earlier, as it not only destroyed the dome but also blasted them off the ground.

When the smoke from the explosion clears, all the rainbooms are on the ground. Sunset, while struggling to get up look around her, saw all her friends on the ground. She looked next to her and saw that Twilight was next to her.

“This guy is not like anything we have ever faced before.“ Sunset said.

“What are we going to do?” Twilight asks as she tries to get up.

“I don’t know,“ Sunset said before hitting the ground in anger. ”Damn it!“ she shouted in anger before looking at the ground. She hated this feeling of being powerless—the feeling of not being able to help and protect her friends.

“If only I had the strength to do something.“ Sunset thought. The geodes might have given her powers, but all it did was give her flight and the ability to look into people's memories, but it didn’t give her anything else. Up until now, when a magical threat happened, she would play her part by using her brains as well as her knowledge of equestrian magic and martial arts skills to deal with the threat. It was also the reason why she started carrying a fence sword to battle. Till now, that seemed to be enough, but this monster has proven otherwise

Sunset thoughts were cut short when she heard screams. She looked up and saw that the monster had kicked Fluttershy over the field.

“Fluttershy!“ Both Sunset and Twilight shouted at the same time. Rainbow quickly ran towards Fluttershy side.Unknown to everyone, however, hiding on top of the school building is Discord, who is watching everything.

"This is getting serious; if this continues, I might need to interfere after all.” Discord said magic flowed through his hands as he got ready to interfere in this fight.

“How pathetic.“ Vindicator said as he fired a magical blast at Pinkie and Applejack, blowing them away, much to everyone's horror.

“No, stop it.“ Sunset begs as Twilight help her up.

“What was that stop?” Vindicator said while laughing, “Do you mean stop doing this?” He then fired another magical blast at Rainbow and Fluttershy.

“No stop,” both twilight and sunset said at the same time..

“You right it about time I stop playing and end this.” He said as he walked over Rarity's prone body and raised his clawed hand, ready to end her life, "Say goodbye.“

“No!!“ Both sunset and twilight said as their run toward vindicator to stop him.

“That’s it; this has gone too far.” Discord said as he raised his hands and aimed them at vindicator. He was about to fire when a bright light caught his attention. This also caught the attention of the vindicator.

Both looked and saw that the light came from twilight and sunset geodes. The two didn’t notice this, as their focus was on saving their friend. However, both raised their hands to reach for their friend. Something unexpected happened as a fireball came out of sunset hands and a magical blast came out of twilight hands. Both flew and combined together to form a large magical attack of fire and magic that hit Vindicator on the face, making him recoil back in pain.

Everyone was shocked to see this; however, this shock didn’t last long as soon as everyone's attention turned to their geodes as they began to glow. Everyone could feel powerful magic flowing into them through the geodes as well as from inside their bodies. As for sunset, she feels strong magic within her body, demanding to be let out. She can tell this is different when she ponys up or when she uses her geodes. On instinct, she pointed her hand at vindicator and let out a magical blast that hit him in the face.

Sunset was shocked that she managed to cast a magical blast and decided to try a theory she suddenly had by using her magic to cast a spell she remembered learning. She cast a magic spell, and above vindicator was a large cloud that fired lightning at him.

“ wow, sunset since when you can do that? “ Rainbow ask in shock like everyone else.

“ I don’t know how but I think somehow my geodes allows me now to use my equestrian magical again which also involve casting spells I know “ Sunset said as she use her magic to lift a bench nearby and hit vindicator.

The geodes on everyone suddenly burst into bright light, and everyone's body was covered in light. They can feel their magic suddenly growing stronger as their bodies heal. When all is said and done, they look at themselves and see that their outfit has changed again to the ones they wore when they first got their geodes at camp everfree.Everyone feels stronger than ever before and feels more powerful magic flow through them.

( Author notes :From now on the magical girl outfit their wore during camp everfree will be the outfit their will wore when their transform)

“Wow!” Rainbow said. “I feel stronger now," she said as she saw her hands emit sparkling electricity. Seeing that an ideal came through to her, she raised her hands towards the vindicator, and a lightning blast came from her hands and blasted vindicator.

“Wow, rainbow, since when can you do that?” Pinkie asked in amazement..

“Since now, apparently.“ Rainbow answer.

