Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (2024)


Saturday at 5:35 AM

  • #1


Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (2)

1248 new Pokemon to see....with NO old Pokémon or branching evolutions!
Over the next few weeks and months, they will be slowly revealed in dazzling waves!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (3)

Based off China and Japan, this region is a beautiful paradise of tranquility and peace...and of course, Pokémon battles! This region runs a Pokémon League of 10 Gyms scattered across 15 unique settlements. But word has spread of a clan called the Wushido Clan trying to awaken the ultimate doom of the region across ten bases....and their efforts have drawn 10 Pokémon berserk into unstoppable Titan Pokémon!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (4)

This region contains 12 new Pokémon types in addition to the 18 existing ones: Now there are 30 types in total! These types are, from left to right:
Light: Pokémon with this type beckon towards the light itself, using luminous attacks to brighten up the opposition!
Magic: These Pokémon use their magic tricks to bring forth a grand show of arcane mystery!
Mythical: These Pokémon are based off myths and legends across history, fighting back with ancient moves lost to time!
Sound: Pokémon with this type can stand the music and use it to their advantage! They specialize in playing with each other.
Time: These Pokémon have control over time, or are based off historical artifacts lost to the ages of history!
Shadow: It appears that the Shadow energy that Cipher once used is dominant in this region, having a specialty on Pokémon based off weaponry!
Wierd: These Pokémon are just plain wierd! They use crazy attacks and artistic styles to toy with their opponents.
Job: These Pokémon have adapted to the jobs that the people of this region take, fighting with pink slips and market crashes!
Beast: These Pokémon have fallen to their feral roots of a savage beast! They can be easily identified by their wavy coat.
Athlete: Sports is the game for these Pokémon! They have great speed to conquer the opposing team with style!
Hero: These Pokémon are the protectors of justice itself, using their superpowers to fight against crime!
Villain: More than just henchmen, these villainous Pokémon scheme up devastating plots against their rivals!
In addition, this region contains a Pokémon for every type combination possible! Which teams you make is up to your imagination!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (5)

This sprite project was originally shown on the Pokécommunity Forums. Some of the entries for the Pokémon may differ from the original version.


Saturday at 5:36 AM

  • #2

At the start of your Pokémon journey, you will be offered a Starter Pokémon from Professor Blossom, who is investigating the mysterious phenomenon this region has known as the "Ancient Moves". This time, you can choose from 12 different starters, divided into 4 sets, each one based off an animal from the Chinese Zodiac! All these Pokémon have their starter abilities: Grass gets Overgrow, Fire gets Blaze, and Water gets Torrent.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (7)

Grass --> Grass/Hero --> Grass/Hero
A normally serene Pokémon, Ratree scavenges across the trees in search for food. It normally watches over other Grass Pokémon, protecting them from harm with it's powerful grass moves. Ratree has a calm heart, only fighting when it really has to. When it evolves into Plalsei, it becomes a mentor for other Grass Pokémon, teaching them the ways of a hero. A normally calm Pokémon that spends it's days meditating, when Plalsei senses danger, it springs into action, knocking it's opponent out by striking their weak points with a flurry of blows. Once it fully evolves into Splinbhira, it's techniques will be perfected. Splinbhira uses it's sharpened senses to teach anyone it sees, especially it's former students, how to defend themselves, and it's said that seeing a Splinbhira is a sign that no harm will befall your body as long as you live. It can use its Wushido arts to combat anything that dares threaten it's students, with every strike growing a lethal garden on the target's body!
SIGNATURE MOVE: Wooden Splinter: Power 70 Physical Grass move with the ability to break through Light Screen and Reflect, using Disable if it does!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (8)

Fire --> Fire/Fighting --> Fire/Fighting
Yes, we're really doing this. A bully Pokémon that never gets along with anyone, it's horns can heat themselves up with the power of flame to melt anything that doesn't go it's way. It never makes any friends, always preferring to fight alone. Bullang evolves into Oxei-Shan, which is armed with a pair of twin blades that can also heat up to a million degrees flareinheit. It often challenges Pokémon far stronger than itself, and it usually chooses to fight Dark or Villain Pokémon, in an effort to become the ruler of all the Demon Pokémon around it. Upon fully evolving into Vajiroxx, it switches to a powerful axe that is said to cleave open a portal to the Underworld itself. It commands Fire Pokémon with it's sheer brutality, executing anyone that dares to disobey it's own orders with a single swing of the axe, which can tear apart a volcano in a single strike.
SIGNATURE MOVE: Black Axe: Power 100 Physical Fighting move that may cause flinching, but lowers Vajiroxx's Speed by 1 level.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (9)

Water --> Water/Beast --> Water/Beast
With legs and a tail made of water, Tisagato and it's evolutions will bravely protect its own trainer from harm, though as it evolves, it gets more and more brutal in doing so, allowing the savage beast to take them over. First, there is Tisagato itself, a calm Water Tiger Pokémon that can often be seen near temples and water sources. It generates an endless amount of water with it's front paws, before striking the opponent's weak spots with it. It's evolved form is known as Wivigris, and this is where the savagery starts to kick in. It slows down the opponent's movements by restraining their legs in a stream of water, before brutally tearing them apart until they're nothing more than a pile of water. It's presence alone has made some villages even fear water itself. Upon fully evolving, Mihidal can use its paws to summon geysers that can tear apart a building in one shot. A very vicious Pokémon, no source in the world can calm Mihidal down once it starts hunting down it's prey, it's own water being filled with a formula that degrades the brain to a savage mess, causing the victim to rampage themselves until Mihidal goes for the kill!
SIGNATURE MOVE: Tiger Wave: Power 30 Physical Water move that hits additional times if the target's Defence is lowered: If it is at -6, Tiger Wave will hit 7 times!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (10)

Grass --> Grass/Athlete --> Grass/Athlete
Rabbitu is a Rabbit Pokémon that loves nothing more than to hop around the little grass fields all day long. You'll often find it inside baskets of fruits and vegetables, chomping on them: the jaw marks it leaves behind then grow beautiful flowers from them that can serve as an energy boost. When it evolves, Tulituu can be seen jumping from cliff to cliff to hone its acrobatic skills. It never runs out of energy, and it can run around even while it's sleeping. However, it's a bit shy, and will often flee at the slightest trace of violence. That changes, however, when it fully evolves into Antylista. This Pokémon enlists a unique fighting style where it uses it's own acrobatics to dodge the opponent's moves! A very popular Pokémon among girls, it inspires other Pokémon to take on an athletic lifestyle, and it's said that where Antylista lives, laziness never exists.
SIGNATURE MOVE: Millionth Star: Power 30 Physical Athlete move that hits five times. No Special Effects.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (11)

Fire --> Fire/Electric --> Fire/Electric
Able to run by combusting it's own fire source, Maorss can run faster than most minor Pokémon through sheer will alone. Able to stand not long after birth, this Horse Pokémon can reach it's top speed even while it's very young, creating fire by eating the grass that grows on only the roughest of mountains. When it evolves into Chargoss, it gains a secondary power source in the form of electricity, allowing it to go like a bolt. The generator that makes up it's body serves as a lighting rod, converting lightning bolts into trails of fire which it leaves behind as it runs. Chargoss then evolves again into Indakuzou, which can generate superhot rays of electricity from the beakers on it's back. No-one has ever seen this form run, as it does so so fast with the power conductors on it's back, that it looks like a lightning bolt to most people. It's said that if you give a message to Indakuzou, it will always reach it's intended destination no matter what the current situation is.
SIGNATURE MOVE: Equestrian Bolt: Spends the first turn charging, setting up a 1-turn Safeguard, then releases a Power 150 Special Electric move the next turn that always goes first and may cause Paralysis. This charge is skipped if the user is at +3 Speed or higher.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (12)

Water --> Water/Dragon --> Water/Dragon
A calm and protected Pokémon, Hylon will never give up in a battle until the very end, and is very expandable in most sources of water. It's prized weapon is it's powerful bite, which has enough force to crush an iron beam in two. However, it cannot easily control it's affinity over water yet. It's evolved form, which is called Chenlong, loses it's legs, but in return can control it's energy to form powerful torrents of water. It appears in stormy weather and judges the souls of those who are riding the boats near it, capsizing them if it sees even one of it's crew to be unworthy to sail any longer. Majiryu, it's final evolved form, can be seen protecting ancient sunken cities from all harm with it's Dragon moves. It's said to be the descendant of a Legendary Water Pokémon, and people referred it as "The Lord Of The Ocean", building temples in the far corners of the world dedicated to it. The powerful whirlpools that Majiryu can create have enough force to tear an entire cruise ship to shreds in seconds.
SIGNATURE MOVE: Tidal Devastation: A Water Status move. If the user is hurt during the turn it's used, it will retaliate with a Power 100 Special Water move on the attacker. It's chances of failing rise if used in succession.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (13)

Grass --> Grass/Ghost --> Grass/Ghost
Goatewe is an innocent sheep Pokémon those fluffy grass coat is used for cultivation. It's made of the same formula as most hedges, and it can easily regrow it's coat if it is ever to be shaved. The flowers that grow on it can be used as a makeshift bandage, helping the wound heal. When Goatewe evolves into Ewacreep, it becomes possessed by a strange matter that causes this coat to fade away. In this state, it stares out into gardens without a clue. It's main weapon is the tufts of wool that have detached from it's coat, and they are filled with a spirit that will cause it's victims to suffer nightmares for weeks. When it fully evolves, Pajiranda is said to emerge from TVs to scare the watcher to death a few days later, but it still stares out from time to time. Armed with a pair of powerful claws that always targets the heart, Pajiranda's slick body can help it go through even the most barricaded of strongholds. It's six eyes allow it to see through walls, and with the strength to smash diamond in a single blow, there is no hiding from this mutant Sheep Pokémon! Supposedly, Pajiranda originated from a children's video tape that got corrupted by the teacher who made it, jealous that no-one was watching them.
SIGNATURE MOVE: Let's Learn: Power 60 Physical Ghost move that hits twice, with a chance to inflict Curse, Taunt, Torment, or very rarely, Perish Song, on the target on each hit.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (14)

Fire --> Fire/Poison --> Fire Poison
Glooster uses it's flames to melt sand down into glass, which it then eats. As such, it's a favourite Pokémon choice of glassworkers, being able to substitute for a kiln. This Rooster Pokémon's favourite pastime is crowing into the night, to let other people know that the glass sculpture it is working on is complete. When it evolves into Fowcelian, it can meld this glass into unique porcelain figurines and vases, making it a favorite among the art community. However, it's glass is now also infused with a toxin that causes both burning and poisoning on the touch, and only Fowcelian can make it safe to touch, usually only to the people that it trusts. Upon evolving into Sindestival, it's enhanced fire power can create entire galleries this way. These sculptures are popular among the Oriva Region's festivals, and brining a Sindestival to a festival will help it thrive for as long as it lives. The glass sculptures it creates are said to depend on both it's mood and the people that it sees, and it's said that if it ever makes a sculpture of a human doing an action, that action will soon occur in reality. When it gets fired up, it changes into it's Glazed Form, where it melts it's opponents into glass sculptures themselves.
SIGNATURE MOVE: Glazer: Power 70 Special Fire move that may inflict a burn: After using this, Sindestival becomes its Glazed Form, which boosts it's Special Attack, Attack, and Speed, while lowering Defense and Special Defense: it's ability also becomes Flame Body. Using Glazer in this form traps the target in searing glass that gradually damages it at the end of each of it's turns. Sindestival returns to normal upon leaving the battle.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (15)

Water --> Water/Rock --> Water/Rock
Taking residence in a single rock, Snakuz is infused with a unique kind of venom that hardens anything it touches, making it a form of stone repair unit. It's often used to fix houses that are about to collapse, whether it be by a big battle, or by a natural disaster. Despite being a Snake Pokémon, Snakuz is actually very calm, and will happily work for anyone it trusts. When it evolves into Slithasplash, however, it's venom now petrifies anything it touches into solid rock, which Slithasplash can break apart with it's water moves. It's lost it's trust for it's former friends, thinking that they are using it for their own gain, and it viciously hunts them down out of pure vengeance. It can swallow any rock sculpture whole, and sometimes it's even seen trying to eat a small hill. Upon evolving into Sandibai, it can outright bite it's opponents to petrify them to the core. There is no known cure to Sandibai's petrification, and it's territory can be noted by the presence of a gallery of statues around it, each one being aligned perfectly by Sandibai to mark it. It's said to be the spirit of a vengeful emperor whose heart became stone, given life once more to make sure it isn't the only one with such a heart.
SIGNATURE MOVE: Fear The Viper: Power 80 Physical Rock move that may encase the target in stone. This will cause their next Physical move to fail unless they are hit beforehand. If it is raining, or if Torrent is activated, the chances of this are guaranteed.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (16)

Grass --> Grass/Ground --> Grass/Ground
Foinker is a curious Pokémon who loves nothing more than to explore the world, cultivating anything in it's way. It gathers a crop from every farm it visits to serve as a memento, but sometimes Foinker will eat these crops out of gluttony, usually while no-one is watching. It's arms become hoes when it evolves into Bajlonkerr, allowing it to help other farmers grow their crops, but yet their dream remains: the desire to have the entire world be cultivated with crops. It does not take lightly towards those that harm the farmland, especially if something is being built on it, taking revenge by slicing it's opponents to shreds. It's also very caring, always sharing it's food supply with farmers who need it. It's final evolved form is known as Vikarlarzhu, and it can use the energy within it's cane to inspire other people to cultivate the land. This energy can also help crops grow instantly, and even revive dead ones back to life. It's said to have helped a legendary hero achieve enlightenment in the past, by cultivating their mind with a special aura that recycled bad thoughts into good ones.
SIGNATURE MOVE: Trusted Swine: Power 60 Special Grass move that always goes first and sets a energy field across the battlefield for three turns, allowing allies to steal any healing effects that an opponent might use for their own. It also poisons the target if used in Grassy Terrain.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (17)

Fire --> Fire/Villain --> Fire/Villain
An artificial dog Pokémon created in honour of a dog who waited for his owner his whole life after the owner mysteriously disappeared, Futog is a clever companion to any trainer, able to obey almost any command possible. It defends it's owner by surrounding it's enemies in a sea of flames generated from it's tail that can cause burning for days on end. When it evolves into Zhuvanced, it's own programming gets the better of it, causing it to get a bit too rough on these commands. It does not care about the world around it anymore, destroying entire towns just to complete it's commands, but it believes that it is still saving the world until it is too late, and it realizes what kind of damage it has done. It can keep itself floating with waves of cybernetic energy that are lukewarm to the touch. It splits from these commands when it fully evolves into Cactolord, aiming to use this programming to instead find out what happened to the owner...no matter the cost. Able to fire giant lasers from it's hands, it will brutally tear down everything to the ground just to find clues on it's former owner. It's sensors can scan any clue within the area, and it never fails in identifying what it sees. Cactolord can also breathe fire from the dog head on it's chest, which is said to be designed off the owner's favourite mythological creature. Some sources claim that Cactolord isn't seeing our world, but rather the world that the dog that it was based off lived in the past.
SIGNATURE MOVE: Wait Laser: Power 50 Special Villain move that targets all enemies in a Double Battle. When selected, you can select a number from 0 to 9, and spend that many turns charging up first, healing Cactolord for a bit each turn. Each turn spent charging adds 50 to it's power, and at 150 power or more, it pierces through Protect and never misses!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (18)

Water --> Water/Psychic --> Water/Psychic
Brinkey is a unique Pokémon based off a sea monkey, who normally just sits there focusing it's mental powers which it gains when it evolves into Mediun. It gets very distressed if it is ever distracted, often getting back into position right away. Some Brinkeys can even remember where their favorite spots are, even if it's miles away from them. Once Brinkey does evolve into Mediun, it concentrates all it's mental powers into it's brain. In this form, Mediun normally does nothing but meditate, using it's own mind as nutrition, but it will fight back if provoked with devastating water illusions. However, this rarely happens outside of combat, as no attempt to get Mediun out of it's meditating pose has ever succeeded. This mind is unlocked when it fully evolves into the active Wukura, who searches the land for enlightenment itself. It's staff is infused with it's own mind, which can make anyone hit by it see illusions for months. Supposedly, these illusions are based off the stories that people wrote after they saw a Wukura travelling across a stormy sea. Some people even claim that Wukura is still meditating, it's own movements solely being it's own psychic powers.
SIGNATURE MOVE: Monkey Staff: Power 10 Physical Psychic move that hits 9 times, or 12 if used in Psychic Terrain or the Rain, and 15 if both are out at once! No special effects.


Saturday at 5:36 AM

  • #3

As you leave your hometown of Kaishi, having battled your Rival and his/her starter, your first stop is the bustling city of Xiwang. On your way there, you pass through Kaishi Grove, which is where you can catch your first Pokémon of this region and battle your first trainers!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (20)

Normal/Flying --> Magic/Flying --> Magic/Flying
Based off the Scarlet Iblis, Ibling is this region's classic bird line. It nests on the water's edge and hunts on small Pokémon for prey. When it evolves into Creston, it's crest gains the power of magic, allowing it to fly with impossible angles, and it's final evolved form, Threskarlet, can infuse magic into it's wings to create a whirlwind of arcane power!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (21)

Normal --> Normal/Ice
A normally common sight in this region, Binterrid is based off the Binterong and is this region's classic rodent line. It climbs up trees and feeds on the fruit that grows on them, though it also has a liking for meat. Upon evolving into Arktasli, it gains a set of icy scales that allow it to adapt to more frigid environments. Groups of Arktasli often work together to build their nests or to hunt for prey.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (22)

Bug --> Bug --> Bug/Ghost
Serving as this region's classic bug line, Chorli crawls along tree branches but only seems to feed on dead leaves. If it encounters a living one, it will make it wither with it's Bug moves first. Uniquely among the cocoons, Coonscar, it's evolved form, can fight with shadowy energy, but it takes so much strain on it's shell that it avoids fighting whenever possible. Once it evolves into Crickorever, it gain leap great heights to hunt for prey. It is said that this Pokémon can live forever, yet if you encounter it with it's razor sharp scythe horns pointing at you, it has judged your life too unworthy to continue any further.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (23)

Normal --> Normal --> Normal/Grass
Pandoo is a panda Pokémon that spends most of it's time eating bamboo and falling asleep, rarely obeying any orders it's Trainer gives to them. It's evolved form, Shaanda, is a lot more active, yet also a caring one, carrying bamboo on it's back to feed to Pandoos, cutting the stalks off with it's razor sharp fangs. This diet makes it's final evolved form, Mogoda, become overgrown with vegetation, growing a structure that looks like a pagoda on it's back which you can even live in if Mogoda trusts you far enough. However, in this form, Mogoda returns to a laid back style, walking across the bamboo forests to make sure this pagoda stays stable.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (24)

Fire/Normal --> Fire/Normal --> Fire/Magic
A normally active Pokémon, Reddens is easy to raise and will happily trust you, using it's heated fur to warm up it's Trainer. In the wild, Reddens has aggressive competition with Pandoo, as they share a similar food source. Upon evolving into Studgar, it can concentrate it's flames into a special kind of martial arts that specialize in heating up the enemy's vital organs to the point they melt. It also become a lot more trustworthy in it's form, able to valiantly protect it's Trainer. It's final evolved form is Srhutan, which will make sure it's Trainer is calm and safe at all moments. Wild ones specialize in teaching Studgars how to fight, and sometimes they fight the Studgars to see how well they're doing!


