Ponce Pier and Boat Ramp EA - cbp.gov · 20 maintenance at its Ponce Marine Unit facility at 41 Bonaire Street, Ponce, Puerto Rico. As a part 21 of CBP’s Ramey Sector, the Ponce - [PDF Document] (2024)

Ponce Pier and Boat Ramp EA - cbp.gov· 20 maintenance at its Ponce Marine Unit facility at 41 Bonaire Street, Ponce, Puerto Rico. As a part 21 of CBP’s Ramey Sector, the Ponce - [PDF Document] (1)


Environmental Assessment for the Replacement of 2

the Pier and Boat Ramp at the 3

U.S. Border Patrol & Air and Marine Facility, 4

Ponce, Puerto Rico 5


U.S. Customs and Border Protection 7

October 20188

Ponce Pier and Boat Ramp EA - cbp.gov· 20 maintenance at its Ponce Marine Unit facility at 41 Bonaire Street, Ponce, Puerto Rico. As a part 21 of CBP’s Ramey Sector, the Ponce - [PDF Document] (2)

Draft En vironmen tal Assessment for the Repairs and Replacement of the Boat Ramp and Pier at the US Border Patrol Air and Marine Facility, Po nce, Puerto Rico

DRAFT Environmental Assessment for the Replacement of the Pier and Boat Ramp at the

U.S. Border Patrol & Air and Marine Facility, Ponce, Puerto Rico



Environmental Assessment for the Replacement of the Pier and Boat Ramp at 2

the U.S. Border Patrol & Air and Marine Facility, Ponce, Puerto Rico 3

Lead Agency: U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) 4

Proposed Action: The demolition and removal of the temporary structure, removal of 5

the original pier, construction of a new pier, and replacement of the 6

boat ramp at 41 Bonaire Street in the municipality of Ponce, Puerto 7

Rico. The replacement boat ramp would be constructed in the same 8

location as the existing boat ramp, and the pier would be constructed 9

south of the Ponce Marine Unit facility. 10

For Further Information: Joseph Zidron 11

Real Estate and Environmental Branch Chief, Acting 12 Border Patrol & Air and Marine Program Management Office 13 24000 Avila Road, Suite 5020 14 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 15 [emailprotected] 16

Date: October 2018 17

Abstract: CBP proposes to remove the original concrete pier, demolish and remove the temporary 18

structure, construct a new pier, replace the existing boat ramp, and continue operation and 19

maintenance at its Ponce Marine Unit facility at 41 Bonaire Street, Ponce, Puerto Rico. As a part 20

of CBP’s Ramey Sector, the Ponce Marine Unit supports vessel inspection of foreign ships and 21

small passenger vessels, safety and security inspections at waterfront facilities, and pollution 22

incident investigations. 23

CBP requires the ability to safely and efficiently launch boats from the Ponce Marine Unit to 24

support mission-critical operations. CBP uses Midnight Express vessels, each at 39 feet in length. 25

Larger SAFE 410 Apostle vessels, at 41 feet in length, may replace the Midnight Express vessels 26

in the near future. Following Hurricane Maria, which hit the island of Puerto Rico in September 27

2017, the original concrete pier at the facility was displaced and is now unusable. CBP constructed 28

a temporary structure in the location of the original pier in order to continue operations. The 29

temporary structure and the boat ramp at the facility are inadequate in size and length to support 30

two CBP vessels and, when needed, one seized vessel. CBP proposes to remove the original pier 31

and temporary structure, replace the existing boat ramp, and construct a new pier to enable CBP 32

to carry out its mission by providing adequate infrastructure to support boating operations. 33

Specifically, Ponce Marine Unit must support operations of two SAFE 410 Apostle vessels docked 34

at the same time. 35

CBP evaluated two alternatives in this Environmental Assessment: the No-Action and the 36

Proposed Action alternatives. CBP’s proposed action includes the demolition and removal of the 37

original pier and temporary structure, construction of a new pier, and replacement of the existing 38

boat ramp. The replacement boat ramp would be constructed in the same location as the existing 39

boat ramp and the pier would be constructed south of the Ponce Marine Unit facility. 40


Ponce Pier and Boat Ramp EA - cbp.gov· 20 maintenance at its Ponce Marine Unit facility at 41 Bonaire Street, Ponce, Puerto Rico. As a part 21 of CBP’s Ramey Sector, the Ponce - [PDF Document] (3)

Draft En vironmen tal Assessment for the Repairs and Replacement of the Boat Ramp and Pier at the US Border Patrol Air and Marine Facility, Po nce, Puerto Rico

DRAFT Environmental Assessment for the Replacement of the Pier and Boat Ramp at the

U.S. Border Patrol & Air and Marine Facility, Ponce, Puerto Rico


Executive Summary 1

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) prepared this Environmental Assessment (EA) to 2

analyze the potential impacts of the Proposed Action: demolition and removal of the temporary 3

structure, removal of the original concrete pier, construction of a new pier, replacement of the 4

boat ramp, and continued operation and maintenance of CBP’s Ponce Marine Unit facility in 5

Ponce, Puerto Rico. The EA was prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy 6

Act of 1969 (NEPA), as amended (42 U.S.C. § 4321 et seq.); Council on Environmental Quality 7

(CEQ) Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of NEPA (40 CFR 1500–1508); 8

DHS Implementation Manual 023-01-001-01, rev. 01 “Implementation of the National 9

Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)” (DHS 2014); the Environmental Public Policy Act of Puerto 10

Rico; the Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board’s Regulation for Evaluation and Processing 11

of Environmental Documents; and the Puerto Rico Joint Regulation for Construction and Land 12

Use Permits. 13

Background 14

CBP’s proposed action includes demolition and removal of the temporary structure, removal of 15

the original concrete pier, construction of a new pier, replacement of the boat ramp, and continued 16

operation and maintenance of CBP’s Ponce Marine Unit facility located at 41 Bonaire Street in 17

the municipality of Ponce, Puerto Rico. CBP is a Federal law enforcement organization within 18

DHS dedicated to serving and protecting the American people. The mission of CBP is “To 19

safeguard America’s borders thereby protecting the public from dangerous people and materials 20

while enhancing the Nation’s global economic competitiveness by enabling legitimate trade and 21

travel.” The Ponce Marine Unit, leased and operated by CBP, is part of a Border Patrol & Air and 22

Marine (BPAM) facility in CBP’s Ramey Sector. It is a part of the Caribbean Air and Marine 23

Branch (CAMB) within the Southeast Region of Air and Marine Operations. The facility supports 24

vessel inspection of foreign ships and small passenger vessels, safety and security inspections at 25

waterfront facilities, and pollution incident investigations. The original concrete pier was displaced 26

by Hurricane Maria and is unusable. A temporary structure was constructed in the location of the 27

original pier in order to continue CBP operations and meet mission requirements. The temporary 28

structure and boat ramp are inadequate in size and length to support two CBP vessels and, when 29

needed, one seized vessel. CBP uses Midnight Express vessels, which total 39 feet in length. 30

Larger SAFE 410 Apostle vessels, which total 41 feet in length, may replace the Midnight Express 31

vessels in the near future. 32

Purpose and Need 33

CBP needs to provide a sufficient docking and launch capability for the maintenance and repair of 34

CAMB’s marine assets in accordance with their mission needs. The purpose of the proposed action 35

is to replace the existing insufficient pier and boat ramp facility to fulfill the marine basing and 36

operations and maintenance requirements for the Ponce Marine Unit. 37

The site’s pier and boat ramp are used 24 hours per day, 365 days per year to access the adjacent 38

inlet to the Caribbean Sea. As a result of age and use, the condition of the facilities has deteriorated 39

to the point that they no longer adequately support CBP’s mission requirements. Hurricane Maria 40

Ponce Pier and Boat Ramp EA - cbp.gov· 20 maintenance at its Ponce Marine Unit facility at 41 Bonaire Street, Ponce, Puerto Rico. As a part 21 of CBP’s Ramey Sector, the Ponce - [PDF Document] (4)

Draft En vironmen tal Assessment for the Repairs and Replacement of the Boat Ramp and Pier at the US Border Patrol Air and Marine Facility, Po nce, Puerto Rico

DRAFT Environmental Assessment for the Replacement of the Pier and Boat Ramp at the

U.S. Border Patrol & Air and Marine Facility, Ponce, Puerto Rico


also caused severe damage to the facility, rendering the original concrete pier unusable. The 1

Proposed Action would afford CBP with 2

more efficient and effective means of launching, loading, and unloading boats; 3

rapid detection and accurate characterization of potential threats; 4

increased efficiency in surveillance and interdiction; 5

long-term viability of critical infrastructure; and 6

enhanced safety and security of CBP agents and personnel. 7

Proposed Action and Alternatives 8

CBP evaluated two alternatives in this EA: the No-Action and Proposed Action alternatives. Under 9

the No-Action Alternative, a new pier would not be constructed and the boat ramp would not be 10

replaced, and the CBP Ponce Marine Unit would continue its operation from the Ponce Marine 11

Unit in its current conditions. Under the Proposed Action, the replacement boat ramp would be 12

constructed in the same location as the existing boat ramp, and the pier would be constructed south 13

of the Ponce Marine Unit facility. 14

Alternatives Considered but Eliminated from Further Consideration 15

Location and layout Alternatives: During the project planning phase, CBP considered additional 16

pier locations, including construction of the replacement pier in the same location as the original 17

concrete pier and temporary structure to be removed as part of this action. CBP also considered an 18

“L” shaped pier in the original pier location to allow for additional space for maneuver CBP 19

vessels. However, due to the shallow waters and limited space within the small cove where the 20

original pier and temporary structure are located, CBP determined that constructing a replacement 21

pier in this location would not allow adequate space for vessels to maneuver and access the pier. 22

In addition, the pier would not be long enough to accommodate two docked vessels at the same 23

time. 24

Sea Wall Alternative: CBP also considered developing a sea wall for wave attenuation as part of 25

the Proposed Action. However, a CBP-conducted wave study determined that a sea wall was not 26

needed to support the project. Neither of these alternatives or components were carried forward 27

for further analysis in this EA. 28

Design Alternative: CBP also considered various materials (i.e., concrete, metal, and/or slatted 29

design) to be used for the top of the pier. Due to operational constraints, a concrete top was the 30

preferred material that was carried forward for analysis. A pier with slats or a grate was not carried 31

forward for analysis in this EA due to the safety and security risks that could be imposed upon 32

CBP agents and personnel during the transport of detainees. 33

Impact Comparison Matrix 34

This EA evaluates the potential impact on the environmental conditions from implementing the 35

No-Action Alternative and Proposed Action Alternative. Implementation of either alternative is 36

not expected to result in major environmental or socioeconomic effects. For each resource 37

analyzed in the EA, the expected consequences of the alternatives are summarized in Table ES-1. 38

Ponce Pier and Boat Ramp EA - cbp.gov· 20 maintenance at its Ponce Marine Unit facility at 41 Bonaire Street, Ponce, Puerto Rico. As a part 21 of CBP’s Ramey Sector, the Ponce - [PDF Document] (5)

Draft En vironmen tal Assessment for the Repairs and Replacement of the Boat Ramp and Pier at the US Border Patrol Air and Marine Facility, Po nce, Puerto Rico

DRAFT Environmental Assessment for the Replacement of the Pier and Boat Ramp at the

U.S. Border Patrol & Air and Marine Facility, Ponce, Puerto Rico


Table ES-1: Comparison of Analyzed Impacts

Resource Area Alternative 1—No-Action Alternative 2—Proposed Action

Geology and Soils Short term: No impact Short term: Negligible, adverse

Long term: No impact Long term: No impact

Water Resources Short term: No impact Short term: Minor, adverse

Long term: No impact Long term: No impact

Biological Resources Short term: No impact Short term: Minor, adverse

Long term: No impact Long term: Minor, adverse

Cultural, Historical, and Short term: No impact Short term: No impact

Archaeological Resources Long term: No impact Long term: No impact

Air Quality Short term: No impact Short term: Minor, adverse

Long term: No impact Long term: No impact

Noise Short term: No impact Short term: Minor, adverse

Long term: No impact Long term: No impact

Utilities and Infrastructure Short term: No impact Short term: Minor, adverse

Long term: No impact Long term: Moderate, beneficial

Hazardous Materials Short term: No impact Short term: Minor, adverse

Long term: No impact Long term: No impact

Human Health and Safety Short term: No impact Short term: Minor, adverse

Long term: Moderate, adverse Long term: Minor, beneficial


Ponce Pier and Boat Ramp EA - cbp.gov· 20 maintenance at its Ponce Marine Unit facility at 41 Bonaire Street, Ponce, Puerto Rico. As a part 21 of CBP’s Ramey Sector, the Ponce - [PDF Document] (6)

Draft En vironmen tal Assessment for the Repairs and Replacement of the Boat Ramp and Pier at the US Border Patrol Air and Marine Facility, Po nce, Puerto Rico

DRAFT Environmental Assessment for the Replacement of the Pier and Boat Ramp at the

U.S. Border Patrol & Air and Marine Facility, Ponce, Puerto Rico


Acronyms and Abbreviations 1

ACM asbestos-containing material 2

AHPA Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act 3

APE area of potential effect 4

ARPA Archaeological Resources Protection Act 5

BCR bird conservation region 6

BMP Best Management Practice 7

BPAM Border Patrol & Air and Marine 8

CAA Clean Air Act 9

CAMB Caribbean Air and Marine Branch 10

CBP U.S. Customs and Border Protection 11

CEQ Council on Environmental Quality 12

CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental, Response, Compensation, and Liability Act 13

CFR Code of Federal Regulations 14

CO carbon monoxide 15

CO2 carbon dioxide 16

CWA Clean Water Act 17

CZMA Coastal Zone Management Act 18

dBA A-weighted decibels 19

DHS Department of Homeland Security 20

EA Environmental Assessment 21

EO Executive Order 22

EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 23

EQB Environmental Quality Board 24

ESA Endangered Species Act 25

FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 26

FONSI Finding of No Significant Impact 27

IPaC Information for Planning and Consultation (USFWS tool) 28

LBP lead-based paint 29

m2 meters squared 30

MBTA Migratory Bird Treaty Act 31

Mgal/d million gallons per day 32

µg/m3 micrograms per cubic meter 33

NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards 34

NEPA National Environmental Policy Act 35

NFPA National Fire Protection Association 36

NHPA National Historic Preservation Act 37

NOAA Fisheries NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service 38

NO2 nitrogen dioxide 39

NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 40

NOx nitrogen oxide 41

NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System 42

NRHP National Register of Historic Places 43

O3 ozone 44

OECH Oficina Estatal de Conservación Histórica 45

OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration 46

Ponce Pier and Boat Ramp EA - cbp.gov· 20 maintenance at its Ponce Marine Unit facility at 41 Bonaire Street, Ponce, Puerto Rico. As a part 21 of CBP’s Ramey Sector, the Ponce - [PDF Document] (7)

Draft En vironmen tal Assessment for the Repairs and Replacement of the Boat Ramp and Pier at the US Border Patrol Air and Marine Facility, Po nce, Puerto Rico

DRAFT Environmental Assessment for the Replacement of the Pier and Boat Ramp at the

U.S. Border Patrol & Air and Marine Facility, Ponce, Puerto Rico


Pb lead 1

PCB polychlorinated biphenyl 2

PM2.5 particulate matter, 2.5 microns 3

PM10 particulate matter, 10 microns 4

POL petroleum, oil, and lubricants 5

ppb parts per billion 6

ppm parts per million 7

PRASA Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority 8

PREC Puerto Rico Energy Commission 9

PREPA Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority 10

RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act 11

ROI region of influence 12

SHPO State Historic Preservation Office 13

SO2 sulfur dioxide 14

SOx sulfur oxide 15

SPCC spill prevention, control, and countermeasure 16

SWPPP Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 17

USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 18

USBP U.S. Border Patrol 19

U.S.C. United States Code 20

USCB U.S. Census Bureau 21

USCG U.S. Coast Guard 22

USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture 23

USFS U.S. Forest Service 24

USFWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 25

USGS U.S. Geological Survey 26

WoUS Waters of the United States 27

Ponce Pier and Boat Ramp EA - cbp.gov· 20 maintenance at its Ponce Marine Unit facility at 41 Bonaire Street, Ponce, Puerto Rico. As a part 21 of CBP’s Ramey Sector, the Ponce - [PDF Document] (8)

Draft En vironmen tal Assessment for the Repairs and Replacement of the Boat Ramp and Pier at the US Border Patrol Air and Marine Facility, Po nce, Puerto Rico

DRAFT Environmental Assessment for the Replacement of the Pier and Boat Ramp at the

U.S. Border Patrol & Air and Marine Facility, Ponce, Puerto Rico


Contents 1

Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................... iii 2

Background ................................................................................................................................ iii 3

Purpose and Need ...................................................................................................................... iii 4

Proposed Action and Alternatives ............................................................................................. iv 5

Alternatives Considered but Eliminated from Further Consideration ....................................... iv 6

Impact Comparison Matrix ........................................................................................................ iv 7

Acronyms and Abbreviations ........................................................................................................ vi 8

1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1-1 9

1.1 Background ................................................................................................................... 1-1 10

1.2 Purpose and Need .......................................................................................................... 1-1 11

1.3 Location and Description of the Ponce Marine Unit..................................................... 1-2 12

1.4 Public Involvement ....................................................................................................... 1-5 13

1.5 Organization of This EA ............................................................................................... 1-7 14

2 Proposed Action and Alternatives ...................................................................................... 2-1 15

2.1 No-Action Alternative ................................................................................................... 2-1 16

2.2 Proposed Action Alternative—Replacement of Existing Boat Ramp and Pier ............ 2-1 17

2.3 Alternatives Considered but Eliminated from Further Consideration .......................... 2-3 18

2.4 Impact Comparison Matrix ........................................................................................... 2-4 19

3 Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences ................................................. 3-1 20

3.1 Analytical Methods ....................................................................................................... 3-1 21

3.2 Resources Not Carried Forward for Analysis ............................................................... 3-2 22

3.2.1 Land Use ................................................................................................................ 3-2 23

3.2.2 Socioeconomics ..................................................................................................... 3-2 24

3.2.3 Environmental Justice ............................................................................................ 3-2 25

3.2.4 Protection of Children ............................................................................................ 3-2 26

3.2.5 Roadways and Traffic ............................................................................................ 3-3 27

3.2.6 Aesthetics and Visual Resources ........................................................................... 3-3 28

3.3 Geology and Soils ......................................................................................................... 3-3 29

3.3.1 Affected Environment ............................................................................................ 3-4 30

3.3.2 Environmental Consequences ................................................................................ 3-4 31

3.4 Water Resources ........................................................................................................... 3-5 32

3.4.1 Affected Environment ............................................................................................ 3-6 33

3.4.2 Environmental Consequences .............................................................................. 3-10 34

Ponce Pier and Boat Ramp EA - cbp.gov· 20 maintenance at its Ponce Marine Unit facility at 41 Bonaire Street, Ponce, Puerto Rico. As a part 21 of CBP’s Ramey Sector, the Ponce - [PDF Document] (9)

Draft En vironmen tal Assessment for the Repairs and Replacement of the Boat Ramp and Pier at the US Border Patrol Air and Marine Facility, Po nce, Puerto Rico

DRAFT Environmental Assessment for the Replacement of the Pier and Boat Ramp at the

U.S. Border Patrol & Air and Marine Facility, Ponce, Puerto Rico


3.5 Biological Resources ................................................................................................... 3-11 1

3.5.1 Affected Environment .......................................................................................... 3-11 2

3.5.2 Environmental Consequences .............................................................................. 3-19 3

3.6 Cultural, Historical, and Archaeological Resources ................................................... 3-19 4

3.6.1 Affected Environment .......................................................................................... 3-20 5

3.6.2 Environmental Consequences .............................................................................. 3-21 6

3.7 Air Quality .................................................................................................................. 3-22 7

3.7.1 Affected Environment .......................................................................................... 3-23 8

3.7.2 Environmental Consequences .............................................................................. 3-23 9

3.8 Noise ........................................................................................................................... 3-24 10

3.8.1 Noise Metrics ....................................................................................................... 3-25 11

3.8.2 Noise Regulations ................................................................................................ 3-26 12

3.8.3 Affected Environment .......................................................................................... 3-26 13

3.8.4 Environmental Consequences .............................................................................. 3-27 14

3.9 Utilities and Infrastructure ......................................................................................... 3-28 15

3.9.1 Affected Environment .......................................................................................... 3-28 16

3.9.2 Environmental Consequences .............................................................................. 3-28 17

3.10 Hazardous Materials ................................................................................................... 3-29 18

3.10.1 Affected Environment .......................................................................................... 3-30 19