“Guys, I think the geodes are giving us new powers, and in my case, new powers and the ability to use my old magic.” Sunset said as she made a magical orb appear in one hand and a fireball in another.

“How do you think that happened?“ Applejack asks, as she finds herself able to make plants grow from the ground.

“Let's figure that out later; for now, let's deal with this guy.” Sunset said as everyone got ready to face the vindicator.

“So you have new powers," vindicator said. “It doesn’t matter though since I will still be taking you down.“ He then fired a magical blast at them, only for Fluttershy to send a powerful wind attack that sent back the attack, blasting him across the fields.

“Wow, nice work, Fluttershy.“ Pinkie said to her friend.

“It was really nothing,“ Fluttershy whisper.

“Oh, my turn,“ Pinkie said, “let's see what power I have now.” She then raised her hands at vindicator, and out came a water blast that hit vindicator. ”Wow, I have water powers. Let me see if I can turn it into ice like the water-benders from Avatar." Pinkie then fires an attack from her hands, but this time she compresses the attack into a water ball and freezes it to solid ice, hitting him in the face. ” Cool.”

“My turn, darling. Let me show this brute what for.” Rarity said as she raised her hands and aimed at vindicator, and a piece of the school field rose from the ground and went and hit him.

“I guess you have control over the earth.” Twilight said.

“Well, let's use our new power to take this guy down.” Sunset said.

"Took the words out of my mouth, sugar cube.“ Applejack said as she got ready to fight along with everyone else.

Rainbow rushed towards Vindicator with her super speed, punching him with her lightning-emit fist, and hitting him more than a thousand times over his body. When she was done, she rushed away from him, and immediately afterwards, Rarity used her powers to make a rock-shaped fist come out of the ground and punch him into the air. While Vindicator was flying up in the air, he saw Applejack above him, surrounded by a twilight magical aura, which helped her remain in the air. Applejack, using her super strength, punched him hard back to the ground

As he falls to the ground, the sunset is ideal. ”Fluttershy, try to make a tornado, and Pinkie, try to fill it with water.” Both girls nodded and combined their powers to make a water tornado, which vindicated falling into it. He spins in the water tornado. “Rainbow fired your lightning attacks on the tornado,“ Sunset said, and Rainbow nodded, understanding what Sunset was trying to do as she fired a lightning bolt on the tornado, shocking vindicator.

When the tornado subsided and Vindicator fell to the ground, Applejack immediately made thorny vines wrap around his legs, lifted him into the air, and hit him on the ground over and over again. After she stops the sunset, turn her attention to Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. “Fluttershy, form another tornado, and Pinkie, fill it with as many explosive sugar goods as you can, and I will cover the tornado with fire.“ The two nodded and did what was told as all three girls did their separate parts and created a flaming tornado filled with explosive sugar goods around Vindicator, causing him to be trapped in it. Vindicator screamed in pain from the pain of the fire and from the explosive, flaming goods that exploded on impact when they hit him. When the flaming tornado subsided, he began falling to the ground, and Pinkie, having an idea, used her power to form an ice cannon that fired an ice boulder on him as he fell to the ground, causing him to flow across the field and land on the ground on his back.

“Wow, how did you know you could do that?“ Rainbow asked in amazement.

“Oh, I got that ideal from a video game.“ Pinkie answered simply.

Vindicator got back up on his feet and looked at him in anger. ” How is this possible?“ He said in anger, “How can you be this strong?“ He shouted in fury.

“It’s simply really.“ Sunset said as she and her friends suddenly glowed brightly and flew in the air, “It is because we have something that you do not have.” She and her friends grabbed each other's hands and formed a heart-shaped formation, “and that is the magic of friendship.” She shouted the last bit as a large magical blast, one that is more powerful than the previous one, fires into the air before it goes down and covers vindicator in a rainbow-colored blast.

“Nooooo!” He screamed in terror before an explosion occurred. The rainbooms, after powering down and changing back into their normal clothes, landed on the ground exhausted. Their look at the area where vindicator was was to see a large crater to be the only thing left before going in to get a closer look to see nothing but black ashes left.

“We did it.” Pinkie cheered as she jumped in the air. Everyone likewise smiled, seeing that they managed to pull off a win. They were not the only ones, though they were unknown to them. Discord was also smiling, seeing that they did it.

“Well, it looks like they are ready after all.“ Discord said, smiling as he brought out a canister in his pocket and disappeared from the area where he was standing.