Saturday at 5:36 AM

  • #4

Entering the city of Xiwang, you are ordered to meet the Emperor of the region at once. There, he tells you about a prophecy about how an evil Pokémon once destroyed this region clean of life once before, and is not willing to let it happen again. He says that in the past, a Pokémon once defended this region from the forces of evil, but then it mysteriously vanished one day, and he hopes that bringing this Pokémon back would stop this evil from destroying the region again....if it has been raised by then. The Emperor tells you of a clan called the Wushu that once had a hand in reviving the Pokémon, and he assigns you to disband them today by defeating their 10 bases, the first of which, the Poison base, is over by the swamp near Xiwang.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (26)

To do this, he lends you a steed called Chuan, who functions like an all terrain bike. You can call upon Chuan at any time to run along faster, and jump up cliffs. However, the rest of Chuan's information is shrouded in mystery. You also do not get to keep this one in your party, only as a mount, but don't worry, you'll be able to get another Chuan later in your journey...at a cost.
Exiting the palace, you come across Chuan's original trainer, Kayven, who tells you that Chuan once had great potential in the past, but it had to be depowered, and it's memories drained, to prevent this power from being misused. He believes that this power got split among 10 Pokémon, who were unable to control this power and went wild, becoming Titan Pokémon in the progress, and that the Wushu Clan was involved in this. He assigns you to defeat these 10 Titan Pokémon to regain Chuan to his full strength! The first one, the Raging Bug Titan, was said to be located in the nearby Bamboo Forest.

One Titan: Dash: Allows Chuan to dash forwards, breaking apart small rocks in the process.
Two Titans: Swim: Chuan can now walk on water.
Three Titans: Glide: Press the right button during a fall to glide forwards.
Four Titans: Climb: Chuan can now climb up walls and cliffs.
Five Titans: Dive: Chuan can now dive underwater at certain spots to access new areas. In addition, it's dash can now break medium rocks.
Six Titans: Jump: Chuan can now jump higher, and while it's in the air, the appropriate button can be pressed to perform a double jump! It's gliding ability now lasts longer before it starts to lose altitude.
Seven Titans: Shrink: Chuan can now shrink itself by pressing the appropriate button. This allows it to access certain areas and make it harder to be spotted by wild Pokémon. In addition, Chuan now runs faster on land, and can dash while gliding.
Eight Titans: Charge: Chuan now runs faster the longer it's been running for. In addition, it's dash can now break large rocks.
Nine Titans: Waterfall: Chuan can now climb waterfalls, and moves even faster on water.
Ten Titans: Battle: With all Ten Titans defeated, Chuan regains it's full strength. It can now be used as a Pokémon in battle, starting at level 35, but like Koraidon and Miraidon, it cannot be traded. In addition, it will not record itself in the Pokédex. In addition, it's dash can now break void barriers which block the way to some of the Oriva Region's hardest challenges.

Shènglì: A Power 110 Physical Hero move that has Chuan strike the target with the might of the Oriva Region's mightiest generals. This move does more damage the higher the target's Ancient Gauge is. After use, Chuan switches out to a Pokémon in the party. The new Pokémon has their Ancient Gauge fully filled, and their next move is a guaranteed critical hit!
SIGNATURE ABILITY: Yǒngyuǎn: Chuan is immune to all Signature Ancient moves, and it's Ancient Moves have +5% power! While it's in your party, the Ancient Gauge fills in 5% faster.
Finally, you come across your Rival again, who witnesses Chuan and is amazed by it, saying that you should be ready to take on the Gym Challenge now...but to prove it, he fights you! In addition to a Ibling and his/her starter, he/she uses an additional Pokémon depending on your gender.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (27)

Sound/Fairy --> Sound/Fairy --> Sound/Fairy
If your character was male, your female rival will use a Lasori! These musical note Pokémon happily hop along melody sheets creating harminous music with every bounce, and it's also quite a cheerful Pokémon too. They can also sing beautiful tunes that can lull any Pokémon to sleep. It's evolved form, Clebble, commands other Lasoris to form a beautiful orchestra, and it's singing ability improves too, even more when it evolves into Hayumi, whose singing voice is comparable to most performers! Their singing is so harmonic, that it drains other Pokémon of their will to fight.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (28)

Mythical --> Mythical/Electric --> Mythical/Electric
Meanwhile, if your character was female, your male rival's third Pokémon will be a Yoni. This little rascal pranks other Pokémon by toying with their moves, driving them to rage which it feeds on! It's evolved form Rolkai can command storms by beating the drum on it's chest with it's club filled with the lies it once told as a Yoni. Upon fully evolving into Rajinorr, it gains a set of additional drums that can reshape thunderstorms to their will, generating enough electricity to power an entire city for weeks!
Having defeated your Rival, he/she tells you that the first Gym, a Rock-type Gym, is located in the bustling mining city of Diqiu, which you can reach by going through the nearby Yanshi Cave, but he/she also tells you that there's been sightings of a mysterious man in that cave....after wishing you good luck, he/she leaves. Now...who to go for first?

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Saturday at 5:37 AM

  • #5

Commonly found across the Oriva region are the elemental sprites, a set of Pokémon that represent the elemental energy emitting from this region. It is said that these Pokémon were born from the surge of power that came from these elements, and can most often be seen near Pokémon of the same type...alongside each other.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (30)

Fire --> Fire --> Fire
Flaspii represents the blazing flames that run across this region, whether it be in lanterns, campfires, or furnaces. It feeds on fire itself to survive, and can boost the firepower of nearby Fire Pokémon. It's evolved form, Elemfla, is said to be as hot as the surface of the sun, and is often employed by factory workers to provide fuel, as it can burn over a million liters of fuel from a single log. With a Fire Stone, Elemfla evolves into Crimshuo, whose flames are hot enough to melt even a large oil tanker into goo in seconds.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (31)

Water --> Water --> Water
A common sight near oceans, ponds, and lakes, Wasspii loves nothing more than to frolic near the water's edge, soothing itself as it drinks the water. If it's left without a water source, it gets very stressed. Elemwas, it's evolved form, can control the flow of water to create tides, which it uses to help redirect floods. Elemwas then evolves into Azhui with a Water Stone, gaining a bubble wand that can create water from pure air. It also enjoys relaxing in the water's edge with a calm happy go lucky attitude.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (32)

Grass --> Grass --> Grass
Grospii serves as the Grass elemental sprite, and wherever it appears, the plants in there are ensured to grow into thriving gardens. However, it has quite a rash attitude, and will attack anyone that it doesn't trust, a quality that increases further when it evolves into Elemgro, which will violently attack anyone that dares to lay a finger on the nearby plants. It's final evolution, Verdcao, which requires a Leaf Stone to reach, is armed with razor sharp spikes that can puncture through solid brick. It will turn anyone that it doesn't trust into a wall of ivy leaves.

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Electric --> Electric --> Electric
A really feisty Pokémon, Volspiis can be found in many different places across the Oriva Region, but it moves so fast that all reported sightings of it have been when it is feeding on a source of electricity. It evolves into Elemvol, which can generate over a million volts of electricity by powering itself with natural lightning, but it moves so fast in this form, no-one has ever seen a wild one do anything but this. It's final evolved form uses a Thunder Stone in order to become Vermilldian, those movements have been compared to real life lightning bolts!

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Flying --> Flying --> Flying
Despite being the elemental sprite of air, Clospiis can only be found in certain breezes, where they are the most comfortable in. It has a very lax personality, spending most it's time staring out into the bright blue sky, rarely moving, except among the breeze. It's evolved form, Elemclo, has been mistaken as an actual cloud by many people, as it is so relaxed, it very rarely does anything but sleep. Fittingly, it uses a Moon Stone to evolve into Chalkongqi, supposedly the only one of the three to be active, though even then it is a very slow Pokémon, breathing out clouds as it goes wherever the breeze takes it to.


Saturday at 5:37 AM

  • #6

Regardless of your first choice, it's going to take more than just your starter, the first route Pokémon, and some elemental sprites to triumph over your first major opponent. Luckily, the areas near Xiwang start to contain a bit more variety of Pokémon, ones that can be commonly found across the region as well!

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Grass/Fairy --> Grass/Fairy --> Grass/Fairy
Akin to a cherry blossom tree, Cherishama is a happy go lucky Pokémon that just enjoys spreading itself across the pinkish flower petals. It's said that seeing one is a sign that your love will prosper. It evolves into Kanzishama, which has quite an all knowing personality, able to control nearby petals to inflict it's predators with horrid rashes. But regardless of this, it still remains a cheerful Pokémon. It's final evolved form is Yuyankura, which can instantly regenerate fallen trees with the might of petals. It's quite a popular Pokémon among females, especially for those who want to arrange flowers together.

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Grass/Sound --> Grass/Sound --> Grass/Sound
A Pokémon resembling a bamboo shoot, Bampoa elegantly plays music from it's bamboo like body as if it was a wind pipe, adding atmosphere to the surrounding bamboo forests. However, it can also use this music for combat, as shown against it's main predator, Pandoo. Evolving into Willicela splits it's shoots into three, each one specializing in playing a different kind of pitch. In addition, it can easily disguise itself as a bamboo shoot to avoid predators like Shaanda. It's final form, Gokemboo, is like a wandering forest swordsman. It plays a harmonic tune with it's two bamboo swords to lure in travellers, before playing a tune to judge their alignment. If they are judged unworthy, Gokemboo slices them with the swords, infused with the power of music!

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Fighting --> Fighting --> Fighting
This karate Pokémon trains itself all day to maximize it's fighting spirit, which in turn feeds it's soul. Mukar specializes in kicking it's opponents with it's oversized foot, which during combat sprouts razor sharp nails that can easily puncture through most kinds of armor. When it evolves into Gorukar, it maintains a balance of punches and kicks that can easily confuse an opponent, who won't know which move Gorukar will use next. It also gains a red belt and a headband, both of which store the fighting energy that Gorukar uses when it's not in use. It fully evolves into Joikarazo, those belt has now turned black, a sign that it has achieved it's full potential. Using the blades on it's arms and legs, Joikarazo can easily overwhelm any kind of opponent through quick thinking and prediction, and it always trains for every battle it faces beforehand, with every possible scenario being considered.

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Dark/Poison --> Dark/Poison --> Dark/Poison
Ninza is a ninja Pokémon that spends most of it's time in the shadows. They team up to outnumber their opponents, spreading their remains evenly among the other Ninzas. Some also exhibit the ability to vanish, leaving behind logs in the process. They evolve into Ghonibi, which command Ninzas to infiltrate enemy bases. Their sack can hold just about anything it can smuggle, and it's knife is dipped with a toxin that can cause numbing for weeks. However, it's final form, ji*zgoku, is more a solitary Pokémon, pursuing it's own missions to infiltrate it's enemies. Alongside it's two shurikens that have toxins that have never been cured, it can also throw the huge shuriken on it's back, which can tear through a huge tree instantly. Should it be outnumbered, ji*zgoku escapes with a smoke bomb laced with a poisonous gas that can disrupt minds for days on end.

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Steel/Shadow --> Steel/Shadow --> Steel/Shadow
A Pokémon that resembles a shuriken, Shuriyushi partners itself with Ninza to serve as the latter's throwing star, though it can also throw itself in the process, with it's blades sharp enough to cut through wood. So much, that it's evolved form Bohirayushi is a bit of a show off, flying through the air in amazing and sometimes wierd patterns, just like what Pokémon do at a Pokémon Contest, an event that does not occur in the Oriva Region. This can also get it into danger, as it's stunts aren't often planned ahead, but that changes when it evolves again into Oskrayushi, a huge shuriken Pokémon that just loves the heir of being famous. It can perform deadly stunts to the roaring cheers of it's personal audience of other Steel and Shadow type Pokémon, and it does so even in battle, completely befuddling the opponent. Of course, it has become razor sharp as well, able to chop through an entire battleship. Supposedly, the only time this Pokémon is seen without it's new sunglasses on is when it's not doing a stunt nor a battle.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Shuriken Toss: A power 40 Physical Steel Move that gains 20 Power with every Shuriyushi in the party, 40 power for every Bohirayushi in the party, and 60 power for every Oskarayushi in the party. This move can be learnt by many different ninja Pokémon, such as the Ninza and Shuriyushi families.

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Dragon --> Dragon --> Dragon
Carlong is a dragon Pokémon that eagerly protects the first thing it sees, and it will keep on protecting it until it is destroyed, at which point it will look for another thing to protect. Serzlong on the other hand chooses what it protects, from statues to it's own trainer, choosing a different item if the one it's protecting is too unworthy to protect any longer. As such, Serzlong only serves the good hearted people, and assigning one to protect a temple will ensure that it will stay upright for years. It's final evolved form is Yinghuci, a guardian dragon Pokémon that makes sure that no evil will ever lay a finger on the item it protects, destroying them with it's powerful Dragon Breath! It's said that a Yinghuci protecting a mountain will live on for the rest of that Yinghuci's life.

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Mythical --> Mythical/Fighting --> Mythical/Fighting
Fanuki is a kind of Tanuki Pokémon that constantly stuffs itself with food every day, yet never seems to suffer any heart attacks. They can be considered a nuisance to most Pokémon as it often steals the food they were going to eat. It's evolved form, Nycbese, serves as an energy storage, being able to provide energy to other Pokémon by giving it the food it ate as a Fanuki. It is also armed with a deadly rolling attack that can decimate whole fields in seconds. However, when it fully evolves into Danewster, it's reason for eating is revealed: it becomes a powerful brewmaster that uses it's own fat as a brawling tactic, bouncing off enemy shots, absorbing them with it's fat skin, and then rolling over them with the might of the raccoon dog. The barrel on it's back holds a special brew that allows it to stagger enemy attacks, taking the damage over time instead of all at once, supposedly made from the food it had eaten in it's past two evolutionary states: The more tastier the food was, the better the brew will be.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Stagger: A Mythical Status move that only fat Pokémon like Danewster can learn, which always goes first. It absorbs an enemy attack and takes it's damage across multiple turns instead of all at once. However, it's chances of failing rise if used in succession.

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Mythical/Flying --> Mythical/Flying --> Mythical/Flying
Based off the kite bird and the Tengu, Titey uses it's long nose to pierce out fruits and berries from the nearby trees. It's a brave Pokémon that never gives up in a battle no matter how difficult it is, and it's also very hardy too, able to thrive even in polluted enviroments. It evolves into Hanritty, a flying Pokémon that can use it's wings to create windstorms of over a million ounces of force, capable of blowing a whole house away. However, it only does this to objects that it thinks will bring forth Armageddon. It's final evolved form is Tengurada, a cunning Pokémon that always protects it's trainer from all evil that dares oppose it. In addition to being able to detach it's wings to form a giant fan, it can also extend it's nose and use it like a talented katana!

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Beast/Mythical --> Beast/Mythical --> Beast/Mythical
Like Carlong, Shision is a guardian Pokémon based off the Shisa, often sitting in the outskirts of temples keeping a watchful eye upon all that approaches, biting objects that it thinks are a threat to the temple. Once the temple is destroyed, Shision migrates to another temple, but if it can't find one, it is unable to easily rest. Shisulunge is more trustworthy of the temple it protects, determined to make it stay up for as long as possible, to the point that it attacks anyone that it thinks will destroy the temple with a deadly lunge infused with Mythical energy. Shisyukyuan, it's final form, more of wandering Pokémon than it's previous two evolutions. It is still determined to protect it's temple, but once it feels that it is completely safe, it will migrate to another building to protect, passing the torch to it's young Shisions in the progress. It's also a very well honored companion, with most people feeling completley safe when they're around a Shisyukyuan.

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Beast/Rock --> Beast/Rock --> Beast/Rock
Fumainu is based off the Komainu, and is a type of guardian lion Pokémon just like Shision. Unlike Shision, though, Fumainu often masquerades as a lifeless statue, only lunging towards it's opponent when they least expect it. To further enhance this cover, it only feeds on nothing but the rain that falls on it. Mingainu is what Fumainu evolves into, and it's cover as a statue is further improved, to the point that many people mistake them as actual statues. Resting it's paw on top of a stone sphere, seeing a Mingainu come to life is said to bring good luck upon the seer. It's final evolved form is Singhainu, which is more lively and fierce, protecting it's trainer and the surrounding Rock and Beast Pokémon with it's stone hard paws that hit as hard as a professional boxer! It's said that having at least two of these Pokémon protecting a temple will draw away any invaders as long as they're well fed, which it can easily manage by feeding on the stones of nearby mountains when no-one's looking.


Saturday at 5:37 AM

  • #7

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Those are the words of the three wise monkeys, who are represented in the Oriva Region as three distinct monkey Pokémon, each being able to complement your starter's typing! In addition, there are also some rare Pokémon in this region that are worth hunting down!

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Water/Fire --> Water/Fire
See no evil. Based off the Japanese Macaque, Macaring is completely blind, using it's excellent sense of smell to smell out hidden hot springs high in the mountains of the Oriva Region, before relaxing in them and absorbing their steam, which they then use for combat. They follow their evolved form, Mizseeque, a Pokémon that valiantly defends hot springs from predators by smelling out the enemy's weak points and then attacking with a torrent of hot water that can cause burns as hot as the surface of the sun for weeks. It's not to common to see a hot spring occupied by a group of Mizeeque, and they will allow other people to rest within them.

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Fire/Grass --> Fire/Grass
Hear no evil. Kikheargutan is a deaf Horseradish Orangutan Pokémon that watches over it's pre-evolved form, Oradish, for years on end. Oradishes love nothing more than to climb from branch to branch in search for food, leaving behind bits of fur that can be used as a spicy cooking ingredient, and making lots of noise since it can't hear anything. The plant on their head not just serves as a cooling unit, but also a herb that can be grinded down into medicene. Once Oradish evolves into Kikheargutan, it becomes a more laid back Pokémon. When they're not busy looking after the Oradishes, this Pokémon spends it's days meditating, concentrating it's firepower into thoughts said to rival most intelligent professors, but it never learns anything but it's own lessons, as it is deaf.

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Grass/Water --> Grass/Water
Speak no evil. Based off the crested gibbon, Libbon is a common sight in swamps and lakes. It has no mouth whatsoever: Instead, it absorbs clean water through the lily pad on it's head for nutrients, using it's sharpened eyesight to seek out the cleanest sources of water. As such, Libbon can be used as a kind of clean water detector, and if it shows up to a town, the water supply here is thriving, but it can also be a nuisance, as packs of Libbons can easily make an entire lake tasteless, to the point that the water's nutrients is equivalent to someone's spit. When threatened, Libbon hides underneath the water's surface, disguising itself as a lily pad. Libbon evolves into Iwaspealily, who now maintains the lakes it once absorbed from. The beautiful water lilies that raises attracts Pokémon from miles away, and it will brutally attack anyone that dares to pollute the lake it protects with it's large tendrils that can smash through a solid diamond wall. Rather than feeding on water at this stage, Iwaspealily lacks a stomach: It never has to cope with hunger at all, allowing it to stay in one spot for weeks on end.

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In the festivals of the Oriva Region, people often send red envelopes to each other with gifts and money inside. It is said that those that bring great fortune become Giengbao, a Pokémon that uses the red envelope as if it was a genie's lamp. Those who see a Giengbao are granted great fortune by the Pokémon through a single wish, which it grants by showing the person it's scroll, which always seems to contain the wish that the person asked. However, Giengbao has been known to attack people who wish for power or for personal gain, so people have been warned to be careful what they wish to a Giengbao: for example, wishing for money to pay for someone else's care is allowed by a Giengbao, but if that money is spent on something else, Giengbao will find the person who made the wish and attack them viciously. Defeating a Giengbao will grant you lots of experience points, but they are very hard to come across in the wild.

