The Daily Memphis Avalanche from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

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CRAWFORD-OSM AM? I Hafford of Lauderdale county fen lently against a stair step as to produce death In a few hours FOR LiASE or one or mme Row The house i rooms store and cellar to au2B GIO WEIDT 145 Washington st Row The house eontaias twelve 5utlu Cjcmplb mlantfit i KUJM WEDNESDAY SEPT 5 1877 BRADFORD ELY STEAUBOAT AGEIfTS sot Front strut Bimlit Tenn" GUIDE nRnroadsi MEMPHIS! AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD --For Grand Junction Bolivar Hollv Springs Water Valley Oxford Corinth De-ea'ur Montgomery Huntsville Chatlanoo-f ether Point East ortheast and Southeast roiinp Coral Pin Owner ean get same by calling at Avalanche office and paying tor this advertisem*nt se2 TAKES VP mEi-duTlS7Idfk5a Milch Cow corner Broadway and Water street The owner can have her by paying for this advertisem*nt au29 lw JAMES WILLIAMS KEN fP-Oll Monday August 20 1877 near Dr Pryor's place on Memphis and Big Creek road live miles north of city one bay Horse aged about eight years marked with two letters and about hands high one white hind foot Tbe owner of said horse is requested to co i forward prove property pay chargee and take said horse away Charges Include this advertisem*nt also RICHARD 8POTT8WOOD aoflO Sixth Cavil D'st on uF Place Meteorological Report lZQJ PERSONAL Senator Harris Is 111 Judge Carmack his many friends will be Slad to learn ia in a much improved con-ition Among those who have recently returned home is Mr A Scarbrough from Liverpool England Mrs Flora Turley and Mrs Turley and family have returned from Allegheny Springs Mr Frank Gibson of Gilmore Gibson Baltimore importers of wines and liquors olive oils cigars etc is visiting his many Memphis friends Dr Ross has returned from a visit to his uncle Dr Westbrook who is dangeroasly ill at his home in Madrid Bead The Cotton Exchange visitors yesterday were 8 XL Mangum Collierville Tenn Rose Sunny Side Miss A 'Matthews Des Arc Ark Morris Forrest -CiCy Arlc Wilo- Williams Humboldt Tenn Capt CYJoodman Lonoke Ark Hngbes Prentice Miss Jndgd Simmons Sardis Miss Phillips Brownsville -Yesterday Mrs Jane Park after 37 years residence in Memphis and its vicinity was lowered to rest beside her husband in Elmwood In 1840 she and her husband David Park removed to this city from Nashville Since 1856 she has worn the sables of widowhood to the sad so in breness of which the successive deaths of seven children have added their successive shades of sorrow In the little Presbyterian church nestling in the trees near the avenne which bears her in the little church where her own son breaks to the hungry the bread of life the-funeral service was held Around the bier were children and grandchildren and great grandchildren Parks Postons Taylor and Deadricks who in the language of the aged officiating clergyman 57 years her friend had risen up in the might of virtues beauty and strength to call her blessed Thus another of tbe has passed away from home leaving to three generations of her own family the shining example of her quiet Christian virtues AniisEMBirm BAND -dfe i will be given at COCHHAN HALL TO-NIOllT 1 addition to Miss ORANCH the wln a 10 be eniivead by AJiNvLD BAND The following la the i a nUKAM PART I 1 Carnival March OviirtuPA truer 3 tante Ko lnl M1EmkaObanot KaLawA As 3 a 1 Btisction Com opr oiMacbeth -Verdi if Let Me Aaln Sullivan MIKH EMMA CHANCH 3 Concert Folka-from for two cprnet obligato (by request 4 Waltzes from the Ballet of Flama by Riviere PART 111 1 (Jolly Robbers) a Devil Let serio-comic potpourri (by Beyer a Marzlale (1a nazza Ladra) Amlante (Who shall be hr T) Allegro nigg*ro (Walk round) Walt (Love Love!) and Ball) Sobottlsen (Little German Band) Andante (Little Sweetheart) Bcbot-ttsch (Down among the Coal): Allegro (Can-can) 1 Walk around Madam An-got 1 Belle Helene: Mme Angot Pm mossoClear the Track f) 3 There a Green Hill Far Away Gounod MI8-4 ERMA 4 Bottle Waliz by Mekendelmer JIEtSTEtt Manager ALCTlOfl 8 AiES FBAHKLAND GENERAL AUCTIONEER soe Maim htrkbt (Opposite Pkabopv Hot!) Trade Sales Hoots Slioes Olottalnr Dry Ooods Hats Notions Furntslitnr Goods Groceries and Furniture DAILY and Ont-Door Sales attended to with promptness and dispatch accommodation for Storage and om-rn nrcl a i Travel rs with stock for sale Consignments solicited A FKANKLAWn General Aoctlouser SO SHaln st l-tf mTTBAKD A General Auctioneer Main Street 02 Hnie iib of nswis of every ilwerlrtl on isovit iummj uilt MASONIC Iu! iuw' i (Wd Hll'iwi' Hall hapters util anil ommanderles in Wayoso Block LOIK1KH t-'miTH Mem i'll is No lid Hecond Friday In irt-d Nelson iiB Pill Met 'iitKOM No First Monday In each i nh nrrollW Jno Peainish Koc Iki A 1(rr No 2h 9- Irst Thursday oi each ui it(i A Myers A Lytle Keo itasoTO No Third Friday of each month it Williamson John Graham hibwmMUO No Fourth Friday of each innlli James Carpenter A Knapp Sec CHAPTERS BCMiV No Second Mondav ot each month Galloway Pj no Beamish Bee MimfHir No 95 Third Monday of each month Haller John Ward Mbo' COUNCIL i i hbk A No 6 Third Thursday of each month lid Worsham Acting Tb 111 A Whoelcr tVVMMNDKRIFS O'i'HKwe No Fourth Monday of each month It Williams Pullen Hr H-r Elmo No 15 Third Tuesday of each month A Wheeler 05 John Hutin Bee a i is ef Person 5 AM'ID At the Msguolla Hull 301 Main street A No 1 Walter s' It OUKNTEL A SONS WANTEII-ll yon want a home call on I Conaway No 8 Madison street He Is offering lots on Thomas tract on very reasonable terms A I Ijullcs felt and straw lints to shat In full styles Special rtdt to merchants and milllmrs Reshaping felt hats made a specialty GOODY FAR 314 Hecond street sei 1-lin WANTl We desire to establish In Memphis or vicinity a General Agency for the sale or astsple article in the oerry line Any energetic mnnwltha little capital tnav secure permanent business snd a good income For pattlcular stldrots GREENWICH MKG CO Wi Kcaile tiret Nw York au2fl FOH KENT EIIHklrVI-l wo Main st lores (central) second stieet Wore (Cf ntral) Front and Union street HI ores central) I'wn eh iiant Hesidi nces In fine order No Johnston avenue and 29 st No SB XI liange st and 220 Wellington st No 191 Was! Ington si and 45 Jones st No 71 Union st and 517 Hhelhy si No 100 Join avenue I)w Ulna orner Madison and Third sts Residences on Georgia and Poplar sts Nos 101 and 107 If ft'erson sts he Rutland Residence on Hernando rod and 0 acres of ground all In good order se- 1 UUIoN Agent IllOK 134 Front and 71 Adams sts Apply to THUS FISHER at the Emratt Bank Ivor KlN No Avery street with live looms rind large yard ho2 tf EATON fX4Ut Two-storv Prick Dwelling on Poplar street east of