Resources for Writing (2024)


There are many great resources available to aspiring writers.

Two of the most comprehensive are the Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Writing Center.

You'll find everything here, from the structure of academic writing to grammar and punctuation. Browse these resources for direct links to topics and a few more of our favorite website resources.


The key to writing good papers is understanding that academic writing is based on a claim that is backed up with evidence. These resources describe some of the key features of academic writing and are designed to help you master the rules of the writing game.

Punctuation is important. Poor punctuation can lead to all kinds of confusion, as we all know from the joke about the panda who walks into a bar. It also results in lower grades and unfair assumptions about the writer's intelligence or level of education. Fortunately, it's easy to learn and quick to fix! There are thousands of good websites about punctuation available. These are a few of our favorites.

Plagiarism is copying words or language created by someone else and presenting it as your own. Most students understand it as copying a paper written by someone else, or asking or paying someone else to write their paper, but it also includes accidentally or deliberately copying strings of words from the sources you are citing without putting them in quotation marks. Plagiarism is considered a form of academic dishonesty and can result in a fine, failing the assignment or course, and even expulsion.

  • Review the University of Iowa's policy on plagiarism and other forms of academic fraud.

  • Indiana Bloomington's plagiarism website provides a good overview and examples of plagiarism. Students are advised to do the practice questions and take the certification test to ensure they know exactly what plagiarism is and how to avoid it. Instructors can ask students to complete the test and submit the certificate of completion as a course assignment.To prevent accidentally copying the language in a source, we suggest taking notes and working from your notes and not with the original text open in front of you.

  • University of Wisconsin Madison has a concise guide to what information needs to be cited. It also includes articles on how to paraphrase an argument or couch a quote.

  • The Judith Frank Business Communications Center provides help to Tippie undergraduates (with all papers), pre-business students (onlyTippie course assignments), and Tippie graduate students.

  • The Accountancy Writing Program works with allstudents with a declared major in accountancy.

  • The School of Journalism and Mass Communication Resource Center offers writing and research assistance for students with journalism writing assignments.

  • The Pomerantz Career Centeroffers help with CVs, resumes, and personal statements. Schedule an appointment online.

  • The Teaching and Writing Center, History Departmentis a writing tutorial center that provides assistance with assignmentsfor undergraduate history and American studies courses.

  • Hanson Center for Technical Communication, College of Engineeringis a writing tutorial center for undergraduate engineering majors.

  • The Writing Resourceassists College of Education graduate students.

  • Writing Resource Center, College of Lawis for students, faculty, and staff in the College of Law and non-law students enrolled in a law school class.

  • The Writing and Humanities Program helps medical students with a wide variety of writing, including CVs, research papers, and even creative writing.

  • The Graduate College provides one-on-one consultations and feedback on job applications and fellowship materials to graduate students.

  • The Center for Teaching offers graduate students and faculty one-on-one consultations on developing teaching philosophies.

The beloved Lou Kelly, director of the Writing Center from 1965 to 1989, developed a series of invitations to write which are still used in the Writing Center today and by instructors across campus.

In response to the many requests for copies, we've posted them below. There is also a very useful list of writing prompts collected by the New York Times,Over 1,000 Writing Prompts for Students.

  • Autobiography of a Reader

  • College: What language is spoken here?

  • Creating Words: Is lexicography for you?

  • Culture Shock

  • Creative Writing Invitation II: What does creativity mean to you?

  • Creative Writing Invitation III: Where to you get your creative energy?

  • Creative Writing Invitation IV: Free-writing -- knocking down the walls.

  • Creative Writing Invitation V: Writing vivid description.

  • Creative Writing Invitation VI: Where are you?

  • Creative Writing Invitation VII: Character development and dialogue?

  • Creative Writing Invitation VIII: Writing your own story?

  • Growing Up with TV: A sequence of two invitations

  • Indulging Dreams

  • Instances of Injustices: A sequence of two invitations

  • An Invitation to Evaluate Your Work

  • An Invitation to Talk on Paper

  • An Issue of Interest to You: A sequence of three invitations

  • More Creative Writing Invitations I: Ways to get the creative juices flowing.

  • More Creative Writing Invitations II: Invitations to go somewhere new.

  • More Creative Writing Invitations III: Invitations to go deeper.

  • Roots: Where do you come from?

  • Self as Writer

  • The Skills Exchange

Resources for Writing (2024)


Why are resources important in writing? ›

Academic writers draw on the work of others to: Lend credibility to their arguments. Show what research informs their thinking. Provide readers with sources that they can use for their own projects.

What resources do I need to write a book? ›

Writer's Resources
  • The Novel Writing Roadmap. The Novel Writing Roadmap is a complete step by step guide to writing a novel. ...
  • The Ultimate Character Questionnaire. ...
  • The Ultimate World Building Questionnaire. ...
  • Character Archetypes. ...
  • Plot Outlines. ...
  • Book Writing Worksheets. ...
  • Nanowrimo.