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A Pokémon that resembles a Torii, Xiyquorii may look like it's depressed all day due to it's wierd body shape, it's actually a very talented fighter, specializing in the art of Xing Yi. In battle, it uses it's two fists to imitate the movement of a thrown spear, throwing several aggressive palms and punches in a short range, attacking and defending at the same time. Against aerial targets, Xiyquorii puts all it's energy into it's legs to release a flurry of kicks that aim for the wings, grounding the targets in time for Xiyquorii to finish them off. Supposedly, it hates having people and Pokémon go under it as if it was an actual archway, even if it's someone it trusts the most, and they will never forget anyone that dares to go under it.

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In the past, the Oriva Region used a unique writing style that resembled Japanese Kanji. It is rumoured that Hikatanji evolved into the shape it is today to preserve that writing when it was dropped in favour of English, even though it is still used today, though not as often as it was in the past. They use the separated parts of their writing as weapons that can hit as hard as an iron battle axe, and each one represents a unique kind of Kanji, affecting a move that they learn. Strangely enough, Hikatanjis can often be seen near the object that their kanji represents: For example, the Fire Hikatanjis can be found near fire sources.
火: Fire: Flamethrower
水: Water: Liquidation
剣: Sword: Sword Slash: A Power 70 Physical Mythical Attack with a high critical hit ratio. Most Pokémon with a sword can learn this attack.
愛: Love: Attract
地: Earth: Earth Power
空: Air: Air Slash
草: Grass: Energy Ball
心: Mind: Psych Up
電: Electric: Thunderbolt
お: Ghost: Shadow Ball
光: Light: Shine Burst: A Power 80 Special Light Attack that may lower Accuracy by 1. Most Light-type Pokémon can learn this attack.
暗: Dark: Dark Pulse
ド: Dragon: Dragon Pulse
寝: Sleep: Hypnosis
氷: Ice: Ice Beam
癒: Heal: Recover
爆: Bomb: Explosion
希: Hope: Safeguard
単: Simple: Simple Beam
金: Gold: Thousand Arrows (This variant is RARE!)


Saturday at 5:38 AM

  • #8

The grasslands surrounding Xiwang hold more kinds of Pokémon than the ones you just saw earlier in wave 6, and these next few ones are more suited to the plains of the Oriva region!

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Normal --> Normal --> Normal/Ghost
A common sight in Oriva's grasslands, Holstows are domesticated for their thriving milk, which can help bones become strong and durable. While they are normally a peaceful Pokémon, there is a saying that you should never disturb a Holstow looking after it's pre-evolution, Moolk, which spends all day eating grass, which in turn helps it phase out any sicknesses it has. It's quite playful compared to Holstow, and their cries can be heard by a herd from miles away. However, many people do not know that Holstow can evolve again into Kudahashi, a Pokémon that draws inspiration from the Kudan. Now piloting a giant float, it is said that taking a photo of one and posting it in an area can help ward off evil spirits from it. The float's mouth can open at will to release ghostly energy, and it is said to lead directly to the afterlife.

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Beast/Normal --> Beast/Normal --> Beast/Normal
Dreaming to be the king of the beasts one day, Liotics spend their working hours trying to roar at the rising sun, though most of the time this just results in an adorable meow. As expected for a lion Pokémon, it is quite a brave fighter that is afraid of almost nothing at all. It evolves into Simroar, a Pokémon that hunts together in prides of five to ten. One Simroar roars it's prey into fleeing, while the other Simroars chase after the prey and maul it down with their razor sharp fangs, and their roars itself, which can shatter glass. These prides are led by it's final evolution, Narasikator, a prideful Pokémon with a mane that many other living beings want. When it roars, all the other Beast Pokémon bow down to it, and it is said to provide everlasting courage to those who hear it.

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Time/Wierd --> Time/Wierd
A Pokémon that resembles a Daruma doll, Zarumas can often be seen meditating with a heart of zen, acting motionless as if they were actual Daruma dolls. No-one has ever seen a Zaruma move, and it is said that seeing one actually do something outside of battle can provide great fortune to the seer. It evolves into Zodzidarma, which is a far more active fighter than Zaruma. In battle, it focuses it's senses to seek out the enemy's weak points, before it strikes them down with it's fan arm without even seeing what it's striking. In fact, some people believe that Zodzidarma treats every battle it sees as a meditation session, incorporating the flow of battle into meditating with the heart of the zen pilgrimage itself.

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Poison/Villain --> Poison/Villain --> Poison/Villain
Based off the gourd and the Shuten Doji, Gourdax normally just stands here with a blank, empty look, not doing that much outside of battle, where it sprays out a torrent of lethal acid that can cause confusion for weeks. This acid is useful as a form of pollutant removal, which is quite ironic for a Poison-type Pokémon. However, when evolution draws near, Gourdax will suddenly seek out the nearest mask and put it on. However, this evolves it into Gouritoff, which turns the mask into one of a demon that was slain milleniums ago. Realizing it's mistake, Gouritoff gains a pair of arms to try to get it off with no avail, which it does every possible second, even while sleeping or in battle, as it slowly gets taken over by the mask. Eventually, the mask fully takes over Gouritoff, evolving it into Gourtoji. In this final form, Gourtoji now commands over the various Villain-type Pokémon that appear in this region, sharing a special brew with each of them that gives them new ideas for world domination. A very dangerous Pokémon, approaching a wild Gourtoji is a lethal risk, as it's claws can cause minds to dissolve into insane wrecks in a single slash. Sometimes, however, you'll spot Gourtoji staring out into the moonlight, missing the glory days it had as a Gourdax.


Saturday at 5:38 AM

  • #9

The Wushido Clan, often commonly known as the Wusho Clan or Team Wushido, is Oriva's villainous team. Their leader had experienced a calamity in the past that changed their view of the world, and they believe that only by reviving the Pokémon who once terrorized the region in the past can help them regain that reality, unaware of the amount of lives they'll claim doing so. Their grunts and commanders are both federal samurais who, unlike other villainous teams, still take good care of their Pokémon, rather than viewing them as tools, though they still perform nefarious acts in an effort to get the materials necessary to revive this evil Pokémon. For the final day of August, you can now see the Pokémon that most of the grunts use, regardless of their specialty to one of the 10 temples.

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Time/Fighting --> Time/Fighting --> Time/Fighting
Armed with a code of honor, Sogol is a samurai Pokémon that always tries it's best against anything it faces, even if it's opponent is far tougher than it. Normally a friendly face, if you ever do a bad deed in front of a Sogol, it will never forget it. It evolves into Koflade, those blade is now sharp enough to slice through solid titanium. It never challenges anything weaker than itself in most cases, instead allowing them to train for a future fight. In the wild, it has been observed guarding pieces of history to make sure they are never damaged, and it can also be seen escorting young Pokémon out of danger. It's final evolved form is Samukura, an honorable Pokémon that knows all the teachings of it's past generations. Now a neutral samurai, a Samukara's personality depends on how it is raised, being chilvarous if raised by a good spirit, or a feudal warlord if it is raised by an evil spirit. It follows it's code of honor with a greater extent, carefully inflicting damage with it's twin swords that can cut through mountains, and it will even give it's own life to protect it's trainer, as if it was a personal bodyguard.

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Shadow/Poison --> Shadow/Poison --> Shadow/Poison
A common sight in Oriva's caves, based off the Japanese House Bat, Saibats use their razor sharp sai to stab out Bug Pokémon from deep within it's habitat for food. Since it lacks feet, it's wings have become powerful enough to allow it to fly 24/7, and it can stand in one spot for days, looking for the perfect moment to strike it's target. It evolves into Monoustrelle, a Pokémon with sais for wings, which it uses to stab multiple targets at once, even while it's flying. In addition, each sai is tipped with a poison that can cause disorientation, making the target easier to finish off. However, it can get a bit clumsy sometimes with it's new legs, sometimes getting itself stuck in the ground with it's sais. Monoustrelle evolves into Kihonzhou, a warlord Pokémon that commands other Saibats to tear apart it's enemies. It's own sais are now sharp enough to puncture through most kinds of armor, and each of it's five gems can infuse these sais with a different kind of poison. The red one causes burning, the yellow one causes numbs, the blue one causes the target to have a cold, the green one is acidic, and the purple one makes the poison worse. However, all of them are lethal!

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Shadow --> Shadow --> Shadow
A Pokémon who is basically a living katana, Katadai sharpens itself every day, infusing it's blade with Shadow energy to cut through anything. It allows only the most worthy of trainers to wield it as if it was an actual katana, with anyone else trying to wield it being drained of their souls. Supposedly, it was born when a katana was forgotten for long periods of time. When it evolves into Nihkana, it's blade becomes an independent arm that can aim for the target's weak points every time. In this form, Nihkana wanders across plains, looking for a worthy opponent that can taste the malice of their razor sharp blade. Anyone it deems unworthy will be cut apart in seconds before they even realize it. It's final evolved form is Kunboku, which is now armed with two katana blades, called Zuobian and Zhengque by some historians because it uses them one after another to chop it's foes into tiny bits. It views every Pokémon as an opponent that can improve it's skills, and it can intelligently decide which order to challenge them in, according to how their skills will be improved. There have even been some rumors that the spirit of an ancient warlord is infused within these two katanas.

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Bug/Poison --> Bug/Poison
Based off the Jorogumo and bird spiders, Cyrigumos spin elegant webs to capture their prey, which then becomes victim to it's venomous jaws. This silk can be used to create clothing and other leather items, but caution must be taken when weaving them, as Cyrigumo often leaves it's venom on the string to make sure the prey cannot escape. Although a hunter at heart, Cyrigumo's personality completely changes when it evolves into Taraguisa, a self sophisticated spider queen. It uses the weaver on it's back to weave entire castles of silk, before luring other Pokémon into it with the carcasses of the Pokémon it previously hunted. Once they are inside, Taraguisa wraps them up in a cocoon of silk before playing with them childishly and giggling hysterically, all while it's poisonous string makes quick work of the prey. However, a Taraguisa partnered with a human will gleefully allow it's own string to be used for crafting, and this string is even stronger than a Cyrigumo's string, though Taraguisa must be watched at all times, as it often likes to cover the room in silk in effort to feel just like home.

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Steel/Fighting --> Steel/Fighting --> Steel/Fighting
Rolone is a ronin Pokémon that always prefers to fight alone. It hates having to work as a team, as it interferes with it's unique fighting style, where it strikes all the target's weak points at once without the target noticing. So much, that it walks away from double battles, refusing to fight at all. However, Inderonent, it's evolved form, is a bit more comfortable in in these kinds of battles, though it still gets stressed in them. It wanders across the golden plains alone, saving any Pokémon it sees from danger with it's long staff, without the Pokémon even noticing that it was Inderonent that saved them. It fully evolves into Ukikura, a lone samurai that can tolerate working with others. However, in the wild, it wanders by itself, looking for why it had even started training in the first place. It's staff is now a pair of sharp blades that can slice through anything, and it's said that seeing a wandering Ukikura will prompt it to protect you for all eternity.
SPECIAL HOLD ITEM: LONE EARRING: No longer is it simply a piece of junk that Partner Pikachu or Eevee collects, in this region the Lone Earring boosts the stats of a Pokémon holding it if it is the only one in your party.

As thanks for saving him from the Wushido soldiers, the old man in the nearby cave, a sage who currently refuses to give out his identity, gives you an Ancient Band, allowing you to use the Oriva region's phenomenon, the Ancient moves! The ancient move is a FIFTH move that Pokémon can learn, and any move that it can learn can be assigned to the ancient move slot. As the Pokémon uses it's other moves, it's ancient gauge charges up. Once it is full, the size of the gauge varying with every move assigned to an ancient move, the move can be used at any time, emptying the gauge afterwards. For example, Ember has a faster gauge refill than Flamethrower, and Protect has a faster gauge refill than Swords Dance.
In addition, there are various dens scattered across the Oriva region that can be used to access Ancient Raid Battles. These battles have four players fighting against a Pokémon knowing a special move that can only exist in the Ancient Move slot. These are the original 90 Ancient moves that were brought upon the region, with there being three for each type: One physical, one special, and one status. Like Max Raid Battles and Tera Raid Battles, these battles come in star ratings from one to five stars, each being tougher than the previous star.
Finally, there has been rumors of a third, unique kind of ancient move, one unique for each fully evolved Pokémon in the Oriva region, but it is currently shrouded in mystery....


Saturday at 5:38 AM

  • #10

In addition to the four normal weather types, Rain, Sun, Sandstorm, and Snow, the Oriva Region brings back a long forgotten weather, alongside two new weather conditions that can easily shake up the tide of a battle. These seven fully evolved Pokémon are the only Pokémon in the region with access to the weather generating abilities, making them a must have if your team wishes to focus on one of these weather conditions! In addition, a Pokémon who synergizes with the weather will also be shown!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (65)

Sound/Water --> Sound/Water --> Sound/Water
Feroferos are typical frog Pokémon that hop around the Oriva Region's swamps, making distinct croaks that can be heard from miles away, adding to the atmosphere. It's long tounge can easily catch up Bug Pokémon for food, but rumor has it that this Pokémon, as gross as it may seem, may sometimes ask for a passerby to kiss it, though this is rarely effective in any means other than calming the Ferofero down after a rough day of catching prey. When it evolves into Kerxue, it's personality completely changes to one side. Now it hops around puddles, splashing them everywhere to where the plants need them the most. It has a cheerful personality, and it's raincoat can absorb any source of water, making it very upbeat even during the rain, which it finds refreshing. It's final evolved form is Yuwiani, a Pokémon that just loves walking around in the rain, refreshing it's vital organs through it's supposedly alive raincoat. It uses it's new umbrella to call down a storm of rain, which makes a beautiful melody as it platters down it. While some people see this cheerful Pokémon as a harbringer of rain, it is sometimes despised by people who wanted bright sunny days, as it is always raining as Yuwiani hops, skips, and jumps across the puddles made by the rain. Yuwiani is the only Pokémon in the Oriva Region with access to Drizzle!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (66)

Fire/Rock --> Fire/Rock --> Fire/Rock
Based off the Amano-Iwato, Erumano's descendants was once believed to be a deity of the sun. However, the people of the Oriva Region despised it for draining them of it's sleep, and so Erumano became the shy cave Pokémon it is today. It takes a bit of getting used to for it to fully trust you, but it enjoys resting during the scorching daytime hours, absorbing the energy of the sun to power it's white hot fire attacks. This Pokémon evolves into Outhongu, who has overcome it's shyness through the training that it's trainer provides. Now it uses the cave it once hid it as both a rock solid shell and a portable volcano, launching out hot lava said to be as hot as the surface of the sun. Because it only has two legs, though, Outhongus don't tend to move that much, often picking a spot and basking in the sunlight hidden in it's volcano shell: the sunlight seeps in through the crater on the top. When it fully evolves into Volcaterasu, this Pokémon is a full aspect of the rising sun. It's shell generates a bright UV ray equivilant to the sun's rays, lighting up even the night sky. In addition, it can generate solar flares that can melt almost anything, and the flames made in the process can never be put out, except at this Pokémon's command. Supposedly, this was what Erumano's descedants looked like in the past. Volcaterasu is the only Pokémon in the Oriva Region with access to Drought!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (67)

Ground/Ghost --> Ground/Ghost --> Ground/Ghost
A kind of buffalo Pokémon that's almost entirely made of sand, Bubuffles keep themselves together by manipulating the sand it's body through ghostly energies. Because of this, it thrives the most in the raging sandstorms of the Oriva Region's deserts, where it can get enough sand to keep itself alive for years on end. The rest of it's body is made from condensed sand, and it is said that laying a finger on a Bubuffle that doesn't trust you will blind you for life. Bubuffle evolves into Suffalo, a Pokémon with sand seeping from it's entire body. It slowly trudges across the desert landscape, feeding on it's own sand for nutrition, which provides all the vitamins it needs to survive. When faced with danger, Suffalo creates a violent sandstorm that no-one can see in, allowing Suffalo to easily find the target's weakpoints, as it's eyesight can see through even immovable sand pillars. Since it always melts down into sand when it sleeps, Suffalo is best found during the day. However, the main highlight here is it's final evolution, Wujiustra. It's always surrounded by a violent sandstorm that will pick off your vital organs one by one, and such sandstorms can be seen for miles. However, if you keep going to Wujiustra and hold it's hand, it will trust you no matter how damaged you are. Supposedly, the sand it creates is infused with the souls of the Pokémon those lives were taken by this sandstorm, and if you listen carefully, you might hear the screams of these souls. Wujiustra is the only Pokémon in the Oriva Region with access to Sand Stream!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (68)

Ice/Fairy --> Ice/Fairy --> Ice/Fairy
Sometimes when you walk across a blizzard, you might find a Yunesa, a Pokémon based off the Yuki Onna. These violent Pokémon plead for mercy in an effort for people to take them in, and if they are not caught quickly in a Poké Ball, they will freeze them solid with their frigid breath and steal their souls. Supposedly, this is a similiar personality to Froslass's, leading researchers to believe that Snorunts once lived in the Oriva Region millions of years ago, their descendants having become Yunesas to better lure their prey in. Despite this, Yunesa is sometimes shy and will run deeper into the blizzard, which is just as deadly as people without cold protection will freeze to death trying to chase them. Yunesa evolves into Yukonnba, a much more primed Pokémon with better hunting tactics to draw trainers in. It often creates a frozen statue of a person it once hunted to cry over them with tears of snow, and when another person draws close, Yukonnba freezes them by calling down a violent snowstorm. It has been reported doing this even when it's under trainer ownership, so trainers are advised to keep a close eye on Yukonnba at all times. It fully evolves into Yukatsura, a ice maiden Pokémon that is always surrounded by a blizzard so violent, oxygen packs are often required to breathe within it. However, it can lower this blizzard for trainers it trusts, and even make it colder to protect them. Some Yukatsuras have even been seen falling in love with their trainers, clinging on them affectionatley even if it meant freezing them to death. However, Yukatsura is still a hunter in heart, and it's nest is littered with the frozen statues of it's victims. Yukatsura is the only Pokémon in the Oriva Region with access to Snow Warning! Note that it summons Snow in the Oriva Region and not Hail: In this region, Snowscape additionally grants all Ice-type attacks a slightly increased critical hit ratio for it's duration.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (69)

Shadow/Flying --> Shadow/Flying --> Shadow/Flying
Based off the Yata Garasu, despite it's name, Typicrow is anything but a typical crow that feasts on crops and rests on graveyards. It is rumored that seeing one will mean that your demise is soon drawing near, and often this is caused by it's evolved forms, which the Typicrow warns. It's caws in the night inspire the other Shadow-type Pokémon to carry on into the darkest of depths. The first of these evolved forms is Sengarow, which lead a murder of Typicrows. While the Typicrows make short work of the crops, the Sengarow destroys anything that would scare the Typicrows away, such as scarecrows, by slicing them with it's cursed blade, the Muramasa, which is infused with the souls of those it sees. It is said that the Muramasa never dulls or breaks, and that every soul it destroys makes the blade sharper. However, Sengarow often restrains from taking over lives, as it does not want the Muramasa to take over it's own soul from destroying too many of them, turning it into a mindless killing machine. It's final evolved form is Yaturamasa, those wings are lined with lethal Muramasas. When it flies, these Muramasas, each one infused with a different soul, cut open a hole in the sky that rains down radiant beams of shadow energy that take the souls of anything they touch, turning a radiant garden into a dead wasteland in seconds. It can also launch these Muramasas from it's own wings, and they serve as Typicrow magnets, luring a murder of them to finish off a soul unlucky enough to be near them. In short note: Yaturamasa is a dangerous Pokémon, and those not planning to catch one are advised to seek shelter when it spreads it's wings of despair across the night sky.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Shadow Sky: First seen in the Orre Region, Shadow Sky covers the arena in a shadow sky for five turns. Like it's first appearance, it powers up Shadow moves by 50% and strikes all non-Shadow Pokémon at the end of each turn, damaging them. Weather Ball now becomes a Shadow move in this weather.
SPECIAL ITEM: Oblivion Rock: While a Pokémon is holding this, Shadow Sky's duration lasts 8 turns instead of 5.
SIGNATURE ABILITY: Sky Cleaner: When Yaturamasa enters the battlefield, the weather becomes Shadow Sky!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (70)