“But that still leaves a lot of questions, such as who that guy was, who is his master, and how do they know about the elements?“ Sunset said, as everyone was also curious about that.

“Well, you can find that all out sooner than you think.” A voice said as a canister fell to the ground and released a red gas that covered them, and instantly each of them began to slowly fall to the ground and fall into a deep sleep until sunset was the last one left. She instantly released this sleeping gas as she lay on the ground, trying her best to stay awake. She looked up and saw a figure walking towards her, but due to her sleepy state, her vision was blurry.

“Who are you?“ Sunset said as she closed her eyes, as her eyelids had become too heavy for her to keep open anymore and fall into a deep sleep.
Sunset woke up from her sleep, and as she rubbed her eyes to get rid of the sleep, she looked around and saw her friends around her, and not only that, but they were also in a room somewhere with each of them lying on top of beds. Quickly getting out of bed, she went to Rainbow Dash, who was the nearest to her bed. “Rainbow Dash.,“ she said, shaking rainbow to wake her up.

“Five more minutes, mom,” she mumbled. Annoyed Sunset slaps Rainbow Dash awake.

Ow!" she said, now fully awake. “"Hey, what was that for?“ she shouted, looking at sunset.

“Sorry, Dash, but you need to wake up.”

Rainbow then looked around where she was and asked, “Where are we?”

“That's what I want to know since I just woke up here too,” Sunset said. ” Come on, help me wake up the others.“

Rainbow nodded and helped Sunset wake the others up, and after that was done, everyone was in the center of the room.

“Where are we?“ Fluttershy asks in a scared voice.

“I don’t know,“ Sunset said as she looked around. ”The last thing I remember was us being covered in a red fog and us falling asleep.”

"There is no doubt that the fog was sleeping gas.” Twilight said.

“But the question still remains: where are we?“ Applejack said.

“I think I know what happened,“ Pinkie shouted while jumping, gaining everyone's attention. "We got captured by aliens who went to earth to steal our magic and use it to conquer our world and the entire universe.“

Everyone looked at her in silence before sunset broke the silence.

“ Pinkie I don’t think we were captured by aliens,“ Sunset said. ”The last thing I saw before falling asleep was that someone was right in front of us. I couldn’t tell who they were since my eyes became too sleepy to properly see.”

“Well, whatever is going on here, I believe the first thing we should do is get out of here.” Twilight said, to which everyone nodded in agreement.

“Well, then let me help you out of the room.” A voice said as everyone turned to the voice and saw the door open and Discord walk in.

“Discord !” Everyone shouted in shock and confusion.

“In the flesh.” He said he was bowing to them. ”I am sure you girls have questions about what is going on here, but that can wait as you need to follow me to meet an old friend of mine.”

“And why should we follow you?"“ Rainbow Dash asks suspiciously.

“Well, for starters, my friend can answer any question you may have, not only about the monster you face but also about the elements of harmony and equestrian wild magic.”

“What!“ Everyone said it in surprise.

“You confused.I understand, but I promise all will make sense if you follow me.” Discord said as he waited for everyone's answers.

The Rainbooms look at each other before nodding and looking back at Discord.

“All right, we will come with you,” Sunset said on behalf of her friends.

“Excellent,“ Discord said. ”Now let us go.”

“But I am warning you that if you try anything, you will regret it.” Sunset warned him.

“Aha, I will keep that in mind.” Discord said as he turned and walked out of the room, and everyone followed him outside of the room and into a hallway before reaching a door at the end of the hallway.

“This here is where the magic happened.“ He said as he slid a key card onto the door, and the door automatically opened. Everyone walked in and saw they were in a large lobby; however, it was what was in the lobby that got everyone's attention, as they saw many people dressed in lab coats, suits, and ties and what looked like black high-tech armor, with most of them wearing a matching black helmet that had a red visor covering their entire head, walking around. However, the thing that stood out the most was the fact that there are not only humans but also creatures from myths and legends.

There saw what looked like a centaur dressed in a lab coat walking in the lobby, taking to what look like other scientists, a satyr next to an office drinking fountain, taking to a female human and naga, a kitsuna and nekomata driving on a vehicle that is attached to a cage where a manticore is being held. A shadow was over them, and they looked up and saw what looked like a harpy and an elf with bugs like wings flying above them. They saw many more such creatures, such as a snake man, a lizard man,a nymph, a man with a third eye on his forehead, and many more going about their business and interacting with humans.