3.10.2 Environmental Consequences .............................................................................. 3-30 20

3.11 Human Health and Safety ........................................................................................... 3-31 21

3.11.1 Affected Environment .......................................................................................... 3-31 22

3.11.2 Environmental Consequences .............................................................................. 3-32 23

4 Cumulative Impacts ............................................................................................................ 4-1 24

4.1 CBP Activities Included in the Cumulative Impacts Analysis ..................................... 4-1 25

4.2 Non-CBP Activities Included in the Cumulative Impacts Analysis ............................. 4-2 26

4.3 Resources Evaluated for Cumulative Impacts .............................................................. 4-2 27

4.4 Cumulative Impacts: Geology and Soils ....................................................................... 4-3 28

4.5 Cumulative Impacts: Water Resources ......................................................................... 4-3 29

4.6 Cumulative Impacts: Biological Resources .................................................................. 4-3 30

4.7 Cumulative Impacts: Cultural, Historical, and Archaeological Resources ................... 4-3 31

4.8 Cumulative Impacts: Air Quality .................................................................................. 4-3 32

4.9 Cumulative Impacts: Noise ........................................................................................... 4-3 33

4.10 Cumulative Impacts: Utilities and Infrastructure .......................................................... 4-4 34

Ponce Pier and Boat Ramp EA - cbp.gov· 20 maintenance at its Ponce Marine Unit facility at 41 Bonaire Street, Ponce, Puerto Rico. As a part 21 of CBP’s Ramey Sector, the Ponce - [PDF Document] (10)

Draft En vironmen tal Assessment for the Repairs and Replacement of the Boat Ramp and Pier at the US Border Patrol Air and Marine Facility, Po nce, Puerto Rico

DRAFT Environmental Assessment for the Replacement of the Pier and Boat Ramp at the

U.S. Border Patrol & Air and Marine Facility, Ponce, Puerto Rico


4.11 Cumulative Impacts: Hazardous Materials ................................................................... 4-4 1

4.12 Cumulative Impacts: Human Health and Safety ........................................................... 4-4 2

4.13 Incomplete or Unavailable Information ........................................................................ 4-4 3

5 Mitigation Measures and Best Management Practices ....................................................... 5-1 4

5.1 General Construction Activities .................................................................................... 5-2 5

5.2 Geology and Soils ......................................................................................................... 5-2 6

5.3 Water Resources ............................................................................................................ 5-2 7

5.4 Biological Resources ..................................................................................................... 5-3 8

5.5 Cultural, Historical, and Archaeological Resources ..................................................... 5-4 9

5.6 Air Quality..................................................................................................................... 5-4 10

5.7 Noise.............................................................................................................................. 5-4 11

5.8 Utilities and Infrastructure ............................................................................................ 5-5 12

5.9 Hazardous Materials ...................................................................................................... 5-5 13

5.10 Human Health and Safety ............................................................................................. 5-5 14

6 Agencies, Organizations, and Persons Consulted ............................................................... 6-1 15

6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 6-1 16

6.2 Draft Environmental Assessment .................................................................................. 6-1 17

6.3 Consultations ................................................................................................................. 6-1 18

6.4 Distribution.................................................................................................................... 6-2 19

7 References ........................................................................................................................... 7-1 20

7.1 Code of Federal Regulations ......................................................................................... 7-6 21

7.2 Executive Orders ........................................................................................................... 7-7 22

7.3 United States Code ........................................................................................................ 7-7 23

8 List of Preparers .................................................................................................................. 8-1 24


Appendices 26

Appendix A. Consultation and Coordination Letters ..................................................................... 1 27

A.1 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)............................................................................ 2 28

CBP Letter to USFWS ............................................................................................................ 2 29

USFWS Response to CBP, March 2017 ................................................................................. 6 30

A.2 NOAA Fisheries ................................................................................................................. 15 31

CBP Letter to NOAA Fisheries ............................................................................................ 15 32

A.3. National Marine Fisheries Service .................................................................................... 19 33

CBP Letter to NOAA Fisheries ............................................................................................ 19 34

Ponce Pier and Boat Ramp EA - cbp.gov· 20 maintenance at its Ponce Marine Unit facility at 41 Bonaire Street, Ponce, Puerto Rico. As a part 21 of CBP’s Ramey Sector, the Ponce - [PDF Document] (11)

Draft En vironmen tal Assessment for the Repairs and Replacement of the Boat Ramp and Pier at the US Border Patrol Air and Marine Facility, Po nce, Puerto Rico

DRAFT Environmental Assessment for the Replacement of the Pier and Boat Ramp at the

U.S. Border Patrol & Air and Marine Facility, Ponce, Puerto Rico


A.4. Puerto Rico Oficina Estatal de Conservación Historica ................................................... 23 1

CBP Letter to Puerto Rico Oficina Estatal de Conservación Historica ................................ 23 2

Response to CBP, April 2017 ............................................................................................... 30 3

CBP Response Transmitting Underwater Survey, 2018 ....................................................... 32 4

Response to CBP, April 2018 ............................................................................................... 34 5


Figures 7

Figure 1-1. Location of the Ponce Marine Unit in Ponce, Puerto Rico ....................................... 1-3 8

Figure 1-2. Facilities at CBP’s Ponce Marine Unit ..................................................................... 1-4 9

Figure 1-3. Current Ponce Marine Unit Pier and Ramp Facilities ............................................... 1-5 10

Figure 2-1. Ponce Marine Unit Proposed Action Alternative...................................................... 2-2 11

Figure 2-2. Bollard-Style LED Lighting along the Pier .............................................................. 2-3 12

Figure 3-1. Delineation of WoUS ................................................................................................ 3-8 13

Figure 3-2. Delineation of WoUS for the Ponce Marine Unit, Ponce, Puerto Rico .................... 3-9 14

Figure 3-3. Southern and Western Shorelines of the Ponce Marine Unit .................................. 3-12 15

Figure 3-4. Park Adjacent to the Basin ...................................................................................... 3-13 16

Figure 3-5. Habitat Types Mapped during Biological Survey ................................................... 3-14 17

Figure 3-6. Coral Presence near the Proposed Action Alternative Structures ........................... 3-15 18

Figure 4-1. Ponce Marine Unit Area of Potential Effect for the Proposed Action ...................... 4-1 19


Tables 21

Table 2-1. Comparison of Analyzed Impact ................................................................................ 2-4 22

Table 3-1. MBTA Species with the Potential to Occur in Puerto Rico ..................................... 3-17 23

Table 3-2. Federally Threatened or Endangered Species Listed by USFWS as Potentially 24

Occurring at the Ponce Marine Unit, Puerto Rico ......................................................... 3-18 25

Table 3-3. National Ambient Air Quality Standards ................................................................. 3-22 26

Table 3-4. Estimated Emissions Associated with the Proposed Action .................................... 3-24 27

Table 3-5. Sound Levels and Human Response ........................................................................ 3-25 28

Table 3-6. Predicted Noise Levels for Maintenance and Repair Equipment ............................. 3-25 29

Table 3-7. Noise Level Limits (dBA) ........................................................................................ 3-26 30

Table 3-8. Noise Emission Levels for Construction Equipment ............................................... 3-27 31

Table 5-1. Resource Area BMPs and Associated Mitigation Resource Area .............................. 5-1 32

Ponce Pier and Boat Ramp EA - cbp.gov· 20 maintenance at its Ponce Marine Unit facility at 41 Bonaire Street, Ponce, Puerto Rico. As a part 21 of CBP’s Ramey Sector, the Ponce - [PDF Document] (12)

Draft En vironmen tal Assessment for the Repairs and Replacement of the Boat Ramp and Pier at the US Border Patrol Air and Marine Facility, Po nce, Puerto Rico

DRAFT Environmental Assessment for the Replacement of the Pier and Boat Ramp at the

U.S. Border Patrol & Air and Marine Facility, Ponce, Puerto Rico



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DRAFT Environmental Assessment for the Replacement of the Pier and Boat Ramp at the

U.S. Border Patrol & Air and Marine Facility, Ponce, Puerto Rico


1 Introduction 1

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) prepared this Environmental Assessment (EA) to 2

analyze the potential impacts of the Proposed Action: demolition and removal of the original 3

pier and temporary structure, replacement of the boat ramp, construction of a pier, and continued 4

operation and maintenance of CBP’s Ponce Marine Unit facility in Ponce, Puerto Rico. The EA 5

was prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), as 6

amended (42 U.S.C. § 4321 et seq.); Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Regulations for 7

Implementing the Procedural Provisions of NEPA (40 CFR 1500–1508); DHS Implementation 8

Manual 023-01-001-01, rev. 01 “Implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act 9

(NEPA)” (DHS 2014); the Environmental Public Policy Act of Puerto Rico; the Puerto Rico 10

Environmental Quality Board’s Regulation for Evaluation and Processing of Environmental 11

Documents; and the Puerto Rico Joint Regulation for Construction and Land Use Permits. 12

1.1 Background 13

CBP is a Federal law enforcement organization within DHS dedicated to serving and protecting 14

the American people (CBP 2017a). Its mission is “To safeguard America’s borders thereby 15

protecting the public from dangerous people and materials while enhancing the Nation’s global 16

economic competitiveness by enabling legitimate trade and travel.” CBP interdiction agents are 17

authorized to enforce U.S.C. Title 8 (Aliens and Nationality) and U.S.C. Title 19 (Customs), in 18

addition to the general law enforcement powers bestowed upon Federal law enforcement agents. 19

Operating throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands, CBP interdicts 20

unlawful people and cargo approaching U.S. borders, investigates criminal networks, and provides 21

domain awareness in the air and maritime environments. CBP’s specialized law enforcement 22

capabilities enable it to make significant contributions to DHS efforts, as well as to Federal, state, 23

local, and tribal agencies (CBP 2017a). 24

The Ponce Marine Unit, leased and operated by CBP, is part of a Border Patrol & Air and Marine 25

(BPAM) facility in CBP’s Ramey Sector, within the Caribbean Air and Marine Branch within the 26

Southeast Region of Air and Marine Operations, and supports vessel inspection of foreign ships 27

and small passenger vessels, safety and security inspections at waterfront facilities, and pollution 28

incident investigations (HDR 2013). The original concrete pier was displaced by Hurricane Maria 29

and is unusable. A temporary structure was constructed in the location of the original pier in order 30

to continue CBP operations and meet mission requirements. The temporary structure and boat 31

ramp are inadequate in size and length to support two CBP vessels and, when needed, one seized 32

vessel. CBP uses Midnight Express vessels, which total 39 feet in length. Larger SAFE 410 33

Apostle vessels, which total 41 feet in length, may replace the Midnight Express vessels in the 34

near future. 35

1.2 Purpose and Need 36

CBP’s mission is “To safeguard America’s borders thereby protecting the public from dangerous 37

people and materials while enhancing the Nation’s global economic competitiveness by enabling 38

legitimate trade and travel.” The purpose of the Proposed Action is to facilitate the primary goals 39

and objectives of CBP’s strategy: to enhance enforcement activities while providing safe working 40

conditions for CBP agents. 41

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Constructing a new pier and boat ramp is needed to continue to support CBP’s mission: “to detect, 1

interdict, and apprehend those who attempt to illegally enter or smuggle any person or contraband 2

across and identify, classify, respond, and resolve emerging threats along the sovereign borders of 3

the United States.” Ponce Marine Unit’s pier and boat ramp are used 24 hours per day, 365 days 4

per year to access the adjacent inlet to the Caribbean Sea. As a result of age and use, the condition 5

of the facilities has deteriorated to the point that they no longer adequately support CBP’s mission 6

requirements. In addition, Hurricane Maria caused severe damage to the facility, rendering the 7

original concrete pier unusable. The Proposed Action would afford CBP with 8

more efficient and effective means of launching, loading, and unloading boats; 9

rapid detection and accurate characterization of potential threats; 10

increased efficiency in surveillance and interdiction; 11

long-term viability of critical infrastructure; and 12

enhanced safety and security of CBP agents and personnel. 13

1.3 Location and Description of the Ponce Marine Unit 14

CBP’s Ponce Marine Unit operates from facilities located at 41 Calle Bonaire (Bonaire Street) in 15

Ponce, Puerto Rico (Figure 1-1). The coordinates of the project area are N 17°58’44”, 16

W 66°37’12”, at sea level. The property is owned by the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) and leased by 17

CBP and consists of 1.05-acres of land on the south side of Calle Bonaire adjacent to the Caribbean 18

Sea (HDR 2013). The property is in an area known alternately as Playa de Ponce and Playa Barrio, 19

approximately 2 miles south of the Ponce town center. The property is located in the original wharf 20

(muelle) area of Playa de Ponce and is surrounded by warehouses and administrative buildings. 21

To the east is a waterfront park and parking area used for events and concerts (HDR 2013). 22

The project area is enclosed by a security fence, with a vehicle gate entrance located on Calle 23

Bonaire. The project area is approximately 2.65 acres – comprised of 1.05 acres of land and 1.6 24

acres of water. Most of the land area is covered in asphalt paving or structures, except for a 2.8 25

square meter (m2) strip of grassy sand located behind a fence along a beach west of the facility and 26

an 85 m2 strip of landscaped lawn east of the facility’s main parking lot (HDR 2013). As shown in 27

Figure 1-2, the facility consists of four buildings and seven structures: a main office building, a 28

security booth, two modular offices, three shipping cargo containers used for storage, a flat-roof 29

vehicle shelter in front of the containers, a vehicle wash canopy, a metal-clad storage shed, and 30

the Playa Ponce Rear Range Light (a 25-foot cast iron and steel tower capped by a navigation 31

light). 32

Adjacent to the east of the Ponce Marine Unit is a small cove where the original concrete pier and 33

boat ramp are located. The original pile design concrete pier extended approximately 15 feet east 34

into the cove, but was displaced by Hurricane Maria, which hit the island of Puerto Rico on 35

September 20, 2017. The concrete pier is currently turned over on the riprap shore, but remains 36

partly in the water (Lenz & Whalon 2018) (Figure 1-3). A temporary structure was constructed 37

following Hurricane Maria in order to fulfill the immediate operational need of deploying CBP 38

assets from the Ponce Marine Unit. The temporary structure is a wooden pier approximately 3 feet 39

by 18 feet and supported by three polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes. North of the original concrete 40

pier is a boat ramp totaling 15 feet in length. The ramp is in severely deteriorated condition; 41


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1 2

Figure 1-1. Location of the Ponce Marine Unit in Ponce, Puerto Rico 3

Source: Stell Environmental Enterprises/HDR 2013, Air and Marine

Facility, Ponce Cultural Resources Inventory.

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1 Source: HDR 2013. 2

Figure 1-2. Facilities at CBP’s Ponce Marine Unit 3

extremely worn and broken where it extends into the water. South of the original concrete pier 4

consists of riprap protected shoreline extending to Ponce Bay. The replacement of the pier and 5

boat ramp are necessary to support CBP’s operations from the site. 6

Also due to damage caused by Hurricane Maria, the entire fence surrounding the perimeter of the 7

facility was replaced in April 2018. As part of the fence replacement, the pedestrian and main 8

entrance gates were also replaced. The fence was secured with a new combination lock and 9

equipped with a security camera for adequate observation of the area. 10

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Source: HDR 2016a, HDR 2018, Lenz & Whalon 2018. 1 Figure 1-3. Current Ponce Marine Unit Pier and Ramp Facilities 2

1.4 Public Involvement 3

CBP is committed to communicating with the public to help ensure that potentially affected 4

communities and other interested parties understand proposed actions and are given opportunities 5

to participate in decisions that may affect them. Consideration of the views and information of all 6

interested persons promotes open communication and enables better decision making. CBP urges 7

all agencies, organizations, and members of the public with an interest in the proposed action to 8

participate in the NEPA decision-making process. 9

Review of the Draft EA. Public involvement for this Draft EA began with publication of the 10

Notice of Availability in two newspapers, La Perla del Sur (serving southern communities in 11

Puerto Rico) and Caribbean Business (a regional newspaper), on October 31, 2018 announcing 12

the availability of the Draft EA and draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for public 13

review and the beginning of the 30-day review period. Copies of the Draft EA and Draft FONSI 14

can be downloaded from the Internet at http://www.cbp.gov/about/environmental-cultural-15

stewardship/nepa-documents/docs-review; hard copies can be reviewed at this public location: 16

Ponce Municipal Library (Mariana Suarez De Longo Municipal) 17

Miguel Pou Boulevard 18

Ponce, PR 00733 19

Pursuant to the CEQ’s regulations and DHS Implementation Manual 023-01-001-01, rev. 01 20

“Implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)” CBP invites public 21

participation in the NEPA process through its solicitation of comments on the Draft EA and Draft 22

FONSI. To be considered for inclusion in the Final EA, comments on the Draft EA and Draft 23

FONSI must be received by November 30, 2018. Comments can be provided using the following 24

methods: 25

U.S. Mail: 26

Joseph Zidron 27

Real Estate and Environmental Branch Chief 28

Border Patrol & Air and Marine Program Management Office 29

24000 Avila Road, Suite 5020 30

Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 31

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Email: 1

Comments may also be emailed to [emailprotected]. The email subject line 2

should read, “CBP Ponce Pier and Boat Ramp EA.” 3

CBP will present the comments received on the Draft EA and Draft FONSI and its responses in an 4

appendix in the Final EA. If CBP determines that the project will not have significant 5

environmental impacts, it will then make the Final EA and Final FONSI available to the public 6

and execute the project. If CBP determines that implementing the Proposed Action would likely 7

result in significant effects, CBP may elect to (a) publish a Notice of Intent to prepare an 8

Environmental Impact Statement within the Federal Register, (b) revise the EA to commit to 9

mitigation actions sufficient to reduce the effects below significance levels, or (c) reevaluate its 10

needs and terminate the proposed project direction and accompanying NEPA process. 11

Coordination and consultation with Federal and state agencies occurred during preparation of this 12

EA (copies of correspondence are provided in Appendix A). CBP Coordinated with the following 13

stakeholders: 14

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service 15

(NOAA Fisheries or NMFS), Southeast Regional Office, Protected Resources Division 16

NOAA Fisheries, Habitat Conservation Division 17

NOAA Fisheries, Protected Resources Division, MMPA Branch 18

U.S. Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration 19

USACE Jacksonville District, Antilles Regulatory Section 20

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office 21

Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) 22

Puerto Rico State Historic Preservation Office 23

(Oficina Estatal de Conservación Histórica) 24

Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority 25

Puerto Rico Department of Agriculture 26

(Departamento de Agricultura) 27

Puerto Rico Department of Economic Development and Commerce 28

Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources 29

(Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambientales) 30

Puerto Rico Department of Transportation and Public Works 31

Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority 32

Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board 33

Junta de Calidad Ambiental) 34

Puerto Rico Planning Board 35

Puerto Rico Ports Authority 36

Archeology and Ethnohistory program of the Puertorican Institute of Culture 37

(Programa de Arqueología y Etnohistoria del Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña) 38

Historical built heritage program of the Puertorican Institute of Culture 39

(Programa de Patrimonio Histórico Edificado del Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña) 40

Municipality of Ponce 41


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1.5 Organization of This EA 1

This Draft EA contains Chapters 1 through 8, and one appendix: 2

Chapter 1, Introduction, provides background information on the purpose and need for the 3

Proposed Action, summarizes the public involvement in developing this EA, and provides 4

an overview of its organization. 5

Chapter 2, Proposed Action and Alternatives, describes the Proposed Action and 6

alternatives and summarizes impacts of the alternatives. 7

Chapter 3, Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences, describes the 8

potentially affected resources within the project site and the environmental consequences 9

of the proposed alternatives. 10

Chapter 4, Cumulative Impacts, describes the cumulative impacts of the proposed 11

alternatives. 12

Chapter 5, Mitigation Measures and Best Management Practices, describes the measures 13

to mitigate consequences of the Proposed Action and best management practices to be 14

undertaken. 15

Chapter 6, Agencies, Organizations, and Persons Consulted. 16

Chapter 7, References. 17

Chapter 8, List of Preparers. 18

Appendix A, Consultation and Coordination Letters. 19


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2 Proposed Action and Alternatives 1

This chapter describes the two alternatives evaluated in this EA. These alternatives are the 2

No- Action Alternative and the Proposed Action for the replacement of the pier and boat ramp and 3

continued operation and maintenance of the CBP Ponce Marine Unit facility in Ponce, Puerto Rico. 4