Dark --> Dark/Electric --> Dark/Electric
Based off the Maneki-neko, Mooneko spends all night waving it's arm back and forth while being able to stay in one spot by feeding on the essence of the moon. Keeping a Mooneko with you is said to bring good fortune during the night, but during the day, Mooneko slips away into dark places and hides under them until night arrives, and even ones owned by trainers will do this unless they have been trained properly. This fortune is said to originate from the coin it holds, which distresses it if it is ever to be lost. It's evolved form is Kobscent, a benevolent trickster with a crescent moon in one arm, and the coin it held as a Mooneko in the other. When it throws it's coin high up in the air, the area is surrounded in a realm of darkness that resembles the night, which allows it's newly acquired Electric attacks to be energized. In this darkness, or at night, Kobscent slips into people's houses while they are sleeping and eats all the money inside to keep it's darkness energy going, always being able to see where they're hidden due to it's excellent night vision. As such, a Kobscent can always be trusted despite it's deeds, because no-one has ever seen a Kobscent do it, instead putting the blame on other thieves. It's personality changes drastically again when it fully evolves into Bsukuyomi, a self entitled harbinger of the night. Now a heartless machine powered by the essence of the night itself, it keeps itself fueled by using the moon ring on it's back to magically turn day into night, which can mess up both clocks and calendars, making some people see it as a god of destruction. In battle, it weakens it's opponents with a flurry of night powered punches that can level a building in seconds, before finishing them off with a punch which absorbs all the light in the area, turning it into darkness. The coin it once had as a Mooneko is now on it's right leg, but it doesn't make use of it anymore, instead using it's powers of the night to bring fortune to those who see it.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Nighttime: A Dark Status move that brings the battlefield into a black abyss that resembles the night for five turns. In Nighttime, all Dark moves gain 50% power, and all Light moves lose 50% power. In addition, all Dark-type Pokémon gain immunity to all priority moves, not just status moves used by Pokémon with the Prankster ability. Weather Ball becomes a Dark move under this weather.
SPECIAL ITEM: Black Rock: While a Pokémon is holding this, Nighttimes's duration lasts 8 turns instead of 5.
SIGNATURE ABILITY: Blackout: When Bsukuyomi enters the battlefield, the weather becomes Nighttime!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (71)

Grass/Poison --> Grass/Poison --> Grass/Poison
Bonose is a Bonsai Pokémon that can't stop sneezing, even while it's asleep, but instead of snot, Bonose sneezes out pollen that make other Pokémon sneeze as well. However, it is this pollen that keeps not just itself alive, but other plants too, as it is a form of nutrient that repairs damage to plant matter. Supposedly, this sneezing comes from the cells in it's body having an allergic reaction with itself, and caution must be taken when approaching a Bonose, as the sneezing it causes can last for weeks. It's evolved form is Cypreeze, which while now having legs to walk around on, also possesses a bigger nose. While it still sneezes out pollen most of the time, which other Bug Pokémon can now feast on, since Bonose's pollen was tasteless, when threatened Cypreeze switches to sneezing out toxic green sludge that can dissolve almost anything. Scientists have found that this sludge is actually made out of the chloroplasts that Cypreeze no longer needs, having been made poisonous by it's own immune system. The cypress bush on it's head is also a deadly weapon, infused with it's special pollen as well. Cypreeze fully evolves into Nostjing, a rarely moving Pokémon that is now surrounded by a field of pollen that can causing sneezing for months. This pollen helps other Grass-type Pokémon near it to thrive to perfection, and they can even infuse it into their attacks. A pair of gleaming red eyes reside within Nostjing's nostrils: Some people say this is the true face of Nostjing, with it's beard of leaves serving as it's actual mouth, and not it's pot, which normally feeds on seeds and it's own pollen. This is further confirmed by the fact that it's normal eyes are not made of the same materials of similar eyes, leading some to believe that they are fake!
SPECIAL ATTACK: Pollen Season: A Grass Status move that surrounds the area in a storm of pollen for five turns. In addition to powering up all Grass-type attacks by 50%, the pollen serves as a Serene Grace for both sides, doubling all chances of additional effects applying. Weather Ball becomes a Grass move under this weather.
SPECIAL ITEM: Mossy Rock: While a Pokémon is holding this, Pollen Season's duration lasts 8 turns instead of 5.
SIGNATURE ABILITY: Gesundheit: When Nostjing enters the battlefield, the weather becomes Pollen Season!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (72)

Flying/Job --> Flying/Job
While not a weather summoner unlike the previous Pokémon, this Pokémon based off the Teru Teru Bozu does synergize the best with Rain, Sun, and Nighttime, though it can also fit into any weather condition. Tozus tend to make their nests near buildings, where they hang from the roofs serving as a form of weather telling unit. If it's red stripe glows, the weather will be nice and sunny, and if it's blue stripe glows, people will know that it is a rainy day. In nightime, the yellow stripe glows accordingly to how cold the night is. However, Tozu is not always accurate in it's weather predicting, and sometimes all of the stripes may glow just for fun. It evolves into Wethayamai, a talented weather forecaster which is now accompied by three weather elementals which scientists are still figuring if they're actual Pokémon, or just a part of the Wethayamai. People can tell what weather it is simply by looking at which one exhibits their emotion the most outside of battle. The sun being happy is a sign of a bright sunny day, and fights with solar flares that can turn a tree to ash in seconds, the raincloud being sad is a sign of a rainy day, and fights by raining a heavy torrent of water down it's opponents, and the moon being sleepy shows that the following night will be one where everyone can rest easily, and fights with a wave of darkness. Wethayamai treats these elementals as if they were their own soulmates, even feeding each one with sources of that weather to keep them alive: Flames for the sun, water for the raincloud, and sources of darkness for the moon.
SIGNATURE ABILITY: Messiah Of Weather: This ability makes Wethayamai the master of weather! It grants the following benefits:
All Weathers are postponed by three turns as if Wethayamai was holding a weather rock: This stacks with the rocks themselves!
Wethayamai only gets the benefits of weathers and not the disadvantages: For example, it is protected from Sandstorm damage, and Solarbeam isn't weakened in the rain.
In weathers, Wethayamai is treated as having all types for the purpose of the weather's effects: For example, it's Special Defence increases during a Sandstorm, it's Defence increases during Snow, and it gets the priority protection that Nighttime grants.
In addition, once per battle, it renders an activation of Cloud Nine or Air Lock ineffective.


Saturday at 5:38 AM

  • #11

At last...it is time to reveal the box mascots.
Legend tells of four Pokémon who protected the four directions of the Oriva Region. They possessed the most power of any Pokémon in the region, and everyone looked up to them as if they were their hero. These four Pokémon once worked together to bring peace and prosperity to the land, but eventually their own differing ideals got the better of them. They could not simply agree on a plan with their differing personalities, and the land shook with every shout they made. Ultimatley, they clashed in a thousand year war that ended with all four of the Pokémon disappearing, leaving the people to realize that they shouldn't just be relying on Pokémon to seek peace, and ended up working together to bring the same level of prosperity with the Pokémon's teachings, lest another war would break out.
Today, depending on the version of the game, all but one of the four Pokémon have been forgotten to the sands of time. The people of the Oriva Region hold great festivals and traditions dedicated to the remaining Pokémon in an effort to bring them back to the region, and your Pokémon journey will eventually, after collecting many badges, have you enter the Pokémon's personal domain to prove that it is not just a myth!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (74)


The Black Tortoise of the North, Kitorr inspired the people of the Oriva region to be steady, to not rush to a conclusion and instead work it out. In return, Kitorr shaped the land of the Oriva region to allow crops to grow and harvests to flourish. No force is strong enough to even put a dent in it's shell, and one slam of it's front legs can turn a canyon into a flourishing grassland. It's three heads channel the might of the earth through them, and it's said to be a wise Pokémon that knows any fact imaginable. Today, Kitorr resides in the Black Canyon, a quarry of rocks that no climber has ever managed to reach the top of. People hold samurai matches in the festivals of the Oriva region to replicate Kitorr's defensive manuvers, with the armor being used getting tougher every festival in an effort to replicate the sturdyness of Kitorr's shell. People also trade advice to each other, and learn to be slow and steady through various tests.
SIGNATURE MOVE: Mugen: A Power 140 Special Rock move that sprays a gust of illusionary mist at the target. This mist changes the target's ability to Shell Armor and, the first time it hits the target, replaces one of their moves with Withdraw. This move's power boosts by 20 for each other North exclusive Pokémon in the party. However, it only has 80% Accuracy.
SIGNATURE ABILITY: Shell Of The North: Grants all Pokémon in your party 2% increased Defence and Special Defence for each North exclusive Pokémon in your party. This ability applies even while this Pokémon is not in battle.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (75)


The Vermillion Bird of the South, Minillion is the emperor of flames, and it is said that when the world was born, the first flame gave birth to Minillion. It taught others when to play with fire, and doing so, no-one ever created an artificial citywide fire again. The flames also show the heart of bravery, and that you should never give up, always carrying on! As Minillion flew across the Oriva Region, it's radiant feathers rained down to those who needed it's warmth to survive, but only the worthy are allowed to wield them forever. When their job is done, the feathers get carried away into the winds back to Minillion. Today, Minillion lives in the Vermillion Volcano, the region's only active volcano. Any burns that you aquire in there will last for all eternity, and Minillion makes sure that no fire in there ever goes out. The festivals of the Oriva region in Pokémon South's timeline are all about fireworks, with people lighting a huge bonfire and throwing the items that represent their woes into it, in an effort to replace them the spirits of determination.
SIGNATURE MOVE: Kouen: A Power 110 Special Fire move that launches a giant fireball comparable to the sun at the target. This inflicts them with Solar Burn, the ultimate form of the burn status condition. It not only acts like Bad Poison, but it also cannot be cured until the end of the battle, and it damages the target even while it's in it's Poké Ball. This move's power boosts by 20 for each other South exclusive Pokémon in the party. However, it only has 80% Accuracy.
SIGNATURE ABILITY: Wings Of The South: Grants all Pokémon in your party 2% increased Speed for each South exclusive Pokémon in your party. This ability applies even while this Pokémon is not in battle.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (76)


The Azure Dragon of the East, despite it's looks, Azwryu is not actually a Dragon type at all, having got it's Fairy typing from it's own guardian lifestyle. It inspired all the creatures in the Oriva Region about values, about what is more valuable to them than anything else, like their lives or their loved ones. Those who follow Azwryu's teachings will be infused with it's spirit, granting eternal kindness, but those who don't will be destroyed on the spot by the forces of water itself. It's claws can reshape currents and direct rivers to empty banks, turning them into lakes, and it is said to seed the water of life on even the most polluted of oceans, adapting them according to it's own spirit. Today, Azwyru's home is the Azure Dragon Palace, a giant lake the size of an ocean with an undersea palace where no-one has ever gone to before, due to the violent whirlpools that surround the place. The festivals of the Oriva region involve people giving their valuable possessions to the people who need them the most, as they all value their own life more than anything else. This in turn teaches people how to be kind to others, and be respectable to other people's actions. The festival also involves a lot of games related to water, in an effort to get people to show more respect to the world's oceans.
SIGNATURE MOVE: Sourai: A Power 120 Special Fairy move that breathes a massive torrent of enchanted water towards the target, plunging them towards a whirlpool of value for five turns. In this whirlpool, any stat boost that the target would gain is instead granted to the user, and when the whirlpool ends, the target is damaged for each time they tried to gain a stat. In addition, it also applies Torment on the target. This move's power boosts by 20 for each other East exclusive Pokémon in the party. However, it only has 70% Accuracy.
SIGNATURE ABILITY: Honesty of the East: Grants all Pokémon in your party a 10% chance to send a status condition or stat reduction that it would recieve back to the opponent for each East exclusive Pokémon in your party. This ability applies even while this Pokémon is not in battle.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (77)


The White Tiger of the West, Nisiga was thought to be born from the very first blizzard that struck the Pokémon world. In the past, it taught people about the importance of planning ahead for a situation, and how to form a strategy for a problem. With this, the people of the Oriva region rarely made any mistakes at all. Nisiga's fangs are cold enough to freeze even a volcano into a glacier in one bite, and it runs so fast that most people just see Nisiga as a raging blizzard. In battle, Nisiga reads the target's mind to find their weaknesses, then exploits them in a way that other people are inspired to do the same. However, it's also a very violent Pokémon, and if Nisiga deems a person or Pokémon unworthy, it will tear them down to their hearts. Due to this, many people showed good behavior during the time where the four guardians were still active, in an effort to avoid the wrath of Nisiga. In the present day, Nisiga resides in the White Glacier, which supposedly the coldest location in not just the Oriva region, but the whole planet. Explorers who have tried to navigate the surface of this glacier have never been seen again, supposedly a victim of Nisiga, who had wrongly blamed it's own followers for making it fight the other three guardians into obscurity. The festivals in the timeline of Pokémon West consist of many strategic games that allow people to learn how important it is to lay out a set of plans. These festivals are an effort to get people to try being as good as they were during Nisiga's dominant era.
SIGNATURE MOVE: Kongou: A Power 130 Physical Ice move that bites the target hard with frozen fangs as hard as diamond, with a chance to either make them flinch or freeze them. The first time this move hits is so violent, that the target's trainer will be rendered too terrified to switch out or use items for the rest of the battle. This move's power boosts by 20 for each other West exclusive Pokémon in the party. However, it only has 75% Accuracy.
SIGNATURE ABILITY: Fangs Of The West: Grants all Pokémon in your party 2% increased Attack and Special Attack for each West exclusive Pokémon in your party. This ability applies even while this Pokémon is not in battle.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (78)

The Yellow Dragon of the Center. Zhonon was once believed to have led the four guardians, making sure that they always got along with each other, and looking over the region as a whole. Legends told of it's ancient breath that could bring life into even the most deserted of areas, alongside it's aura of inspiration that taught everyone their destiny. After the four guardians got into the fateful war, surrounded by grief, Zhonon slipped away into the core of the Oriva region, and all existing pieces of evidence of it were soon forgotten by the airs of history themselves. After you have completed your Pokémon journey in the Oriva region, you'll be able to find clues scattered across the region that will eventually lead to this Pokémon's rediscovery!
SIGNATURE MOVE: Taikyoku: A Power 150 Special Dragon move that blasts the target with the might of the entire universe. This always goes first, targets all enemies in a Double Battle, pierces through Protect, breaks screens, and has a high critical hit ratio, but Zhonon must spend a turn recharging afterwards.
SIGNATURE ABILITY: Center Of The Cosmos: This reverses the effects of Shell Of The North, Wings Of The South, Honesty Of The East, and Fangs Of The West, turning their benefits into reductions. It also grants Zhonon the effects of Clear Body and Mold Breaker.


Saturday at 5:39 AM

  • #12

The Four Guardians are not the only version exclusive Pokémon in the Oriva Region. In each game, there is a three stage evolutionary line which you can only get in that version, a Pokémon who bares loyality to their guardian. And if you proceed far enough in your journey, you might find the truth behind the Titan Pokémon's existance....but what is it?

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (80)

Light/Dark --> Light/Dark --> Light/Dark
A sign of true balance, this Yin-Yang Pokémon spends it's days keeping it's light and dark sides balanced. A Yiya loves to keep things balanced in itself, and it gets uncomfortable if it ever sees one side lean slightly over the other, like an odd number of colored pots. Trainers are thus advised to make sure that everything is just right when raising a Yiya so that it can think correctly. It evolves into Nguicii, a two headed Pokémon on the verge of splitting into two, but not because the two minds it has are fighting. Rather, it is a transitional stage, keeping it's balance of light and darkness intact to prepare for it's final evolution. However, it can still fight like a tag team duo, with one head finding the target's weak points while the other destroys them, and they can switch minds in a nanosecond of a time frame. Supposedly, one head shows truth, while the other shows ideals. Eventually, the two minds split and they fully evolve into Balanlongg, which is actually a pair of serpents, one being a truthful light dragon, while the other is a idealized darkness dragon. The two swirl around each other as a sign of perfect balance, and they have never been seen fighting with each other. They combine their light and darkness powers into a single force that can topple a skyscraper in one shot, and they always stick together. It is also believed that each Balanlongg is infused with the spirit of Azwryu itself, granting them infinite honesty. If you find one half of a Balanlongg without it's other half, they will likely have lost it to an accident, not because of a fight, and if this is the case, it spends it's last hours spreading it's teachings to other Yiyas, ready to start the cycle of balance again.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (81)

Ice/Psychic --> Ice/Psychic --> Ice/Psychic
Based off the Qilin, Qilan is very rarely seen by most mortals, as it spends most of the time invisible, only becoming visible to those it trusts. Even then, it's presence can be felt by the sudden boost in morale that the people that it sees experiences. Supposedly, seeing a visible Qilan will grant you endless morale until the Qilan disappears again. After it has conquered it's own shyness, it evolves into Qigilen, a Pokémon that likes peace and quiet, and only appears in areas where it is apparent. It calms down the surrounding area with it's own aura made of Ice and Psychic powers, and if this aura ever fades, it is a sign that a quarrel or a war will soon occur in the area where the aura was. Being honest to others will bring the aura back, and Qigilen will then trust it's people more and more. On the other hand, an area full of violence that sees a Qigilen will eventually calm down. Finally, it evolves into Qiraurora, a Pokémon that is only seen by people who have trusted it throughout it's past two evolution stages. Once it appears to them, they are filled with an aura that inspires them to keep on going even when it's tough for the rest of their life. It is said that the auroras that appear in the cold areas of the Oriva region are the spiritual forms of Qiraurora that it shows to people that it does not trust, and believing in them will make Qiraurora appear to the seer to grant them true morale. Research has shown that the coldness of Qiraurora's ice moves are similar to Nisiga's, showing an evolutionary similarity.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (82)

Fire/Flying --> Fire/Flying --> Fire/Flying
Based off the Fenghuang, Feningo can be best described as the feathers of Minillion being granted life. It is a sign of virtue and grace, and seeing a Feningo and doing a good deed to it, such as feeding it, will promise that you will grow to be a kind and graceful person. This is despite the fact that it sometimes burns down the houses of people that it thinks are being a disgrace to the way of virtue. It evolves into Huafowl, a Pokémon that does better running on land with it's burning feet, leaving trails of flames behind them, than with it's wings of embers. It has a graceful personality, and it's said if a Huafowl trusts you, it will forever show you how to be graceful as well. Touching it's flames and being charred by them grants the toucher a heir of mercy, allowing them to trust even their own foes, and decide their fate according to their morales. However, it is a very rare sight to see, and people believe that this represented the time where Minillion was almost forgotten. It's finale evolve form is Fengphuang, a Pokémon that spreads it's feathers of virtue across the rising sun as it flies beyond the golden skies. Like a phoenix, it never truly dies, always rising from the ashes if it were to ever perish. Some people even believe that it is a reincarnation of Minillion. In battle, it places the perch on it's back down to the ground and rests on it, allowing it to further concentrate it's firepower towards it's enemies.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (83)

Rock/Ghost --> Rock/Ghost --> Rock/Ghost
It was once believed that every time one of Kitorr's scales fell off it's shell, Kitorr itself would grant it's life force to that scale and turn it into a Sposhi, granting it the powers of a Ghost. Sposhi itself is a very playful and childish turtle Pokémon, rolling around in the fresh rivers of the Oriva region. It's an easy choice for trainers to raise, as it bonds with it's trainer very quickly and can deflect Normal attacks with it's shell, the equivalent of how a Ghost Pokémon is immune to Normal attacks because they pass right through their spectral bodies. However, if it becomes extremely stressed, it releases it's hidden ghostly powers which can absorb any soul in the vicinity. The less playful Sposhi becomes, the closer it is to it's evolution into Guiroshi. In this form, it becomes a laid back Pokémon with a hard shell those durability matches titanium itself. It absorbs ghostly energy into this shell to spread out it's hidden elemental talents, and it also likes to study a lot, reading through books and chomping out the page it likes the most. Supposedly, no-one has ever seen it's back two legs, but the symbol on it's shell is a leftover from when the four guardians were still getting along, as it contains the hidden powers of all four of them at once. This power is further exemplified when it reaches it's final evolution in the form of Linggaroshi. Now a wise elderly turtle, it uses the powers of Rock, Fairy, Ice, and Fire to conquer any enemy it senses, it's eyes now closed due to it's sage-like personality. It teaches other Pokémon and people alike the importance of tranquility and enlightenment, hoping that they would become one with their own spirits. It is said that that a Linggaroshi that has lived for a million years can know anything imaginable, and that they once sealed the Oriva region's first darkness into a realm in which they will never escaped: This evil was supposedly the ancestor to the evil that the Wushido Clan is trying to raise today.