Thl Apply to se2 1 HUBERS H40 Front OH HIN I I)W(1 tug No 249 Poplar st Apply to Randolph 35 Madison st au 25 lm FoTf eJN one first class residence with all mo i in Improvements Apply to 1H HHAW itna aV The commodious thoroughly appointed Cotton Sheds located on Tennessee ami Linden streets 'I hose sheds are 180 feet bv 15d feet with excellent roof platk floors etc Apply for terms etc NION COTTON COMPRESS auSSOt No 5 Madison st FOR SALK OH EXCUAMIK Fun MLB UR 610000 assorted Dry Goods tor gool property etty or Oonntri WM I BERLIN A CO si6 JOt 39 Madison street nil It HALE OR EMHANOr-Two splen-15 did residence lot In Chelsea fronting Randolph i oid and MaflTrans street feet square Will take In pait payment building mateilals Gall and see me AMONE1T 220 Main st se4 4t iioAnu OARO-At No 892 Poplar street References required se3 lw )OAHI)mi-ffew York Boarding SS inb strH New Terk Elegant family Boarding House riper day MO per week A moat desirable cool aad fashionable summer location ear the principal Hotels and Theaters YI 1100)18 Ap ililHD KiiiiMH-Franklin House 37 Adams st CKknI room cheap transient Si 50 per day se2 A0131N YOUNG BupT FOR SALK TVOMkA nUngYnit JJ kegs Apply at Avalanche office oc31 tf TriGH NALt Whole paper uncut tor sale at J5 Avalanche ogee 760 pel hundred (sou a mo feet of shel vl a al sod raw 1 ers and oounters Apply to A DENNIS 292 Main street fOK Alb-Ui exchange lor City Property 1407 acres ot tlmberedyand In Tipton live 1m from Covington HOMEhVILi 88 Pople Memphis auiiO tf nK A F'llty Saw Onllett Gin Also Bearing Horse Power at purchaser's prteo Apply at the Bluff City insurance (Company 285 Main street u80 FOR NALE-One steam power Press very low Several second handed Gins (nearly new) imr cheap Six sew Champion Gina MOO ab' PATRICK CO tt au25 2w No t8 Union st Fok That desirable suburban residence the Dickinson place on Walker avenue near the terminus of the street CA' a two-story frame dwelling with all -the appurtenances of a pleasant family residence in near vicinity to the State Female College is on the market for en Immediate purchaser at a very low price and on very easy terms to the purchaser Apply to lw JKEZEVANT A CO 19 Madison St tsr 'na A new aul beautiful eotisge residence with seven rooms pantry closet bath room fine cistern large ard and every thing that m-kes home attractive No better neighborhood In the elty For information inquire on premises 103 June aveuoe one square from Poplar street oars aulDtf RIVUarHEWS 'Ai 1 Avalanche Office Wednesday September 5 1877 BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY 1 Hard Cash White Osceola Belle Ash port Mande Vicksburg City of Vicksburg St Louis Hard Cash! White river Hattie Nowland Arkansas liver Belle Shreveport New Orleans City of Vicksburg Vicksburg: John Maude St Louis: Phil Allin Vicksburg Hattie Nowland Arkansas river Mark Twain St Francis river Belle Shreveport St Louis Keystone Paducah In Hard Cash Illinois SPECIAL RIVER TELEGRAMS Cincinnati September River 4 feet inch and foiling Fair and warmer New Orleans September No arrivals or departures Raining and warm Louisville September 4 Cloudy and pleasant River falling with 2 feet 1 Inch In the canal Vicksburg September 4 Cloudy Thermometer Heavy rain Up: Grand Tower 11am Down: Natchez 5 pm Little Rock September 4- Weather cloudy cool and rainy River foiling Departed Katie Hooper Memphis St Louis September 4 Arrived: Minneapolis St Paul Rob Roy Keokuk Departed: Golden Eagle Keokuk City of Heleha Vicksburg About stationary Cloudy and cool Cairo September 4 Arrived: Capitol City Vicksburg 8 pm Yaeger St Louis 2 pm Dora Cabler Evansville 6 Departed: Capitol City St Louis 10 pm Yaeger New Orleans 4 pm River 6 feet 6 inches falling Cloudy mercury Evansville September 4 Cloudy mercury 57 to River 2 feet scant anc stationary Up: Anderson and Rapidan last night Stahlman 9 am Silverthorn 10:50 Vint Sltinkle 6 30 pm Down Dick Johnson noon Busi ness very light The Vint Shinkle is very light and will try and get up MISCELLANEOUS Cloudy damp and cool was the state of the weather yesterday the sun failing to make an appearance daring the entire day The indications last night were good for more rain but rain is not what is now needed for tbe cotton crop though a little may not hart The river nere fell another inch yesterday the gauge showing 5 feet 10 inches above low-water mark There is no improvement in any of the rivers either above or below There was a rise of 14 inches reported at St Louis but that will have uo effect below Cairo Arkansas river though falling steadily still has a depth of 26 inches Irom Little Rock to Pine Bluff and 30 inches from there out As the river falls the channel keeps cutting out White river has feet from Jack- sonport to the mouth Business st the landing was pretty lively yesterday The packets leaving had very good trips The hard Cash cam9 in early in tbe day from White river with 4 bales cotton 75 sks wheat 94 sks cotton seed 27 head cattle 45 pgs sundries and a fair list of passengers She returns this evening takiug freights and passengers to all points through to Jacksonport Postal is in command with Charles Postal assisted bv Champ Chamberlain in the office' The Hattie Nowland from Arkansas river arrived yesterday morning with 1 bale ot new cotton 44 bbls oil and a few sundries She brought 2 new bales out of the river one of which she shipped at Terrene tor New Orleans The Nowland returned to Arkansas river last night with a fair trip of freight and passengers The John Maude from Vicksburg brought nothing of importance but lett at 5 pm for St Louis adding 10 bbls oil and 75 sks wheat Tbe City of Vicksburg with a big trip arrived at noon and put off at the ele vator 2393 pkgs including 600 bbls meal and flour 500 rolls bsggitlg and 800 pkg lard She added about 20 tons and left for below at 4 pm The Phil Alim de parted lor Vicksburg with the largest trip she has taken Irom here since last spring She had also a large list of passengers The Belle Shreveport arrived after Jdark six days out from New Orleans She had 450 tons and was drawing 5)4 feet She put off at tbe wharfboat 40 bbls molasses 10 bbls syrup 16 casks pitch 150 sks salt and a lot of sundries The Na tion Association of steamboat owners meets this week in Pittsburg to consider the steamboat bill pendmg before tbe last Con' gress The Osceola Belle will ar rive this morning and leaves this evening for Ashport and all way laddings Captain Andrews is in command with Mitch 11 in the office The Mark Twain before leaving for St Francis river dropped down to the elevator and took on 100 bbls flour and 25 bbls of meal She had a full load out Business in the bends has improved very much during the last 2 weeks judging from