2.1 No-Action Alternative 5

This alternative is required by the CEQ to identify the baseline conditions against which the 6

potential effects of implementing the alternatives are evaluated. The No-Action Alternative must 7

be described because it represents the benchmark condition of the environment if the proposed 8

actions are not implemented. Under the No-Action Alternative, a new pier would not be 9

constructed and the boat ramp would not be replaced, and the CBP Ponce Marine Unit would 10

continue its operation from the facility in its current conditions. If the No-Action Alternative were 11

chosen, CBP’s requirements for an updated facility in compliance with mission requirements, as 12

well as safety and security requirements, would not be met. The existing facilities would continue 13

to deteriorate and would not adequately support CBP’s mission requirements. 14

2.2 Proposed Action Alternative—Replacement of Existing Boat Ramp and Pier 15

CBP’s proposed action includes demolition and removal of the temporary structure, removal of 16

the original concrete pier, construction of a new pier, replacement of the boat ramp, and continued 17

operation and maintenance at 41 Bonaire Street in the municipality of Ponce, Puerto Rico. The 18

replacement boat ramp would be constructed in the same location as the existing boat ramp, and 19

the pier would be constructed south of the Marine Unit facility, as shown in Figure 2-1. 20

Construction activities associated with the proposed action would be contained within an area of 21

approximately 2.65 acres (comprised of 1.05 acres of land and 1.6 acres of water) where the CBP 22

Ponce Marine Unit is located. The Proposed Action is anticipated to take 7 months to complete. 23

Under the proposed action, a concrete boat ramp lengthened from 36 feet to 56 feet would replace 24

the existing boat ramp. The new ramp would have varying slope from 7 percent to 13 percent, 25

whereas the maximum slope of the existing ramp is 12.6 percent. The steeper slope would increase 26

the depth at the end of the ramp by about 2.5 feet, allowing the ramp to be used across a broader 27

range of tides. The minimum thickness of the ramp, 8 inches, was determined based on the launch 28

type, towing vehicle, and boat and trailer (SAFE 410 Apostle vessel and Ford F-550 crew cab, 29

respectively). Prior to demolition and construction of the boat ramp, a single-row coffer dam would 30

be installed across the inlet to remove water from the area. Dredging is not anticipated as part of 31

this project element. 32

The temporary structure and the original concrete pier would be removed. This includes first 33

removing the top of the temporary structure and then removing the PVC pipes using a nominal-34

size backhoe and chain, and hauling the original concrete pier away from the project area. The new 35

pier, constructed south of the Ponce Marine Unit, would total approximately 205 feet from the 36

landward cub and fence line, not including the sloping entrance ramp and fenced entry point 37

(USACE 2018a). The pier would measure approximately 10–13 feet in width. The new pier would 38

consist of 18 hollow cylindrical steel piles (14 pier piles and 4 mooring piles), all 18 inches in 39

diameter, that would be pointed, driven, and coated in bitumen and filled with grout once driven. 40


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1 Source: HDR 2018. 2

Figure 2-1. Ponce Marine Unit Proposed Action Alternative 3

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Each pile would be approximately 100 feet in length, but the final length would be dictated by the 1

project’s specifications. The pile driving method is unknown at this time and would be determined 2

prior to construction. Best management practices (BMPs) and mitigation measures would be 3

implemented to minimize impacts on aquatic species (i.e., mammals, fish, sea turtles) to the 4

maximum extent practicable. The top 19 feet of the piles would be reinforced with a cage extending 5

into the cast-in-place concrete pile caps. These pile caps would be 50 inches high from underside 6

to the top deck, 53 inches wide, and approximately 11 feet long. The pilings would be inserted into 7

the subsurface floor using a barge-mounted diesel pile-driving rig, tugboat, and other tending boats 8

as required. 9

The pier top would be constructed from several precast, pre-stressed concrete spans. The first span 10

would start at the pier entry point and end at the first over-water pile cap, totaling 48 feet in length. 11

All subsequent pier spans would measure 30 feet in length. The first span (48 feet) would have 12

modular aluminum tube guardrails for fall protection, and the sides and ends of the 30-foot spans 13

would include horizontal rubber fenders and deck cleats for vessel mooring. 14

In addition to mooring piles, cleats, and boat whips, the pier would be equipped with three power 15

and freshwater service kiosks, LED bollard lighting, and video surveillance. Utilities would be 16

routed from the main facility to the pier via a new utility trench originating at the main facility, 17

crossing the parking lot and ending at the beginning of the pier. Installation of the trench requires 18

saw cutting along the parking lot and the installation of 6 inches of concrete on either side of the 19

trench frame. A 1-inch waterline would run inside the trench. A system to increase water pressure 20

would be used to ensure water reaches the end of the pier. Low-profile light bollards would be 21

placed along the pier (see Figure 2-2), minimizing spill light and glare into the surrounding water. 22

23 Source: USACE 2018a. 24

Figure 2-2. Bollard-Style LED Lighting along the Pier 25

2.3 Alternatives Considered but Eliminated from Further Consideration 26

Location and layout Alternatives: During the project planning phase, CBP considered additional 27

pier locations, including construction of the replacement pier in the same location as the original 28

concrete pier and temporary structure to be removed as part of this action. CBP also considered an 29

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“L” shaped pier in the original pier location to allow for additional space for maneuver CBP 1

vessels. However, due to the shallow waters and limited space within the small cove next to the 2

original pier and temporary structure, CBP determined that constructing a replacement pier in this 3

location would not meet the purpose and need of the Proposed Action. 4

Sea Wall Alternative: CBP also considered developing a sea wall for wave attenuation as part of 5

the Proposed Action. However, a CBP-conducted wave study determined a sea wall was not 6

needed to support the project. Neither of these alternatives or components was carried forward in 7

the analysis in this EA. 8

Design Alternative: CBP also considered various materials (i.e., concrete, metal, and/or slatted 9

design) to be used for the top of the pier. Due to operational constraints, a concrete top was the 10

preferred material that was carried forward for analysis. A pier with slats or a grate was not carried 11

forward for analysis in this EA due to the safety and security risks that could be imposed upon 12

CBP agents and personnel during the transport of detainees. 13

2.4 Impact Comparison Matrix 14

This EA evaluates the potential impact on the environmental conditions from implementing the 15

No-Action Alternative and Proposed Action Alternative. Implementing any of the alternatives is 16

not expected to result in major environmental or socioeconomic effects. For each resource 17

analyzed in the EA, the expected consequences of the alternatives are summarized in Table 2-1. 18

Table 2-1. Comparison of Analyzed Impact 19

Resource Area Alternative 1—No-Action Alternative 2—Proposed Action

Geology and Soils Short term: No impact Short term: Negligible, adverse

Long term: No impact Long term: No impact

Water Resources Short term: No impact Short term: Minor, adverse

Long term: No impact Long term: No impact

Biological Resources Short term: No impact Short term: Minor, adverse

Long term: No impact Long term: Minor, adverse

Cultural, Historical, and Short term: No impact Short term: No impact

Archaeological Resources Long term: No impact Long term: No impact

Air Quality Short term: No impact Short term: Minor, adverse

Long term: No impact Long term: No impact

Noise Short term: No impact Short term: Minor, adverse

Long term: No impact Long term: No impact

Utilities and Infrastructure Short term: No impact Short term: Minor, adverse

Long term: No impact Long term: Moderate, beneficial

Hazardous Materials Short term: No impact Short term: Minor, adverse

Long term: No impact Long term: No impact

Human Health and Safety Short term: No impact Short term: Minor, adverse

Long term: Moderate, adverse Long term: Minor, beneficial


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3 Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences 1

This chapter describes the affected environment and potential environmental and human health 2

impacts that might be associated with implementation of the Proposed Action considered in this 3

EA, including the No-Action Alternative. This EA considers all potentially relevant resource areas: 4

geology and soils, water, biological, cultural, historical, and archaeological, air quality, noise, 5

utilities and infrastructure, hazardous materials, and human health and safety. We analyzed these 6

resources in a manner commensurate with their importance or the relative expected level of impact 7

by using a sliding-scale assessment approach. The general impact assessment method used to 8

evaluate each resource area, and applicable mitigation and monitoring, are also discussed in this 9

chapter. 10

3.1 Analytical Methods 11

This section characterizes the potential direct and indirect effects of each alternative on the affected 12

environment. Each alternative was evaluated for its potential to affect physical, biological, and 13

socioeconomic resources. Cumulative and other effects are discussed in Chapter 4. The following 14

are possible characteristics of impacts: 15

Short-term or long-term. These characteristics are determined case by case and do not 16

refer to any rigid time period. In general, short-term effects are those expected to occur 17

only with respect to a particular activity, for a finite period, or during the time required 18

for maintenance and repair activities. Long-term effects are more likely to be persistent 19

and chronic. 20

Direct or indirect. A direct effect is caused by and occurs contemporaneously at or near 21

the location of the action. An indirect effect is caused by a Proposed Action and might 22

occur later in time or be farther removed in distance but still be a reasonably foreseeable 23

outcome of the action. For example, a direct effect of erosion on a stream might include 24

sediment-laden waters in the vicinity of the action, whereas an indirect effect of the 25

same erosion might lead to lack of spawning and result in lowered reproduction rates 26

of indigenous fish downstream. 27

Negligible, minor, moderate, or major. These terms characterize the relative magnitude 28

or intensity of an impact: 29

– Negligible effects might be perceptible but are at the lower level of detection. 30

– A minor effect is slight but detectable. 31

– A moderate effect is readily apparent. 32

– A major effect is one that is severely adverse or exceptionally beneficial. 33

Adverse or beneficial. An adverse effect has unfavorable or undesirable outcomes on 34

the manmade or natural environment, while a beneficial effect produces at least one 35

positive outcome. A single act might result in adverse effects on one environmental 36

resource and beneficial effects on another resource. 37

Significance. Significant effects meet the thresholds set forth in CEQ regulations 38

(40 CFR § 1508.27). 39

Context. The context of an effect can be localized or more widespread (e.g., regional). 40

Intensity. The intensity of an effect reflects several factors, including whether an 41

alternative might have an adverse impact on the unique characteristics of an area 42

(i.e., historical resources or ecologically critical areas), public health or safety, 43

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threatened or endangered species, or designated critical habitat. Effects are also 1

considered in terms of their potential for violation of Federal, state, or local 2

environmental laws; their controversial nature; the degree of uncertainty or unknown 3

effects, or unique or unknown risks; whether there are precedent-setting effects; and 4

their cumulative impacts (see Chapter 4). 5

3.2 Resources Not Carried Forward for Analysis 6

3.2.1 Land Use 7

No effects on land use plans or policies are anticipated from the Proposed Action or No-Action 8

Alternative. Puerto Rico’s Land Use Plan classifies the proposed project area as urban land (PR 9

2017). Although a waterfront park exists to the east of the proposed project site, the Proposed 10

Action is compatible with historical and current land use in the area and would not result in changes 11

to land use. Therefore, a detailed discussion of land use was eliminated from further consideration 12

in this EA. 13

3.2.2 Socioeconomics 14

Impacts on socioeconomic conditions would be considered significant if they included 15

displacement or relocation of residences or commercial buildings, increases in long-term demands 16

for public services in excess of existing and projected capacities, or disproportionate impacts on 17

minority and low-income families. Construction and operation activities as described by the 18

Proposed Action would not result in impacts on the region’s economy, residential areas, 19

populations, or minority or low-income families. Therefore, an analysis of the impacts on 20

socioeconomic factors was not carried forward in this EA. 21

3.2.3 Environmental Justice 22

Impacts on environmental justice would be considered significant if an action had a 23

disproportionately high and adverse effect on minority and low-income populations. Estimates 24

from 2012–2016 U.S. Census data for the municipality of Ponce state that 99 percent of the 25

population self-identified as Hispanic or Latino (USCB 2016a). The poverty level for Puerto Rican 26

residents and Ponce are 45.1 percent and 51.3 percent, respectively, both significantly higher than 27

the national level of 15.1 percent (USCB 2016b–d). Further, Ponce, at $16,561, is below both the 28

national ($55,322) and state ($19,606) median household income. However, the Ponce Marine 29

Unit is located within an industrial area and is not likely to affect minority and low-income 30

populations due their proximity to the project area. The Proposed Action involves the replacement 31

or construction of existing infrastructure at the facility and supports CBP’s mission. A discussion 32

of environmental justice was eliminated from further analysis in this EA due to the lack of potential 33

impact on minority and low-income populations. 34

3.2.4 Protection of Children 35

Impacts on protection of children would be considered significant if an action had a 36

disproportionately high and adverse effect on children. Executive Order (EO) 13045, Protection 37

of Children from Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks, requires each Federal agency “to 38

identify and assess environmental health risks and safety risks that may disproportionately affect 39

children” and “ensure that its policies, programs, activities, and standards address disproportionate 40

risks to children that result from environmental health risks or safety risks.” This EO was prompted 41

by the recognition that children, still undergoing physiological growth and development, are more 42

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sensitive to adverse environmental health and safety risks than adults. The potential for impacts 1

on the health and safety of children is greater for projects located near residential areas. 2

The Proposed Action would not occur close to neighborhoods, as the project area borders 3

warehouses and administration buildings. Part of this area borders a waterfront park used for 4

concerts and events; using BMPs (Chapter 5) to limit speed on the roadways should protect 5

children. The Proposed Action would not require additional demands on public services, such as 6

schools or daycare facilities, during or after its activities. Construction and maintenance crews 7

would stop work if children were observed approaching the project area and would safely guide 8

them away from the site before resuming. Therefore, the Proposed Action would not pose a threat 9

to the health of children in the project area, and discussion of the protection of children was 10

eliminated from further consideration in this EA. 11

3.2.5 Roadways and Traffic 12

The Proposed Action area is located at 41 Calle Bonaire (Bonaire Street), a short side road along 13

Route 123 in Ponce, Puerto Rico. An unpaved driveway on Calle Bonaire leads to CBP’s Ponce 14

Marine Unit. Construction-related activities would cause a temporary increase in local traffic from 15

construction equipment and vehicles during the 7-month period. During this construction period, 16

we anticipate that construction vehicles would make two trips per day as they enter and leave the 17

project area. The short-term increase in local traffic would not be expected to adversely affect road 18

and traffic conditions. Facility operations under the Proposed Action would not increase traffic as 19

the project is intended to improve the existing facility, and major staffing increases are not 20

expected. Under the No-Action Alternative, CBP would continue operating from the facility. 21

Therefore, an analysis of the impacts on roadways and traffic was not carried forward in this EA. 22

3.2.6 Aesthetics and Visual Resources 23

All existing structures within the facility would be maintained, and the pier and boat ramp would 24

be replaced with an improved pier and boat ramp. The Proposed Action area is closed to public 25

access and used only by CBP personnel, so there is no impact to public enjoyment or appreciation 26

of resources. Removal of the original concrete pier, temporary structure, and boat ramp would 27

benefit the project location’s aesthetics. No major effect on aesthetic and visual resources would 28

be anticipated. Therefore, a detailed discussion of aesthetics and visual resources was eliminated 29

from further consideration in this EA. 30

3.3 Geology and Soils 31

Geological resources consist of the Earth’s surface and subsurface materials. Puerto Rico is a 32

volcanic island that lies entirely within the Caribbean Plate. The North American Plate is to the 33

north and the South American Plate to the south. Along the boundary at the northeast corner of the 34

Caribbean and North American plates is the Puerto Rico Trench, the deepest part of the Atlantic 35

Ocean at depths of up to 28,000 feet. The trench was created as the two plates slid past one another 36

(USGS 2003). 37

Topography and physiography pertain to the general shape and arrangement of a land surface, 38

including its height and the position of its features. Topographic features can be important 39

determiners of successful construction as well as used to predict potential for effects from given 40

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activities. For example, “steep slopes” is a topographic term; disturbing steep slopes by removing 1

vegetation can result in erosion and sedimentation. 2

Soils, the unconsolidated materials overlying bedrock or other parent material, are typically 3

described in terms of their complex type, slope, and physical characteristics. Differences among 4

soil types regarding their structure, elasticity, strength, shrink-swell potential, and erosion potential 5

affect their abilities to support certain applications and uses. The U.S. Department of Agriculture 6

(USDA) performs soil mapping as part of its mission; soil maps exist for every county in the United 7

States. When considered together, geology, topography, physiography, and soils critically 8

influence water resources, habitat, wildlife success, and many more resources. 9

3.3.1 Affected Environment 10 Geology 11

Puerto Rico is approximately 35 miles wide and 100 miles long (USGS 2003). The center of the 12

island contains a mountain range with elevations of more than 3,000 feet above mean sea level. 13

Tectonic activity in the Puerto Rico Trench is capable of producing earthquakes with a magnitude 14

of greater than 8.0 and tsunamis. Puerto Rico is composed mainly of limestone sediments and 15

volcanic and sedimentary rocks. The Ponce Marine Unit is located in a tertiary limestone–16

dominant area along the southern coast of Puerto Rico. The southern coastline can also be 17

characterized by recent unconsolidated deposits, alluvial plains, sand dunes, and beach rock 18

(Morelock et al. 2000). 19 Topography and Physiography 20

The Ponce Marine Unit, located along the southern coast, is less than 10 feet above mean sea level 21

(Rivera 1998). The project area has been built up by fill and armoring to its current elevation above 22

sea level. Part of the project involves a boat ramp that would extend into shallow marine areas 23

where sediments and biological structures (corals) are important parts of the physiography. 24 Soils 25

Soils adjacent to and potentially underlying the project area are the Constancia-Jacaquas-San 26

Anton association. These soils are nearly level, somewhat poorly drained to well drained, neutral 27

to moderately alkaline, loamy and clayey soils that are deep or shallow to sand and gravel on the 28

coast and river floodplains. The specific soil types include Constancia clay, tidal flats, and 29

hydraquents. These soils have developed in a combination of topographic situations: floodplains, 30

basin floors, fans, terraces, and valleys. The field work at the site indicates that the area is heavily 31

filled and armored with no native soils at the surface. 32

3.3.2 Environmental Consequences 33

Adverse effects on geological or soil resources may occur when an activity directly or indirectly 34

alters the geology or soil characteristics of a given site or requires the alteration of other areas to 35

provide materials for the Proposed Action. Examples of adverse effects include destroying or 36

damaging all or part of the resource (such as changing the slope or load-bearing characteristics at 37

the site or at a remote site), altering characteristics of the resource (changing the site or a remote 38

site so that it can no longer perform its normal function, such as prime farmland), and neglecting 39

the resource that results in its deterioration. 40

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3-5 No-Action Alternative 1

Under this alternative, existing conditions and operations at the Ponce Marine Unit would remain 2

unchanged, and no construction activities would occur. No rock, gravel, or other materials would 3

be required from a remote site. Therefore, geological and soil resources would not be affected. 4 Proposed Action Alternative 5

Short-term or long-term effects on geological or soil resources would be limited to the immediate 6

areas associated with the removal of original piles, utility trenching, and boat ramp replacement. 7

The site is almost completely armored by riprap at the shoreline and concrete throughout most of 8

the remainder of the site. No dredging would occur. Limited excavation would occur, primarily to 9

remove the existing boat ramp. Additional trenching would occur to place power and water supply 10

cabling across the property to the proposed new pier. No new rock or soil materials would be 11

required from a remote site. Aggregate would be a required component of the concrete used to 12

replace the boat ramp, fill the pilings at the proposed pier, fabricate the precast concrete panels for 13

the proposed pier, and cover the utilities trench across the property to contain the power and water 14

supply lines for the proposed pier. The aggregate for these purposes is not a critical commodity 15

and would be obtained from regularly used sources; it would not have an effect on geological or 16

soil resources. 17

3.4 Water Resources 18

Water resources are typically described in terms of water use, water quality, groundwater, surface 19

water, and the regulatory aspects of waters of the United States (WoUS). Groundwater, which 20

flows beneath the Earth’s surface and recharges surface water sources or is available for 21

withdrawal, is stored in and moves throughout soil, sand, and rocks (i.e., aquifers). Surface water 22

resources include lakes, rivers, streams, and wetlands. When considered together, these water 23

resources are dependent on geology, topography, and soils and, in turn, critically influence habitat, 24

wildlife success, endangered species, human behaviors, and many other resources. 25

Water use patterns in a region are tied to the supply of water, which in turn is dependent on rainfall, 26

groundwater, and surface water availability. Changes in usage can drastically affect the total 27

supply of water available for continued human activities as well as habitat. 28

Water quality affects the amount of water available for a given use, because the quality of water 29

drives its availability for given uses. Land use practices can influence water quality by direct 30

contamination from runoff or by contaminant release. 31

Water in a region exists as groundwater or surface water. These interconnected water sources 32

depend on drainage features and hydrology, which recharge the aquifer that both provides water 33

for extraction from wells and can flow into surface water in gaining streams or rivers. Evaluation 34

of hydrology requires a study of the occurrence, distribution, and movement of water and its 35

relationship with the environment. Many factors affect the hydrology of a region, including natural 36

precipitation and evaporation rates and outside influences such as groundwater withdrawals. 37