Saturday at 5:39 AM

  • #13

To get to the Raging Bug Titan or the Poison Wushido Base, you'll need to go through the sticky swamps of the Oriva region, like the Mangrove Forest. These swamps hold new Pokémon for you to grab a hold of!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (85)

Beast/Poison --> Beast/Poison --> Beast/Poison
Sinoc is a crocodile Pokémon that hides itself in the muddy waters of the Oriva region's swamps. Although it has quite a goofy personality and loves to laugh at other Pokémon's misfortunes, it's also a very talented hunter, with it's main prey being Feroferos. It also possesses a powerful set of milk teeth that can puncture through a tree stump. The more of these teeth that fall off, the closer it is to it's evolution into Yangzadile. This crocodile Pokémon can camoflage itself among the swamp better, and possesses tougher jaws that, once it bites on a target, will not let go until their life signals fade, which is made faster by the poison within them. This Pokémon is a talented taste artist, able to figure out which Pokémon taste the best under it's jaws, and since it's poison is tasteless, it always succeeds every time. Yangzadile fully evolves into Xioamalliz, a devestating hunter that brutally chases after anything it sees. Once it bites on a target, the prey will be left unable to escape for the rest of their lives: In fact, you might see an Xioamalliz with the decomposing body of a Pokémon it couldn't devour in it's jaws. These jaws possess a PSI power of over a million tons of force, allowing it to break apart almost anything in two. It's claws also have this same force, acting like a second set of jaws.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (86)

Bug --> Bug/Dragon --> Bug/Dragon
A common sight in the Oriva Region's swamps, Tanishas are dragonfly Pokémon that fly across the swampwaters. It spends nearly all day flying, only stopping to rest itself on a pond reed, where a Ferofero could easily devour it. A photo of a Tanisha resting can earn lots of money, especially if the Tanisha's wings are clean from the morning dew that falls on it from the mangroves above. It evolves into Toterasha, which is shaped like a totem pole. Now channeling ancient spirits across it's body, each stripe on it is said to contain a different ancient power within it. It watches over the Bug Pokémon nearby and makes sure that none of them face any kind of conflict with it's shaman powers. Supposedly, Toteshra can summon rain, call down ghostly wolves, and show visions of the future. Totatotera is it's final evolution, a shamanistic Pokémon that has mastered it's control over the ancient spirits. With it's two totem powers, it casts down jinxes and curses down it's enemies, while blessing it's allies with prosperity and the spirit's protection. It's wings allow it to fly at Mach 7, and it can see the future with it's enhanced eyes, allowing it to easily prevent any bad futures it sees. If a Totatotera is feeling uneasy, then it has predicted a bad future that it cannot prevent, and it will allow it's own trainer to prepare for the inevitable.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (87)

Water/Bug --> Water/Bug --> Water/Bug
Skooters are Pond Skater Pokémon who love nothing more than to skate around on the water's edge all day with it's super light feet. It feeds on the bubbles that appear in the water's surface, and it is a very quick escape artist, able to escape opponents far faster than it. It's found not just in ponds, but also the ocean floor, where they help regulate the pressure by feeding on the bubbles there. When Skooter evolves into Halloreeta, it becomes a lot faster and a lot more caring for the environment. It can now climb waves with ease with it's improved feet, able to reduce their destructive potential by reshaping the molecules of the water to reduce the pressure. Since they are faster than Skooters, the Skooters often follow the Halloreeta to get themselves faster than ever before. However, it's personality completely changes when Halloreeta evolves again into Geryscholtz. Now a calm and relaxed humanoid pond skater, it surfs around on not just the water's edge, but on the ground as well, able to generate tidal waves with it's twin water cannons. These cannons not only increase the pressure of water around them, but also decreases them with enough power to turn even a huge tsunami into a mild wave. They can also toggle the freshness of these water cannons to allow the water they shoot to be drunk from!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (88)

Bug/Flying --> Bug/Flying --> Bug/Flying
Apisees are basically the Oriva region's answer to the common honeybee. They fly around and pollinate flowers, feeding off anything that would make these flowers sick, such as dead parts of it. Apisee is a very friendly Pokémon and will befriend anyone it sees very quickly, making it an easy choice for beginning trainers to raise, especially with it's sharp stinger that can puncture metal, though it spends a lot of time trying to get out. They evolve into Ceranoney, a hard working Pokémon that can create honey through it's soft fur, which it then provides to other trainers that it trusts. It can pollinate entire flower gardens in just under an hour, and it is very protective of nearby Apisees, making sure that none of them get hurt at all. It now possess two stinger arms which not just extract honey from one hive to another, but also inject this honey into it's enemies, making them confused. A hive of Apisees and Ceranonenys is led by it's final evolution, Kunapisia, which Ceranoney can only become if it reaches level 35 while holding a jar of Honey. These super friendly Pokémon give commands to the other Apisees and Ceranoneys, but it never goes hard on them, allowing them to take rests if they want. A hive of these Pokémon can reach up to 30 feet high, and it's presence can make sure that the forest around it will prosper for enternity. Kunapisia is also extremely friendly to it's trainer, protecting them from harm with it's huge stinger that can puncture a battleship plate with relative ease.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (89)

Bug/Fire --> Bug/Fire --> Bug/Fire
In the night sky, you'll see the swamps of the Oriva region become illuminated by flying balls of crimson light. These come from Lirefly, a firefly Pokémon that uses it's own fire power to light up the huge bulb on the back of it's body to provide light. This bulb not only lights up even the darkest of areas, but also provides warmth for anyone nearby, and most travellers take a Lirefly with them to provide heat during the cold nights of the Oriva Region, especially in the more colder environments. It evolves into Illumifly, those light is now it's entire body. They command other Lireflys which haven't evolved yet into different formations to light up different parts of the swamps that haven't been illuminated. This light can also be used as a form of flashbang, as it concentrates all of it's firepower to create a searing blaze equivalent to the surface of the sun, which can cause both burning and blindess. These flashbangs can turn even the night sky bright red. Once Illumifly has left it's Lirefly swarm, it reaches it's final evolution as Jiyukafly. It wanders across the night sky, looking for it's own destiny, always looking forwards to it's virtues, and never looking back at it's own sins. As it flies, it makes people believe that they are seeing the sun in the night sky, as Jiyukafly burns bright enough to light up even the darkest of areas. The flames in Jiyukafly never die out, and they are said to be like miniature suns, drawing energy from it's yukata that provides over a million degress of heat per second.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (90)

Mythical/Poison --> Mythical/Poison --> Mythical/Poison
Based off the Mogwai and the Gremlin, Rogwais love nothing more than to play with other Pokémon. They are a crafty bunch, capable of knocking over fine china just because it entertains it, and it also loves to cause mischief. Trainers raising one are advised to regularly buy cheap china to keep it entertained. However, the Rogwai dislikes bright lights and water, going into hiding at even a glimpse of it. But most importantly, trainers are advised to never give a Rogwai food after midnight, as, after it has acquired enough experience after doing so, it evolves into Momora, which is a cocoon between Rogwai and it's final form. The actual Pokémon is the Rogwai inside it those cells are being redeveloped, but Momora can also fight just as well, entangling it's foes with it's twin tendrils before slamming them into the ground and filling them with toxins. However, since Momora can't move easily without it's trainer's help, it spends most of the time sleeping, preparing for it's final evolution, keeping it's energy high by feeding off the traits that the Rogwai doesn't need. Momora can still fight without the Rogwai inside it, but it won't be able to evolve any further this way, and it has a very short lifespan. Once the Rogwai inside Momora has developed enough, the Momora bursts open to reveal Gloss, the final evolved form of Rogwai. Gloss is a very brutal trickster Pokémon that loves nothing more than destroying everything in sight just for fun. They are very intelligent Pokémon, able to use tools just like humans would, and even trying to negate it's weakness to bright lights and water. Glosses have even been seen watching films and reading books. If a shop suddenly appears deserted and is forced to close down, chances are that a Gloss has broken into the shop and stolen all of it's items for it's own good. It's own deviousness even inspires other Rogwais to eat food after midnight so that they can evolve into Momoras as well.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (91)

Poison --> Poison --> Poison
Toamy is a huge slime toad that is made of a special kind of slime that tastes like jelly, but it is laced with a lethal poison that can cause fevers in microseconds. Like Ferofero, it uses it's huge sticky tongue to catch prey, mainly other Poison Pokémon that helps stimulate it's own skin. It is a gluttonous Pokémon that only aims to get itself fat enough so that nothing can ever hunt it down, allowing it to easily rest in swamps. It evolves into Convume, which is more gluttonous than Toamy. It hops around and drains the area of it's poison, even from other Poison Pokémon, before combining them with it's own poison to make a very deadly toxin that can cause heart failure in seconds. While it is praised by other people for draining away any sicknesses they had, it comes with risk: Sometimes, Convume may trade the poison in a source for it's poison. It's final evolved form is Nankiboett, and at this stage it stops eating poison. Instead, it uses it's massive tongue to spread it's own slime across the swamps of the Oriva region for many purposes, such as a message for other Nankiboetts and Toamys to follow, or to mark it's own territory to prevent other Pokémon from getting. It's skin is now so soft, that many items can get enveloped in it, where the toxins in them dissolve them almost instantly. However, it doesn't mean to cause death at all, being a neutral Pokémon that only fights back in defense, but this deadly toxin has called it "The Walking Gelatin of Death".

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (92)

Poison/Psychic --> Poison/Psychic --> Poison/Psychic
A Pokémon based off the Nuppeppō and slimes, Slasic is a common sight across the Oriva region's early routes. A normally friendly Pokémon, Slasic's genetic composture allows it to flow through grates easily, and it's soft body means it can easily be stepped on or blown by the wind. Anyone who comes in contact with it's slimy texture will find that it is very sticky, and it can take days to get a Slasic off your body. In battle, Slasic uses it's psychic powers to flow it's own slime in any way it wishes. It evolves into Glompeppō, a rather passive Pokémon that always smells of rotten flesh. It commands other Slasics into battle, and it's slime is no longer sticky, instead being a sort of liquid than can serve as a cure to many medical conditions, but that's only if the Glompeppō is not in battle. In battle, it's golden crown makes this slime toxic to anything it touches, dissolving them easily. Supposedly, drinking the slime of a Glompeppō in battle while having protection to it's toxins will grant eternal youth. Eventually, Glompeppō absorbs it's golden crown and evolves into Emakia, it's fully evolved form. In this form, Emakia becomes a friendly Pokémon once more, slathering anyone it sees in it's slime, which removes wrinkles and supposedly cures many conditions on the body, such as back pain. Thus, trainers with an Emakia can potentially live for much longer than trainers without them, though they still feel the age on their body. It's also a very clingy Pokémon, sticking to other trainers and refusing to go back into it's Poké Ball because it wants to play with them longer. It's DNA composure allows it to reshape itself into any shape it wants, and some Emakias have even been sighted starting to look like the trainers they trust.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (93)

Wierd/Flying --> Wierd/Flying --> Wierd/Flying
Flegmingo is a flamingo Pokémon that only has one leg, and it stands on it all day, constantly preening itself of any dirt that it might have gotten as it migrated from region to region, able to fly across mountains with ease. It's huge beak can catch up a massive scoop of freshwater in a single swipe, feeding on all the Bug Pokémon it can catch. While said to be native to many regions, so far the Oriva Region is the only region where wild Flegmingos have been seen. It evolves into Prosstandus, who becomes a far more aggressive Pokémon, kicking anything that does'nt share it's beauty with it's amplified leg. No-one can figure out why Prosstandus has this violent demeanor, but some sources claim it has something to do with the hole in it's stomach, which now controls it's own mind. However, Prosstandus still migrates from time to time, though less often thatn Flegmingo. Once a Prosstandus has calmed down from this angry state, it fully evolves into Yazaipinkado, those actual face is the small cylopic tounge in it's body. This tongue can reach long enough to taste anything it wants, which it's twin beaks then make mincemeat out of. Supposedly, each of it's two beaks likes and dislikes different things, and it can keep watch for hours on end by standing itself on it's huge leg, which is tough enough to grasp on even the slipperiest of surfaces.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (94)

Wierd/Villain --> Wierd/Villain
Blastdit is considered a Wierd Pokémon simply for it's unusual personality. When it sees an enemy, it runs up to them and lights the fuse on the bomb it's carrying, using dangerous moves like Selfdestruct and Explosion in the process. Afterwards, it pulls out a new bomb from it's own cells, which make the bomb out of excess nitrogen it's body. If it can't make a bomb, it will try and steal the nearest bomb it can find. However, a Blastdit that trusts it's trainer will allow them to use it's own bombs for demolition work, but most trainers are advised not to use them for fun or for villainy, and a Blastdit under the care of a trainer is carefully watched by the International Police. It evolves into Bomboozle, which is a far less crazy Pokémon and only uses the bombs for defence. These bombs are now made with the food that it eats, and different kinds of bombs can be made depending on what it has recently eaten. It's most common bomb is a smart smoke bomb that blows up enemies and protects it's allies, while allowing it to slip away from it's enemy's sights at the same time. These bombs are strong enough to blow apart a huge cruise ship into rubble in seconds, and thus it is advised that you catch any Bomboozle you see in a Poké Ball, lest one accidentally detonates it's bomb, such as going too close to a fire source.


Saturday at 5:39 AM

  • #14

Meanwhile, to get to Diqiu, the city where the Rock Gym is located, you'll have to go through the Yanshi Cave, where you met the sage who gave you the Ancient Band. Beyond him, there lies several new options to improve your team, in addition to the wild Saibats that fly across.....

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (96)

Rock/Psychic --> Rock/Psychic --> Rock/Psychic
Said to be based off a long distant mountain called Fuji, Jujis serve the biological role that Geodudes and Roggenrolas have in other regions. They travel across caves and mountains looking for rocks to feed on, using it's hidden psychic powers to figure out which ones will provide the most nutrients. It is a Pokémon that likes to aim high and true, always aiming for the best possible results even if it means giving itself a migraine with it's psychic powers, which it hasn't mastered yet. It's evolved form, Hataku, fares much better with these powers, but it is also a lot more aggressive. It claims an entire mountain as it's own territory and only lets those it trusts live in it, usually other Hatakus. Everyone else will be thrown out with the psychic powers from it's three eyes, though it's mostly a physical attacker otherwise, infusing it's three eyes with powerful psychic energy. Supposedly, a mountain that has been claimed to be magical will mostly be one inhabited by a Hataku, who has let people in on the account that their future is a bright one. It fully evolves into Fujitong, a huge Pokémon that is often mistaken as a real mountain. It slams into rocks with enough force to crumple them to dust in order to flatten them out, as this Pokémon likes to make it's nest in large empty areas where it's deception can be further improved. The painting on it's front end is said to show the future of anyone it sees, and this future often always becomes true. As such, passerby are advised to avoid watching into Fujitong's painting: This tradition started after an emperor saw his own empire's demise when he saw a Fujitong, and foolishly fled the Oriva region in an attempt to prevent it.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (97)

Ground/Rock --> Ground/Rock
A rather odd mole Pokémon with a Shoshinsha mark on it's head, Molshinshas are rather shy Pokémon that only ever show their heads above the ground: While they can be pulled out of their holes, they retaliate with such ferocity that no-one has ever been able to get a live Molshinsha above the ground and live in the process. They are only just starting to learn how to dig holes in the ground, and will happily cover the whole area in molehills just to make itself a better digger. The mark on it's head serves as defense, deflecting attacks that would disturb it. Once Molshinsha's happiness is maxed out, it will evolve into Wakadigz, considered by many trainers to be the first roadblock in their journey due to it serving as the ace Pokémon of the first gym leader...and boy, it is one! It commands other Ground Pokémon to dig out entire tunnels to get the Wakadigz gems to feed on. If it notices even one Pokémon slacking on the job, it immiedietly replaces that Pokémon with a new one, and it will even recruit Pokémon that are'nt that good at digging, and this is where Wakadigz's other job comes in: It forces the Pokémon to dig by making it copy it's digging manuver, digging into a hard surface with it's sharp claws that can cut through diamond. Pokémon that find this work too stressful tend to flee by distracting the Wakadigz and removing it's sunglasses, which serve as goggles to protect it's eyes from falling dirt, but if that happens, Wakadigz will find the traitor and force it into even harder work. Wakadigz is the first ace Pokémon you'll find in your journey if you do the Rock gym first: Bring a Water or a Grass Pokémon to win the Rock Badge easily, but watch out for it's Aerial Ace and the Juji that precedes it, who knows Charge Beam!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (98)

Rock/Magic --> Rock/Magic --> Rock/Magic
Based off the Haniwa, Dowina is an earthen figure supposedly given life by the Magic used by the person who crafted the first ever existence of it millions of years ago. It was originally designed to help people remember their lost ones, so that they can cherish them for all eternity. After the inventor's death, the first Dowinas escaped and now roam the caves and wastelands of the Oriva region. In the present day, Dowinas swing their arms to generate magical energy, before performing in strange dances that supposedly represent the person that it was crafted after. If you go near these dances, you'll sometimes hear the final words of the deceased person it represented. Kantwina is it's evolved form, and it represents the houses lost to wars and natural disasters. No longer able to easily move in this form without it's trainer's help, Kantwina instead uses it's improved arms to shape what appears to be a rough recreation of the house that the person it represented lived in. It feeds on it's own magical energy, generating more of it by absorbing the clay in it's area. Kantwinas have sometimes have observed letting people inside it, and instead of insides, you'll see rough clay recreations of the furniture the house it represented once had. Once it has run out of clay to absorb, it immidietly starts preparing for it's final evolution, which unlike it's previous two forms, has only been sighted in the present day. This form is called Nihoshowina, an earthen clay horse that runs with the might of the magical energy that it's ancestors once used to thrive. It runs around in tight circles, a remnant of it's former dancing behavior, creating storms of vibrant clay in the process, which it then uses to create rough recreations of the cities that the people it represented once resided in. Because of this, Nihoshowina has been called "The Walking Museum" by some people. In battle, it runs around it's enemies and consumes them in a storm of clay dust that petrifies them rock solid, and it then uses the newly petrified statues to decorate it's city. It only lets the most trusted people into these cities, and they are great tourist attractions in the Oriva Region, though sometimes they set them up in undesirable places, such as forests, covering the place in clay in the process.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (99)