the line trips that our local packets are now taking It will not be long before tbe lower decks of all our local packets will be crowded with negroes going to plantations both above and below the city for the purpose of picking out the fleecy staple Capt MacKenzie United States Engineer announces that the Louisville and Portland canal will be closed lor repairs on tho 15th instant if the river remains low and will le opened on October 1 Hon John Ellis has succeeded in inducing the Secretary of War to appropriate money of the general river and harbor fund to close the mouth ot bayou A stream 259 feet wide with an average depth of 6 feet and a current of 2 miles to the hour flows over the dam at bayou The James Howard is loading at St Louis loY New Orleans and will leave during the week The Yaeger left Cairo yesterday afternoon and will pass down to-night The Golden City will pass down Thursday afternoon The Hard Cash brought in from White river the first new bale of cotton from that section It was shipped by Hicks Ligbtle Co of Searcy and consigned to Hill Fontaine A The Keystone in charge of Capt Malone left last night for Paducah to bring down Capt new wharfhoat Lee which is to he moored at our landing row occurred yesterday afternoon on board the Hattie Nowland between a negro loafer and Billy Riggles a white deck hand employed on the boat Tbe negro came on board cursing and swearing about the mate when the deck hand ordered him off the boat A quarrel arose during which the deck hand drew his revolver and fired three snots at the negro as be ran on board the wharfboat Only one shot took effect inflicting a flesh wound in the leg Alter the shooting Riggles jumped into a skiff and pulled for the Arkansas shore Walker Outlaw was a passenger down on the Phil Allin last night He returned to Arkopolis to resume his duties in the railroad office at that point Mr Joe Rhodes formerly clerk in the upper coast trade was yesterday married to Miss Claire Pullen an accomplished young lady of Bartlett Tenn Capt Mark Twain has chartered the West Wind lor the Memphis and St Francis river trade He will start her ont as soon as there is sufficient water Mr Dan Sullivan went ont last night as bill clerk ol the Phil Allin in place of Joe Spears who resigned to accept a position as agent in tbe bends for tne Memphis Cotton Seed Association Dr Thomas Griffiths surgeon in charge of the United States marine hospital at Louisville reports that oq tbe last day of July there wefe 50 patients remaining in the hospital and daring the month of August 46 were admitted 96 treated 36 discharged 2 died and 58 were remaining on the last day of August The names of (he deceased were Charles Smith rouster of tho Morning Star and Flora a rous-ter ol the Thomas Sherlock PATTERNS PATTERNS Fsr aud Garments Our Fashion Catalogue mat! ed tree with mil directions to take measure Bbows over 6000 cuts latest style ga merits as th-y will look when made- Fnli instructions oil each pattern Address ALDBICIIGen3 Agent No 254 Second st Memphis An arent wanted In evry town daw DRV GOODS TPCrEAROUt REFERRING to onr of 15th July -we beg to offer from a BigCIeariagSaloi Beautiful (finer than "Hum Jeans (fl ner than vi or 80o The heat 25 cent Jeans in tbe market 4-4 Bleached Muslins (liner than 8 Good plain Osaaburgs 9e 1 Good Plaid Osnaburgs Together with a splendid hew stock all other kinds par GOODS ANDOTMHfS In like tlon Order soon If you want any of these specialties We have only limited low of them and may not able to get more at the prices named t- WM It MOORE CO M4 Main st Memphis Tenn What is accohpusiied by tlon stimulate the kidney so as to enable them to perform the functions devolving upon them carry off the putrid humors regulate the bowels and restore the whole system to working order Tbis ia precisely what Vegetine does and this way through which it baa aeeom-plished so many wonderful cures as may be seen by the following unquestionable evidence: A Husband's Statement of the Great Suffering of his Wife Dear I feel it my doty to say a word tn Vegettne My wile has been troubled with a bad bnmqr for several years which she inherited from her parents We have tried several phystsians and a great many different ktnda of medicine with but little benefit She was so rnoett emaciated that we had almost despaired of her ever being any better Hear-ing of the Vegetine we resolved to try once more and she commenced using it last March and has been Improving in health qver since From 104 pounds she has advanced to 135 pounds having gained 81 pounds in 7 months and is now abl to be about her work In ahort she believes that Vegettne has been the means of saving her life and that she cannot say too mnoh In its praise If it pleases you to make use ot this statement you aTe at liberty to do ro She has tsken fifteen bottles and is still using It and I safely recommend it as a great blood purifier Yonis respectfully JOSEPH BUTLER Tbe Statement Harwich Mass Sept 24 1876 Mr Stkvkks: Dear Sir I feel I must say a few words about the Vegetine The said I had so many complaints they did not know what to give me They said I had a bad bumor and I had the Kldnsy Complaint the Liver Complaint my heart was very weak and 1 think there is any one who suflered more with tbe piles than I did The physicians all said it was no nse for me to take medicine I could not live through i he month of May i truly think the Vegetine has saved my life and my neigh bore say that th Vegetine has really aoooni' pllshed a wonderlul cure in my case and I tell every one whom 1 meet It Is the best medicine in the world Yours very thankfully Mrs BUTLER VEGETINE Reliable Evidence Mr Stevrns Dear i will most cheerfully add my testimony tc the great number you have already received in favor of your great aud good medicine Vegetine for I do not think enough can be said in Its praise for I was troubled over 30 years with th it dreadful disease Catarrh aud had such bad coughing spells that It would seem as though I could never breathe any more and Vegetine has cared me and I do feel to thank tiod all the time that there is so good a medicine as Vegetine and I also think it one of the bet medicines for coughs and weak sinking feelings at the stomach and advise everybody to take the Vegetine for I can assure them that it is one of the best medicines that ever was Mrs I (JOKE Cor Magazine A Walnut sts Cambridge Mass VEGETINE Vegetine is a great panacea for our aged fathers and mothers for It gives them strength quiets their nerves and gives them sweet sleep VEGETINE Prepared by STEVENS BOSTON MASS by all Druggists Vegetine is sold se5 wedtsat 2w INSURANCE City INSURANCE COMPANY 285 Main street MEMPHIS TENN DIRECTORS: Neely Oavln Gage Jones A