Groundwater is a subsurface hydrologic resource that can recharge, or be recharged by, surface 38

water. It is used for drinking, irrigation, and industrial processes. Groundwater can typically be 39

described in terms of its depth from the surface, aquifer or well capacity, water quality, recharge 40

rate, and surrounding geologic formations. 41

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The laws and regulations of the United States recognize certain water features as WoUS, which 1

require specific analyses to ensure their protection. Projects cannot impair these waters’ ability to 2

attain their designated uses under the Clean Water Act (CWA) of 1972, 33 U.S.C. § 1251 et seq., 3

the primary law governing water quality in the United States and its territories. Changes that affect 4

the flow of water require coordination with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) 5

Regulatory Branch. WoUS include recognized surface waters, wetlands, ephemeral streams, and 6

other types of water that have a significant nexus to traditionally navigable waters. 7

The CWA provides for the restoration and maintenance of the chemical, physical, and biological 8

integrity of the Nation’s waters. CWA Section 301(a) specifies that the discharge of any pollutant 9

is unlawful unless it is in compliance with the act. Section 402 establishes the Federal limits 10

(through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) on the quantity of pollutants 11

discharged into surface waters from point (e.g., a vessel) and nonpoint (e.g., stormwater runoff) 12

sources. It emphasizes technology-based control strategies and requires dischargers to have 13

permits to use public resources for waste discharge. The CWA also limits the amount of pollutants 14

that may be discharged and requires wastewater to be treated with the best technology 15

economically achievable, regardless of receiving water conditions. 16

The Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, 16 U.S.C. § 1451 et seq., authorizes the National 17

Coastal Zone Management Program, which comprehensively addresses the Nation’s coastal issues 18

through a voluntary partnership between the Government and coastal and Great Lakes states and 19

territories. This program is administered at the Federal level by NOAA, Office for Coastal 20

Management. Section 307 of the act requires that Federal actions having reasonably foreseeable 21

effects on any coastal use (land or water) or natural resource of the coastal zone be consistent with 22

the enforceable policies of a state’s federally approved coastal management program. Federal 23

actions include agency activities, license or permit activities, and financial assistance activities. 24

Such agency activities must be consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the enforceable 25

policies of a state coastal management program; license, permit, and financial assistance activities 26

must be fully consistent. 27

3.4.1 Affected Environment 28 Water Use 29

Most public drinking water used in the area of Ponce is withdrawn from the south coast aquifer or 30

from surface water and provided by the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority (PRASA) 31

(USGS 2014). The water requirements were more than 4.48 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) in 32

2010, of which 1.14 Mgal/d were withdrawn from surface water and 3.34 Mgal/d from 33

groundwater. Estimated water usage for non-PRASA–supplied water is only 0.2 Mgal/d, with 34

0.07 Mgal/d from surface water and 0.13 Mgal/d from groundwater (USGS 2014). Less than 35

1 percent of Puerto Rico depends on private wells or springs for household water needs. Water for 36

irrigation is predominantly withdrawn from surface water features and characterized as the Juana 37

Diaz Irrigation District. 38

The project area lies at the farthest south edge of any sources used for water supply. The coastal 39

area of Ponce is among the lowest rainfall-receiving areas in Puerto Rico, with an annual mean 40

precipitation rate of 35–40 inches (USFS 2009). 41

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3-7 Water Quality 1

No impaired waters are listed for the Southern Puerto Rico Watershed within the Ponce Marine 2

Unit project area (EPA 2018). Groundwater is not currently impaired, but further groundwater 3

development in Ponce could be hindered by the potential water quality deterioration caused by 4

brackish and saline groundwater intrusion, particularly in the coastal plain (USGS 2005). 5 Groundwater and Surface Water 6

There are two subsurface aquifers in Puerto Rico: the South Coast aquifer and the North Coast 7

Limestone aquifer system. East of Ponce, the South Coast aquifer is composed of clay, silt, and 8

sand deposited by flowing streams. It is the principal source of potable water for the towns of Santa 9

Isabel; Coamo; Salinas; and parts of Ponce, Juana Díaz, and Guayama. The Ponce Marine Unit is 10

not located directly within either of these aquifers (USGS 2016). 11

The Portugués River is approximately 2,000 feet west of the Ponce Marine Unit. The river flows 12

from the steep mountain slopes southward to the Caribbean Sea. Prior to the construction of a dam 13

completed in 2014, frequent flooding occurred in residential and urban areas after significant 14

rainfall events (Water Technology 2016). The Caribbean Sea borders Puerto Rico on the western 15

and southern sides of the island; the Atlantic Ocean borders Puerto Rico on the eastern and northern 16

sides. 17 Regulated Waters 18

Although the area surrounding the Ponce Marine Unit is lowland coastal plain, the project area has 19

historically been a filled shoreline. The site is shaped and protected by hardened surfaces, 20

including concrete rubble riprap and a small area of poured concrete for the boat ramp, adjacent 21

concrete pier, and adjoining water edges. Portions of the concrete and rock riprap along the 22

shoreline were displaced as a result of Hurricane Maria (Lenz & Whalon 2018). The project is 23

located within U.S. territorial waters near the northern limit of the Caribbean Sea, and the area 24

associated with the boat ramp and original pier is contiguous with these waters (HDR 2016b). The 25

USCG facility is entirely covered by buildings and concrete pavement. 26

According to the Waters Delineation letter report prepared by CBP (HDR 2016a), no hydrophytic 27

vegetation, mangrove fringe, or individual mangrove shrubs were found along the shoreline for 28

use in interpretation of a wetland delineation (Figure 3-1). The delineation of WoUS relied on the 29

interpretation of mean high-water indicators, particularly water stains and algal growth, which 30

were used to locate the landward limits of USACE’s jurisdiction. The delineation of WoUS was 31

overlaid on current aerial photography, as shown in Figure 3-2. A second mean high water 32

delineation was conducted in July 2018 because of the disruption of the shoreline by Hurricane 33

Maria (HDR 2018). This re-delineation revealed that the southwest site shoreline edge was reduced 34

by the hurricane. 35

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) considers the waters just off the Ponce Marine Unit, 36

where the pier construction would occur, to be deep-water estuarine and marine (USFWS 2018); 37

see Figure 3-2. 38

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1 Source: HDR 2016a. 2

Figure 3-1. Delineation of WoUS 3

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1 Note: Yellow Star indicates Ponce Marine Unit facility. 2 Source: USFWS 2018. 3

Figure 3-2. Delineation of WoUS for the Ponce Marine Unit, Ponce, Puerto Rico 4

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3-10 Coastal Zone Management Area 1

The Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources administers the Coastal 2

Zone Management Program for the island (Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange 2018). The 3

designated coastal zone extends to 1,000 meters from the coastline and includes coastal natural 4

systems, territorial waters, and the submerged lands beneath them. The Proposed Action would 5

occur in the coastal zone management area; CBP would coordinate with the Puerto Rico 6

Department of Natural and Environmental Resources regarding work within this area. Specific 7

details regarding floodplains and hydrology would be discussed in the Puerto Rico OGPe 8

Environmental Permit application. 9

3.4.2 Environmental Consequences 10

Adverse effects on aquatic resources may occur when an activity directly or indirectly alters the 11

water demand, quality, or characteristics of a given site or requires the alteration of other areas to 12

provide materials for the Proposed Action. Examples of adverse effects include overuse of a scarce 13

water supply either at the site or to provide materials for the action, destroying or damaging all or 14

part of the resource (such as changing the slope, or a stream rerouting a surface water body or 15

filling a wetland or other WoUS), altering any characteristic of the resource (changing the site or 16

a remote site so that it can no longer perform its normal function such as WoUS), contaminating 17

any WoUS, or neglecting the resource that results in its deterioration. 18 No-Action Alternative 19

Under this alternative, conditions and operations at the Ponce Marine Unit would remain 20

unchanged, and no construction activities would occur. No water would be required from a remote 21

site. Because the site is armored at the shoreline and paved, no erosion is reasonably expected that 22

may change the characteristics of the marine environment or contaminate the water. Boats operated 23

by CBP would continue from the Ponce Marine Unit facility and the risk of contamination due to 24

mishap or during fueling operations would remain as is. 25 Proposed Action Alternative 26

Under the Proposed Action, short-term, minor, adverse effects would be expected during 27

construction, but no long-term effects would be expected during continued operation. During 28

construction, there would be temporary increased demand for water use, both at the site of the 29

Proposed Action to wash equipment and work spaces and at a remote location to provide water to 30

make the concrete used to construct the replacement boat ramp, fill the pilings at the proposed pier, 31

fabricate the concrete panels for the proposed pier, and cover the utilities trench across the property 32

to the proposed pier. Water quality would not be degraded at the site because adequate silt fences 33

and typical construction sedimentation and erosion control devices would be employed, as required 34

by the BMPs and described in a spill prevention control and countermeasure (SPCC) plan. 35

Issues related to WoUS would arise during the construction phase of the Proposed Action. 36

Construction of the replacement boat ramp would occur at the water’s edge and in water within 37

the jurisdictional control of USACE. A coffer dam would be installed to enable water to be pumped 38

from the boat ramp construction area. A short-term effect during construction is this dewatering. 39

CBP would coordinate with USACE and has BMPs in place for this activity. In addition, the 40

proposed pier would be constructed within WoUS designated as shallow or deepwater marine or 41

estuarine. 42

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3.5 Biological Resources 1

Biological resources include plants, animals, and the habitat (i.e., forests, wetlands, seagrasses, 2

coral systems) in which they live. Protected resources include federally threatened and endangered, 3

candidate, and proposed species; designated or proposed critical habitat; state-listed species; 4

species of concern; and migratory bird species. Together, these resources form the ecological 5

character of a given site. While the other discussed resources such as geology, soils, and water 6

have a large influence on which biological resources can be present, it is the vegetation that helps 7

decide which animal species can be present and how many individuals can be supported. These 8

factors constitute habitat. Critical habitat is described by USFWS as necessary to support the 9

special needs of protected species. 10

Vegetation resources include all plants found within the region of analysis. Vegetation analysis 11

and descriptions were conducted using Bailey’s multi-tiered classification of ecoregions contained 12

in the U.S. Forest Service’s Descriptions of the Ecoregions of the United States (USFS 1995). In 13

addition, the U.S. Geological Survey’s Gap Analysis Program Level 3 data and associated 14

NatureServe descriptions of the ecological systems were used to describe the vegetation in the 15

region of analysis (USGS 2018). Site visits and surveys were made and discussed in a report 16

prepared by CBP (HDR 2016a). 17

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) implements a series of treaties into which the United 18

States has entered with Canada, Mexico, Japan, and Russia for the conservation of migratory birds. 19

USFWS has statutory authority and responsibility to enforce the MBTA, under which it is federally 20

prohibited, unless permitted by regulations, to “pursue, hunt, take, capture, kill, attempt to take, 21

capture or kill, possess, offer for sale, sell, offer to purchase, purchase, deliver for shipment, ship, 22

cause to be shipped, deliver for transportation, transport or cause to be transported, carry or cause 23

to be carried by any means whatever, receive for shipment, transportation or carriage, or export, 24

at any time, or in any manner, any migratory bird, included in the terms of this Convention… for 25

the protection of migratory birds… or any part, nest, or egg of any such bird” (16 U.S.C. § 703). 26

The Secretary of the Interior is authorized, subject to limitations, to allow exceptions to these 27

regulations. If Federal actions are likely to negatively affect migratory bird populations, the 28

Federal agency must consult with USFWS. 29

The Endangered Species Act of 1973, 16 U.S.C. § 1531 et seq. (ESA) establishes policy to protect 30

and conserve threatened and endangered species and the habitat in which they are found and on 31

which they depend. The ESA is administered by USFWS and NOAA Fisheries. Section 7 of the 32

ESA requires Federal agencies to consult with USFWS, NOAA Fisheries, and the appropriate state 33

agencies to determine whether a proposed action might affect listed or candidate species or 34

designated critical habitat. Pursuant to the ESA, certain areas are designated as critical habitat for 35

species listed under the ESA. 36

3.5.1 Affected Environment 37

A biological survey was completed on August 1–3, 2016, to scan the project area for the presence 38

of habitat, wildlife, and threatened and endangered species. During the survey, no native or natural 39

habitat were identified in the Proposed Action area or on adjoining parcels to the east, west, and 40

north. The study area appears to be part of the larger developed commercial and residential land 41

uses associated with the old shoreline area of the City of Ponce (HDR 2016a). 42

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A follow-up Biological Resources survey was completed in August 2018 to examine the area for 1

potentially changed site conditions following the impacts of Hurricane Maria (HDR 2018). 2

Updated findings from the second survey are discussed below in the corresponding sub-section. 3 Vegetation 4 An ecoregion contains geographically distinct environmental communities and conditions based 5

on several tiers of classification. These include domains, divisions, and provinces. Domains are 6

the largest geographic level of ecoregional classification and generally defined by climate. 7

Domains are split into divisions, which are defined according to climate and vegetation. Divisions 8

are subsequently split into provinces that are typically defined by their major plant formations. 9

Because ecoregions are defined by their shared biotic and abiotic characteristics, they represent 10

practical units on which to base conservation planning. 11 Terrestrial Vegetation 12

Most trees in Puerto Rico are tropical evergreen hardwoods. The southern coastal area is 13

characterized as subtropical dry forest (USFS 2009) and, like most dry tropical and subtropical 14

forests worldwide, has been highly altered by human interactions due in part to the favorable 15

conditions for human habitation and industry. The Ponce area is highly altered, and the project 16

area consists of mostly paved surfaces within an industrial area. 17

The shoreline at the Ponce Marine Unit is shaped and protected by hardened surfaces, including 18

concrete rubble riprap and a small area of poured concrete for the boat ramp, adjacent dock, and 19

adjoining water edges. Hurricane Maria removed portions of the concrete and rock riprap along 20

the site shoreline, but minor fill placement was added in the uplands since the hurricane (Lenz & 21

Whalon 2018). The trees and shrubs on and adjacent to the Ponce Marine Unit include ten Portia 22

trees (Thespesia populnea), two lebbeck trees (Albizia lebbeck), and one Ficus sp. Most specimens 23

are multi-trunk shrubs or small trees present along the eastern and southeastern site edges, with 24

the exception of one lebbeck tree at the southwest property corner. 25

Groundcover is present on the upland fringe between the property fence and the concrete riprap 26

that slopes to the water (see Figure 3-3). Predominate plant species on the upland fringe include 27

buffelgrass (Cenchrus ciliaris) and guinea grass (Panicum maximum), along with limestone 28

sandmat (Chamaesyce blodgettii), sensitive pea (Chamaecrista nictitans), rose natalgrass (Melinis 29

repens), swollen fingergrass (Chloris barbata), and desert horsepurslane (Trianthema 30

portulacastrum) (HDR 2016a). 31

32 Source: HDR 2018. 33

Figure 3-3. Southern and Western Shorelines of the Ponce Marine Unit 34

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The adjacent community park to the east, Parque Pasivo Enrique Gonzalez, supports landscape 1

trees, including black olive (Terminalia buceras), coconut palm, and Australian pine (Casuarina 2

equisetifolia), with a maintained grass and weed groundcover. The northern basin edge is formed 3

by concrete stairs that descend from the park into the water to the basin bottom (see Figure 3-4) 4

(HDR 2016a). 5

6 Source: HDR 2016a. 7

Figure 3-4. Park Adjacent to the Basin 8 Aquatic Vegetation 9

A survey of biological resources and benthic habitat at the Ponce Marine Unit basin was conducted 10

in August 2016. Three habitat types were identified during the survey: soft bottom, seagrass, and 11

riprap (see Figure 3-5). The basin is relatively disturbed and predominately soft-bottom habitat, 12

with loose, silty clays and minimal sand. The basin is adjacent to a public park and fishing area 13

(Parque Pasivo Enrique Gonzalez) and contains small areas of litter and debris (see Figure 3-5) 14

(HDR 2016a). 15

The area south of the basin is characterized by less silty sediments with fine sand waves adjacent 16

to marginal seagrass habitat (Halodule wrightii) blades. Further south, the seagrass habitat is more 17

prominent, including Halodule wrightii and Halophila decipiens. Approximately 60 percent of the 18

surveyed area was covered with Halodule wrightii seagrass. Overall, the seagrass habitat appeared 19

healthy, with no appreciable harmful growth (HDR 2016b). While the distribution of seagrass was 20

similar between the 2016 and 2018 surveys, the average percent cover of Halodule wrightii was 21

slightly lower in 2018 and the distribution of Halophila decipiens was more closely confined to 22

the shore in 2018 than in 2016 (HDR 2018). 23

The third habitat type, riprap, is found along the southern boundary of the Ponce Marine Unit 24

facility’s fence line, southwest of the basin and along the eastern edge of the basin. The riprap is 25

composed of various-sized boulders and concrete pieces. The riprap embankment slopes down to 26

the water line, with submerged sections extending up to more than 30 feet from water level (HDR 27

2016b). 28

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1 Source: HDR 2018. 2

Figure 3-5. Habitat Types Mapped during Biological Survey 3 Aquatic Wildlife and Terrestrial Wildlife 4 Because WoUS, surface waters, and traditionally navigable waters (but no wetlands) are known to 5

exist in the area of this project, surveys were performed for terrestrial and aquatic wildlife. Parts 6

of the project area are classified as marine or estuarine deepwater; therefore, coral is discussed. 7

Corals are especially imperiled due to climate change and afforded special protections by Federal 8

and Puerto Rico regulations. The Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000 protects coral reefs within 9

refuges and affords certain protections to other coral reefs outside protected areas under Federal 10

law, and Puerto Rico protects corals and coral reefs under No. 147 of the Act for the Protection, 11

Conservation and Management of the Coral Reefs in Puerto Rico. 12 Aquatic Wildlife 13

Twenty-two macroinvertebrate species were identified during the 2016 survey, with the majority 14

(18 species) occurring in the riprap habitat. Species commonly observed in the riprap habitat area 15

were rock boring sea urchin (Echinometra lac*nter), mat zoanthid (Zoanthus pulchellus), and two 16

species of anemones (Actinoporus elegans and Bartholomea annulata), conspicuous spiny lobster 17

(Panulirus argus), and long-spine sea urchin (Diadema antillarum). Ten macroinvertebrate taxa 18

were recorded in the seagrass and sand/mud substrate types, including several red cushion sea stars 19

(Oreaster reticulatus), elegant anemones, cerith snails (Cerithium sp.), and two corallimorphs. 20

Non-coral invertebrate richness was similar between the 2016 and 2018 surveys. The 2018 survey 21

identified twenty-four macroinvertebrate species, most of which were again observed within the 22

riprap habitat (HDR 2018). 23

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Forty-two species of fish were identified during the 2016 survey. The majority of these species 1

were observed near the submerged riprap habitat along the shoreline, as this area provided shelter 2

and food sources. Fewer species were observed in the soft-bottom and seagrass habitat. The most 3

commonly seen fish were the ocean surgeonfish (Acanthurus tractus), snapper, grunt, and a variety 4

of wrasse and parrotfish (HDR 2016b). The 2018 survey identified forty-one fish species; twenty-5

five of these species occurred during both the 2016 and 2018 surveys (HDR 2018). 6

Also within the riprap habitat area were coral colonies attached to boulders or hard substrate. Fifty-7

four hard-coral and three soft-coral colonies were found across 25 locations within the survey area 8

(see Figure 3-6). The hard-coral colonies primarily consisted of two species, Siderastrea sidereal 9

and Solenastrea bournoni. The three soft-coral colonies were Pseudopterogorgia bipinnata. Fifty 10

hard-coral colonies were identified during the 2018 survey. The majority of the hard-corals were 11

described as relatively healthy during both surveys, but more corals showed small areas of 12

damaged tissue with fouling algae growth during the 2018 survey (HDR 2018). The proposed 13

location for the pier is close to one colony of hard coral (labeled as coral #12 in Figure 3-6). Five 14

of the hard-coral colonies were described as detached, which may have resulted from strong wave 15

activity during the hurricane. Two of the soft-coral colonies identified during the 2016 survey were 16

dead and the third colony was missing during the 2018 survey (HDR 2018). 17

18 Source: HDR 2018. 19

Figure 3-6. Coral Presence near the Proposed Action Alternative Structures 20

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3-16 Terrestrial Wildlife 1

Terrestrial wildlife resources include native and naturalized terrestrial animals and the habitat in 2

which they exist. Species addressed in this section include those not listed as federally threatened 3

or endangered. 4

The Ponce Marine Unit’s grounds were surveyed August 1–3, 2016. The area was surveyed by 5

walking meandering transects around the Ponce Marine Unit’s perimeter and adjoining parcels to 6

the east and west, including adjacent streets to the north to identify terrestrial habitat at the site and 7

document the presence of wildlife. No native or natural habitats were present at the site or on 8

adjoining parcels to the east, west, and north. The study area appears to be part of the larger 9

developed commercial and residential land uses associated with the old shoreline area of the City 10

of Ponce. Green iguanas (Iguana iguana) were present along the southern shoreline, and Puerto 11