Hero/Water --> Hero/Water --> Hero/Water
Based off the Cavefish, Phreaves can only be found in the underground lakes of the Oriva Region, where they thrive due to the lack of predators there. Despite this, Phreaves dream of defending the entire ocean from harm one day, practising every day by protecting it's lake from Pokémon that would drink or contaminate it. Once they have defended their lake long enough, they leap out of it and head for the ocean, giving all it's strength into moving itself on land. It does this out of sight to make sure that no-one throws it back into it's lake, which it dearly misses, often finding hidden passages to the ocean. Once it has landed in the ocean, Phreave evolves into Typhaqua, the proclaimed prince of the sea. It commands other Water Pokémon with it's sonar waves to attack it's enemies, and takes good care of them all. It fights against those who pollute the ocean and threaten to destroy the environment it lives in, fighting back with powerful torrents of water that are sharpened with the rocks of the cave it once lived in. It also protects coral reefs from predators, making sure that no-one that it doesn't trust ever lays even a finger on them. Finally, Typhaqua evolves again into Brolantis, which rules upon the seas like if it was the king of the ocean. It protects ancient ruins and allows them to be populated by Water Pokémon, which then preserve the ruins for all eternity. Some people claim that Brolantis is the descendant of a long extinct Water Legendary Pokémon that once commanded upon the world's seas, and it sometimes builds palaces as a remnant of it's behavior. However, you'll sometimes see Brolantis at the lake it once lived in as a Phreave: It often does this to regain it's resolve after it's previous job ends in failure, or to raise it's own Phreaves.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (100)

Rock --> Rock --> Rock
Jyalock is a huge Pokémon the size of an elephant, that feeds on giant rocks like they were rock candy. It is a geode of brilliant crystals that shine like jade, and they can be used for jewelery and for decoration. It's greatest rival is Juji, which they often fight with over the tastiest rocks, and it has a brash personality, butting into any situation just so it can beat up everyone it sees. It's evolved form, Jystal, is even more aggressive, destroying entire towns just for the jewels they own, which Jystal then converts into the jade crystals that power it's attacks. It's now the size of a house, and if you look closely, you'll find little specks of jade growing across it's body. This is how Jystal handles any sicknesses it has, by replacing them with these jade specks. In battle, it raises jade crystals from the ground to surprise the opponent's weak points. It's final evolved form is known as Jyushanor, and it is a huge jade golem that is the size of a small mountain. Compared to it's previous two forms, Jyushanor is mostly a neutral Pokémon, only fighting back if someone tries to steal the jades on it's body, wiping them out with it's sweeping fists that can reduce an entire city to rubble. These jades are said to be worth millions, and successfully finding one will ensure a long prosperous life. Jyushanor has such a massive metabolism rate, feeding on entire mountains, that it rarely moves from it's home, instead reshaping the area around it into a quarry of jade crystals that serve as it's territory. However, it's said that this Pokémon once helped reshape the world by turning mountains into flat plains by eating them.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (101)

Ground/Light --> Ground/Light --> Ground/Light
It's said that an ancient emperor once raised a whole army of terracotta soldiers to protect his kingdom against an ongoing war. Once the war was over, the emperor sealed the soldiers away, but now they have been rediscovered across the Oriva Region. First up, there is Terrxian, the emperor's first design of the soldiers. This Pokémon resembles an ancient sort of teacup, and tea poured into it always seems to taste like clay. It normally doesn't move around that much, acting like if it was a real teacup, but in battle, it sidelines it's opponents by tripping them up with blobs of terracotta, before infusing it's handle with the energy of Light and destroying it's opponents. Of course, no-one has ever known why Terrxian does this, as it's body composure is actually quite hollow: In fact, not even a brain can be seen. Next, there is Huacotta, Terrxian's evolved form and and the supposed prototype of the soldiers. Like it's pre-evolved form, Huacotta normally only moves when it's fighting by rearranging the fault lines around it, but there have been some sightings of it moving normally, a potential leftover from it's original purpose, moving towards what it thinks is the soldiers of the rival emperor that the emperor built them for. But most people who see Huacotta move this way will simply be dismissed as insane conspirators. Finally, there is the terracotta soldiers themselves, and Huacotta's final evolved form: Shaanxqin. In the past, they decimated their opponents by beating them with their stone staff infused with the might of the emperor itself, and this might still remains in Shaanxqin today, who now fights against enemies that resemble those of the rival emperor's soldiers. It is the only one of the three to activley move, though when most locals look at a Shaanxqin, it immidietly stops moving and resembles a statue, running for the nearest pedestal if it can. Supposedly, these Pokémon once came in a variety of colors representing their ranks, and you can still see flakes of these colors scattered across their hard baked armor.


Saturday at 5:40 AM

  • #15

In past regions, your Pokémon's stats were slightly mismatched, gaining EVs not just from wild Pokémon, but other trainers as well, forcing the feeding of EV lowering berries to make them more specialized in a single stat. While this method remains in the Oriva Region, figuring out which Pokémon gives which stat has never been much easier: These six Pokémon all specialize in a single stat so you can know which one to train in...or to become your deadliest team members yet!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (103)

Electric/Steel --> Electric/Steel --> Electric/Steel
The master of HP, Rhinunn is an Indian Rhinoceros Pokémon that spends all day taking part in healthcare programs, including eating healthy food. This in turn powers it's electrical horn, allowing it to ram into anything at high speeds, and it never dents due to it's high vitamin count always repairing it. It only eats the most healthy of food, and thus is common in plains that are rich in nutritionial grass and fruit. It evolves into Nanzhu, a ferocious rhino Pokémon that charges across the plains of the Oriva region. It's brain is only kept together by it feeding on healthy food and electricity, and if it ever stops for even a moment, it becomes dim witted, ramming at anything it thinks is a threat alongside it's Rhinunn calves. It stores the electricity which it has made within it's thick hide and shares it with other Pokémon, and this electricity has a healing factor which is what keeps the Nanzhu's vital organs constantly active: A Nanzhu with enough electricity can last for years on end. It's final evolved form is Wudsiceros, a Pokémon that serves as the general of all the ungulate Pokémon around it, commanding them to battle with a unique electrical field that shows the Pokémon where to strike. In addition to it's now fully charged horn, it gains a hammer that can short circuit an entire city in one strike when fully charged, and it never seems to suffer any injuries at all, as it's healthy diet plan has granted it tons of health. However, Wudsiceros is a brash Pokémon that tends to pick on other General Pokémon such as Shaanxqin.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (104)

Beast/Time --> Beast/Time --> Beast/Time
The master of Attack, Tigbens are basically the Pokémon equivalent to tiger cubs. They love nothing more than to play with other Pokémon by biting on them hard and scratching marks on them which are different with every Tigben, sharpening them in the process. This way, the Tigbens can know what has happened to it's other packmates, and can run over to them to save from them danger. In battle, it goes for a purely offensive approach, constantly wearing the target down with huge attacks. It's evolved form is Tigaplus, a dangerous predator that prowls across the jungles of the Oriva region. It spends all the time when it is not hunting either sleeping or preparing for it's next hunt, marking out the target's weakpoints by clawing messages in tree bark that only other Tigapluses can figure out. Once it has seen it's target, it will lunge towards them and pull out it's claws, which can tear through solid armor, and bites on the target hard until their lifeforce fades away, draining their strength in the progress, which the Tigaplus then aquires. It can also increase the strength of other Pokémon it trusts, as if it was a walking X-Attack. Only the most talented of Tigaplus fully evolve into Guan Tigris, a well owned tiger general Pokémon that based it's appearance off the statue of a general who claimed to have thought in a thousand wars, now corroded by the sands of time. Every day, it challenges Pokémon far stronger than it to improve it's skills, so that one day it will become the strongest Pokémon in the continent: Often, they end it by either facing off against another Guan Tigris as a show of strength, or a Tigben to show the moves that it can learn. It's prized weapon is it's giant spear that it infuses with it's attack power in combat, allowing it to pierce through nearly anything it touches. Guan Tigris will protect it's trainer for all eternity, teaching them to fight in the ways of the wars that the general once fought in.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (105)

Athlete/Ground --> Athlete/Ground --> Athlete/Ground
The master of Defence, Goalox is an Ox Pokémon just like Bullang those extremities serve as a natural goalkeeping stature. It uses these extremities to block any attack that goes towards it, before converting it into it's own fighting spirit. They are common across fields of rice, and people often use Goalox's extremities to protect the crops within from pests such as Typicrows. These extremities are of extremley high durability, and when they start showing signs of cracking, it also a sign that Goaloax is ready to evolve into Locfender. Locfender is a defensive Pokémon that shields other Pokémon with it's new pair of horns and protects them from all harm. What appears to be hooves on it's feet are actually a set of wheels that it uses to go through rough terrain, and because they are made of the same material that it's horns are made off, they never dent at all. People had used Locfenders in the past not just for defence, but also for carrying carts and wagons full of supplies and crops, and Locfender made sure that they were protected from all harm, using it's horns like a goalkeeper would use his hands to block anything that comes in it's way. In it's final form, known as Nluitair, it's defensive capability is maxed out to the strongest level. It's horns can now never be dented, and they can extend to block any shot that comes in it's way. It wears down it's opponent by tiring them out, before rolling them over with it's huge wheel that spreads pieces of it as it rolls, ensuring that the crops that grow from the contaminated soul grow to be hardy and tough, but only for the objects that it doesn't trust. The bar on it's back can also hold carts much better, filled with an energy that ensures that the cart will never break, even in the midst of a mild storm. It is said that Nluitair is the descendant of a Pokémon in a faraway region that resembled a huge shield, that taught the people the importance of defence.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (106)

Psychic/Fire --> Psychic/Fire --> Psychic/Fire
The master of Special Attack, Skongmings are sky lantern Pokémon that are released by trainers in festivals that celebrate special occasions, like anniversaries and victories over wars. They keep themselves aloft with a flame within them, and they serve as beacons of hope to those who see them. It's said that Skongming is a lantern that was given life by a flame that refused to be extinguished, and when this flame dies out, another flame continues to bring life to Skongming. They are carefree Pokémon that only care about illuminating the night sky, a trait that is amplified once Skongming evolves into Lanspecia. In this stage, Lanspecia flies above the night skies in a hot air balloon that resembles a Chinese Lantern, bringing hope and determination to those who see it. When it sees someone that they trust, or needs their light, they land down to their house and stay there for weeks, providing atmosphere to the surrounding festivals. Aftewards, they fly out again, looking for another house to bring hope to. If Lanspecia ever falls out of it's balloon, it will lose all hope, and will perish in mere minutes. Eventually, Lanspecia will fully evolve into Zeppboku, those actual body is the figure dangling from the zeppelin like body, not the zeppelin itself. It flies above the night sky with it's own flames, and is said to illuminate the night sky when it falls under it's darkest hour. These flames possess enough energy to power an entire power plant for weeks on end, but since Zeppboku rarely lands, and it uses Explosion in it's weakest moments, getting a hold of this flame is like experiencing a miracle. As Zeppboku flies above the night sky, Skongmings and Lanspecias follow behind it, aiming for the road of hope.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (107)

Magic/Fairy --> Magic/Fairy --> Magic/Fairy
The master of Special Defence, Texmoji was said to have been created when a programmer made special faces to post upon the internet, known to other regions as Emoji. They are a type of cyberspace Pokémon like Porygon, mostly making it's habitat near areas with computers in them, surfing the world wide web and popping up in text messages. Their faces vary according to the situation at hand, and it's said to be these very same faces that the programmer made. Despite this, Texmoji is mostly an emotionless Pokémon, acting very normal in most situations, and believing that only it's own faces cheer it up. Things do change when it evolves into Emoguarr, though. It's personality is now dependent on the faces it makes, and it is armed with anti virus program, also originating from the special faces, that can deflect most Special Attacks. It often makes faces that are similiar to the mood of it's trainer, though sometimes they may cycle through them all, either as a test or if it's feeling really stressed. Although it's not a type of computer virus, Emoguarr feeds on words in messages, mostly ones that make it relaxed. It has notably been seen eating emoticons in other message boards, as if it was destroying anyone that would dare copy the special faces that the programmer has made. Once it has fully embraced all of it's emotions and can fully control them, Emoguarr reaches it's final evolution, Kuraiba. A bringer of emotion and trust, it's normally rainbow colored wings change colors according to the moods of the people around it, letting them know any mistakes that they might have made that were causing this emotion, and thus change it. The three faces on it's shoulder pads and it's tail also do the same, and sometimes they show the right thing to do to fix any problem. It is powered by the friendship of other people, and it can help even the most distressed of people stand up for themselves and make friends with other people. In battle, Kuraiba overwhelms it's target with a flurry of emotions, causing them to exhibit them against their own will. Once the target is fully tired, Kuraiba goes for the kill by crushing them with the rainbow shields it conjures, normally used as a set of Light Screens. On a further note, the programmer has not been seen since she made the faces: In fact, word has it that the faces had rewritten her code and turned her into a Kuraiba herself!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (108)

Flying/Fighting --> Flying/Fighting --> Flying/Fighting
The master of Speed, Crankane is a Crane Pokémon that looks like it spends all day sitting in one spot, looking at the surroundings atop it's tall legs in the water's surface. In reality, however, Crankane is feeding itself at such fast speeds that they look like blurs to most people, and it does the same to it's enemies, wiping them out before they know it with a flurry of raging kicks that it has dubbed "The Soaring Crane Technique". Despite this, it's actually a serene Pokémon, spending these days breathing in and out and achieving true pilgrimage. They evolve into Anespeeder, a common sight in the wetlands of the Oriva Region. They protect their nest with a rush of blinding speed, and they run every day to constantly improve their agility. Their own diet changes according to the season, adapting to it's new prey through it's quick thinking, allowing them to see the target's weak spots easily. You'll often find them in large flocks of over 100 Anespeeders, each one having it's role in keeping the others alive. It's final evolved form, however, is quite solidary. Lucrong is a calm but feisty Pokémon that lives forever...literally! They do not feel the pain of aging due to their connection with the might of speed itself, and most Lucrongs are actually ones that have been around since prehistoric times, though very few of them actually remember their past. In fact, the only permanent memory Lucrong has is it's mastery over the Soaring Crane Technique, aiming for the target's weakpoints and blowing them apart with a flurry of punches and kicks before the target can even figure out what's going on. However, the memories of it's trainer can be kept for billions of years. They move so fast, that they can go anywhere as long as they can think about it, and it can move across the entire Oriva Region in microseconds, though most people can only see Lucrong this way if they surprise it, as it can easily adapt it's route around any obstacle. Supposedly, Lucrong actually ages a million years in a single second, yet does not feel any pain at all.


Saturday at 5:40 AM

  • #16

So far, we have mostly shown you the wildlife of the Oriva region, and not so much on the Pokémon based off real life inanimate objects. Today, that changes, with Pokémon based off lights and food being shown to the world for the first time! These Pokémon can be found early into your adventure.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (110)

Light/Fire --> Light/Fire --> Light/Fire
Based off the Chōchin'obake, Choper is a lantern Pokémon that spends most of the time hanging off walls and lampposts, disguising itself as an ordinary lantern. When someone gets close to it, it will reveal it's true face and cackle at the target maniacally, but it does not mean to pose any harm outside of battle. Inside Choper's body is a flame that keeps it illuminated all night, and in desperate cases, it can even self-destruct. It evolves into Minasuri, who becomes more of a talented pyromaniac. People have dubbed it "The Walking Grenade", as when it sees someone it does'nt trust, it explodes in a wild firestorm that can light up in the night sky for days, though it always repairs itself otherwise. People often use them as firestarters, usually to start huge ceremonial fires that people can burn their worries in, though their use is closely monitored by the police. Finally, Minasuri evolves into Obakanternoz, who becomes a wandering lantern detonator. It walks across streets carrying it's own lantern, which it uses to make other lanterns shine brighter than ever before, though this also makes the lantern explode in the process. As it walks, it leaves behind little flames that can be used to refuel lanterns. In battle, Obakanternoz uses it's own lantern as a weapon, hitting the target with enough force to cause explosions at will!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (111)

Light/Dragon --> Light/Dragon --> Light/Dragon
Upwork is a firework dragon Pokémon that flies into the night sky to create dazzling fireworks. These fireworks can serve many purposes, such as giving messages to the other Upworks, distracting enemies so the other Upworks in it's pack can finish them off, or to calm it down after a rough day of eating coal. People often use Upworks in lieu of actual fireworks, with each Upwork providing a different kind of firework, which is decided at birht just like genetics. When Upwork evolves into Dysong, it loses the ability to become a firework, instead being able to launch several fireworks out of the tubes in it's body. These fireworks are made from the food that Upwork eats, and different food can lead to different kinds of fireworks being made. Bringing one to a festival will provide atmosphere and celebration, as it can launch ten fireworks from it's cannons within a single second, both towards the night sky and it's own enemies. It fully evolves into Baodhu, who some people call "The Bringer of Celebration". By flying across the night sky in a dazzling manner, it can replicate any kind of firework imaginable, and it always knows which ones to use for the right festival. If you see Baodhu at the first day of a festival you have invented, it is a sign that the festival will last for millenniums on end. In battle, it launches it's own arms at it's opponents like a storm of fireworks, and it can do this faster than the enemy can even think of.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (112)

Steel/Sound --> Steel/Sound --> Steel/Sound
Chauong is basically a living gong! Every time it is rung, everyone around it is filled with either a sense of serenity and peace, or an unbreakable fighting spirit, depending on where and when Chauong is rung. It only allows the most trusted of people to ring it, and it will attack anyone else by rendering them deaf with a single strike of it's gong, creating a sound wave that can shatter all glass in the principality. It's evolved form is Kwonong, which can now strike itself far easier with it's new tail, always doing so to signify the start of a brand new day. Kwonongs are often rung at festivals to provide excitement in all the participants, filling them the spirit to keep it going for weeks on end. Caution must be taken when ringing one, though, as the strike of a Kwonong can level a building with it's sound waves. It's final evolved form is known as Gamelong, which gains two drumsticks that can ring it's three gongs at will, both as a form of entertainment, and as it's main fighting tactic, leveling it's enemies with a wave of sound that can destroy a mountain in one sweep. Each gong provides a different sound wave and a different kind of energy to those who hear it, and Gamelong balances all of these waves so that everyone can get the energy they want. The gong that serves as it's body is more noteworthy, as it can be heard and felt for miles, filling entire cities with an endless fighting spirit.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Sonar Smash: A power 70 Special Sound move that never misses. It can be learnt by most Sound-type Pokémon, mainly ones that are Special Attackers.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Drumroll: A power 30 Physical Sound move that hits three time. It's mainly learnt by Pokémon that can play themselves like a drum or a similar instrument, like Gamelong.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (113)

Time/Magic --> Time/Magic --> Time/Magic
Based off the Maikubi and the Omamori, Luckamoris are wearable lucky charms that provide good luck and protection from the spirits to those who wear them around their neck. As such, they are often handed out at festivals to ward off evil spirits, and people often donate them to other people who need them, or to temples as a prayer of good luck. It's normally a very friendly Pokémon, but when Luckamori starts refusing to be worn, it is a sign that it is close to it's evolution into Splikubi. Now a floating spirit of luck, it's two heads never get along well with each other, resulting in it constantly spinning around for supremacy. They keep fighting even when battle, using time magic to control the foe without them even noticing: the green head can slow down time, while the red head speeds it up. Allegedly, the only time the heads do manage to get along is when they are sleeping, channeling luck across the entire bodies. Their final evolved form is Oonkeizami, which gains a third head which, like the other two, never get along, accelerating time's flow uncontrollably as the three heads fight. Oonkeizami is said to be the reincarnation of three samurai who chopped their heads off in a massive argument, cursed to be this way until they make up. Strangely, the three heads appear to represent the three wise monkeys: The left head represents Macaring, the middle head represents Oradish, and the right head represents Libbon.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Chrono Burst: A power 80 Special Time Attack that may lower speed by 1. This move can be learnt by most Time-type Pokémon, and is often their best available Special STAB move.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (114)