Eckerly II James Frank Jerome Hill Hadden NEELY Prest PTfADDEN MOORE Pecret ary To Factors and Planters Cotton Gin Insurance WE aie piopared to Insure Cotton Gins Presses Cotton In Llnt and In Seed at cuslomary rates in first-class Companies LOSSES ADJUSTED IN MEMPHIS We also do a general Fire Insurance business representing the following well-knowu Companies: Liverpool nui I ondon and Globe Insurance Co (England) Assets (Gold) 28425160 92 Continental Insurance Co of New York Capital 1000000 00 Net Surplus 8 44 015 It Pbrnlx Insurance Co of Brooklyn Assets 2549958 0 National Fire Inn Co of Hartford Assets 1003701 00 GREENE DEASLEY No 18 Madison street Memphis Tenn au26 INSURANCE COMPANY No 16 Madison st Memphis Tenn Capital (paid up) $200000 Organized In Mareb 1807 FARRINGTON LEMMON President Vice President CARRINGTON MASON Secretary DIRECTORS: Farrington Lemmon John Overton Jr Church John Robinson Enoeli Entity Bruce Transacts a general Fire and Inland Marine Insurance business Hates equitable and losses fairly adjusted HERNANDO INSURANCE COMPANY Office: No 22 MADISON Street 8 DUN8COMB GALBRBATH NELSON President Vice President JSecfetary Assets July 1 1877 36 Capitol a tack (paid PJ 150000 Surplus ee4MiMeMw 37001 S3 DIRECTORS: Dunsoomb Gal breath AVaccaro Fontaine Hanauer Joe Bruce KL Coen ran A Bhane Mallory Jones BTayior Insures Against Less hr SRd River Bis Risks on Private Dwellings especially desired Marine Insurance on Ginhousso AND CONTEXTS and ail other insurable property placecj la first-class companies by PHELON MURPHY Gen al Insurance Agents No 5 Madison st Memphis Tenn Fire Association of Philadelphia organised In 1417 eOOOOOO Bruts America of Toronto organised- 1888 1200000 aul4 Dm LIQUORS ETC JOHN LILLY rt 'sr IMPORTER DEALER IN i Wines Liquors fS-V if 7 7 AND i-t i 9 I Sf Is a rt i tW street A 4-1 i i WFMfmn TCTii-' i 14? No J) Hi Radcliffe Cov CDIIIII3SI0IUIERCIIAHTS 294 Front street' that about one-hall the Inhabitants will leave for Texas and the West this falf Say one-tenth you Nashville American SO: Mr James 8 Stokes Representative from Wilson county has sent in his resignation to tha Governor A test with a telephone was given at Mrs residence-in Nashville Saturday Prof Nipber of St Louis and Prof Levewell oi Wisconsin worked the machine successfully Prognostications upon the Speakership of tbe next House of Representatives point ont Col John House of Tennessee as the coming man A worse man might get it Knoxville Chronicle Hon Whitthome will address his fellow citizens of Giles on matters likely to come before the next Congress In which he will indicate his own opinions and consult the opinions of his Pulaski Citizen We understand that Capt Hawkins has hand hills out to the effect that he will speak at Shiloh on the 19th oi September at night upon the subject of tbe proposed new county Huntingdon Vindicator Postmaster General humorous re-maiks at various points in New England continue the subject of discussion by Bourbon sheets But the Postmaster' General goes on doing his duty the same as if such sheets were not in existence Knoxville Chronicle Miss Cora Freeman daughter of Judge Thomas Freeman of the Supreme Court of Tennessee spent several days last week with tbe family of Hon James Bailey Few young ladies have ever visited Clarksville who in so short a time contributed so much to its pleasant society Clarksville Tobacco Leaf Mr Thomas Haynes has returned to his first love by buying out a half interest in the Review and Journal He will de- vote himself to the editorial department of the paper and intends to labor diligently to make it one of the best local papers in Tennessee McMinnville New Era 30: I Swafford of Bledsoe county has been several days in our county buying up hogs Monday he weighed two lots on our city scales one lot bought of Isaac Grizzle some 60 in number averaged 213 pounds each also another lot of James heirs averaging 265 pounds Matters at Coal creek have gone on just as we said they would There has been no disorder no lawlessness The inhabitants of that mining village are industrious intelligent law abiding not the outlaws they have been represented to be But at tbe same time they know how and when to resent a great wrong and will not hesitate to apply the proper remedy at the ballot-box at the proper time Knoxville Chronicle Willie Dunlap will make 75000 pounds of tobacco this year il no misfortunes overtake the growing crop Willie by sticking close to business has made himself one of the best farmers in the country and all intelligent young men who will follow the example engaging in agrioul-ture will find success Agriculture is the only sure reliance for the young men of the South and there is room for all Clarksville Tobacco Leaf Tbe members ot tbe American Association for the Advancement of Science paid their respects to the venerable widow of President Polk at the Polk mansion in Nashville the 30th and were very hospitably received by Mrs Polk and Mr and Mrs Hall President Newcomb introduced the Association in a few chosen words to which on behalf of Mrs Polk Dr Lindsley responded The Association were received the same afternoon by Dr A and Mrs Cheatham at Belmont Col Gates the oldest editor in Tennessee delivered an interesting address at Hall Thursday night on the past present and future of political porties predicting the revival of the old Whig party He also referred in feeling terms to his connection with the press of Tennessee and announced that at an early day he would again commence the publication of the Tennessee at Jackson Brownsville States We are pleased to learn that Albert Stephens has been nominated by a Democratic Convention at Los Angeles Cal for the high office of Judge and that McDonald was nominated by the same Convention for the important position of Superintendent of Public Schools Both of these gentlemen aro natives of Madison countv one of them being the son of Col Wm II Stephens and the other the son of Samuel McDonald Esq near Grove We wih them glorious success Jackson Tribune and Sun MISSISSIPPI Col James Hamilton has married Miss Fannie Buck of Jackson Considerable dissatisfaction with the county ticket is expressed in Lalayette Wade Hampton jr has been nominated for the Legislature in Washington county Hoskins has retired from the Lexington Advertiser his father resuming charge Love editor ol the West Point Advertiser has gone into the hotel business in that town Franklin of Columbus was recently stabbed at Macon by a Mr Batchelor receiving a severe wound Mr A Carter of Paulding has been nominated for State Senator in the District composed of the counties ot Newton Jasper and Scott An Oxford Eagle correspondent complains that Democrats button-hole Marshal