“Where are we?“ Sunset asks Discord.

“Like I say, you will know everything once you meet my friend.“ He said as he motioned for the rainbooms to follow him, and seeing no choice, they followed him. During the walk, she and her friends can’t help but look around as both humans and non-humans interact with one another.

The group eventually stops at an elevator, which Discord opens and motions for everyone to come inside. Once everyone is inside, he clicks the top button of the elevator, starting it up. After the elevator has reached the top floor, it stops and opens up, allowing everyone to exit it. After exiting it, they see themselves in what looks like a waiting room, and on the front desk is a young teen around sunset and her friend reading a book. The teen had blue hair and wore a white shirt, which was covered by a brown button vest, green pants, and brown boots.

The teen looked up from his book upon hearing the elevator opening. ”I see that our guests have woken up.”

“Ya, we woke up after you put us to sleep with your dang sleeping gas.“ Applejack said it with a bit of anger in her voice.

“Sorry about that, but we figure it was much easier to bring you here while you sleep, then try convincing you to follow us.” Discord said, shrugging.

“Anyhow, he is expecting you all right now.“ The teen said,.

“As expected,“ Discord said. ”Anyhow, see you around Stygian.” He said as he lead everyone to the double door.

“You too, Discord.” The person now known as Stygian said to discord as he went back to read his book.

After opening the doors, discord led everyone into a dark room.

“Where are we?” rainbow ask.

“I don’t know, but it’s dark, and I don’t like it,” Fluttershy said in a fearful voice.

“Don’t worry, darling, we're all here.” Rarity said she was trying to ease her friend's nerves.

“What's going on here?“ Sunset said, "Why did you bring us here?”

“The reason you are brought here is because you need help dealing with a new threat that you will be soon facing.“ A voice said,.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and saw a dark figure sitting down on what looked like a desk. “Greetings everyone,“ he said in a friendly tone.

“All right, wise guy, what's going on here, and why did you bring us here?” Rainbow said she was ready to attack the figure.

“Well, in that case, let us start our introduction.” The figure said, ”I already know each of your names, but you don’t know mine, so let me introduce myself.”

The figure snaps his fingers, and the light turns on, revealing a bearded man wearing wizard clothing. “Greetings, I am Star Swirl the Bearded,” the figure reveals.

“Wait, star swirl, as in star swirl, the astronomer,” Twilight exclaimed in surprise.

“Well, I suppose yes, I am,“ Star Swirl said. ”But that is only one aspect of my life; you see, I am also Star Swirl, the grand wizard, like my mirror counterpart.“

The last one caught everyone by surprise.

“Wait, you know about equestria and that world star swirl?” sunset said in surprise.

“That is right, but I am getting ahead of myself, so let me start from the beginning. This will be a long story, and this will answer all your questions, so take a seat and let me tell you everything “Star Swirl said.

He waited until everyone was on the chair before he started his story.

"Now, as you may know, my counterpart created the mirror portal centuries ago, and it was due to this creation that he was able to travel into this world. When he first travels to this world, he discovers that the portal will change the ones who go through it to properly blend with the inhabitants of this world, as when he first arrived here, he took the form of a human. He also discovered that this world has no magic, and anyone who travels to the portal will lose their magic once the mirror changes them. Realizing this fact, he realizes that the mirror portal can be used to get rid of the most dangerous villains in Equestria who are too powerful to capture or contain.“

“So it begins, he would use the mirror as a means to vanquish the most dangerous criminals and villains into this world where they would be stripped of their powers and would not harm anyone again. It all seemed perfect, however, it all started to go wrong, as unknown to him at the time was that even though the mirror portal closes every three years, it would still leak out a small amount of equestrian magic, and due to how the mirror affects anything that goes through them, the equestrian magic that goes through them will also change, and what more, because this world functions on a different principle than that of equestria, the magic will become unpredictable and will cause an unknown effect.”

The last one caught everyone attention.

"Wait, are you saying that?“ sunset said, but was interrupted by star swirl.

“Yes, the portal even close still leaks out equestrian magic, and in fact, magical problems have been happening even before you were born. Up until now, it was only a small, isolated incident that happened every once in a while, nothing too dangerous or major. But two incidents cause it to come out faster and stronger.”