Shadow/Fairy --> Shadow/Fairy --> Shadow/Fairy
Sensuchi is a handheld fan Pokémon that allows those it trusts to fan off the heat by using it as an actual paper fan. It has a snobbish personality and likes to be pampered with royality at all times, even in poor towns. They also serve as a form of archery target, though this puts the Sensuchi in a lot of stress, and they often scream at the archers afterwards for treating them so poorly. Their fan is sharp enough to cut through wood, and it becomes depressed if even a slight dent appears in it. Sensuchi evolves into Fawtashata, a Pokémon who thinks it's a spoiled emperor. They spend all day pampering their fans, cleaning them of dirt and repairing them using leather from other Pokémon. These fans are now so sharp, they can cut through solid titanium, and Fawtashata uses every last one of them in battle, confusing it's enemies with a dazzling display of martial arts that resemble ones used by emperors and nobility. Supposedly, how open these fans are represent it's mood, with them being wide open meaning it's happy, and closed meaning it's said. After Fawtashata has gained enough experience from battle, it reaches it's final evolution in the form of Hanfyusha, known to some as "The Crimson Fan Fighter". It fights in such an elegant way with it's fans, that most of it's enemies believe it is an actual student of a long lost emperor, and Hanfyusha treates these fans with more care than ever, even closing them out of battle to prevent them from being damaged. It has a royal personality, and all other Pokémon near it look up to it as if it was their lord. It is also a very prime Pokémon, refusing all but the most royal forms of treatment.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (115)

Magic/Ghost --> Magic/Ghost --> Magic/Ghost
A Pokémon based off the Hitodama, Hinowillas are said to be the lost souls of those who have perished given life once more. They wander aimlessly across the Oriva Region, meaning no harm to anyone when it is not in combat, and are invisible to most people, requiring special tools like the Silph Scope or the Devon Scope to see. However, they tend to wander the homes that their original body once lived in, alongside the valuables they once had. Although it is mostly harmless in this form, Hinowilla can be felt by the slight sense of Magical energy in your body. It's evolved form is Ookyoshu, which only Hinowillas that have forgotten their former self can become. Now consumed by it's own magical flames, Ookyoshus starts wildfires against their own will, and people will not know why they begun, as it is also an invisible Pokémon. It has a brutal personality, but it only seems to attack Pokémon and objects that were a bane to it's past life, such as Cyrigumos if the person had Arachnophobia. Any soul that is eaten by Ookyoshu will become a Hinowilla in itself, unable to be revived once more. It fully evolves into Gazokonemeon, a savage Pokémon that only aims to complete the dreams and ideals that it's former life had, obvious to the amount of lives they'll claim in the process with it's flames that leave burns that will never heal. Gazokonemeon's presence can be noted by the trail of magical flames it leaves behind, which burn both the body and the soul, but it never seems to attack anything that was a virtue to it in it's past life, and it often becomes the partners of it's former loved ones. It's said that the first Hinowilla that managed to fully evolve into Gazokonemeon was a general who had lost everything in a single day.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Wispy Flames: A power 80 Special Magic Attack that may cause a burn. Most Magic Pokémon that are also related to fire, or the other way round, can learn this move. Most Fire/Magic type Pokémon always learn it.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (116)

Water/Athlete --> Water/Athlete --> Water/Athlete
Cappa is a Kappa Pokémon that loves nothing more than to relax in hot springs, lakes, rivers, and even the ocean. You'll often find it practicing the backstroke, which allows it to use it's arms for other activities while it's still swimming at a fast speed, such as stealing a fruit from a nearby Pokémon and eating it for itself. Inside it's rain dish is a gas that can cause drowsiness to those who smell it. However, Cappa becomes a lot more energetic when it evolves into Sarasube, though it still uses the backstroke while swimming. It's newly toughened shell can deflect enemy attacks right back them, and it can propel it's legs with enough speed to outrun a jet ski. They keep themselves refreshed by letting their rain dish collect the rain, and this rain can then be converted into talented medicine, which becomes more apparent when it reaches it's final evolution of Backaró. Now fully refreshed in itself, Backaró uses it's staff to clean sick people of their injuries, and covert it into a special formula that relaxes the body and soul, providing great sleep in the process. It wanders around ponds and lakes looking for people that require it's aid, and it can always get to any situation very quickly, as it's backstrokes allow it to swim as fast as a shooting star. Every ounce of water that enters it is converted into the medicine that the staff uses, which can also cause bursts of adrenaline to those who drink it.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Training: An Athlete Status move that increases the user's highest stat by 2. This move is learned not just by Athlete-type Pokémon, but also by Pokémon that constantly train themselves, such as Fighting Pokémon.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (117)

Water/Fighting --> Water/Fighting --> Water/Fighting
Based off the Amberjack, Ambunos are a class of Sumo wrestlers that eat every second to make sure it is fat enough to smash it's enemies with powerful sumo tackles. It's skin composure is very similar to most sushi dishes, and Ambuno will shed off it's own fat to make sure it stays healthy, allowing chefs to use this fat in cooking. Supposedly, all Ambuno cares about when it isn't fighting is to eat as much as possible, not even paying attention to anything else but it's own opponents that they are going to fight. Once it stops doing this and has gained enough weight, it evolves into Hameshi, who weighs as much as an aircraft carrier. Now a talented sumo wrestler, Hameshi fights with a code of honor, defeating it's opponent with a flurry of water infused tackles before helping them back up and training them under their own fins. On it's side are several Ambuno eggs, though no-one has ever seen them hatch or even move. Instead, Hameshi uses them as a form of ration, giving them to other people, mainly it's own opponents or itself, to regain their fighting spirit after a battle. Despite being a Water type, it can't swim very well, sinking to the bottom of the sea. It's final evolved form is Yokosura, a sumo wrestler who is comparable to most Yokozunas. It is now so heavy, that when it slams down on it's target, it causes earthquakes that reshape the rivers around it: Maps have to be redrawn afterwards. It has an unbreakable fighting spirit, never giving up against any opponent it faces, even if it is far stronger than them. Yokosura also regains it's appetite in this form: It feeds off a diet of the equivalent of a million Ambuno eggs per day!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (118)

Poison/Fairy --> Poison/Fairy
Fooshi is a Sushi Pokémon that lives up to it's name. While it may look like a piece of sushi, it is in fact inedible laced with toxins that can cause heart failure for weeks, and Fooshi tricks it's opponents into eating them by wafting out an aroma that resembles the smell of fish. To allow itself to use this technique more than once, Fooshi can regenerate it's own body from just it's heart, though it takes weeks in order to do this. Once Fooshi's happiness is maxed out, it evolves into Nirezushi, who instead of acting as inedible food, now serves as a minature shinobi. It runs across water like it was the ground, and it's small size allows it to go into surfaces that most other people would'nt go into, allowing it to infiltrate it's enemies when they least expect it. It's aroma drains it's enemies of their will to fight, before Nirezushi itself goes for the kill by punching them a thousand times per second, each punch being laced with a deadly toxin that can cause death. In all words: Don't be fooled by Nirezushi's innocent looks!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (119)

Fairy/Job --> Fairy/Job --> Fairy/Job
Noodels is a Pokémon that resembles a bowl of noodles which never seem to run out. These noodles are in fact a part of it's body, made of a special kind of wheat that never seems to dry out. They help other chefs make noodles by scooping them up with it's two apandeges that resemble a pair of chopsticks, and they can cover them in a scent that always makes them tasty. Supposedly, the first noodles of the Pokémon world originated from this Pokémon. Noodels evolves into Suoghetti, which is no longer bound to it's bowl. While it may appear that the eyes are the face of this Pokémon, they are nothing more than discolored meatballs made from the prey it eats: It's actual head is the small one to the side, which is made from a special kind of noodles that is said to bring life to those who can eat it. It restrains it's prey in it's own noodles before slamming them to the ground, and they are infused with a scent that prevents escape. However, it still loves to help other people, creating enough noodles to feed a town in a single strike. But trainers are advised to keep good care of their Suoghetti when it reaches it's final evolved stage in the form of Pythudon. This is because that most wild Pythudons lose control of themselves when they evolve, basically serving as a living noodle house. It catches innocent people and Pokémon in it's tendrils before feeding them to the eye in it's body, which breaks down every last nutrient in their body into a string of delicious noodles, which they then feed to other Pokémon and people. Pythudons that have only just evolved will only serve themselves and other Suoghettis, but as time goes on, they will eventually serve other hungry Pokémon as well, making sure that every last noodle is made according to the customer's needs and allergies.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Pink Slip: A Power 90 Physical Job move that throws a pink slip at the target so hard, it may cause flinching. Most Job-type Pokémon can learn this attack at high levels, and it is one of the most powerful Physical Job moves to exist.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (120)

Wierd/Fire --> Wierd/Fire
Very wierd indeed! Slusabi is basically a huge monster made of wasabi, which makes it extremely spicy. It's only purpose in life is to eat everything it sees, like a swarm of invasive nanobots, covering them in guacamole in the process. However, Slusabi is quite picky with it's food, and will spit it's target out if it finds it inedible. It's body composure is so hot, that it can cause fires without it even noticing. That being said, applying Slusabi's skin to food is said to make it far tastier than ever. It's evolved form is Horacamole, a huge guacamole monster that does'nt mind if the things it eats are inedible. It can consume entire houses and leave towns uninhabitable by covering them in spicy wasabi that is said to be as hot as the surface of the sun, and is impossible to remove. It even tries to eat other Pokémon, and thus trainers are advised to always have a steady supply of Poké Balls to catch Horacamole whenever it is seen. Once it is caught, Horacamole stops eating and can be employed by it's trainer as a form of garbage disposal, as it thinks that anything is a five star meal for it.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Melt: A power 100 Special Wierd move that melts the target's legs, preventing them from using contact moves on their next turn. However, it only has 80% Accuracy.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Optical Illusion: A power 80 Special Wierd move that overloads the target's mind with abstract art and illusions, which may cause paralysis. Most Wierd Pokémon can learn this attack.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (121)

Water/Poison --> Water/Poison
Puffugu is a Pufferfish Pokémon that possesses very toxic spikes, able to cause heart failure for weeks. When a predator approaches it, it will puff itself up to show these spikes, a warning that the predator should back away. It travels across the ocean, feeding on seaweed without the slightest worry of being attacked. Despite this, Puffugu is a very delicious Pokémon, with even a single bite of it able to fulfill the need for hunger for several days on end. It evolves into Takizuka, those toxic spikes are now deadly enough to turn it's opponent into a bomb of poison, spreading it to other opponents when they explode. They can puff themselves in such a way that when they deflate, their spikes launch themselves in every angle possible. They make sure that no deceased fish Pokémon goes to waste, using it's toxic spikes to cook the Pokémon into a fine fish dish, when it then leaves on the shore for other people to eat. Amazingly, none of this Pokémon's toxins remain in the dish afterwards, and people believe that they are gifts from Legendary Pokémon associated with water, such as Azryu.


Saturday at 5:40 AM

  • #17

The Oriva Region is known for being filled with many spirits of those who have perished in the long war that occurred in the past. These spectres still roam the region today, and while some can be seen normally, others require the Silph Scope, which is made in this region as well as in Kanto, to be seen.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (123)

Ghost/Mythical --> Ghost/Mythical --> Ghost/Mythical
Based off the Jiangshi, Goegools are spectres that hunt for the life force of other mortals. They fly across the night sky looking for souls to consume, and when they find one, they lunge towards it at speeds of over 100 miles per hours. Supposedly, if no special requirements are used to raise a spirit from the dead, they will eventually become a Goegool. It evolves into Pohunor, a Pokémon who acts like a long lost monk. They viciously attack anyone they see with a flurry of spectral fists, before consuming their life force whole, body and all. They move around by hopping with their arms forwards, and the tag that makes up their head is said to be laced with a thousand curses. Attempting to remove the tag from a Pohunor has always resulted in the remover's death, their demise being a fate that no-one has ever seen. Finally, Pohunor evolves into Virangshi, a hopping vampire Pokémon that never fails in catching up with it's prey. It's not just a master of vamparism, but also at kung fu, able to read the target's weak points and strike them with enough force to kick the soul out of the body. The tag on it's head contains a sealing spell which disables the target's abilities, rendering them helpless against Virangshi's powerful fangs. If one sees a Virangshi, their only defence is to use a mirror, which repels the Virangshi as it does not have a reflection.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (124)

Ghost/Beast --> Ghost/Beast --> Ghost/Beast
Based off the Kyubi, Kiyus are calm, easygoing fox Pokémon that normally spends all day standing still, yipping at anyone that comes past it. Supposedly, these yips provide great wisdom, but no-one has been able to prove it. Each of it's tails contains a spirit flame that never goes out, and if you ever try to lay a finger on even one of them, Kiyu will never forget it, and some Kiyus even steal the soul of anyone they touch. It evolves into Yakunne, which was reverred as a messenger in the past. It runs to wherever there is danger, and summons a small flame that represents the danger that will soon occur. However, since it is not always accurate, many people ignore Yakunne's warnings, seeing it as a bringer of destruction instead. It's spirit flames are now so hot, that any burns they inflict will never be removed for all eternity. It's front legs have also become flames in themselves, using them to mark it's territory or remember it's loved ones. It's final evolved form is known as Okamyubi, a very wise Pokémon that can predict any disaster simply by hearing for it. It now possesses seven beautiful tails, each laced with a different kind of curse, and collectors favor Okamyubi for these tails, though it only allows the most trusted of people to groom them. It can summon the spirit flames at the end of it's tail as little sprites, which then fly towards the target and guarantee their demise. Supposedly, Okamyubi is a solidary Pokémon that lives by itself due to the poor treatment it received as a Yakunne.

Ghost/Poison --> Ghost/Poison --> Ghost/Poison
Based off the Mazoku, Scroo is said to be a lost spirit possessing an ordinary bed sheet. It's very common in many haunted areas, and many companies specializing in Halloween use Scroo as their logo due to it's simplicity. It hides within ordinary beds, and when someone gets close, Scroo will emit a poisonous scream that drains the soul almost instantly. However, if you pull Scroo's sheet, it's spirit will possess a different bed sheet, and the original one will fall to the ground: due to this, no-one has seen it's real body under the sheet. Scroo's evolved form is known as Scrozuku, a Pokémon who commands other small ghost Pokémon, mainly other Scroos. In this form, it no longer scares people on a regular basis, instead commanding other ghosts to feed it the souls of mortals, training them in all the skills they need in the process. That being said, Scrozuku is'nt entirely helpless: It will rush to the need of it's ghostly comrades and protect them with a force comparable to the darkest nights. In a pitch, they can even absorb the souls of the other ghosts to heal itself or to make it's own ghost moves stronger. It's final evolved form is Scrobunaga, who is known to some as "The King of the Ghosts". All the other Ghost Pokémon bow down to Scrobunaga, who possess shadowy powers strong enough to clean an entire city of their souls. It can control the minds of these Ghost Pokémon and use them as living weapons, not caring in the slightest if they get injured. Possessing a serious personality, Scrobunaga is focused in getting the job done and will viciously absorb the souls of anyone that dares to betray it. It's said that Scrobunaga is the reincarnation of a long lost emperor that died fighting an army of ghosts.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (126)

Ghost --> Ghost --> Ghost
Based off the Kūko, Phantaris, despite their looks, are actually good spirits. They help other spirits move on to the afterlife, and make sure that they are not revived for evil. However, being a ghost itself, many people fear Phantari, unaware of it's true purpose, and because of this, it is always frowning, wondering when it's true purpose will ever be known. They even try to possess other objects in a vain attempt to tell the truth. However, this does not last long: Once Phantari evolves into Losunne, it's far more friendly appearance allows people to know it's a spirit guide. They are clairvoyant ghosts that know the future, and it is said to appear before people who it thinks will perish, either making the rest of their lives the best they can, or, if it thinks it can prevent that death, do so. However, this often results in the person dying earlier, as it's tactics of preventing death aren't always that accurate. They can also help people perform good deeds and help them stand up for their own personality. Finally, once Losunne has done enough good deeds, it fully evolves into Kukodeed, a bringer of good fortune. It brings prosperity to temples it visits, and help improve the lives of other people, removing diseases from them and helping them make choices in life. They will even possess people to help them out: Fortunately, Kukodeed knows the ideals of the person, and will help them make the right choice, before teaching them to do it again when they stop possessing the person. It's a very dangerous Pokémon for villainous teams, as the evil team before the Wushido Clan, Team Shinobi, learnt the hard way thousands of years ago. A Kukodeed possessed their leader, who then proceeded to destroy their bases and turn themselves to the police. As such, if you see a Kukodeed being used for evil, it is doing so with extreme reluctance.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (127)

Ghost/Fairy --> Ghost/Fairy --> Ghost/Fairy
Based off the Yurei, Yumi is a very playful ghost Pokémon that is said to be reincarnation of a little girl whose death would have been prevented if her father was not careless: due to this, they are a female only species. They love to play with toys in a house, and if a bedroom appears to be all destroyed, chances are that a Yumi has enjoyed the time of it's life playing with the toys inside it, taking away the ones it loves the most. If it cannot find a toy to play with, it becomes very distressed, even in battle. Yulspook, it's evolved form, starts playing with other Pokémon, inviting them to tea parties and fun games. However, if a Pokémon ever refuses Yulspook's offer, they will lose their soul instantly: Some say that the soul that becomes a Yumi that plays with the Yulspook with no memories of their past life. They are invisible to most forms of sight outside of the Silph Scope, but their presence can be noted by bits of cultery and ceramics floating without a reason. It's final evolved form is known as Yuilpawimi, an extremely childish Pokémon for such an evolution stage. Sometimes, when you walk across hallways, you may hear adorable squeaking coming from one of the rooms: This is a Yuilpawimi trying to play with you, and the only form of survival is to enter the room that Yuilpawimi is and play with it. However, since it's always invisible to all but the most trusted of people, other people think that it is a sign of insanity, especially on repeat visits. Refusing the Yuilpawimi's offer will have your soul be sucked into it's teddy bear, which is supposedly the favorite toy of the girl that Yuilpawimi used to be. It becomes very distressed if it were to ever lose it, and will happily steal another toy to replace it!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (128)

Ghost/Dark --> Ghost/Dark --> Ghost/Dark
Based off the Kasa-obake, Kasabbs are said to be a long forgotten umbrella given life by a lost spirit. They appear during dark stormy nights, and hop around on one foot for seemingly no reason. They're often found near Chopers, indicating that the two were once related in the past. Their tongue is laced with enough darkness to drain the soul almost instantly, but it only licks enemies in defence. Kasabb's evolved form is known as Kozoshoot, which serves as a commander of other Kasabbs. Now with a much tougher and lighter skin, Kozoshoot can spin around with enough speed to generate a tornado of darkness that can tear apart most settlements with ease. It's very laid back, only fighting if it has to, and thus it's considered mostly harmless to most people who don't touch it on purpose. It's final evolved form is known as Obakubora, and in this form it's personality changes drastically. Now a self oriented kabuki, it uses it's umbrella to steal the souls of all evil that approaches it, before releasing them to the rainclouds above, causing them to rain sorrow down everyone. It's mask is said to be possessed with all the abandoned umbrellas in the world, and it has a great rivalry with Obakanternoz, trying to steal their lanterns to illuminate their umbrellas. Most of the time, though, Obakubora just wanders around the area, walking in an elegant manner.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (129)