Rican crested anoles (Anolis cristatellus cristatellus) were present in the upland vegetation and 12

trees at the southwest corner and western side of the site (HDR 2016a). 13 Migratory Bird Treaty Act 14

In 2008, USFWS published Birds of Conservation Concern, a listing that established several bird 15

conservation regions and the birds found within those regions. A listing of birds expected to be 16

found in the U.S. Caribbean Islands (Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands) was also established 17

(USFWS 2008). MBTA species lists are generally kept up to date by USFWS at the Information 18

for Planning and Conservation (IPaC) website, although a current list of MBTA birds is not 19

available for Puerto Rico at this time (USFWS 2018). Table 3-1 lists species (common name and 20

scientific name) provided by USFWS in 2008 that are expected to be found in Puerto Rico. 21

During the 2016 survey, a variety of birds were observed flying over or near the project area, 22

including the little blue heron (Egretta caerulea), green heron (Butorides virescens), brown pelican 23

(Pelecanus occidentalis), sandwich tern (Thalasseus sandvicensis), magnificent frigatebird 24

(Fregata magnificens), bank swallow (Riparia riparia), and black swift (Cypseloides niger). In 25

addition, Monk parakeets (Myiopsitta monachus) had a communal nest in the tallest coconut palm 26

(Cocos nucifera) just outside the property front gate at the northeast corner of the site (HDR 27

2016a). 28

Migratory birds protected under the MBTA identified in the park during the 2016 survey included 29

white-crowned pigeon (Patagioenas leucocephala), greater Antillean grackle (Quiscalus niger), 30

and gray kingbird (Tyrannus dominicensis). The rock dove (Columba livia) and house sparrow 31

(Passer domesticus) were also observed (HDR 2016a). 32

No active bird nests or nesting behavior of MBTA-protected species was observed during the 2016 33

survey. No breeding activity was observed for any of the avian species present. CBP would 34

conduct additional nesting surveys in advance of project execution. 35

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Table 3-1. MBTA Species with the Potential to Occur in Puerto Rico

Common Name

Scientific Name

West Indian Whistling Duck Dendrocygna arborea

White-Cheeked Pintail Anas bahamensis

Masked Duck; Ruddy Duck (jamaicensis ssp.) Nomonyx dominicus

Audubon’s Shearwater Puffinus lherminieri

Masked Booby Sula dactylatra

Brown Booby Sula leucogaster

Red-Footed Booby Sula

Magnificent Frigatebird Fregata magnificens

Least Bittern Ixobrychus exilis

American Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber

Black Rail Laterallus jamaicensis

Yellow-Breasted Crake Hapalocrex flaviventer

Caribbean Coot Fulica caribaea

Limpkin Aramus guarauna

Snowy Plover(c) Charadrius nivosus

Wilson’s Plover Charadrius wilsonia

American Oystercatcher Haematopus palliatus

Red Knot (rufa ssp.)(a), (nb) Calidris canutus

Semipalmated Sandpiper (Eastern)(nb) Calidris pusilla

White-Crowned Pigeon Patagioenas leucocephala

Bridled Quail-Dove Geotrygon mystacea

Antillean Mango(d) Anthracothorax dominicus

Loggerhead Kingbird Tyrannus caudifasciatus

Puerto Rican Vireo Vireo latimeri

Elfin Woods Warbler(a) Setophaga angelae

Greater Antillean Oriole Icterus portoricensis Notes: (a) ESA candidate, (c) non-listed subspecies or population of threatened or endangered species, (d) MBTA 1 protection uncertain or lacking, (nb) non-breeding in this bird conservation region. 2 Source: USFWS 2008. 3 Threatened and Endangered Species 4 CBP is currently conducting informal ESA Section 7 consultation with NOAA Fisheries and 5

USFWS to consider impacts on threatened and endangered species that have the potential to occur 6

in the project area. CBP consulted with the NOAA Fisheries Habitat Conservation Division, 7

NOAA Fisheries Caribbean Field Office, and USFWS Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office 8

on January 26, 2017, in compliance with the ESA (see Appendix A). USFWS responded on March 9

2, 2017, stating that the project lies within the habitat of the endangered Antillean manatee 10

(Trichechus manatus manatus), a sub-species of the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus). 11

USFWS provided several recommendations to be implemented during the project and included in 12

the project’s permit conditions, but concluded the Proposed Action is not likely to adversely affect 13

any federally listed species within their jurisdiction. 14

In addition to the consultation, elemental occurrence data from NatureServe were used to 15

determine the presence of species within the region of analysis. NatureServe defines an elemental 16

occurrence as an area of land or water wherein a species or natural community is or was present 17

and has conservation value. These occurrence data require that a species is in appropriate habitat, 18

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at the appropriate time of the year, and is naturally occurring (NatureServe 2013). This section 1

presents those federally listed species known to occur or that have the potential to occur within the 2

region of analysis. 3

Federally threatened or endangered species that have the potential to occur in the project area, 4

based on the USFWS IPaC website, are presented in Table 3-2. None of the listed species or 5

suitable habitat for these species was observed in the survey area (HDR 2016a, HDR 2016b, 6

HDR 2018). 7

The hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) 8

could use the nearshore areas adjacent to the site, including seagrass meadows and submerged 9

riprap shoreline for foraging. However, sea turtles are not expected to nest on rocky shorelines 10

(HDR 2016a, HDR 2016b). 11

Table 3-2. Federally Threatened or Endangered Species Listed by

USFWS as Potentially Occurring at the Ponce Marine Unit, Puerto Rico

Common Name

Scientific Name

Federal Status

Observed during Survey?


Puerto Rican Boa Epicrates inornatus Endangered No

Hawksbill Sea Turtle Eretmochelys imbricata Endangered No


West Indian Manatee Trichechus manatus Endangered No


Puerto Rican Broad-Winged Hawk Buteo platypterus brunnescens Endangered No

Puerto Rican Nightjar Caprimulgus noctitherus Endangered No

Puerto Rican Plain Pigeon Columba inornata wetmorei Endangered No

Puerto Rican Sharp-Shinned Hawk Accipiter striatus venator Endangered No

Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii Threatened No

Yellow-Shouldered Blackbird Agelaius xanthomus Endangered No

Ferns and Allies

Cordillera Maiden Fern Thelypteris inabonensis Endangered No

Elfin Tree Fern Cyathea dryopteroides Endangered No

no common name Elaphoglossum serpens Endangered No

Flowering Plants

Bariaco Trichilia triacantha Endangered No

Cook’s Holly Ilex cookii Endangered No

Higo Chumbo Harrisia portoricensis Threatened No

Palo de Nigua Cornutia obovata Endangered No

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3.5.2 Environmental Consequences 1

Adverse effects on biological resources may occur when an activity directly or indirectly alters 2

habitat or results in take of an organism with special protections, such as marine mammals, 3

endangered corals, or species of birds protected by the MBTA. Examples of adverse effects include 4

destroying or damaging all or part of the resource or habitat for the resource, altering any 5

characteristic of the resource, interrupting breeding activities, or causing the death or wounding of 6

a protected species. 7 No-Action Alternative 8

Under this alternative, conditions and operations at the Ponce Marine Unit would remain 9

unchanged, and no construction activities would occur. Therefore, no effects are expected for 10

vegetation, terrestrial or aquatic wildlife, MBTA species, corals, or ESA-protected species. 11 Proposed Action Alternative 12

As the site is highly disturbed, it contains little vegetation or habitat for terrestrial wildlife or 13

MBTA-protected species. No species protected by the ESA or critical habitat for ESA species were 14

identified as potentially present during literature searches or as actually present during terrestrial 15

and aquatic site surveys. However, wildlife in adjacent areas may be temporarily displaced during 16

construction activities due to noise disturbances and increased human activity. BMPs would be 17

employed during construction activities to limit the noise disturbances to biological species in the 18

area. Through consultation, USFWS concluded that the Proposed Action is not likely to adversely 19

affect any federally listed species within their jurisdiction. 20

A series of transects were surveyed for the presence of corals and identified in the area where the 21

pier would be located under the Proposed Action Alternative. Hard coral colonies were identified 22

and observed during the 2018 survey and primarily consist of two species, Siderastrea sidereal 23

and Solenastrea bournoni. No soft corals were identified during the 2018 survey. Figure 3-6 shows 24

that the proposed location for the pier is close to a colony of hard coral. No other coral colonies 25

are close to the proposed pier or berthing areas. 26

Corals enjoy a symbiotic relationship with algae and require sunlight to thrive. Shadows from the 27

proposed pier would not affect the close coral colonies, with the possible exception of the single 28

colony identified. In-water surveys would be conducted prior to the onset of this construction to 29

ensure no colonies would be affected. CBP has determined that there is the potential for long-term 30

minor adverse impacts on corals. 31

3.6 Cultural, Historical, and Archaeological Resources 32

“Cultural resources” is a broad term that encompasses resources defined in several Federal laws 33

and EOs, including the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), the Archaeological and 34

Historic Preservation Act (AHPA), and the Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA). The 35

NHPA focuses on the preservation of a wide range of historical and archaeological cultural 36

resources that may include buildings, structures, objects, or sites. Resources deemed eligible are 37

added to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and are thus protected by the NHPA. 38

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To be listed as eligible for the NRHP, a cultural resource must possess one of these four criteria 1

(36 CFR § 60.4): 2

1. The resource is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad 3

patterns of our history. 4

2. The resource is associated with the lives of persons significant in our past. 5

3. The resource embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of 6

construction, or that represents the work of a master, or that possesses high artistic values, 7

or that represents a significant and distinguishable entity who components may lack 8

individual distinction. 9

4. The resource has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or 10

history. 11

Archaeological resources are defined as material remains of human life or activities that are at 12

least 100 years old and capable of providing insight into past human behavior and cultural 13

adaptation (40 CFR § 7.3). Resources that align with this definition are eligible for inclusion in the 14

NRHP. More recent resources may warrant protection if they are deemed to be of high importance 15

or have the potential to gain significance. 16

3.6.1 Affected Environment 17

The area of potential effect (APE) for visual impacts on historic resources includes a 1-mile radius 18

around the project area. The APE for direct impacts on archaeological resources includes 1.05 19

acres on land and 1.6 acres in water, encompassing the area where construction would occur. The 20

cultural, historical, and archaeological resources of the 1-mile radius APE were evaluated through 21

a cultural resources inventory and a Phase 1B survey. The objective of the survey was to identify 22

and evaluate the eligibility of cultural resources at this facility for the NRHP. The cultural 23

resources survey involved a pedestrian walkover with shovel testing by an archaeologist and an 24

NRHP evaluation of all buildings and structures at the facility (HDR 2013). 25

The cultural resources inventory, conducted at the Oficina Estatal de Conservación Histórica 26

(OECH)—the Puerto Rico State Historic Preservation Office in San Juan, Puerto Rico—revealed 27

no previously listed archaeological sites within a 1-mile radius of the facility (HDR 2013). Two 28

unnumbered underwater resources were listed just off the coast from the project site, 29

approximately 1,125 feet and 1 mile to the southeast, but no other information could be found 30

regarding these listings (HDR 2013). A NRHP-listed U.S. Customs House, built in 1841, is located 31

across Calle Bonaire and is a separate CBP-owned facility. 32

The ground survey revealed that the facility has been “heavily impacted by construction” and the 33

presence of undisturbed ground surface is nonexistent (HDR 2013). The majority of the facility’s 34

ground surface is disturbed, with the exception of a narrow strip of landscaping along the northern 35

half of the eastern perimeter and built-up sand dunes behind the retaining wall in the southwest 36

corner. Two soil tests were excavated in these locations. 37

Four buildings and seven structures were surveyed at the Ponce Marine Unit. One building and 38

one structure date between 1952 and 1958, the timing of the first USCG establishment in Ponce, 39

Puerto Rico. The remaining buildings were constructed just prior to or after 1998. None of the 40

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buildings or structures assessed is eligible for NRHP listing, as the landscaping and siting of the 1

facility is not significant, and no other historic or cultural landscapes were found (HDR 2013). 2

CBP consulted with OECH on April 28, 2017, in compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA and 3

36 CFR Part 800 (see Appendix A). OECH responded on May 10, 2017, requesting that an 4

underwater archeological survey of the archaeological resources APE be conducted to determine 5

the presence of archaeological material remains. The Phase I maritime survey, conducted by an 6

outside contractor, SEARCH, was completed in July 2017 (SEARCH 2017). SEARCH conducted 7

background research and a remote-sensing survey, which included the collection of magnetic data 8

and acoustic imagery of the 0.6 acres of water within the APE. The investigation did not identify 9

potential submerged cultural resources; therefore, cultural resource clearance for this project is 10

recommended (SEARCH 2017). 11

CBP delayed the submittal of the Phase I maritime survey findings to OECH until March 13, 2018, 12

due to disruption in operations caused by Hurricane Maria, which struck the island of Puerto Rico 13

on September 20, 2017. Consultation with OECH was completed on April 5, 2018, with OECH 14

concluding no adverse effect to archaeological resources. 15

3.6.2 Environmental Consequences 16

Adverse effects on cultural, historical, or archaeological resources may occur when an activity 17

“directly or indirectly alters characteristics of a historic property that qualify it for inclusion” in 18

the NRHP (36 CFR § 800.5). Examples of adverse effects include destroying or damaging all or 19

part of the resource; altering any characteristic of the resource; relocating the property; changing 20

the use or physical features of a property’s setting; neglecting the resource that results in its 21

deterioration; or transferring, leasing, or selling the property out of Federal ownership without 22

adequate protections. 23 No-Action Alternative 24

Under this alternative, conditions and operations at the Ponce Marine Unit would remain 25

unchanged, and no construction activities would occur. Therefore, no cultural, historical, or 26

archaeological resources would be affected. 27 Proposed Action Alternative 28

No adverse impacts on archaeological or historical resources would be expected under the 29

Proposed Action. Cultural, historical, and archaeological resources within the APE were assessed 30

through a Phase IB survey and Phase I maritime survey. The Phase 1B survey concluded that no 31

surface or subsurface archaeological sites exist in the proposed project area. The soil tests 32

concluded that because it is likely the area was modified prior to construction and paving, the 33

potential for buried resources is minimal. The project-specific study concluded that the potential 34

for intact cultural resources within the proposed project area is low, and no historic buildings or 35

structures are located within the proposed project area. The Phase I maritime survey found no 36

presence of potential submerged cultural resources. Therefore, the Proposed Action is not likely 37

to adversely affect the surrounding historic district, including any cultural, historical, or 38

archaeological resources. In the event that any historical resources are discovered during 39

construction, all work would cease, the local police department would be immediately notified, 40

and CBP would contact OECH. 41

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3.7 Air Quality 1

The Clean Air Act (CAA), last amended in 1990, grants the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 2

(EPA) the authority to regulate existing and new sources of emissions through set limits, stringent 3

control technology, and permitting requirements for new sources (EPA 2018b). Although the CAA 4

is primarily administered at the state and local levels, EPA established National Ambient Air 5

Quality Standards (NAAQS) for the six criteria air pollutants: carbon monoxide (CO), lead (Pb), 6

nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and particulate matter (PM). The 7

NAAQS is split into primary standards, which provide public health protection (especially for the 8

protection of asthmatics, children, and the elderly) and secondary standards, which provide public 9

welfare protection, including against decreased visibility and damage to animals, crops, vegetation, 10

and buildings (EPA 2016a). The NAAQS is shown in Table 3-3. 11

Table 3-3. National Ambient Air Quality Standards 12



Averaging Time



Carbon monoxide Primary 8 hours 9 parts per million (ppm)

Not to be exceeded more than once per year

1 hour 35 ppm

Lead Primary and secondary

Rolling 3- month average

0.5 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3)

Not to be exceeded

Nitrogen dioxide Primary 1 hour 100 parts per billion (ppb)

98th percentile, averaged over 3 years

Primary and secondary

1 year 53 ppb Annual mean

Ozone Primary and secondary

8 hours 0.070 ppm Annual fourth-highest daily maximum 8-hour concentration, averaged over 3 years

Sulfur dioxide Primary 1 hour 75 ppb 99th percentile of 1-hour daily maximum concentrations, averaged over 3 years

Secondary 3 hours 0.5 ppm Not to be exceeded more than once per year

Particle pollution

PM2.5 Primary 1 year 12.0 µg/m3 Annual mean, averaged over 3 years

Secondary 1 year 15.0 µg/m3 Annual mean, averaged over 3 years

Primary and secondary

24 hours 35 µg/m3 98th percentile, averaged over 3 years

PM10 Primary and secondary

24 hours 150 µg/m3 Not to be exceeded more than once per year on average over 3 years

Source: https://www.epa.gov/criteria-air-pollutants/naaqs-table, as of December 20, 2016. 13

Areas that do not meet NAAQS are called nonattainment areas, which are regulated by the General 14

Conformity Rule, under 40 CFR Parts 51 and 93. The General Conformity Rule requires that 15

Federal agencies work with state, tribal, and local governments in nonattainment areas to ensure 16

that proposed Federal actions conform to state, tribal, and local air quality plans. If the Proposed 17

Action would exceed established limits, the agency must implement mitigation measures. 18

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Regarding emissions from marine vessels, the EPA published the gasoline marine final rule in 1

1996 that established emission standards for spark-ignition gasoline marine engines (EPA 1996a). 2

This rule applies to outboard and gasoline engines used in personal watercraft and jet boat 3

applications; it focuses on emissions of hydrocarbons, a greenhouse gas and carcinogen. The final 4

rule requires marine vessel manufacturers to use cleaner technology in all vessels manufactured 5

after 1998 to meet EPA standards (40 CFR Part 91). 6

3.7.1 Affected Environment 7

There is only one non-attainment area in Puerto Rico, in the municipality of Arecibo, located 8

approximately 50 miles north of Ponce, on the northern shore of the island (EPA 2018a). Arecibo 9

is in nonattainment with the 2008 standards for lead. The proposed project area in Ponce is in 10

attainment for all NAAQS. Therefore, a general air conformity analysis under 40 CFR Parts 51 11

and 93 is not required for this project. 12

Puerto Rico’s Environmental Quality Board (EQB) monitors air quality through several stations 13

throughout the island. There is one monitoring station in the municipality of Ponce, Site ID 72-14

113-0004, which measures CO concentrations. It is located approximately 3 miles to the northwest 15

of the project site. The annual CO 8-hour max at this station for 2011 through 2016 ranged from 16

0.8 ppm to 4.4 ppm (EPA 2017a). 17

3.7.2 Environmental Consequences 18

Impacts associated with air quality would be considered significant if conditions resulting from 19

construction or operation resulted in the violation of Federal, state, or local standards and 20

regulations. The air quality impact analysis is based on estimates of emissions from the combustion 21

of fossil fuels as part of construction and operational activities. It is assumed that construction 22

would take place during a 7-month period, for 8 hours each day, 5 days a week. 23

Operational emissions would occur from the use of the pier and boat ramp, including CBP marine 24

vessels and ground vehicles that would service the dock. With the intent to replace the original 25

concrete pier, the temporary structure, and boat ramp to improve safety and functionality, the 26

Proposed Action would not result in increases in operational emissions. Therefore, the analysis 27

focuses only on construction activities required to replace the original pier and boat ramp. 28 No-Action Alternative 29

Under this alternative, no construction activities would occur at the proposed project site. In 30

addition, the type and intensity of operations and the emissions associated with the use of vehicles 31

and marine vessels at the Ponce Marine Unit would remain the same. Therefore, no impacts on 32

ambient air quality under the No-Action Alternative would be expected. 33 Proposed Action Alternative 34

Under the Proposed Action, there would be short-term, temporary, minor adverse impacts on local 35

air quality due to emissions from the equipment used during project construction. Air emissions 36

were calculated using the method described in EPA’s AP-42 document and only for NAAQS—37

nitrogen oxide (NOx), CO, sulfur oxide (SOx), PM10—and greenhouse gases (specifically carbon 38

dioxide [CO2]) with known emission factors (EPA 1996b). Table 3-4 estimates the emissions 39

under the Proposed Action for pollutants with emissions factors listed in AP-42 (EPA 1996b). 40