Morphia for positions on his staff This is dreadlul Thomas Stockstill James Gordon Norwood and Herron are candidates for the Legislature in Pontotoc county Monroe county ticket For Representatives: Trice Wright Cunningham Hatch For Sheriff: Howard For Treasurer: A Honea For Assessor: McKinney Dr Walker of Aberdeen and Dr Bogan of Cotton Gin have announced the themselves as Independent candidate for the Legislature Last Saturday the town was swarming with negroes from all parts of the county attending an emigration convention The courthouse was packed A mulatto named Patterson presided and the meeting was opened with singing and prayer Among the speakers were Robert Gleed The report of Gov Whitfield delegate to the Corinth convention was heard After the speeches a petition was read and adopted calling upon the Federal Government for a donation of land in New Mexico Arizona or some other territory to colonize all who wanted to get out of this Columbus Independent ARKANSAS The Helena World says that Col Grace of Pine Bluff is an aspirant for the United States Senate and that Hon Pindall of Desha county State Senator would like to go to Congress There are at this time more land-seekers speculators and capitalists visiting Arkansas than at any time in her history What is better yet is that generally they are investing Little Rock Star The Hamburg Monitor again admonishes its friends of the perils of the mortgage system That is right Let onr formers get out ol debt if they have to deny themselves many thiDgs which seem indispensable Little Rock Gazette Capt-Sam Adams has been appointed local freight and ticket agent of the St Loqis Iron Mountain ana Southern Railway office and will as soon as the extreme eastern office of the Gazette block can be fixed for oecupaney open an office there Judge Wm Byers has been suffering from a paralytic stroke since the 18th but ia reported improving 1 Batter' has been presiding as Special Judge daring the Independence court Hope ta hear of Judge Byers being restored to his former health Lawrence county Journal There is no poor striker clamoring for a dollar a day on the railroads that could fail to make twice or thrice that amount by cultivating tobacco in Arkansas The men who have devoted their attention to it have Invariably as proof of it tbe largely increased average in tobacco this year over last abundantly attests There is no county In the United states better adapted to the cultivation of this valuable staple than the high lands of North and Northwest -Little Rock Gazette The Gallatin Examiner says Sumner county TEIiEGRAPKIIG BREVITIES St Louis Spetember 4 The Eagle flouring mill at Okawville TlL near Nashville together with' 25000 bushels of wheat burned yesterday evening Loss about $60000 insured for $15000 but the names of the companies are not reported Cincinnati September 4: Robert James Samuel Goodrich and James Simmons were taken from jail and last night at-Neweaatle Ky They were charged with murdering a number of per sons in Owen and Henry counties 4 Newport I September 4 The Perry Cotton' Mills suspended operations owing to financial difficulties The Newport Manufacturing Company Bend Fink endorser of the paper Is principal owner4 A large number of persons are thrown out of employment Several banks will immediately act in tbe matter and their representatives will be present at a meeting of creditors this evening Who the Clay Crawford posed to be Osman Pasha 3 Used to Be Columns had been written to prove that Osman Pasha the hero of Plevna is Baza ine ex-Marshal of France Tbe -wires brought yesterday (as appears In another column) the statement of Wickliff to the Louisville Courier-Journal that Osman is an ex-officer of our late civil war one Robert day Crawford of Hawkins county In East Tennessee If this be true the Bashi Bazourk has found a leader after his own heart as FOLLOWING scraps of history obtained from an old schoolmate of his now an honored citizen ot Memphis will show: father was a school teacher in Rogersville Hawkins county Tenn and a man of great energy which was vigorously displayed in tbe use of his strap on the hoys and on none more than bis son Robert Our informant Judge Carmack was his schoolmate then They separated Judge going to Virginia to college and Crawford as a cadet to West Point where he matriculated with honor This was in 1849 A year passed by and a friend of Judge wrote him that Crawford resist ing arrest lor some violation ol orders bad been EXPELLED and asking that Judge nse his influence with his Congressman to get him (the writer) the appointment to the place made vacant by disgrace This writer was afterward the famous of the Southern army Gen Stuart that Congressman was afterward tha Chief Magistrate of the nation the Great Commoner Andrew Johnson Mr Johnson tendered tbe appointment to Judge and on his refusing it to Judge Woods' Woods went on to West Point and was allowed a few weeks to make up some de-ficiences While he was doing this he was forbidden to occupy any lodgings except those to which the Commandant had assigned him Crawford who was at Buttermilk Falls sent for Woods to come over to him and he would make up his deficiencies Woods accepted the faculty heard oi it and Woods too got his conge Crawford next CAME INTO PROMINENCE as a thief The news came to East Tennes-tbat Robert Clav Crawford had robbed tbe Mail and been sentenced by the Court to 10 imprisonment A month or two went by and there came a report that Crawford had escaped Years rolled by and Rogersville had al most forgotten the son of the old pedagogue The civil war came with its hor rors dividing the cities and towns and families ol East Tennessee It was a night in the fall of 63 that the lather of Judge living six miles from Rogersville was awakened by the neighing of horses and their tread on the sod and beautiful flower beds Then came rap at the door to which the old gentleman replied by opening it He was faced by a group of Federal soldiers the leader or whom ordered him to prepare to go to Rogersville The old gentleman gave bis parole that he would ride in in the morning then said tho leader stiffly Col Chief of Artil lery on Gen (Judge recall the name) THE NEXT DAT the old gentleman reported at the headquarters on tbe spot where once this great father handled the birchen rod and the jingle of spurs echoed where once the sing-song had been heard do you want with me Bob asked the old gentleman bluntly fairly yelled the soldier scowling blackly old rascal Col Crawford Remember The old gentleman merely laughed and walked out unmolested Alter the war Crawford turned up in a wild filibustering raid over the Rio Grande and an attack on Bagdad Mexico which came near bringing on trouble with