It took a while before they released what he was referring to. “The fall formal and the friendship game.” Sunset said.

Yes," the“ star swirl said. ”Both incidents cause magic to leak here in huge amounts.”

He looks at the sunset. “You bringing that crown here,” then he looks at Twilight. “You damaging the portal and thus allowing magic to leak more quickly and opening those portals. Anyhow, Star Swirl noticed this, and when he went through the mirror to investigate, it so happened that I also noticed this magical problem and decided to investigate it, and it was by change that we met. After meeting with one another, we share our information. It was through our sharing of information that I learned about the other world and equestrian magic, and he learned about the magic that exists in this world.”

"Wait, wait,“ Rainbow Dash said in shock, which was mirrored by all her friends. ”Are you saying that their magic is that natural on earth?“

“Yes.” was his only answer.

“But that doesn’t make sense.“ sunset said. ”I looked everywhere on earth and was unable to find any traces of magic on earth.”

Star swirl just chuckled. ”That's because you were looking at the wrong place, but anywhere back to my story.”

“After meeting one another, we decided to work together to handle this problem. It was during our investigation of this problem that Star Swirl discovered that the leak magic is causing problems by either corrupting people and giving them power to bring out their hearts desires, and the price of their embracing this power is the loss of their morals and minds until they turn into monsters or corrupting objects and turning them into curse objects. What more star swirl also discovers more problems in the form of the dangerous object that he banishes into this world. He thought that the dangerous object, when gone through the mirror, would also change and be stripped of their powers, but the opposite happened. You see, it turns out any magical object gone through will still have their powers, and due to the nature of this world's different principals and the nature of the mirror that change them, when they go through the mirror, the objects not only still have their powers but are now capable of being used by anyone.”

Sunset cannot help but flinch slightly at that last one since she remembered that the reason she brought the twilight crown across the mirror was due to that very same reason.

“Seeing the danger he indirectly unleashed in this world he decided to help me by giving me every information he have on equestrian magic and the mirror, it wasn’t long before I formed a small wizard order to research equestrian magic as well as handle the problem that it causes. Things seem okay at first, as every time equestrian magic or an item occurs, we instantly handle it. But all that changed when a new threat that was banish from equestria appeared. This threat sought to conquer the world. This enemy is Grogar the devour.”

“Grogar !” Sunset said in shock.

“What the heck is a grogar?“ Rainbow ask.

"Grogar is an infamous figure who once ruled equestria. "Sunset Answer.” From the stories I heard when I was still a filly , he used to rule the land that will one day be known as Equestria. He would spread terror and destruction upon the land, and in addition to that, he was also known as the father of monsters since he created vicious monsters and had them spread throughout the land, terrorizing anything that got in their way. However, one day, a unicorn hero known as Gusty the Great managed to steal his bewitching bell and use it to drain him of his power and banished him, freeing equestria from him.”

“Originally, I thought he was just a myth.” Said Sunset. ”However, during my talk with Princess Twilight, she did mention an incident that involved his bell.”

“Yes, and as you said, she did banish him,” Star Swirl said. ”She banished him here like star swirl; she thought being banished through the mirror would render him harmless, especially with his powers being stripped off him. However, through some unknown means, he was able to prevent himself from being changed. After being banished into this world, he set out to restore his powers and gather an army to conquer this world. After a while, he was able to achieve that, as Grogar was able to not only regain his power but also amiss an army that would ravish this world. His attacks would leave land barren, cities and kingdoms destroyed, and countless men, women,women and children dead. Seeing this threat, many kingdoms have joined forces to battle it, and not only the humans but also many magical creatures, including elves,pixies, mermaids, centaurs,satyr and fairies. It was a destructive battle, with both sides suffering heavy losses. I myself led the war with my allies Rockhoof, Mismane,Flash Magnus, Somnambula,Mage Meadowbrook, and my apprentice Stygian. Despite our best effort, we were slowly losing. It seems that all is lost; however, my mirror counterpart helps us turn this battle by giving us a seed that would grow into what you know as the tree of harmony.”

“The Tree of Harmony “sunset said in shock.

“Yes, the tree of harmony.“ said star swirl “After the tree was grown, seven crystal shards grew out of the tree. This shard has become this world's element of harmony.“

Hearing that everyone subconsciously looks at their geodes, realizing that their geodes are those crystal shards.