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Construction activities associated with the Proposed Action were separated into pier and ramp 1

removal and pier and ramp construction. 2

Table 3-4. Estimated Emissions Associated with the Proposed Action 3

Pollutant Emissions (tons/year)

NAAQS NOx 19.52

CO 4.21

SOx 1.29

PM10 1.38

sum 26.40

Greenhouse gases CO2 723.96

Puerto Rico’s EQB follows EPA’s definition of a major stationary source, a facility or source with 4

the potential to emit 100 tons per year or more of any air pollutant, except greenhouse gases (EQB 5

1995; 42 U.S.C. § 7401 et seq.). Emissions would be substantial if they exceed this threshold. 6

Table 3-4 demonstrates that the potential air emissions associated with the Proposed Action would 7

not exceed pollutant thresholds as established by EPA. Greenhouse gases and air pollutants would 8

be emitted during construction activities as a result of burning fossil fuels used by construction 9

equipment (e.g., impact hammer, boat emissions, and crane). Construction activities for the 10

Proposed Action would likely require electrical tools, which contribute significantly to emissions. 11

The use of tugboats to tow barges during the removal of the original pier and temporary structure 12

and construction of the new pier are also included in the air emissions calculations. 13

Construction activities are expected to be minimal and temporary (lasting 7 months), and no 14

additional long-term emissions would be expected. CBP would follow construction BMPs outlined 15

in Section 5.6 to minimize impacts from construction equipment emissions and dust particles. In 16

addition, minor emissions from the operation of the Ponce Marine Unit and associated vehicles 17

and marine vessels would continue as currently operated. CBP intends to replace two Midnight 18

Express vessels with two SAFE 410 Apostle vessels. Although slightly larger in size, the SAFE 19

410 Apostle vessels have the same engine size as the Midnight Express vessels; both types of 20

vessels are powered by four Mercury Verado outboard engines, which generate a maximum of 21

300 horsepower each (CBP 2016; HST 2018). As CBP is currently operating at the Ponce Marine 22

Unit and no increase in emissions from the new Apostle vessels would be expected, no impact on 23

air quality would be expected as a result of operations associated with the Proposed Action. 24

3.8 Noise 25

Sound is defined as a particular auditory effect produced by a given source. Noise is defined as 26

any undesirable sound that interferes with communication, is strong enough to damage hearing, or 27

is otherwise bothersome. Noise can be intermittent or continuous and include any number of 28

sources and frequencies. Major sources of noise include transportation vehicles and equipment, 29

machinery, and appliances (EPA 1972). Human response to increased sound levels varies 30

according to the source type, features of the sound source, distance between the source and 31

receptor, receptor sensitivity, and time of day. Affected receptors can be specific (i.e., churches, 32

schools, hospitals) or broad areas (i.e., nature preserves or designated districts). 33

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3.8.1 Noise Metrics 1

Although human response to noise varies, measurements can be calculated with instruments that 2

record instantaneous sound levels in decibels. A-weighted decibels (dBA) characterize sound 3

levels that can be sensed by the human ear. “A-weighted” denotes the adjustment of the frequency 4

range to what the average human ear can sense when experiencing an audible event. The threshold 5

of audibility is generally within the range of 10 to 25 dBA for normal hearing. The threshold of 6

pain occurs at the upper boundary of audibility, which is normally in the region of 135 dBA (EPA 7

1981). Table 3-5 compares common sounds and shows how they rank in terms of effects on 8

hearing. 9

Table 3-5. Sound Levels and Human Response 10

Noise Level (dBA)

Common Sounds Effect

10 Just audible Negligible

30 Soft whisper (15 feet) Very quiet

50 Light auto traffic (100 feet) Quiet

60 Air conditioning unit (20 feet) Intrusive

70 Noisy restaurant or freeway traffic Telephone use difficult

80 Alarm clock (2 feet) Annoying

90 Heavy truck (50 feet) or city traffic Very annoying; hearing damage (8 hours)

100 Garbage truck Very annoying

110 Pile drivers Strained vocal effort

120 Jet takeoff (200 feet) or auto horn (3 feet) Maximum vocal effort

140 Carrier deck jet operation Painfully loud

Source: EPA 1981b. 11

Maintenance and repair work can cause an increase in sound that is well above the ambient level. 12

A variety of sounds are emitted from loaders, trucks, saws, and other work equipment. Table 3-6 13

lists noise levels associated with common types of equipment (EPA 1971). 14

Table 3-6. Predicted Noise Levels for Maintenance and Repair Equipment 15

Equipment Predicted Noise Level at 50 Feet (dBA)

Bulldozer 80

Grader 0–93

Truck 83–94

Roller 73–75

Backhoe 72–93

Jackhammer 81–98

Concrete mixer 74–88

Welding generator 71–82

Paver 86–88

Source: EPA 1971. 16

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3.8.2 Noise Regulations 1

Puerto Rico’s EQB regulates noise control through the Regulation for the Control of Noise 2

Pollution, last amended in 2011 (EQB 2011). These regulations define four receptor zones 3

classified via frequent activities (residential, commercial, industrial, etc.) and establish standards 4

and requirements for noise control in each zone (EQB 2011). Zone I encompasses areas where 5

humans may live and noise can interfere with the enjoyment of such property (e.g., residences, 6

hotels, apartments, campsites, orphanages). Zone II comprises areas where interpersonal 7

communication is achieved by speech, with which noise levels can interfere (e.g., restaurants, gas 8

stations, funeral parlors, theaters, stadiums, churches). Zone III contains areas where people stay 9

for long periods of time engaged in activities such that higher noise levels are anticipated (e.g., 10

warehouses, docks, refineries, farms). Zone IV is the quiet zone and a designated area where a 11

need may exist for exceptional quietness (e.g., hospitals, clinics, courts of justice). Table 3-7 12

provides noise limits for sound that crosses property boundaries of the source site, which will be 13

measured at or within the proper receiving zone. 14

Table 3-7. Noise Level Limits (dBA) 15 Receiving Zones

Emitting Zone I

(Residential) Zone II

(Commercial) Zone III

(Industrial) Zone IV

(Quiet Zone)

Source Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night

Zone I (Residential)

60 50 65 55 70 60 55 50

Zone II (Commercial)

65 50 70 60 75 65 55 50

Zone III (Industrial)

65 50 70 65 75 75 55 50

Zone IV (Quiet Zone)

65 50 70 65 75 75 55 50

Note: Day represents the time period from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.; night represents the time period 16 from 10:01 p.m. to 6:59 a.m. 17 Source: EQB Regulation for the Control of Noise Pollution (EQB 2011). 18

3.8.3 Affected Environment 19

The proposed project area is located in the wharf of Playa de Ponce and surrounded by warehouses 20

and administrative buildings, with a waterfront park and parking area directly to the east. In 21

addition to the temporary structure and boat ramp at the Ponce Marine Unit, there are several piers 22

along the southern coast of Puerto Rico within 1 mile of the proposed project area. The proposed 23

project area is located in Zone III, the industrial zone, but borders Zone II (commercial), with the 24

waterfront park to the east and Zone III to the west and north. 25

Current noise levels at the project site are mostly influenced by vehicular traffic in the area and 26

CBP operations at the Ponce Marine Unit. The closest residential area to the project site is located 27

approximately one-third of a mile to the east. The closest school is Our Lady of Carmen School 28

(in the quiet zone), located approximately one-half mile north of the project site. Hospital Dramas 29

is the closest hospital (quiet zone), located approximately 1.6 miles north of the project site. 30

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3.8.4 Environmental Consequences 1

Noise impact analyses typically evaluate potential changes to the existing noise environment that 2

would result from implementation of a proposed action. Potential changes in the acoustical 3

environment can be beneficial (i.e., if they reduce the number of sensitive receptors exposed to 4

unacceptable noise levels or reduce the ambient sound level), negligible (i.e., if the total number 5

of sensitive receptors exposed to unacceptable noise levels is essentially unchanged), or adverse 6

(i.e., if they result in increased sound exposure to unacceptable noise levels or ultimately increase 7

the ambient sound level). Projected noise effects were evaluated qualitatively for the project. 8 No-Action Alternative 9

Under this alternative, no construction activities would occur at the project site. Therefore, noise 10

levels would result only from operational activities at the site. Current operations at the Ponce 11

Marine Unit would continue, with no anticipated change in noise levels. Therefore, no additional 12

noise impacts would be expected from the No-Action Alternative. 13 Proposed Action Alternative 14

Under the Proposed Action, noise levels would temporarily increase during the 7-month 15

construction period and depend on the number and type of equipment used, equipment location, 16

and duration of use. Table 3-8 presents typical noise emission levels for common construction 17

equipment that may be used as part of the Proposed Action Alternative. Noise emission levels 18

could increase to up to 95 dBA during construction activities. 19

Table 3-8. Noise Emission Levels for Construction Equipment 20

Equipment Lmax at 50 Feet (dBA)

Backhoe and chain 80

Concrete mixer truck 85

Concrete pump truck 82

Barge-mounted pile-driver (impact) 95

Barge-mounted pile-driver (vibratory) 95

Wharf crane 85

Flatbed truck 84

Dump truck 84

Concrete saw 90 Source: Federal Highway Administration Construction Noise Handbook, Chapter 9.0 21 Construction Equipment Noise Levels and Ranges, August 24, 2017. 22

The maximum noise emission level for Zone III (industrial), per the EQB, is 75 dBA (diurnal and 23

nocturnal). Construction noise levels associated at the closest sensitive receptors (quiet zone) are 24

anticipated to reach no more than 30 dBA; the regulatory limit is 55 dBA (diurnal). Although noise 25

levels could exceed regulatory limits at the project site, the predicted noise levels represent the 26

worst-case scenario. The noise from construction equipment would be localized, short-term, and 27

intermittent during machinery operation, likely producing lower noise emissions during 28

construction. Further, the existing buildings and structures at the Ponce Marine Unit would restrict 29

the transmission of sound from construction activities to the surrounding area. 30

Noise emissions during operation of the Ponce Marine Unit would be the same as current 31

conditions, resulting from the use of CBP vehicles and vessels operating at the pier. Therefore, 32

operations would have no effect on noise levels in the area. 33

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3.9 Utilities and Infrastructure 1

This section focuses on utilities and infrastructure within the vicinity of the project area, including 2

public utilities, solid waste management, and transportation systems. Public utilities include 3

natural gas, electric, water, and wastewater infrastructure. Solid waste management involves the 4

generation, collection, and disposal of non-hazardous solid waste, including construction and 5

demolition debris. The transportation resource is defined as the system of roadways and highways 6

that could reasonably be affected by the project. 7

3.9.1 Affected Environment 8

Electric service is overseen by the Puerto Rico Energy Commission, or PREC (PREC 2018). 9

Electricity is provided by the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority, or PREPA (PREPA 2018). 10

PREPA is a government-owned corporation that generates, distributes, and transmits power 11

throughout Puerto Rico and to the project site (PREPA 2018). Solid waste facilities and landfills 12

in Puerto Rico face serious challenges (EPA 2016), particularly in light of the massive debris 13

generated from Hurricane Maria (NPR 2017). Even before the massive cleanup effort required 14

after the hurricane, the majority of Puerto Rico’s operating landfills were beyond capacity (EPA 15

2016). Water and wastewater treatment is provided by PRASA (USGS 2014). 16

3.9.2 Environmental Consequences 17 No-Action Alternative 18

The Ponce Marine Unit is a small, industrial site, with limited personnel and limited demands on 19

water, sewage, electricity, and waste removal. Under the No-Action Alternative, no changes would 20

be made at the site. There would be no additional requirements for water, electricity, or solid waste 21

disposal. 22 Proposed Action Alternative 23

Under the Proposed Action, there would be short-term impacts on power consumption, water 24

consumption, and solid waste disposal increases during the construction phase, both onsite and 25

offsite. The boat ramp construction plan calls for erection of a temporary coffer dam at the mouth 26

of the inlet. This action would increase power consumption from power pumps to drain the area 27

for the removal of the original pier, temporary structure, and boat ramp and to keep it drained 28

during the subsequent construction of the replacement boat ramp. If nighttime work were required, 29

additional electricity would be needed to power lights to illuminate the work area. Additional water 30

would be required to wash equipment and mix grout onsite, as well as to prepare the concrete to 31

cast the boat ramp at an offsite location. Disposal of the debris from the original concrete pier, 32

temporary structure, and boat ramp would be sent to a local permitted landfill. 33

Construction of the pier would likely lead to increased power consumption onsite, as it would 34

require pile driving of hollow pilings and emplacement of precast concrete panels. These items 35

and the concrete to fill the pilings would be fabricated offsite and require power and water at the 36

fabrication sites. Power to sink the pilings would be provided by barges and autonomous engines 37

and therefore would not be expected to require onsite water or power. There could be a need for 38

minimal water and power to prepare patches and grout to join the concrete panels and plug voids 39

from power line and water line installation. 40

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Excavation of a trench from the property line to the proposed pier for power and water lines would 1

also be constructed. This trench would be covered with concrete upon completion. The process 2

would generate concrete and potentially some soil debris to be disposed of in a landfill. The long-3

term effects of the pier and boat ramp installation would slightly increase the need for power and 4

water to the site to serve the three planned base stations and the lighting along the proposed pier, and 5

for lighting at the proposed ramp replacement. 6

Implementation of the Proposed Action would result in long-term, moderate, direct, beneficial 7

impacts on infrastructure due to the installation of a new pier and boat ramp. The proposed pier 8

would be constructed with reinforced concrete piles and both the pier and the boat ramp would have 9

longer expected lifetimes. 10

3.10 Hazardous Materials 11

Hazardous materials are defined by 49 CFR § 171.8 as “hazardous substances, hazardous wastes, 12

marine pollutants, elevated temperature materials, materials designated as hazardous in the 13

Hazardous Materials Table (see 49 CFR 172.101), and materials that meet the defining criteria for 14

hazard classes and divisions” in 49 CFR Part 173. Transportation of hazardous materials is 15

regulated by the U.S. Department of Transportation in 49 CFR Parts 105–180. 16

Statutes and regulations govern the management of hazardous materials and hazardous waste 17

activities at Federal operations. The Comprehensive Environmental, Response, Compensation, 18

and Liability Act (CERCLA) requires the cleanup of hazardous waste and holds the responsible 19

party liable for the funding and remedial actions required. The Resource Conservation and 20

Recovery Act (RCRA) establishes a Federal program to manage hazardous waste to protect human 21

health and the environment. The RCRA Subtitle C program requires the immediate cleanup 22

resulting from improper waste management and helps state and local agencies develop hazardous 23

waste management programs (EPA 2017b). 24

Special hazards include substances that pose a risk to human health and are addressed separately 25

from other hazardous substances. They include asbestos-containing materials (ACM), 26

polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and lead-based paint (LBP). EPA regulates asbestos abatement 27

and worker safety under 40 CFR Part 763. Whether from lead abatement or other activities, 28

depending on the quantity and concentration, the disposal of LBP waste may be regulated by the 29

RCRA or by 40 CFR Part 260. The disposal of PCBs is addressed in 40 CFR Parts 750 and 761. 30

All generators of hazardous waste must implement BMPs when operating and maintaining the site 31

of generation to minimize the risk of fire, explosion, or unplanned release of hazardous wastes to 32

air, soil, or surface water that could negatively affect human health or the environment. The 33

evaluation of hazardous material affects and pollution prevention include potential hazardous 34

materials that could be used during construction and operation of a project, the potential to 35

encounter hazardous materials at contaminated sites during construction and operation, and the 36

potential to interfere with ongoing remediation of existing contaminated sites at the proposed 37

project site or in the immediate vicinity (FAA 2015). 38

The evaluation of solid waste impacts include the availability of landfills to support the 39

population’s residential, commercial, and industrial needs and the potential for waste streams 40

caused by the construction or operation of the project to overwhelm these facilities. Some localities 41

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possess landfills designated for disposal of construction and demolition debris. Recycling 1

programs are available for various waste categories. 2

3.10.1 Affected Environment 3

No potential or existing environmental contamination was identified at the proposed project site. 4

Therefore, no Phase I or Phase II assessments were conducted as part of this EA. There are no fuel 5

storage tanks or fueling operations onsite. 6

A search of EPA’s Envirofacts RCRAInfo website indicated one hazardous waste generator within 7

a 1-mile radius of the project site (EPA 2017c). Homeca Recycling Center Co., Inc., is located 8

approximately 230 feet to the north of the proposed project area, at 1 Calle Salmon. This facility 9

is classified as a conditionally exempt small-quantity generator and is able to accept up to 10

1,000 kilograms of ignitable, corrosive, and reactive waste, as well as lead, mercury, and other 11

waste codes. 12

No sites on EPA’s National Priorities List are located within a 1-mile radius of the project site 13

(EPA 2017d). However, EPA identifies three brownfield properties within 1 mile (EPA 2016b–d). 14

Two brownfield sites are undergoing assessment, and as such, contaminant reports are unavailable 15

(HAZ050 and HAZ102). Site HAZ100, located at 69 Calle Comercio in Ponce, was assessed in 16

2014, but cleanup activities have not been reported. No evidence of hazardous wastes or materials 17

(e.g., drums, oil stains) was observed during the August 2016 site survey. Further, ACM, PCBs, 18

and LBP are not expected during construction and operation at the Ponce Marine Unit facility due 19

to the age of construction and the type of facilities under the Proposed Action. 20

3.10.2 Environmental Consequences 21

Risks associated with hazardous material use would be considered significant if the Proposed 22

Action resulted in exposure to hazardous materials above regulated thresholds, if the Proposed 23

Action did not comply with Federal and state regulations, or if the Proposed Action produced 24

hazardous materials at a quantity beyond CBP’s capacity to manage it. An effect on solid waste 25

management would be considered significant if the Proposed Action exceeded the capacity of 26

existing landfills or caused a long-term interruption of waste management, a permit violation, or a 27

utility plan violation. 28 No-Action Alternative 29

Under this alternative, there would be no increase in the presence or risk of hazardous materials or 30

waste. No new hazardous waste or material would be generated, as construction of the pier and 31

boat ramp would not occur. Operations at the Ponce Marine Unit would continue and may include 32

the use of petroleum, oil, and lubricants (POL). The operation and maintenance of vehicles and 33

marine vessels pose the risk for accidental release of hazardous materials. This risk is minimized 34

by the implementation of standard CBP BMPs. CBP’s process for the handling and disposal of 35

hazardous waste would be in effect as part of its normal operations. Therefore, there would be no 36

short- or long-term impacts under the No-Action Alternative. 37 Proposed Action Alternative 38

No long-term impacts due to the storage, transport, handling, and use of hazardous substances, 39

petroleum products, and hazardous and petroleum wastes are expected from the implementation 40

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of the Proposed Action Alternative. Under the Proposed Action, construction activities have the 1

potential to utilize hazardous materials that may include oil, oil filters, and refrigerant to operate 2

machinery during construction. Short-term, direct, negligible, adverse impacts would be expected 3

from the presence of hazardous materials onsite during construction and therefore increase the 4

potential of a spill. All such hazardous materials would be used and stored in accordance with the 5

project’s SPCC plan, as well as with Federal, state, and local regulations. POL would be stored 6

properly and within designated containers, which would include primary and secondary 7

containment measures. Cleanup materials (e.g., oil mops), in accordance with the project’s SPCC 8

plan, would be maintained at the site to allow for immediate response in case a spill occurs. 9

Similarly, solid and hazardous waste generated from construction would be properly contained, 10

controlled, and disposed of in accordance with measures outlined in the SPCC plan. Disposal 11

contractors would use existing roads to transport equipment and waste, and all waste would be 12

disposed of in compliance with Federal, state, and local regulations. 13

The construction of the pier would involve slight disturbances to soil beneath the site, as soil 14

cuttings and removal would take place during the structural foundation development of the pier. 15

However, any waste streams would be handled properly through CBP BMPs (see Chapter 5). 16

Although the proposed project area is within a 1-mile radius of three brownfield properties, it is 17

not expected that ground disturbance involved in construction would encounter contaminated soils, 18

as the brownfield properties are small, located to the north, and only suspected of asbestos and 19

lead presence throughout the buildings and aboveground structures (EPA 2016c–e). 20

3.11 Human Health and Safety 21

This section discusses potential impacts on human health and safety of CBP personnel and 22

community members within the vicinity of the project area. Effects on human health and safety 23

include direct factors, such as exposure to chemicals, extreme temperatures, and weather, and 24

indirect factors, such as physical safety and security of the surrounding environment. 25

3.11.1 Affected Environment 26

The proposed project area is located in a developed area with no known contamination issues. 27

Factors in the project area that could affect human health include automobile and boating 28

accidents, workplace accidents, criminal activities, and extreme weather. 29

CBP, as a Government employer, is subject to regulations established by the Federal Occupational 30

Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), which issues standards specifying the amount and type 31

of training required for industrial workers, the use of protective equipment and clothing, 32

engineering controls, and maximum exposure limits with respect to workplace stressors. Puerto 33

Rico has an OSHA-approved state program, which adopts all OSHA standards and regulations 34

applicable to state and local government and private-sector employment, with minor revisions to 35

the recordkeeping regulation (OSHA undated). Section 19 of the Occupational Safety and Health 36

Act of 1970 requires that all Federal agencies have a safety and health program that meets the same 37

standards as private employers (OSHA 2016). 38

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3.11.2 Environmental Consequences 1 No-Action Alternative 2

Under this alternative, risks to health and safety associated with existing conditions and operations 3

at the Ponce Marine Unit would continue. CBP would construct a new pier and replacement boat 4

ramp. The original pier was displaced by Hurricane Maria and the boat ramp is severely worn and 5

broken where it extends into the water. Long-term, direct, moderate adverse impacts would be 6

expected to CBP personnel through the continued use of the existing facilities, due to the 7

continuation of the health and safety risks associated with the existing conditions. 8 Proposed Action Alternative 9

Under the Proposed Action, direct, adverse risks to human health and safety of construction 10

personnel would increase slightly during the construction phase. CBP would minimize risk by 11

adhering to occupational safety and health regulations, the use of protective gear and equipment, 12

and BMPs. Access to the construction site would be restricted to construction workers and 13

applicable CBP personnel. Risks to human health and safety during construction of the Proposed 14

Action would therefore be short-term and negligible. 15

During the operations phase, potential long-term, adverse impacts on human health and safety 16

would be minimized by ensuring compliance with applicable construction and safety codes. 17

Employees would adhere to fire safety standards set forth in the Puerto Rico building and National 18

Fire Protection Association codes. Operations of marine vessels would continue in accordance 19

with applicable CBP safety regulations. 20

Construction of the pier and replacement of the boat ramp would also have the potential to decrease 21

adverse risks to overall human health and safety. The original concrete pier and deteriorated boat 22

ramp at the Ponce Marine Unit are unusable in their current state. Under the Proposed Action, both 23

would be replaced to enable CBP personnel to safely operate out of the Ponce Marine Unit facility. 24

The new pier and ramp would be larger and possess several safety features (i.e., guardrails and 25

lighting) to decrease safety risks and increase efficiencies of the facility’s daily operations. 26

Replacement of the pier and boat ramp would facilitate CBP’s ability to carry out its mission of 27

interdicting unlawful people and cargo attempting to encroach U.S. borders. This would result in 28

a long-term, beneficial impact on the health and safety of nearby residents and community 29

members by creating a more secure environment. 30

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4 Cumulative Impacts 1

The cumulative impacts analysis has been conducted in accordance with CEQ regulations that 2

implement the NEPA and CEQ handbook, Considering Cumulative Effects under the National 3

Environmental Policy Act (CEQ 1997). This EA addresses the potential cumulative impacts of the 4

two alternatives proposed for the Ponce Marine Unit and all related and similar actions that could 5

contribute to cumulative impacts. The CEQ regulations define “cumulative impact” as “the impact 6

on the environment which results from the incremental impact of the action when added to other 7

past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions regardless of what agency (Federal or non-8

Federal) or person undertakes such other actions” (40 C.F.R. §1508.7). Cumulative impacts can 9

result from the combination of individually minor effects of actions over time, and NEPA requires 10

the analysis of cumulative impacts on assess the overall effect of a proposed action on its 11

surrounding environment. 12

This chapter assesses the Ponce Marine Unit project’s potential cumulative impacts of the 13

replacement of a pier and boat ramp. As previously discussed, the Proposed Action would be 14

located within the boundaries of the existing Ponce Marine Unit in Puerto Rico. The APE for this 15

Proposed Action, analyzed for cumulative impacts, is shown in Figure 4-1. Localized around the 16

Ponce Marine Unit, the APE consists of a 1-mile radius around the project area. This project is 17

limited to construction activities and the 1-mile radius encompasses the furthest extent of possible 18

impacts from the project activities. 19

20 Source: Google Earth 2018. 21

Figure 4-1. Ponce Marine Unit Area of Potential Effect for the Proposed Action 22

4.1 CBP Activities Included in the Cumulative Impacts Analysis 23

CBP’s law enforcement operations throughout the Caribbean Sea have been continuous since its 24

inception. Past actions by CBP fall under maintenance and security operations that occurred within 25

the APE before the development of this EA. The original concrete pier was displaced by Hurricane 26

Maria and boat ramp is extremely dilapidated and therefore, both are unusable. After the recent 27

hurricane damage to the Ponce Marine Unit, the perimeter fence was replaced and a temporary 28

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structure was built to replace the original pier. CBP continues to operate out of the Ponce Marine 1

Unit. Future actions would consist of the maintenance and repair of the new tactical infrastructure 2

that is part of this Proposed Action. There are no additional planned CBP actions within the APE 3

for this Proposed Action; therefore, there is no potential for cumulative effects arising from CBP-4

sponsored actions (CBP 2018a). 5

Adverse impacts of future and ongoing projects would be prevented or minimized with continued 6

funding and implementation of CBP’s environmental conservation measures, including 7

environmental education and training of agents and the use of biological and archaeological 8

monitors. CBP’s activities have had many positive cumulative impacts. 9

4.2 Non-CBP Activities Included in the Cumulative Impacts Analysis 10

CBP completed a search of actions planned by other agencies that may also affect the region’s 11

natural and human environment. None were found to occur within the designated APE (USACE 12

2018b, USACE 2017). A search of projects within the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 13

revealed two projects involving liquefied natural gas terminals (FERC 2017, FERC 2018). As 14

these projects are located more than 50 miles from the project area and therefore not within the 15

APE, they are not included in this analysis. 16

Federal actions within the region most likely to contribute to cumulative effects along with this 17

project are related to sanitary landfill capacity. Even prior to the major hurricane damage sustained 18

in Puerto Rico, solid waste disposal landfills have operated at or beyond their designed capacity. 19

EPA has tried to close existing landfills and help establish adequate disposal capacity (EPA 20

2016b). The development of this Proposed Action would add solid waste to landfills as part of 21

demolition and construction activities. EPA does not list additional environmental assessments or 22

environmental impact statements for the municipality of Ponce, Puerto Rico (EPA 2018). 23

4.3 Resources Evaluated for Cumulative Impacts 24

This EA evaluates cumulative impacts due to the Proposed Action and No-Action alternatives. All 25

impacts are evaluated for their potential effects on the following resource areas: 26

Geology and soils 27

Water resources 28

Biological resources 29

Cultural, historical, and archaeological resources 30

Air quality 31

Noise 32

Utilities and infrastructure 33

Hazardous materials, and 34

Human health and safety. 35

Cumulative impacts related to land use, socioeconomic resources, environmental justice, 36

protection of children, roadways and traffic, and aesthetics and visual resources were not evaluated 37

further due to their lack of direct effect from the No-Action and Proposed Action alternatives. 38

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4.4 Cumulative Impacts: Geology and Soils 1

The Proposed Action is small in its areal coverage and would not permanently displace geological 2

or soil resources. Excavation of the trench to carry utilities to the proposed new pier would require 3

the removal of soils, however the majority of that soil would be used to fill the trench following 4

the placement of utility cables. No short- or long-term cumulative effects are anticipated. 5

4.5 Cumulative Impacts: Water Resources 6

The Proposed Action would not be expected to cause short-term effects on water resources during 7

construction or long-term effects on water use requirements, water quality surfaces, or water 8

resources, including wetlands and regulatory WoUS. Debris from demolition of infrastructure (i.e., 9

existing boat ramp, original concrete pier and temporary structure, and excavation debris from 10

construction of a utilities trench to the new pier) would have a minor impact on solid waste disposal 11

capacity in the region. EPA is working with Puerto Rican officials to establish new landfills (EPA 12

2016b). New landfill siting would require National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System 13

(NPDES) permitting. Although there is potential for a minor, adverse cumulative effect, the 14

NPDES program exists to ensure that there are no adverse impacts from permitted activities; 15

therefore, the adverse impact is only a potential impact. 16

4.6 Cumulative Impacts: Biological Resources 17

No additional projects were identified within the APE. Therefore, no cumulative effects from the 18

Proposed Action would be expected. 19

4.7 Cumulative Impacts: Cultural, Historical, and Archaeological Resources 20

No short- or long-term impacts on cultural, historical, or archaeological resources would be 21

expected from the Proposed Action given the absence of historical structures or cultural or 22

archaeological resources within the APE. Therefore, no cumulative impacts would be expected. 23

4.8 Cumulative Impacts: Air Quality 24

A minor increase in local air pollution would be expected due to construction activities. Temporary 25

increases in air pollution would result from vehicle emissions from construction workers 26

commuting to the project and the use of vehicles and construction equipment at the facility. Due 27

to the short duration of the project, any impacts on ambient air quality from emissions during 28

construction are expected to be short term and can be reduced through the use of standard BMPs. 29

Operations at the facility would continue, and no increase in emissions from personal vehicles or 30

vehicles and marine vessels operating at the pier would be expected. Therefore, no cumulative 31

impacts on air quality would be expected. 32

4.9 Cumulative Impacts: Noise 33

The Proposed Action would not generate sufficient noise to have a cumulative effect on the overall 34

noise levels of the area surrounding the Ponce Marine Unit. Because of the existing structures at 35

the facility and surrounding buildings, the Proposed Action is not anticipated to generate sufficient 36

noise to disturb nearby quiet zone (Zone IV) areas. Therefore, no cumulative impacts on ambient 37

noise levels would be expected. 38

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4.10 Cumulative Impacts: Utilities and Infrastructure 1

The demolition and construction activities associated with the Proposed Action could have short-2

term, minor, adverse impacts on landfill capacity and a cumulative impact given the large amount 3

of hurricane damage debris being sent to regional landfills. The amount of debris resulting from 4

the Proposed Action is negligible in comparison to the quantity of debris generated by hurricane 5

cleanup activity. Therefore, short- and long-term, minor, adverse, cumulative effects would be 6

expected. 7

4.11 Cumulative Impacts: Hazardous Materials 8

No temporary or permanent effects on the public, wildlife, or other natural resources would be 9

expected from the storage, transport, handling, and use of hazardous materials and substances 10

during the activities associated with the Proposed Action. All activities would be completed in 11

accordance with the project’s SPCC plan and Federal, state, and local laws and regulations 12

pertaining to the storage, transport, handling, and use of hazardous materials and substances. 13

Therefore, no cumulative effects would be expected. 14

4.12 Cumulative Impacts: Human Health and Safety 15

Although, short-term, minor impacts on human health and safety would be expected during 16

construction activities, adherence to Federal safety regulations would minimize risk and protect 17

workers. There is potential for beneficial cumulative impacts, as the Proposed Action would 18

provide a safer working environment for CBP agents by replacing the pier and ramp and adding 19

several safety features. In addition, the Proposed Action would have a beneficial cumulative 20

impact on the surrounding area by improving CBP’s ability to carry out its mission. 21

4.13 Incomplete or Unavailable Information 22

Hurricane Irma hit Puerto Rico on September 6, 2017, leaving one million people without 23

electricity (Johnson et al., 2017). Then, on September 20, 2017, Hurricane Maria struck the island 24

as a Category 4 storm, traveling directly across Puerto Rico, with 60,000 people still lacking 25

electricity from Hurricane Irma (Resnick and Barclay, 2017). Hurricane Maria had a significant 26

impact on Puerto Rico, affecting buildings and island infrastructure, and led to major power 27

outages. At the time that this EA was written, Puerto Rico was still assessing damage from the 28

hurricanes and working to rebuild lost and impaired infrastructure. The scope and timeline of these 29

infrastructure projects are unknown at this time, but they are neither anticipated to affect nor be 30

affected by the Proposed Action. Thus, no cumulative impacts are expected from hurricane 31

recovery efforts. 32

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5 Mitigation Measures and Best Management Practices 1

It is CBP’s policy to reduce effects on air quality, wildlife, landscapes, and other natural and 2

cultural resources through a sequence of avoidance, minimization, mitigation, and compensation. 3

Mitigation efforts vary by project and setting and may include activities such as implementation 4

of appropriate BMPs and restoration of habitat. CBP coordinates its environmental design 5

measures with appropriate Federal and state resource agencies. General BMPs have been 6

developed during the preparation of this EA. 7

This section describes those measures that may be implemented to reduce or eliminate potential 8

adverse effects on the human and natural environment. Many of these measures have been 9

incorporated by CBP as standard operating procedures on past projects. Table 5-1 summarizes 10

BMPs and mitigation measures by resource area for each potentially affected resource category. 11

Table 5-1. Resource Area BMPs and Associated Mitigation Resource Area 12

Resource Area Mitigation Measures and Best Management Practices

Geology and soils Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)

Sediment and Erosion Control Plan and associated BMPs

Drainage improvements and revegetation

Water resources SPCC Plan and associated BMPs

Construction Mitigation and Restoration Plan and associated BMPs

SWPPP and associated BMPs

Sediment and Erosion Control Plan and associated BMPs

Proper storage and use of fuels and hazardous materials

Biological resources Biological monitoring onsite during construction

Biological surveys in advance of construction

General and species specific BMPs

Cultural, historical, and archaeological resources

Consultation with state representatives

Air quality Dust control measures and associated BMPs

Fire Prevention and Suppression Plan and associated BMPs

Maintenance of equipment and vehicles according to specifications

Noise Adherence with OSHA requirements

Proper design and maintenance of equipment and vehicles

Seasonal activity restrictions

Utilities and infrastructure Marking and avoidance

Repair or replacement

Hazardous materials SPCC Plan and associated BMPs

Proper storage and use of hazardous materials

Proper management and disposal of solid and hazardous waste

Vehicle maintenance

Human health and safety Fire Prevention and Suppression Plan and associated BMPs

SPCC Plan and associated BMPs

Adherence with OSHA requirements

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5.1 General Construction Activities 1

BMPs would be implemented as standard operating procedures during construction activities. As 2

part of the project, the following plans would be prepared and implemented, consistent with 3

Federal, state, and local requirements and standard industry practices: 4

Construction Mitigation and Restoration Plan 5

Dust Control Plan 6

Fire Prevention and Suppression Plan 7

Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan 8

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). 9

Each of these plans identifies BMPs that would be implemented to avoid or minimize effects to 10

resource areas. In addition to preparing and implementing plans directing construction design 11

measures and practices, all construction practices would be limited to approved areas. 12

5.2 Geology and Soils 13

A SWPPP would be prepared prior to construction activities. Site-specific BMPs would be 14

implemented as described in the SWPPP to reduce erosion and the impact of non-point source 15

pollution during construction activities. These BMPs would greatly reduce the amount of soil lost 16

to runoff during heavy rain events and ensure the integrity of the construction site. A Sediment 17

and Erosion Control Plan would be implemented, along with other soil control BMPs to reduce 18

impacts of soil disturbance and compaction. These BMPs can also beneficially affect air quality 19

by reducing the amount of fugitive dust. 20

Areas with highly erodible soils would be given special consideration to ensure incorporation of 21

various and effective compaction techniques, aggregate materials, wetting compounds, and 22

rehabilitation to reduce potential soil erosion. Erosion control measures such as waterbars, gabions, 23

straw bales, and revegetation would be implemented during and after construction activities. Silt 24

fencing and floating silt curtains would be installed and maintained to prevent movement of soil 25

and sediment and to minimize turbidity increases in water. Aggregate materials for the pile fillings 26

and precast pile caps would be obtained from developed or previously used sources that are 27

compatible with the project area and from legally permitted sites. Materials from undisturbed areas 28

adjacent to the project area would not be used. All excavated materials would be stored and 29

disposed of in approved areas. 30

The construction plan calls for the use of a barrier to be pumped and kept dewatered during the 31

construction of the boat ramp. This practice would prevent uncured concrete from coming into 32

contact with surface waters. In addition, a single entry and exit point to the construction site would 33

be established to avoid unnecessary soil compaction. After construction is complete, compacted 34

soils would be scarified or aerated to minimize potential impacts. 35

5.3 Water Resources 36

To minimize potential effects from hazardous and regulated materials, all fuels, waste oils, and 37

solvents would be collected and stored in tanks or drums within a secondary containment system 38

that consists of an impervious floor and bermed sidewalls capable of containing the volume of 39

accepted industry guidelines, and all vehicles would have drip pans during storage to contain minor 40

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spills and drips. Although a major spill is unlikely, any spill of 5 gallons or more would be 1

contained immediately within an earthen dike, and an absorbent (e.g., granular, pillow, sock) 2

would be applied to contain the spill. An SPCC Plan would be in place prior to the start of 3

construction, and all personnel would be briefed on its implementation and responsibilities. 4

A Sediment and Erosion Control Plan and SWPPP would be developed and implemented to 5

minimize pollutants in stormwater runoff. The contractor would avoid contaminating natural 6

aquatic and wetland systems with runoff by limiting all equipment maintenance, staging, laydown, 7

and dispensing of hazardous liquids (e.g., fuel and oil) to designated upland areas. Runoff would 8

be prevented from entering drainages or storm drains by placing fabric filters, sand bag enclosures, 9

or other capture devices around the work area. The capture devices would be emptied or cleaned 10

out at the end of each day, with any waste properly disposed. Contamination of ground and surface 11

waters would be avoided by storing concrete wash water, with any water that has been 12

contaminated (e.g., with construction materials, oils, or equipment residue) in closed containers 13

onsite until removed for disposal. In upland areas, storage tanks must be on-ground containers. 14

Water tankers that convey untreated surface water would not discard unused water where it has 15

the potential to enter aquatic or wetland habitat. In the event of heavy rains, all construction 16

activities would temporarily cease until conditions are suitable to move equipment and material 17

again without an increased risk of runoff. 18

Impacts on surface water could occur during operation of the Ponce Marine Unit, associated with 19

boat washing activities and accidental POL spills. This risk is present with current operations at 20

the Ponce Marine Unit and is not expected to increase due to the Proposed Action. Site-specific 21

spill prevention and stormwater runoff management BMPs would be implemented during 22

operations to manage runoff to nearby surface waters. 23

5.4 Biological Resources 24

CBP consulted with NOAA Fisheries and USFWS regarding the potential impact to protected 25

species. BMPs recommended by USFWS in their March 2017 letter, shown in Appendix A, would 26

be implemented and are incorporated in this section of the EA. Additional BMPs will be included 27

in Final EA once consultation with NOAA Fisheries and USFWS have concluded. 28

A protected species observer would be present during pile driving activities to screen construction 29

operations to ensure adherence with BMPs and advise the construction contractor as needed. The 30

protected species observer would notify the construction manager of activities that might harm or 31

harass an individual of a federally listed species. Upon such notification, the construction manager 32

may temporarily suspend all activities in question and notify the contracting officer, administrative 33

contracting officer, and contracting officer’s representative of the suspense so that the key client 34

contact can be notified and apprised of the situation and when a resolution can be reached. Shut-35

down procedures would be used if a protected species has the potential to enter the project area. 36

Prior to arrival on the worksite, all personnel would be made aware of these species and familiar 37

with the proper BMPs to implement in case they encounter these species and be informed that the 38

harming, harassment, or killing of listed species involves civil and criminal penalties. 39

Construction activities would be performed only in areas that have been surveyed for biological 40

resources, and the project work area would be surveyed for the presence of any listed species at 41

least one hour before any in-water construction activity occurs. All vessels associated with 42

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construction activities would operate at a “no wake” or “idle” speed at all times while in water 1

within a federally listed species habitat area, and vessels would follow deepwater routes whenever 2

possible. 3

The contractor would ensure the proper placement of USFWS-approved manatee signs throughout 4

the duration of the proposed project, in accordance with the guidelines specified in the USFWS 5

consultation. 6

A coral survey would be conducted prior to the onset of pier construction to determine the locations 7

of coral colonies in the immediate construction footprint. Healthy individuals of coral colonies 8

that would be disturbed by the proposed project would be relocated, if determined to be in the 9

direct footprint of the construction area. 10

If herbicides or pesticides are used, applications would be made under the supervision of a licensed 11

applicator. A log of the event—including the date, time, chemical and amount used, and specific 12

location—would be maintained. The contractor would follow guidance from EPA on applications 13

in or near riparian areas. 14

A Fire Prevention and Suppression Plan would be developed and implemented for all construction 15

activities that require welding or otherwise have a risk of starting a wildfire. 16