oar neighbor Here disappeared till he appears according to Wicklifle as a Pasha of the Osmanli Mr Vredenburg of Memphis gives a touching account of his experience with Col Crawford Crawford during the war borrowed $150 from him and the debt has never decreased Such is the new hero of Plevna COLORED CHURCH BLES TROU- 4 How a Colored Pastor Makes Mer chandise Of Holy Things A crowd of colored people men and women tillad Esq office and the hall adjacent and the staircase and the street outside Such a jabber jabber jabber of tongues as there was! Jones tole Sister Brinkley dat dey no right to Brudder Brogus than ter tek Kernel Duff jes know a single solitary thing it Sister Brother Titus a bad Up stairs the reporter learned that William Brogus a deacon in the Chelsea Baptist Church (colored) had been arrested at the instigation of his pastor for disturbing public worship The swearing done was of a very steep kind and so crossed that our young man turned to REV MORRIS HENDERSON for information knowing that anything which came from this venerable pilgrim could be relied upon to the letter is the leading spirit among the colored Baptists of West Tennessee He it is that has managed to build that great church on Beal street and to whose worth and honesty and influence tbe Avalanche bore testimony in a sketch of the old man a few months ago Morns this asked our young man left them all at the up said the patriarch in ebony are swearing to lies up did Brogus sir He came in church during prayers but he atterward got up and asked pardon for heard that you had sent him out to Chelsea and told him not to let the pastor Meredith) sir I advised him to try to persuade Brother Hubbard Meredith not to preach till the charges against him were CORRUPTION charges Uncle Bee there was a man who was a candidate for the ministry We elders examined him and found that he was not prepared to act as a minister ol the Gospel and we think of on him Now Hubbard Meredith goes to him and tells him that if he gives him $25 ordain him You see Meredith said his church was sovereign Well this young brother he scrapes up all the monev he can but he only gets take that Uncle Morris he did said the father in Israel bringing down his stick he did sir! it was replied our young man Association at Brownsville was going to look into his case and what you think he idea Uncle wrote that he was very aick and peoting to die and they postponed was a trick suggested lying trick sir I wet hjm when came home and I said here Brother Hubbard you look like been He said I Jiave I had a Chill and I waa tolerable Then I said Hubbard the Lord will strike you down if you stop this way ot He is a deceitful man is the going to do with him to I I guess said what one' 'oi the brethren told Our young man bade respectlul gcod day and walked on From the testimony heard Esq Egnew decided to bind over Brogus to appear before the Criminal Court IT Tilt llempbls Afalanelie Dents 4 The Memphis Aval vohk will be supplied on all trains and at all stations Oft the following railways at FIVE CENTS per copy by the agents of th Railway News Company viz i Memphis and Louisville railway Memphis and Little Rock railway South and North Alabama railway I Nashville Chattanooga and St Louis dtiemphis a4 tfiiarlestdh 4 Mr John Epperson or employes will supply the 'Avalanchh at five cents on the Mississippi and Tennessee and Padn can and Memphis railways a I SUCH 9HTllr( 't 9 Drink beer and repeat tbe act early and oiten it you would grow fat and be cheerful Maximum thermometer 70 deg Minimum thermometer 83 deg Total rainfall during day JO WM MCELROY Sergeant BlgnalBervlce A INDICATIONS For Tennessee and tbe Ohio valley cloudy and possibly rainy weatber southeast to southwest winds falling barometer and stationary temperature For the upper Mississippi and lower Missouri valleys and lake region at tbe northern stations cooler north and east winds partly cloudy weather and stationary or rising barometer but at tbe southern stations warmer southwest winds falling barometer and cloudy or partly cloudy weatber NEWS IN BRIEF We shiver! Dam pbadd rizzle in grates this morning The rural editor skippeth into town The citizen drew his overcoat out of the camphor last night Business has picked up itself and moved off briskly the last few days The School Board meeets next Monday night Miss Crancli and band at Cochran Hall not Estival Park to night The City is out with a first of September supplement also be Mine a pretty son and chorus by John Rutledge is out Attention is called to the announcement of the Directors of the Presbyterian School supposed partner Bucignani has been neard of as in Little Rock buying a ticket lor Texas Bootblacks who wildly sling their boxes at each other on the sidewalk to the damage of bonnets noses etc will he taken in Lindeman is a saloon keeper who says he paid Junkerman his license in tbe regular way over the County Court desk and received in return therefor his receipt They think in their vanity that they can make and unmake girls that the hold in their attentions tho sesame of popularity do a half dozen nobby young fellows we wot of The working men of each ward in the city will meet at their respective voting places this evening lor the purpose of electing tlnee members for a Central Committee In response to a request from Ex-Mayor Johnson it is proper to state that the communication in Avalanche signed was written by Mr I Amonett The Southern Express office will not do business to-day betvveen 10 and 11 Alvin Adams the founder of the express business will be buried at that time in Boston Charlie Turner was ordered off of premises on Main street by their proprietor and Richard Shaw backed said pro orders by a pistol hall which Turner eluded All the parties are colored Shaw is in the lock-up In window appear photographs of the grand procession of Knights Tei l-plar holdeu recently in Cleveland "ne Tennessee Commandery in one scene fell directly in the focus and the laces are all recognizable The article in Avaianchk on cotton seed contained a couple ol errors that should ho corrected The price will open this year at 10 and not at $11 The market price now offored for new seed equals ir it does not exceed the closing price last season The General Council should meet at 1 pm to-day Whether it can depends upon whether tho men entrusted with the affairs think them ol sufficient importance to give them an attention We shall give the roll-call quorum or no quorum Our Hebrew Congregation corner ot Second and Monroe streets will celebrate the New feast Rosch Hashchonu 5638 Anno Mundi from Friday evening the 7th until Sunday the Dtli The Rabbi of this Congregation Rev Dr Barner will preach "Saturday morning at