“After gaining the elements of harmony, we gain the power needed to turn the tide of the war. Eventually, we lead an army to battle Grogar and his remaining forces. The battle was the most difficult we have experienced. Both sides suffered great losses, but through great difficulty, eventually we were able to weaken Grogar just enough to seal him and his forces. However, the cost of the victory was the life of the other harmony user, as they sacrificed their lives to weaken Grogar. Everyone but me and Stygian were the only surviving elements user.”He said the last one in a sad tone. Sunset and her friends look at him with a look of sympathy, knowing that losing your friends is a tragic thing to happen.

“After sealing Grogar and his forces, the elements suddenly flew into parts unknown as we no longer had the need to use them. After our victory against grogar, it was decided that there needed to be an order to help battle against the forces of evil that would endanger the world and innocent lives. This order would later be known as black light. This order would be comprised of humans and nonhumans who would defend innocent lives from threats either from supernatural or mundane origin. Basically, if things go bump at night, we would bump back. The decision to form this order turned out to be the right choice, as we receive a prophecy that Grogar and his forces will one day return, and before his return, there will be new users of the elements of harmony who will put an end to Grogar and his forces once and for all. The prophecy has come true as you are the new elements of harmony.”

“ Us.” Twilight said shock like everyone else.

“That's right.“ Star Swirl said, nodding his head. ”After hearing this prophecy, me and my apprentice Stygian would freeze ourselves in crystal, which would only be undone when the elements of harmony return. It did happen on a certain night.”

“The fall formal.“ Sunset said this in realization.

“Thats right," the star swirl said. “When the elements of harmony were used that night, both me and Stygian Crystal's sleep was undone, and immediately after being reawakened, we went to track the source, which turned out to be unnecessary as, it so happens, we have an agent already nearby.”

Hearing that everyone can’t help but subconsciously turn to discord, who have been leaning against the door the entire time, He smiled and waved at them.

“Discord was originally sent to that school to keep a watch at the portal in case anything happened; however, after discovering you are the new user of the elements of harmony, he was instead tasked with keeping tabs on you to see your progress in using the elements of harmony.”

“That right, I have always been watching you.” Discord said gaining everyone's attention. He then snaps his fingers, and images show up to show them their past adventures, which also show that discord has been in the background.

During the fall formal discord was in the back of the hypnotize zombie horde.

During the battle of the bands discord is one of the audience watching them battle the sirens.

During the friendship games he was sitting down on the audience seat watching them dealing with midnight sparkles.

During camp everfree he in was in the mess hall with the rest hiding from Gaea everfree.

During juniper montage rampage on the mall he was sitting at a bench eating an ice cream watching everything.

During the time sunset was trying to convince the rest of the rain booms that their were friends he was sitting nearby at a beach chair watching them.

During the time their went to Equestrialand he was standing nearby watching sunset and twilight playing the ring toss.

During the time their went on a cruise trip he was sitting down on the buffet table eating his food and watching as rainbow dash is causing trouble.

During the time of the star swirl festival he was one of the audience watching sunset and pinkie pie performing with PostCrush.

"I have been watching you guys to keep tabs on you guys,” he said. ”My mission was to keep tabs on you guys and not intervene unless it looked like too much for you to handle.”

“Anyhow,“ Star Swirl said, gaining everyone's attention, "it looks like the predictions have come true as grogar is now free, as you might have discovered fighting one of his servants.”

“Vindicator.“ Sunset said this in realization.

Star Swirl nodded in confirmation.

“There will be more coming, and let me tell you that Grogar and his forces won’t stop until this world is theirs. I know this is too much to ask since you are kids, but I beg of you to please consider helping us as the fate of the world is at stake.”

Hearing that everyone looked at each other before nodding to one another. Sunset look back at star swirl.

“ Did you even need to ask.”sunset said.

“ Ya ,let show this Varmint whose he messing with.” Applejack said.

“ I am going to show him to beat this guy only more 20% cooler.” rainbow dash said.

“ I will be helping out too as you guys need all the help you can.” Twilight said.

“ I will do my best to save everyone.” Fluttershy said in best determine voice.

“ And we be doing it in fashion .” Rarity said.

“ And we will throw a party when we win.” Pinkie pie said.

Star Swirl simply nodded approvingly.

“Thank you,” he said. “If you are going to win this battle, you will need to train your powers, especially since you unlocked the second stage of your elements.”