The LED bollard lighting would be designed and located to avoid unnecessary impacts on natural 17

areas and wildlife along the pier. 18

5.5 Cultural, Historical, and Archaeological Resources 19

The Phase IB and Phase I maritime surveys, as well as the cultural resources inventory search, 20

determined that the probability of encountering cultural, historical, or archaeological resources 21

within the APE is extremely low. If previously unidentified cultural resources are encountered 22

during construction activities, the contractor would stop all ground-disturbing activities until 23

OECH and officials from CBP are notified and the nature and significance of the find can be 24

evaluated. 25

5.6 Air Quality 26

All construction equipment and vehicles must be kept in good operating condition to minimize 27

exhaust emissions. Standard BMPs would be used to control fugitive dust during the construction 28

phases of the project. In addition, a Dust Control Plan outlining dust suppression methods would 29

be developed and implemented prior to construction. 30

5.7 Noise 31

All motorized equipment would possess working mufflers and be kept properly tuned to reduce 32

engine noise and backfires. All motorized generators would be in baffle boxes (a sound-resistant 33

box placed over or around a generator), have an attached muffler, or use other noise-abatement 34

methods in accordance with industry standards. Activities that produce significant noise emissions 35

would be conducted during regular working hours to minimize disturbance to the surrounding area. 36

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5.8 Utilities and Infrastructure 1

Before beginning construction, contractors would locate and mark utilities in the field. All 2

overhead and underground public and private utility lines (e.g., gas, electric, water, sewer, 3

communication) and customer service lines would be identified and protected during excavation, 4

clearing and grading, and other construction activities. Contractors would work with PREPA and 5

PRASA to coordinate activities. The use of LED lighting along the pier would be more energy 6

efficient than other lamp types and minimize demand on the electricity grid that powers the lights. 7

Effects to roads and the use of such infrastructure for CBP’s operations would be localized to areas 8

under construction and would be temporary and minimal. The contractor would maintain adequate 9

drainage and control potential effects from erosion and sedimentation through implementation of 10

appropriate measures. Damage to roads, concrete-lined ditches, fence, utilities, and other existing 11

structures would be replaced or repaired to original condition or better. 12

The management and disposal of solid waste and recyclables created during construction activities 13

would be in accordance with Federal and state regulations. Only an approved, authorized 14

contractor would handle and transport waste material from the project site. 15

5.9 Hazardous Materials 16

When hazardous and regulated materials are handled, workers would collect and store all fuels, 17

waste oils, and solvents in clearly labeled closed tanks and drums within a secondary containment 18

system that consists of an impervious floor and bermed sidewalls capable of containing the volume 19

of the largest container stored therein. 20

All vehicles and other equipment would be maintained to prevent leakage of fluids. Any leaked 21

fluids would be collected and disposed of properly. 22

Solid waste receptacles would be maintained at staging areas and other locations. All food-related 23

trash such as wrappers, cans, bottles, and scraps would be disposed of in closed containers. Non-24

hazardous solid waste (trash and waste construction materials) would be collected and deposited 25

in onsite receptacles. Waste and other discarded materials contained in these receptacles would be 26

removed from the site as quickly as possible. Solid waste would be collected and disposed of 27

properly by an approved contractor. 28

5.10 Human Health and Safety 29

A buffer zone surrounding the construction area would be established to ensure the health and 30

safety of the public. Federal OSHA regulations would be fully complied with, and an onsite 31

emergency plan would be developed in the case of a dangerous natural event or construction 32

accident. Contractors would be trained in emergency response and safety measures. 33

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6 Agencies, Organizations, and Persons Consulted 1

6.1 Introduction 2

CBP is committed to communicating with the public to help ensure that potentially affected 3

communities and other interested parties understand proposed actions and are given opportunities 4

to participate in decisions that may affect them. To that end, CBP made the draft Ponce Marine 5

Unit EA and Draft FONSI available for public review, providing stakeholders with the opportunity 6

to comment. 7

6.2 Draft Environmental Assessment 8

A Notice of Availability, published in two local newspapers (La Perla del Sur and Caribbean 9

Business), on October 31, 2018, informed the public of the opportunity to comment on the Draft 10

EA and Draft FONSI. Both documents are available for comment on CBP’s website 11

(http://www.cbp.gov/about/environmental-cultural-stewardship/nepa-documents/docs-review) 12

and in hardcopy at the following location: 13

Ponce Municipal Library (Mariana Suarez De Longo Municipal) 14

Miguel Pou Boulevard 15

Ponce, PR 00733 16

Comments on the draft Ponce Marine Unit EA and FONSI may be submitted during the 30-day 17

comment period and must be received by November 30, 2018. Comments submitted by mail 18

should be addressed to: 19

Joseph Zidron 20

Real Estate and Environmental Branch Chief 21

Border Patrol & Air and Marine Program Management Office 22

24000 Avila Road, Suite 5020 23

Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 24


Comments may also be emailed to [emailprotected]. The email subject line should read 26

“CBP Ponce Pier and Ramp EA.” 27

Public comments on the Draft EA and Draft FONSI, as well as CBP’s responses to those 28

comments, would be included in the Final EA in Appendix B. Availability of the Final EA and 29

FONSI would be published in local newspapers and on CBP’s website. 30

6.3 Consultations 31

Certain statutes, such as the Endangered Species Act (16 U.S.C. § 1531 et seq.), Marine Mammal 32

Protection Act of 1972 (16 U.S.C. Chapter 31), National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) 33

(16 U.S.C. § 470 et seq.), and the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. § 1251 et seq.), require consultation 34

and coordination by CBP with Federal, state, and local agencies. CBP conducted natural resource 35

and cultural surveys of the proposed project area to collect information on plant and animal species, 36

habitat, and cultural resources that might be present. 37

Natural resource consultations relate to the potential for the Proposed Action to disturb sensitive 38

species or habitats. The project area is approximately 2.65 acres – comprised of 1.05 acres of land 39


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and 1.6 acres of water, where no federally threatened or endangered species have been identified 1

as occurring within this area. CBP coordinated with USFWS, NOAA Fisheries, SHPO, and 2

USACE. Copies of the consultation and coordination letters are provided in Appendix A. 3

Cultural resource consultations pertain to the potential to encounter important cultural resources 4

and archaeological sites during the Proposed Action. CBP coordinated with the Puerto Rico 5

Oficina Estatal de Conservación Historica, as required by Section 106 of the NHPA. Copies of the 6

consultation and coordination letters are provided in Appendix A. 7

6.4 Distribution 8

CBP provided a letter informing the following stakeholders of record, as listed below, of the 9

availability of the Draft EA for the Replacement of the Pier and Boat Ramp at the Ponce Marine 10

Facility. 11

NOAA Fisheries, Southeast Regional Office, Protected Resources Division 12

NOAA Fisheries, Habitat Conservation Division 13

NOAA Fisheries, Protected Resources Division, MMPA Branch 14

U.S. Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration 15

USACE Jacksonville District, Antilles Regulatory Section 16

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Caribbean Ecological Services Field Office 17

Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) 18

Puerto Rico State Historic Preservation Office 19

(Oficina Estatal de Conservación Histórica) 20

Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority 21

Puerto Rico Department of Agriculture 22

(Departamento de Agricultura) 23

Puerto Rico Department of Economic Development and Commerce 24

Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources 25

(Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambientales) 26

Puerto Rico Department of Transportation and Public Works 27

Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority 28

Puerto Rico Environmental Quality Board ( 29

Junta de Calidad Ambiental) 30

Puerto Rico Planning Board 31

Puerto Rico Ports Authority 32

Archeology and Ethnohistory program of the Puertorican Institute of Culture 33

(Programa de Arqueología y Etnohistoria del Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña) 34

Historical built heritage program of the Puertorican Institute of Culture 35

(Programa de Patrimonio Histórico Edificado del Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña) 36

Municipality of Ponce 37

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7 References 1

Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange. 2018. Puerto Rico Coastal Zone Management 2

Program. Available at http://www.cakex.org/directory/organizations/puerto-rico-coastal-3

zone-management-program. Last accessed 3/23/2018. 4

Department of Homeland Security (DHS). 2014. DHS Implementation Manual 023-01-001-01, 5

rev. 01 “Implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)” 6

Environmental Impact Analysis Process (EIAP). Available at 7


-01-001-01%20Rev%2001_508compliantversion.pdf. 9

Environmental Quality Board (EQB). 1995. Environmental Control Board Regulation for the 10

Control of Atmospheric Pollution. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Office of the Governor. 11

July 1995. 12

Environmental Quality Board (EQB). 2011. Regulation for the Control of Noise Pollution 13

(Amended Version). Available at http://www.gobierno.pr/NR/rdonlyres/27B321AF-F995-14

4A43-8AE3-2B8D6893DE79/0/Reglamento_Control_Ruidos_Ingles.pdf. 15

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). 2015. 1051.1F Desk Reference. Chapter 7: Hazardous 16

Materials, Solid Waste, and Pollution Prevention. Available at 17


policy/faa_nepa_order/desk_ref/media/7-hazmat.pdf. 19

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). 2017. EcoEléctrica, LP, Docket No. CP16-492-20

000. Available at https://www.ferc.gov/industries/gas/indus-act/pipelines/approved-21

projects/2017/CP16-492-000.pdf. 22

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). 2018. Aguirre Offshore Gasport Project 23

Overview. Available at http://en.aguirreoffshoregasport.com/the-aguirre-offshore-gasport-24

project-overview/location-puerto-rico. Last accessed 3/28/2018. 25

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). 2017. Construction Noise Handbook. Chapter 9.0: 26

Construction Equipment Noise Levels and Ranges. Available at 27

https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/Environment/noise/construction_noise/handbook 28

/handbook09.cfm. Updated 8/24/2017. 29

Gobierno de Puerto Rico (PR). 2017. Plan de Usos de Terrenos. Junta de Planificación, Oficina 30

del Gobernador. Available at http://jp.pr.gov/Planes/Plan-de-Usos-de-Terrenos. 31

Google Earth (November 3, 2017). Ponce Marine Unit, Ponce, Puerto Rico. 17°58’46.16”N, 32

66°37’10.5”W. Eye alt 32779 feet. 2018 Google. 2018 Digital Globe. Last accessed 33

9/16/2018. 34

HDR. 2013. Final Cultural Resources Inventory of Air and Marine Facility Ponce, Ponce 35

Municipality, Puerto Rico. Blackwell, Chad, and Matt Edwards. August 2013. 36

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HDR. 2016a. Ponce Marine Unit, Facility Repairs and Alterations, Ponce, Puerto Rico 1

Determination of Waters of the U.S. and Listed Species Survey. September 28, 2016. 2

HDR. 2016b. Biological Resources Survey and Benthic Habitat Characterization. U.S. Customs 3

and Border Protection Marine Facility, Ponce, Puerto Rico. November 2016. Prepared by 4

CSA Ocean Services Inc. 5

HDR. 2018. 2018 Biological Resources Survey and Benthic Habitat Characterization. U.S. 6

Customs and Border Protection, Ponce Marine Facility, Ponce, Puerto Rico. September 7

2018. Prepared by CSA Ocean Services Inc. 8

Homeland Security Technology (HST). 2018. SAFE Boat Apostle Marine Interceptor. Available 9

at https://www.homelandsecurity-technology.com/projects/safe-boat-apostle-marine-10

interceptor. Last accessed 3/28/2018. 11

Johnson, Alex; Daniel Arkin, Jason Cummings, and Bill Karins. 2017. Hurricane Irma Skirts 12

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7.1 Code of Federal Regulations 18

36 CFR § 60.4, National Register of Historic Places, Criteria for Evaluation. 19

36 CFR § 800.5, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, Protection of Historic Properties, 20

Assessment of Adverse Effects. 21

40 CFR Part 51, Environmental Protection Agency, Requirements for Preparation, Adoption, and 22

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Ignition Engines. 25

40 CFR Part 93, Environmental Protection Agency, Determining Conformity of General Federal 26

Actions to State or Federal Implementation Plans. 27

40 CFR Part 260, Environmental Protection Agency, Hazardous Waste Management System, 28

General. 29

40 CFR Parts 750 and 761, Environmental Protection Agency, Toxic Substances Control Act. 30

40 CFR Part 763, Environmental Protection Agency, Asbestos. 31

40 CFR Parts 1500–1508, Council on Environmental Quality, Regulations for Implementing the 32

Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act. 33

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49 CFR Parts 105–180, Department of Transportation, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety 1

Administration, Hazardous Materials Regulations. 2

7.2 Executive Orders 3

Executive Order 13045, Protection of Children from Environmental Health Risks and Safety 4

Risks, April 23, 1997. 5

7.3 United States Code 6

16 U.S.C. § 470 et seq., National Historic Preservation Act. 7

16 U.S.C. § 703 et seq., Migratory Bird Treaty Act. 8

16 U.S.C. § 1451 et seq., Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972. 9

16 U.S.C. § 1531 et seq., Endangered Species Act of 1973. 10

16 U.S.C. § 6401 et seq., Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000. 11

29 U.S.C. § 651 et seq., Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. 12

33 U.S.C. § 1251 et seq., Clean Water Act of 1972. 13

42 U.S.C. § 4321 et seq., National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. 14

42 U.S.C. § 6901 et seq., Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976. 15

42 U.S.C. § 7401 et seq., Clean Air Act of 1970. 16

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8 List of Preparers 1

U.S. Customs and Border Protection 2

Joseph Zidron 3 EA Responsibilities: Real Estate and Environmental Branch Chief, Acting, Border Patrol & Air 4

and Marine Program Management Office 5 Lauri Regan 6 EA Responsibilities: EA Project Manager, Border Patrol & Air and Marine Program 7

Management Office 8

Logistics Management Institute (LMI) 9

Kaitlyn Carter 10 EA Responsibilities: Cultural Resources, Air Quality, Hazardous Materials, Noise and Human 11

Health & Safety Lead; Manager, Chapter 5—”Mitigation Measures and Best 12 Management Practices”; Chapter 6—”Agencies, Organizations, and Persons 13 Consulted”; Chapter 7—”References”; Administrative Record Lead 14

Education: BA, Environmental Science, and BA, Environmental Thought and 15 Practice, University of Virginia 16

Experience: 2 years 17

Natalie Fike 18 EA Responsibilities: Technical Editor 19 Education: BA, Communication Studies, Canisius College 20 Experience: 11 years 21

Francis Reilly 22 EA Responsibilities: Water Resources, Biological Resources, Utilities and Infrastructure and 23

Geological Resources Lead 24 Education: MS, Biology, East Carolina University; BS, Biology, and BS, Chemistry, 25

Wheeling Jesuit University 26 Experience: 35 years 27

John Ruffing 28 EA Responsibilities: Manager, Chapter 1—”Purpose and Need for the Action”; 29

Chapter 2—”Purpose and Need for the Action” 30 Education: BS, Environmental Resource Management, Pennsylvania State 31

University 32 Experience: 29 years 33

Amy Stewart 34 EA Responsibilities: Document Production Lead 35 Education: AAS, General Studies, Northern Virginia Community College 36 Experience: 26 years 37

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Audra Upchurch, PMP, CEP 1 EA Responsibilities: Quality Manager; Manager, Chapter 8—”List of Preparers”; Appendix A—2

Consultation and Coordination Letters 3 Education: MNR, Natural Resources, and BS, Forestry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute 4

and State University 5 Experience: 16 years 6

Lisa Watts, PMP 7 EIS Responsibilities: Manager, Chapter 3—”Affected Environment and Environmental 8

Consequences”; Document Manager 9 Education: MEM, Environmental Management, Duke University; 10

BA, Environmental Studies and Policy, Hendrix College 11 Experience: 10 years 12

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Appendix A. Consultation and Coordination Letters 1

The consultation letters and responses are provided below. 2

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A.1 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) 1

CBP Letter to USFWS 2


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USFWS Response to CBP, March 2017 1


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A.2 NOAA Fisheries 1

CBP Letter to NOAA Fisheries 2


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A.3. National Marine Fisheries Service 1

CBP Letter to NOAA Fisheries 2


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A.4. Puerto Rico Oficina Estatal de Conservación Historica 1

CBP Letter to Puerto Rico Oficina Estatal de Conservación Historica 2


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DRAFT Environmental Assessment for the Replacement of the Pier and Boat Ramp at the

U.S. Border Patrol & Air and Marine Facility, Ponce, Puerto Rico



Ponce Pier and Boat Ramp EA - cbp.gov· 20 maintenance at its Ponce Marine Unit facility at 41 Bonaire Street, Ponce, Puerto Rico. As a part 21 of CBP’s Ramey Sector, the Ponce - [PDF Document] (106)

DRAFT Environmental Assessment for the Replacement of the Pier and Boat Ramp at the

U.S. Border Patrol & Air and Marine Facility, Ponce, Puerto Rico



Ponce Pier and Boat Ramp EA - cbp.gov· 20 maintenance at its Ponce Marine Unit facility at 41 Bonaire Street, Ponce, Puerto Rico. As a part 21 of CBP’s Ramey Sector, the Ponce - [PDF Document] (107)

DRAFT Environmental Assessment for the Replacement of the Pier and Boat Ramp at the

U.S. Border Patrol & Air and Marine Facility, Ponce, Puerto Rico



Ponce Pier and Boat Ramp EA - cbp.gov· 20 maintenance at its Ponce Marine Unit facility at 41 Bonaire Street, Ponce, Puerto Rico. As a part 21 of CBP’s Ramey Sector, the Ponce - [PDF Document] (108)

DRAFT Environmental Assessment for the Replacement of the Pier and Boat Ramp at the

U.S. Border Patrol & Air and Marine Facility, Ponce, Puerto Rico


Response to CBP, April 2017 1


Ponce Pier and Boat Ramp EA - cbp.gov· 20 maintenance at its Ponce Marine Unit facility at 41 Bonaire Street, Ponce, Puerto Rico. As a part 21 of CBP’s Ramey Sector, the Ponce - [PDF Document] (109)

DRAFT Environmental Assessment for the Replacement of the Pier and Boat Ramp at the

U.S. Border Patrol & Air and Marine Facility, Ponce, Puerto Rico



Ponce Pier and Boat Ramp EA - cbp.gov· 20 maintenance at its Ponce Marine Unit facility at 41 Bonaire Street, Ponce, Puerto Rico. As a part 21 of CBP’s Ramey Sector, the Ponce - [PDF Document] (110)

DRAFT Environmental Assessment for the Replacement of the Pier and Boat Ramp at the

U.S. Border Patrol & Air and Marine Facility, Ponce, Puerto Rico


CBP Response Transmitting Underwater Survey, 2018 1


Ponce Pier and Boat Ramp EA - cbp.gov· 20 maintenance at its Ponce Marine Unit facility at 41 Bonaire Street, Ponce, Puerto Rico. As a part 21 of CBP’s Ramey Sector, the Ponce - [PDF Document] (111)

DRAFT Environmental Assessment for the Replacement of the Pier and Boat Ramp at the

U.S. Border Patrol & Air and Marine Facility, Ponce, Puerto Rico



Ponce Pier and Boat Ramp EA - cbp.gov· 20 maintenance at its Ponce Marine Unit facility at 41 Bonaire Street, Ponce, Puerto Rico. As a part 21 of CBP’s Ramey Sector, the Ponce - [PDF Document] (112)

DRAFT Environmental Assessment for the Replacement of the Pier and Boat Ramp at the

U.S. Border Patrol & Air and Marine Facility, Ponce, Puerto Rico


Response to CBP, April 2018 1


Ponce Pier and Boat Ramp EA - cbp.gov · 20 maintenance at its Ponce Marine Unit facility at 41 Bonaire Street, Ponce, Puerto Rico. As a part 21 of CBP’s Ramey Sector, the Ponce - [PDF Document] (2024)


Where is the Ramey sector? ›

Service Area: The Ramey Sector covers Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands. Stations: The Ramey Sector has one station located in Ramey, Puerto Rico.

Is there border patrol in Puerto Rico? ›

This week, Ramey Sector US Border Patrol agents, along with CBP Air and Marine Operations and. leading to the apprehension of over 70 migrants from Haiti and the Dominican Republic. partners, continues to vigilantly secure our nation's borders and ensure the safety of our communities. #BorderPatrol #PuertoRico #USVI.

Is Puerto Rico in the USA? ›

Puerto Rico (Spanish for 'rich port'; abbreviated PR; Taino: Borikén or Borinquen), officially the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (Spanish: Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, lit. 'Free Associated State of Puerto Rico'), is a Caribbean island, Commonwealth, and unincorporated territory of the United States.

When did Ramey AFB close? ›

Ramey played a critical role during the Cold War for reconnaissance missions and refueling squadrons. B-52 bombers arrived at Ramey in the 1950s, and bomber crews continued to be on alert at Ramey until 1972. By 1973, the Air Force no longer needed the base, and it was deactivated.


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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.