half-past nine in the German and Sunday orning at 9 in the English language One of those sharp-eyed Treasury detectives from Washington is among us subpaenamg some of our most worthy citizens to appear before the Supreme Court of tbe District ol Columbia and tell all they know about the operations of the widely known Arm of Parkman Brooks fc Co the doiurict Commercial Bank of Memphis Revenue Collector Carlton and I rederick A Sawyer late Assistant Secretary of the Treasury hawyer is Indicted for embezzlement and is to bo tried at Washington on tho 12th inst and our fellow-citizens who dealt in United States bonds and cotton in 1869 and 1870 aro being called on to tell what they know about Sawyer A 51100 I INU AFFRAY In lVlileli a Negro Is Shot and a Policeman Neglects Ills Duty This is the story the wounded negro Bill Johnson tells Yesterday afternoon he was with a white boy on tbe steamer Hattie Nowland Tbe boy got angry a little and a white deck hand Rigley interfered cursing the negro and ordering him to quit the boat not tho Captain and I said the negro see about replied Rigley as be went off to don a He returned and seizing Johnson thrust him roughly from the steamer Johnson picked up a piece ot coal and the mate of the Hattie Nowland Stapleton oalled out to Rigley him If you I Johnson hurled the lump of coal at Rigley and Rigley fired three shots one ball wounding Johnson in the fleshy portion of tbe thigh Capt Weatheford hearing of the shooting hurried to the wharfboat accompanied by Officer Hope only to see Rigley pulling a skiff two-thirds over tbe river Officer 'Caasiday had seen the shooting bnt failed to arrest Rigley When asked by Capt Weatherford why be allowed Rigley to escape be replied that the mate promised that Rigley would come in and surrender himself Capt Weatherford Immediately suspended Casslday from duty The negro Is not hurt badly Tbe Shslb County Building and Loan Association The regular monthly meeting of this company was held yesterday at Its office in the Bulding A large number of Directors and stockholders were In attendance At tbe meeting of tbe Board of Directors the Hon Thomas Holman Vice President presiding a committee was appointed to draft and present to a special meeting to be held on the second Tuesday of September 1877 resolutions of respect to the memory of the Hon A Haynes the first President of the Association Judge Holman Vice President having declined to act ks President on account of official duties the Hon Jacob Thompson was unanimously elected President which office he accepted Weekly Avalanebe containing fully selected Mid arranged Is published every Thursday morning and can be bad in wrappei ready for mailing at five eenta per copy at the publication office of the avalanche 298 Main street The subscription prioe to a single subscriber is 50 per annum which covers cost of postage prepaid The Weekly Avalanchh contains forty-eight columns of reading matter and istfielargest aad best weekly newspaper as weil as the cheapest published In the Southern States Colored Masons Chicago September The National Masonic Convention met here this morning Some fifty or seventy-five delegates were present representing nearly every State in the Union The object of the Convention Is to unite the colored Masonry $b) country Jackson Humboldt Milan CalrorSoTum-bu Hickman Bt Louis Nashville Evansville Paducah Louisville Cincinnati and all paints North Northwest and Northeast Leave 11:41 pmt i :10 pm 4:40 pm Expi Mali Paris Accommodation ait 4:10 pm 7: 55am 1:00 pm Sundays excepted (Saturdays excepted For railroad advertisem*nts giving fuller par tlculars see third page Steamboats Citizens Memphis' 'and'Ticksb'urg Packet Company Str PHIL ALLIN r-ESa Will leave lor Vicksburg EVERY TUESDAY at 5 pm Str ILLINOIS M0N Str A WHITE Will leave for Helena and Point eve KY TUESDAY THURSDAY an" SaTURDAyI WASHINGTON Agent Jno Dabraqh sel White Black Little lied Hirers ii I LT A Il kY 8 Memphis White and Black Rivers Be Mull L1u4 lor Indian Bay Bt Charles Claren don Bluff Des Are Augusta Jack son port- West Point Searcy Bates rliie Powhattan and Pooahontas The fine passenger steamer RUTH leaves Memphis every SATURDAY" opju connecting with the steamer MCARTHUR tor all points on Black river Through rates of freight and passage to all points on Blaok and White rivers Pai J- ASHING TON 800 Front si GLENN on Wharfboat Freight consigned to Milt Harry will be handled free of storage drayage and eomml en and put through promptly REGULAR INDKPKNDKiffl Memphis and White River Packet For Augusta Jacksonport Hearer and war -v-rDLlnitvh9 independent P'kot HARD CASH EC Postal master Will leave Memphis wfdmes a jhtBuKNE 296 Front Bt GLENN on wharfboat lage apply-on board or to 800 Oil ASHPORT Far GseeVla vra rnsis 48USS SVVFIs eBUJar Bern i-Weekly 8 Mail For Randolph Fulton Point Osoeola Ashport and all way steamer OSOEOLA BELLErO Mcheund" Leaves Memphis every MONDAY and 6 and returns ever? SUNDAY and TUESDAY For freight or pawuurn apply on hoard For Uelena and Point IsKXS NT EAN iilW Oirrylni MaH Str COAHOMA Stack Lee Master Thomas Clerk leaves Memphis every MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at 6 pm for and all way and plantation landings Ilf WIJH IN4'P WM u-rop GENERAL PRODUCE JOHN SPEED CO COBIMISSION MERCHANTS 363 Front street MEMPHIS TiGNN A ttBNTS for the 8U Louts Batting Co Leveling President manufacturers of tbe aoknowlg-d to be the best Jute Bagging offered to tbe trade Alien-t8 for John Dement raan- funhmi the weli-ki ax Bagging iui on ueineni man-hle and highly repnta- also for the Hoop Cotton Tie with whose merits the trade are familiar A-Sents also forE Btanard A well-known St Louis brands of Flour LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on consignments of Grain Flour Hog and merchantable West Prod ut tn generally Western Produce A NEWSOM CO SUCCEB80RB TO SHERMAN A CO GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS 166 Frout street Exchange Building near Poplar street Mkkpkis Tibs WE pay special attention to the sale of Chickens Eggs Butter Potatoes Apples onions Hay Corn- Oats Bran Meal Flour! Dried Fruits Hides Etc CHASE 00 GENERAL Commission Merchants AND DEALERS IN Hay Corn Oats Bran Lime Meal and Genera) Produce No 183 MAIN Street WFMPFTS TENN LAWIIORN fit CO General Produce and Commission Merchants 850 Front street Memphis Tenn COTTON GINS COTTON GINNING GINS No 68 Union street ut HAVING refitted our ginning establishment with the latest improved Gins Cotton Lusters ard every kind or machinery neecteary for ginning Cotton me prepared to do better rk making a be ter turnout better sample and cleaning tbe seed closer than any gins In or around this city All cotton in ginbou covered by