“Second stage?” Twilight ask.

"That right second stage.“ He responded back. “The strength of the elements is based on the bond of their users with each other’s elements, which means that the stronger the bond between the user and their fellow element users, the stronger the elements become. This is proven by doing the battle with vindicator, as your friendships were strong enough to evolve your elements to the next level.“

Everyone can’t help but look at their geodes in amazement.

“Now why don’t you go home for now? “Star Swirl said. ”It’s been a long day, so just head home and rest for the day, as your training will be tomorrow after school. Discord, why don’t you escort them out?”

“Sure thing, sir,” he said as he opened the door, letting the rainbooms out before following them and closing the door, leaving Star Swirling alone in the room.

“I just hope we can get them ready in time.” Star Swirl said this in concern for the well-being of the rainbooms.
In the dark of the night, in the crater located on the school soccer field, the ashes that were on the ground were blown away by the wind, revealing a small green finger. It suddenly started moving and got up from the ground, revealing the face of vindicator.

The finger started changing. First, it changes back to its original color before morphing itself until the finger turns itself into vindicator body. Of course, unlike before, this vindicator was smaller. Before, he was huge, but now he is half the size of a full-grown man.

“It is a good thing those fools did not know I can regenerate my entire body from any parts of my body.” He said. ”Of course it will be awhile before I fully regrow my body to its proper size, but until then I should return to my master.” He then leaves the school field to return to his master.
Back at the cave of the everfree forest, where vindicator came from, the ancient door was still open, and beyond the open door was a dark path that led to numerous chambers and hallways.

In the center of this dark place was a large, dark chamber surrounded by numerous entrances . Currently, there is a group of unknown creatures in the room. They wore black cloak that covered their entire body and a metal mask that covered their upper face but left their lower face exposed. However, their lower faces show pale skin with fangs like teeth in their mouths, showing that these figures are not humans. And in the center of this room stood five figures that stood out from the rest of these creatures.

One is a man in full black armor that covers his entire body, leaving his green eyes the only thing exposed. He has what looks like a large sword sheathed at his side and a long red cape. This person was none other than King Sombra, a former king of an era long past. In the past, he once led a mighty army to conquer the land; however, after a great battle, he was defeated, his army and kingdom were destroyed, and he was forced into exile, where he encountered grogar, who, in exchange for his servitude, would be given powers he could never imagine and the change of leading an army greater than the one he used to lead.

Next is a flair old man; his body was covered by a black cloak, leaving his face exposed, revealing a white beard and a nose ring. This man is lord tirek .

Next is a woman who seems to be around the age of thirty. She wore black form-fitting armor and a crown on her head, which had teal-colored hair. But what stood out most was the bug-like wings on her back. This person is Queen Chrysalis.

Next is a man who has skin that is more pale than an albino. His hands had pointed nails on each finger, and he was dressed in a nobleman's attire consisting of a velvet-colored vest with a ruffled dress shirt underneath, which also had matching breeches. In addition to that, he wore a blood-red cape and black leather boots. He His frame was lean yet well muscled, his hair was cropped short, and it was the color of ebony. This is Lord Norlock, a vampire lord.

The last figure was a man in a full black robe; he had a long white beard that was longer than a tirek; his robe had two horns attached on the side of the hood; and one of his hands was a staff that had a blue crystal attached to the top. Despite looking like a flair old man, he let out a fierce aura, which made him intimating despite looking like an old man, which was made even more so by his red eyes. This man is simply known as the other, and he is grogar second in command.

“It seems vindicator failed.” Tirek said as he and everyone stared at the center of the chamber, where the images of the battle between the elements of harmony and vindicator were being played in a circle pool of water in the center of the room.

“Not only that, but the elements of harmony wielders have now unlocked the second phase of their powers,” Sombra said.

“It does not matter if vindicator loses, as the battle has only just begun.” The other said his voice was full of malice. ”And as soon as our master is restored to full strength, this world shall fall into darkness and chaos.”

As soon as he said that, everyone looked up to see a giant red sphere, and in the center of it was a giant red eye. This sphere is none other than Grogar himself, who, after being weakened in his last battle, has been reverted into an egg-like state. However, that won’t last long, as his servants are making plans for his eventual return.
End of chapter 1.

The guardians of harmony: The return of the Dark lord - Chapter 1 - Kingsavant (2024)


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.