How do I improve my writing skills? ›

10 Essential Tips for Improving Your Writing Skills
  1. Read Widely and Analytically: Reading is the foundation of good writing. ...
  2. Write Regularly: ...
  3. Embrace the Writing Process: ...
  4. Expand Your Vocabulary: ...
  5. Focus on Clarity and Simplicity: ...
  6. Edit and Revise Diligently: ...
  7. Seek Feedback and Learn from It: ...
  8. Master Grammar and Punctuation:
May 11, 2023

Where do authors get their ideas for writing? ›

If a preoccupation doesn't come to mind right away, you might find it useful to keep a journal or look through the one you already write. You might keep a folder of interesting bits—news articles, flyers or brochures from intriguing places, pictures of unexpected findings.

What is a resource in writing? ›

Resource materials can either give the writer an idea or supporting details that can be used in his/her story. Writers read books, blogs, newspapers etc. so that they can research about what can work best with what they are writing.

What skills and resources are needed to be a good writer? ›

Skills for a writer
  • Communication skills. It may seem obvious, but any writer should possess excellent communication skills . ...
  • Adaptability. ...
  • Discipline. ...
  • Organization skills. ...
  • Research skills. ...
  • Editing. ...
  • Know what you want to write. ...
  • Follow the readability principles.
Jul 21, 2022

What are writer resources? ›

help you better understand writing processes, academic writing expectations, how to manage long-term writing projects, writing for job searches and applications. Additionally, we have resources for linguistically diverse writers, such as multilingual and generation 1.5 writers.

What do professional writers use? ›

List of best book writing software
Microsoft WordWeb, Windows, Mac, Android, iOS$149 as a one-off fee, or $5.99 a month
Google SheetsWeb, Android, iOSFree
EvernoteMac, Windows, Web, iOS, AndroidFree, paid plan starts at $6.67/mo, billed annually
DabbleWebStarts at $7/mo, billed annually
17 more rows

What resources are used to make books? ›

Books are material things – usually made of paper, ink, thread and glue – but a lot of work goes into making them before they get assembled into something you might find at a library or bookstore. Most of this work has to do with a book's content, the writing and art on its pages.

Is there an app to improve writing skills? ›

Wordtune is a writing tool with an AI-powered interface that helps you improve your skills by suggesting different words and phrases to enhance your copy.

How can I train myself to write better? ›

8 exercises to improve writing skills
  1. Write every day. ...
  2. Turn long paragraphs into bullet points. ...
  3. Change passive voice into active voice. ...
  4. Use grammar checker tools like Writer. ...
  5. Proof your friend's or colleague's writing. ...
  6. Write fanfiction. ...
  7. Read out loud. ...
  8. Read books on how to write better.

How can I make my writing more effective? ›

Habits of Effective Writers
  1. Habits of Effective Writers. 4/11.
  2. Organize and argue. ...
  3. Be concise. ...
  4. Write what you mean. ...
  5. Write with force. ...
  6. Write for a reader. ...
  7. Revise and rewrite. ...
  8. All of these topics are discussed in detail in “The Essentials of Writing,” Hamilton's on-line style sheet.

Do most authors go to school for writing? ›

Many writers have forged successful careers without a degree specific to writing, drawing upon experiences from myriad fields. The key is the development of writing skills, whether through self-directed learning, workshops, or mentorship, and the ability to engage readers with compelling narratives.

How do I get more ideas for writing? ›

Be as creative and adventurous with how you generate ideas just as you are creative and adventurous with what ideas you generate.
  1. Some Invention Techniques. Analyzing the Assignment or Task. ...
  2. Reading Again. What do I do? ...
  3. Brainstorming/Listing. ...
  4. Freewriting. ...
  5. Invisible Writing. ...
  6. Looped Freewriting. ...
  7. Talking with Someone. ...
  8. Reading More.

How do writers find and develop ideas? ›

Writers develop ideas in many ways, including the following:
  • Journaling.
  • Freewriting.
  • Brainstorming.
  • Mapping or diagramming.
  • Listing.
  • Asking defining questions.
  • Noting Pros & Cons.

Why do we need sources in your writing? ›

Citing makes your work more credible. Citing tells your reader where you found your information. Citing allows your reader to learn more, beginning with your sources. Citing gives credit to the people whose words or ideas you are using.

What is the importance of resources? ›

Resources are necessary for human beings because of the following reasons: Resources when used as a raw material satisfy the needs and comforts of human beings. Natural resources are a source of agricultural activities which adds to the economic importance.

Why is using resources important? ›

Proper utilization of resources is important for maintaining productivity, because it prevents staff from underperforming or being overburdened by workloads and burning out. Projects can be managed with better visibility, reducing the risk of oversights. Maximum utilization of resources gives you a better ROI.

Why is it important for students to have resources? ›

Students Can Connect with Educational Resources

These are the materials which the student is likely to find more interesting and engaging. This helps them to learn more effectively as they are able to absorb this information more easily than through a lecture or reading assignment.


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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.