insurance Sacks lor shipping seed cotton furnished Merchants crowing sarks Orem our gin will kot 1m held responsible lor samq but parties tow bom sacks aro snipped will be he responsible for same Our terms tor ginning are ss low as the lowest Onr ladlltie are nnsnrpassed Onr ginning establishment Is complete in every artlenlr A CO '3 coTToxi ems Cor Second nod Jackson sts I WOULD Invite attention of planters In tbe vicinity of Memphis to tbe following statement of facts: I have the latest and most approved Cotton Gins and Cleaner 1 have large eppaeitr for storage and drying so that your cotton need not be exposed to the weather nor ginned while wet wank turn shed free of oharge Order through your merchant or direct irom Gin I wid sin a low as any responsible Inner lathe city All cotton sent to me will be cowered by instil aic against fir while in my WILLIAM BKNJES AMES WHITE au2 Those Sold at the Exchange Yesterday The first bales of new cotton raised in the Memphis District of the National Cotton Exchange were sold at auction in front of the Cotton Exchange building at noon yesterday Mr A Frankland be ing the auctioneer The attendance of buyers was large and considerable interest seemed to be manifested in the Bale The first bale put up was that received on the 1st of September by Messrs Richardson A Co from Mrs Miller Friars Point Miss It was classed low middling and was sold to Wm Frolich A Co at 10c The second bale bought by the same at 13Jc was classed middling and was consigned to Hill Fontaine A Co by Ussery A Kobly of Tunica county Miss and received September 2d The third bale received September 3d by Hill Fontaine A Co from Hicks A Lyles of Searcy Ark was classed good middling and was knocked down to Beni Babb at 14c Bale No 4 was received September 3d by Schoolfield Hanauer A Co from Atkinson A Co of Pine Bluff Ark This bale was classed middling and was sold to Falls A Co at 14c lor account of Messrs Garner A Co the most extensive cotton spinners in America and the largest single purchasers in this market Their purchases usually average between twenty-five and thirty thousand bales each season and some seasons runs as high as forty thousand bales AN USE VI ENTS MISS CRANCH AT COCHRAN HALL The state of the weather will prevent concert at Estival Park to-night In order however that Memphians may enjoy Miss wonderful musical gifts Mr Meis-ter opens Cochran Hall to-night for the public and Miss Craneh will sing thero line band will be on hand and a treat may be safely anticipated This is an unusual opportunity for enjoyment thus held out and ail would do well to avail themselves of it Caution We the undersigned French citizens all residing and doing business in the city of Shreveport State of Louisiana consider it eminently proper to warn the French citizens merchants and general public of Memphis Tenn against a French scoundrel dead beat and thief calling himself Riviere by occupation a shoemaker who has been following his trade and swindling people at the same time in our midst Said Riviere is about 5 feet 8 inches in heighth has a broken nose teeth much discolored grey hair and moustache two Augers missing off his lett hand and is about 55 years of age By his fascinating manners and apparent politeness he managed to insinuate himselt into the good graces of and to win the confidence ol his fellow-countrymen and the mercantile tommunity only to swindle rob and betray them He absconded irom here on the 16th ot July at 5 am owing every one that would trust him We know furthermore on reliable authority that previous to his advent here about three and a half years that he successfully played the same game in London England Washington Baltimore Chicago and Batron Rouge La A Grouchy Charles Thenard Gingzas Barrier Tho Frechedb Charmolue Lamorere Canbin Ricou Izard Basset COURTADB Guilloutet SPECIAL NOTICES Embroidery 5c 7c 12c 15c yard Leu- Leu 247 Main street Drop in at on Monroe street if you want superior lager Latest shapes in straw goods Memphis lager is in almost mouth Milwaukte and Memphis beer cold as ico at near the Peabody COAL PINE TAR the barrel or half barrel at Coffin 266 Front mh25autw Hosiery fine assortment Memphis lager is called for at all the leading saloons Fine assortment of corsets at physic to the and drink Memphis lager For underwear go to Memphis lager is supplied in bottles to families as well as in barrels and kegs to the trade Silk and velvet trimmings If you want a glass of lager that would delight the soul of Gambrenus go to Unlaundried shirts 65c NEW SWEET "POTATOES Al Main street Market 326 Main street -Grapes Peaches Pears Watermelons Canteloupes and a full line of Vegetables In quantities to suit and at bottom prices Cali and Holly Springs (Mias) Reporter Bargains lor all at MINERAL WATER tf you would keep healthy during the summer and cannot leave the city drink tbe Raleigh Mineral Water It is excellent for dyspepsia debility etc and is delivered in the city in gallon Jugs four times a week at $1 per week Leave orders at 294 Front street Towels 10 15 25c Southern News Dyersburg revels In new sweet potatoes Ex-Gov Brown has returned tq his home Pulaski The Nashville police scored 370 arrests in August Wiley Ellis an old citizen of Bedford county is dead The Rutherford County Fair win begin October 10th i i county Is one boons The President will be ia Chattanooga on the 20th Chattanooga i trying to secure ttold-ppiitii Malci for the races this month The line between Lauderdale snd Dyer eountie has been surveyed with a view to Ks change A reunion of the Seventeenth regiment will be held at Flat Creek Lincoln county the 27th of September A three year old daughter of Mr Frank 5rJ3 Ai-'ls' tlfcALTiB Tue and best bargains in real estate that have ever been oflerea In the State of Tennessee I will sell from 1 to 590 acres of land Just out-dde the city limits of Meniehls and located Just in gho right place for LotUMt Woolen aad other Or 1 will sell Half-A ere Lots at bow prices to those Who wish to build rest-deuces and have homes of tkeir own I mean exactly what say Jen new houses are already built and occupied and several more will be built soon The utreet Car authorities nromlse to extend their road to these valuable iround Just so soon as the population becomes a indent to justify the running of the cars wUlch canuot be very far off Also I will or lease for a term of years a splendid market garden with twormndred hot-bed sa at hot forn Cgurcs- Those who wisU to purchass most while the Iron is or they will low the best bargain ever offered Title perfect AddIv to THOMAS on the premieee Wto APPiy CONAWAY Real Estate Agent )y9 VO Madison it Memphis Tenn4 A i.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.