Ghost/Light --> Ghost/Light --> Ghost/Light
Based off the Baigujing, Separts are what the lost souls that are guided by Phantari become. All but lost in their chances to return to life, their hopes glimmer on as a shining orb on it's head, which provides a light that only goes out when the hopes does. Having a limited lifespan, trainers who catch a Separt are advised to take very good care of it so it can evolve as soon as possible before it perishes. This is because it's evolved form, Selanter, has managed to regain it's hope, now in a body it is calm with. It carries a lantern into the night that illuminates lost souls and inspires them to carry on, especially with other Separts whose light is about to go out. This lantern is the source of it's hope, and if Selanter ever loses it and can't find it in time, it once again becomes as depressed as a Separt. It can ward off evil spirits and attract friendly ghost Pokémon to them, such as Phantaris who cannot find a lost spirit. It's final evolved form Sebaigujii, a shape-shifting demon that lights up even the night sky. The lantern on it's chest can light up even the darkest of despair, but despite this, Sebaigujii is actually a very nefarious Pokémon, with wild ones tearing down towns and eating the flesh of the survivors. Supposedly, it does this out of woe: Because it has become a monster which can't return to it's former life. Ones that are raised by trainers, on the other hand, will protect their soul from other ghost Pokémon by lighting up their hearts with their lantern core.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (130)

Ghost/Steel --> Ghost/Steel --> Ghost/Steel
Based off the Taotie, Dingoar is a rusted Ding that has been given life by the spirit of a lost farm animal. It's a very peaceful Pokémon, preferring to spend it's days eating grass than actually fighting, and it's ding shell protects it from most blows. Strangley enough, it only seems to have three legs, but it can balance on them with perfect precision, sometimes wandering into houses and disguising themselves as actual dings. Dingoar evolves into Taotoar, a vicious Pokémon that feeds on all metal it sees. It's powerful horns are strong enough to cut through solid titanium, and it never seems to dislike anything at all, it's stomach cleaning it's food of all toxins, making them almost tasteless. In this form, Taotoar ravages farms to get the food from them, but rather than eat it, it instead deposits it into other dings, supposedly an offering to it's final stage of evolution. This stage is known as Zhoushakie, also known as "The Metal Peril". It appears before cities and reduces them to dust with powerful Steel attacks, and the only way to ward it off is to carve an image of it on each cauldron and ding in the city. Zoushakie inspects these dings, and if it sees that even a single part of it is missing from the carvings, Zhoushakie will reduce the entire city to a burning crater. Supposedly, it does this to clean the cities of honor, which it believes is it's poison.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (131)

Ghost/Shadow --> Ghost/Shadow --> Ghost/Shadow
Based off the heads of the Namahage, Chakrask is a possessed Chakram that houses itself inside a mask that was once used to represent the lost ones during a festival. Wearing Chakrask or it's evolutions will wipe your soul completely and replace it with the Pokémon's spirit, granting complete control over the body. It can often be found in houses disguised as an ordinary mask, and in battle, it flies towards it's enemies with enough power to chop down a large tree. Chamahage evolves from Chakrask, and it is far more aggressive, flying towards it's enemies the instant it sees them, slicing them in two instantly. It then feeds on their soul, sharpening the chakram in the process. But despite this, it's actually a very friendly Pokémon....to the good people. They fly towards doors and carve out "Are the bad kids here?" on them. If it's victim does not reply honestly, or if they have been lying, Chamahage will fly into the house and claim the souls of everyone in it. Chogakita is it's final form, now sharp enough to cut through even the Earth's Crust. They have supposedly been sent by legendary Pokémon as messengers to the wicked, eliminating them before they can even carry out their plans. On their way, they slice through all evil in their path, and if you come across the ruins of a once nefarious town, chances are that Chogakita has sliced through the entire population.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (132)

Ghost/Fighting --> Ghost/Fighting --> Ghost/Fighting
When soldiers fell in battle in the past, their forgotten equipment gained souls of their own out of pure guilt. First, their stirrups became Abubáfa,
a Pokémon based off the Abumiguchi that waits for it's master to return to no avail, always standing still like a loyal hound. They fight by biting on their enemies and draining them of their life force, and can wait by their master's corpses for years. Then, their quivers become Furuubáfa, Abubáfa's evolved form who is based off the Furuutsubo. This wandering Pokémon specializes in the art of Liuhebafa, striking down it's opponents with a flurry of fists that are said to be the fighting techniques of the warrior that used the quiver in the past. It never leaves the battlefield it was born in, and can easily know a return route to it in seconds. Finally, the saddles of the soldier's steeds become Furuubáfa's final evolved form, Kurayarbáfa. This Pokémon is based off the Kura yarō, and it fights the same enemies that it's former master once fought, basically serving as the warrior's ghost. It is still loyal to it's master, pracitising the fighting styles that they once used every day, to serve as the next generation of that soldier. Supposedly, the horse that the saddle was on had disappeared without a trace, it's soul apparently powering Kurayarbáfa's body.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (133)

While not a ghost in itself like the previous 10 families revealed, Bruhperial is said to be the ancient brush of a long lost emperor, possessed by the emperor itself. It paints warding seals on pieces of paper, supposedly the same ones that the emperor once used to ward off evil in the past, and it puts all of it's focus into every last stroke, making sure that it matches the writing it desires. While most Bruhperials write the language used by the emperor that possessed them, mainly the same writing style that Hikatanjii is based off, with enough training, Bruhperial can write many different languages with it's powerful brush, and soldiers used it in the past to send messages or warnings to other people. In battle, like Smeargle, a similar artistic Pokémon, Bruhperial's specialty is using Sketch, a move that can permanently copy the last move used by the opponent. Because of this, Bruhperial can learn almost any move imaginable, making it unpredictable for it's opponents. Supposedly, it uses these Sketched moves to add detail to it's own writing, or to warn people of their fate.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (134)

Like Brupherial, Same is a possessed Pokémon, supposedly by a person who lost it's identity. Like Ditto, Same can alter it's molecular structure to become an exact copy of the opponent, which it then uses to outplay them. Unlike Ditto, who uses the move Transform to do this, Same uses it's Imposter Ability to transform, and thus it is never in a helpless state where a faster Pokémon can knock it out. Furthermore, Same does not have the face and memory issues that Ditto had, always able to copy the target's shape perfectly every time, and it can learn far more moves than just Transform, in case it encounters an opponent it cannot transform into, such as another Same. Despite this, scientists have found out that Same is a completely different species from Ditto, though early researchers once mistook Same as an evolution of Ditto. Outside of battle, Same is constantly changing it's body, mainly to it's own face, supposedly in a vain attempt to regain the identity that the person supposedly lost.


Saturday at 5:41 AM

  • #18

On your way to the Raging Bug Titan, located in the bamboo forests near Xiwang, you'll encounter not just a variety of Bug-type Pokémon to capture, but also Pokémon that are related to other Pokémon, even as they evolve....alongside the Raging Bug Titan himself! Please note that some of the Pokémon in this wave require you to go out of your way to catch them before the Raging Bug Titan.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (136)

Ice/Fire --> Ice/Fire --> Ice/Fire
Based off the Dango Mochi, Dochi is an Ice Pokémon that's very hot to the touch, using the leaf on it's head to regulate it's own temperature. Despite this, taking a bite out of a Dochi can grant you warmth against the cold for days, and it is made of a special kind of flour that never seems to dry out in the sun. Because of this, Dochi can thrive in many environments, though it's often seen trying to taste Mochi, testing their temperature and freezing or burning the ones they don't like. Dochi's evolved form is known as Dangdoki, a three headed Pokémon consisting of three seperate cakes, like how an actual Dango Mochi is made. The bottom head always seems to be spicy, and the top head always seems to be cold, and all three heads always get along, even if one does something the other two don't like. They infuse the powers of these heads into it's twin hammers, which it uses to pound flour into mochi cakes, which it then either eats for themselves, or gives to other people. Apparently, each head likes a different kind of flour, and the level in which they are concentrating affects the kind of cake they make. It's final evolved form is known as Mokagami, who strangley looks like an actual puppet. Now wielding a hammer that can pound mochi instantly, a strange behaviour that it does is that it goes to the houses of each person in a town and taps them on the head with it's hammer to read it's aura. If the aura shows even the slightest trace of a lie, Mokagami instantly whacks them into a mochi cake with it's hammer, before redistributing their resources to all of the honest people in a town. Mokagami is also said to go after the people it has deemed to be honest, if they ever do something dishonest in their lives, even if Mokagami is thousands of miles away. Apparently, some Mokagami's noses also get longer if they tell a lie themselves.....

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (137)

Ice/Steel --> Ice/Steel --> Ice/Steel
Based off the Kagami Mochi, Kaldds are orange Pokémon that rest of a pile of snow that resembles a mochi cake. From the snow, Kaldd breathes down icy air that can ward off fires for miles. Even if Kaldd itself is knocked off it's pile, it will quickly build a new one with this icy breath and get on top of it, though the breath wanes if it cannot find any snow to siphon off. Kaldd's leaf is made of a super resistant material that is as hard as titanium, and once Kaldd has become one with it's snow pile, this leaf merges with it as Kaldd evolves into Mocobloco, who can be best described as a living snow machine. Through it's pump, it beathes out a torrent of snow that can transform any environment into a winter wonderland instantly, and because Mocobloco can easily generate more snow, it never runs out of fuel. Trainers often use Mocobloco to create icy landscapes for films or just for fun, but it will tire out with excessive use. Supposedly, tasting the snow of a Mocobloco and not being frozen by it will ensure that a family will continue for years on end. Mocobloco's final evolution is known as Daimuro, and in this state it becomes a lot more aggressive, especially towards fires. It uses it's twin snow machines to turn enemies into snowmen for the rest of their lives, before putting them on display as totems that ward off fires. The two snow piles that compromise Daimuro are said to represent the human heart, a fact further exemplified by the fact it spares those with an honest, open heart. Of course, Daimuro will still happily create entire glaciers for it's trainer, though it gets very rowdy around Mokagamis, fearing that they might strike their trainer as dishonest for using a Daimuro to create icy landscapes instead of letting the weather do it.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (138)

Fairy/Athlete --> Fairy/Athlete
Only found in the brightest of nights, Ushagi is a rabbit Pokémon that loves nothing more than to make mooncakes on it's companion those species has not yet been determined. It rests the flour on top of the companion's head, before flattening it into cakes with it's minature hammer, and it always does this under the full moon to bless them with it's power. These mooncakes can bring prosperity and good luck to those who eat it, and it makes good friends with Kaldds and Dochis. Sometimes, though, you'll see Ushagi staring to the full moon, as if it was remembering it's lost friends. With the power of a Moon Stone, Ushagi evolves into Lunochi, who has become a better baker, especially under the full moon. This Pokémon has two different forms that it can take according to it's status. It's base form is it's Lunar Form, which is dedicated to making delicious mooncake with it's assistant, pounding the flour with the full force of the moon. It's fat size may be a detriment to it, but it is actually focused on not just making sure that the mooncakes are big and delicious, but also absorbing a powerful blow for itself. Once Lunochi takes damage, or if it is under the full moon, both the rabbit and the assistant merge together to become it's Full Moon Form, which is more focused on both attack and speed. It dances elegantly among the night sky, striking it's foes with it's powerful hammer that, with enough force, can flatten them instantly. Mooncakes that are made with this hammer are supposedly delicious, and it has a great rivalry with both Mokagami and Daimuro. They draw their power from the moon itself, and it's said that when Lunochi takes this form, the moon will shine so brightly, that everyone can see it no matter where they are. Once Lunochi is healed back to full health, or if it leaves combat, it reverts back to it's Lunar Form, ready to take another powerful blow. Supposedly, there exists a Lunochi that is constantly pounding the ingredients for an elixir that is said to grant eternal life when it is drunk.
SIGNATURE ABILITY: Lunar Phase: This is the ability Lunochi uses to transform, becoming Full Moon form when it's not at full health. Lunar Form has extremely high defences, while Full Moon Form has greater offenses and speed. When it's Lunar Form is hit by an attack, it will take the damage in Lunar Form, then transform into Full Moon Form. Out of battle, Lunochi is always in it's Lunar Form.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (139)

Hero/Athlete --> Hero/Athlete --> Hero/Athlete
Schozomis are very strange Pokémon indeed, said to have adapted to school life itself! As a female only species, Schozomis often blend in with other school children and takes part in their lessons, often making new friends and writing on pieces of paper, though they are often just scribbles. They even go home with the other children and live in other people's homes until the next school day, and thus this Pokémon dislikes holidays. Despite all this, Schozomi is not usually considered to be a threat, as it is rather friendly to other people. However, precautions still must be taken, as when Schozomi gets stressed, it's hidden Hero powers flare out, with enough force to obliterate a classroom without it knowing, as Schozomi cannot control it's powers yet. A Schozomi that has let out these powers for too long will evolve into Morazomi, which unlike it's pre-evolution, is considered a dangerous Pokémon...initially. A freshly evolved Morazomi will uncontrollably destroy everything around it against it's own will, but it still possesses a friendly personality within it's heart. It's arms and legs have converted into this energy, inflicting great power to anything they touch. Wild Morazomis will eventually calm down after months and gain control of it's own powers, though it's trainer can calm them down by praising it after it cries, ensuring it that it'll eventually control it's powers. Once Morazomi manages to control these powers, it can be sighted fighting crime and Villain Pokémon, though this is a rare sight as Morazomi will evolve into it's final form, Kanojazomi, after managing to control it's powers. Now deciding to use it's powers for good, it appears wherever there is conflict and distrust, and it uses it's powers to fix everything around it and destroy any Villain Pokémon that dares oppose it. Even with this, it can still be seen going into the schools it once visited as a Schozomi, though it tries to hide it's powers from anyone but it's most trusted friends. There have even been sightings of Kanojazomis falling in love with their trainers, fighting alongside them as a double team!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (140)

Villain/Beast --> Villain/Beast --> Villain/Beast
Spusubo is Schozomi's male only counterpart, taking the form of a schoolboy. Unlike Schozomi, though, Spusubo often acts like a bully, knocking over other people and stealing their lunch money over the pettiest of reasons, though it never seems to do this while there is a Schozomi in the room. It also has quite an aloof personality, sulking away from situations it cannot interfere in, and thus it is hard to make friends with it. However, if it gets stressed, like if it needs to save it's friends from danger, it's hidden Beast genes awaken within it, turning Spusubo into a savage wild animal. Completely losing control of itself, it will brutally solve the situation at all costs, even if it meant causing deliberate injuries, before realizing what it has done once the wild side fades away. Most Spusubos will be able to break out of this wild side quickly, but eventually this wild side will completley take over it's mind, turning it's hair black as it evolves into Lyssubo. This savage Pokémon's hands have become razor sharp claws, and it tears down anything in it's path like a savage wild beast, with no memories of it's past. These rampages are powered by the energy that makes up their arms and legs, being able to cause savagery upon touch. It even does this if it's under the control of a trainer, though these rampages are less destructive, and it can always be called to snap it out of it's rampage. Eventually, though, Lyssubo will regain control of it's mind, leave the school it once lived in, and start wandering the world, looking for a way to get revenge on the people and Pokémon that ruined it's time in it's home. In doing so, it will evolve into Feralasubor, an extremely aloof Pokémon that rarely interacts with anyone. It spends most of the time plotting plans to get revenge on it's former friends, and it can often be seen being perched atop roofs, staring into the night without a purpose. It's main target seems to be Kanojazomi, more notably ones that it had once interacted with when they were still Schozomis. In battle, the wolf head on the top of it's hair takes over it's mind, and it goes on all fours, savagely tearing anything in it's path apart like a feral wolf, even it's own friends. However, a Feralasubor that has been trusted for all it's life may eventually trust it's trainer as well, serving as a loyal bodyguard, especially towards other Kanojazomis.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (141)

Steel/Magic --> Steel/Magic --> Steel/Magic
P-D is a living CD player Pokémon that happily plays any CD that is inserted into it. These CDs power it's magical energy, and the older a CD is, the more magic they provide. They then use this magical power to shoot razor sharp disks of magic at it's foes, which can cut through trees. A CD that is within a P-D will last for years on end, and it can help preserve music and films for natural disasters. P-D evolves into Compacdd, a reptillian Pokémon that feeds on vinyl. It records the music around it within it's heart, before using that music to power it's magical attacks. Different kinds of music can create different kinds of magic, and these magic spells contain the aura of the area, letting other people know how well the area is being managed. When two Compacdds meet, they compare their current spells with each other: the one with more calmer and serene music is supposedly stronger than the other one. Compacdd's final evolved form is Discussel, those heart has been upgraded to record videos as well. It converts these videos into disks that can cut through battleship plates, infused with the memories of the people and Pokémon within the video it recorded: Supposedly, it only records ones with the dearest of hearts. These discs can then be used as minature immortality drives, as they contain the full DNA codes of the people they record, though Discussel very rarely uses these discs for anything other than combat. The P-D line are the only Pokémon in the Oriva Region with the Plus ability!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (142)

Electric/Fighting --> Electric/Fighting --> Electric/Fighting
Calcinus is a calculator Pokémon that can calculate any equation that is dialed into the keypad on it's belly, displaying the answer on it's two eyes. It can easily calculate any sum, leading people to believe that Calcinus inspired the first calculators in the Pokémon world. It may not look like it, but it's also a very talented judo player, calculating the enemy's moves by performing complex formulas that simulate their attacks, before adapting accordingly and throwing them into the ground with it's mouth, which may look innocent but actually has a crushing force of over 1,000 tons of PSI. These skills are further amplified when it evolves into Judolator, an aspiring judo master. Covering it's eyes with a blindfold to further increase the rest of it's senses, Judolators can calculate up to a million equations per second, and can work out math problems that contain millions of digits in it's head, and it constantly does this to maintain it's fighting spirit. It's lighter body allows it to run faster than the eye can see, grabbing the opponent's weak points and throwing them into the distance. If that doesn't work, it pins the target to the ground instead with a surge of electricity. Supposedly, it can get the rundown on all of an enemy's attacks in microseconds. Judolator's final form is known as Amarsumer, which, despite it's increaseds size, is actually even lighter than it's previous two forms combined. Regaining the dial it once lost, Amarsumer can calculate equations up to Graham's Number in nanoseconds, able to read the opponent's moves 24/7, and throwing them in just the right spots to defeat them every time. It spends most of the time standing completely still, reading the minds of everyone around it and converting them into numbers which it can then use to calculate what they might do in combat. It also one of the few kinds of calculators that can divide by zero without harm, resulting in 0, though it never does this on it's own as it's mind is constantly updating every picosecond. The Calcinus line are the only Pokémon in the Oriva Region with the Minus ability!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (143)

Bug/Grass --> Bug/Grass --> Bug/Grass
Based off the leafcutter ant and the stick insect, Phascutters live in colonies of over thousand of them, with each one being specialized in cutting a different part of the nearest leaf they can find for food. They carry this leaf to the nest where the baby Phascutters are, using the leaf for combat if they must by swinging it around like a scimitar. However, these Pokémon are weak on their own, and thus fight together in numbers, each using their leaf in a different way. A Phascutter owned by a trainer, however, will cut off the sharpest leaf it can find and carry it all the time. Phascutter evolves into Darsmid, which has merged with the leaf it has carried. Still being able to use it as a blade, they guard the Phascutter nests from potential predators, such as Fire and Flying type Pokémon. It has a defiant personality, never giving up until it's last breath. It also possess a tiny pair of wings that it can use to glide from one nest to another. Once Darsmid has become fully independent and is ready to leave it's nest, it becomes it's final evolved form, Phobactena. In this stage, it helps leaves grow on the trees for the Phascutters to use, with these leaves being sharp enough to cut through metal. It wanders from tree to tree, and it can even revive dead trees, or ones that have been chopped down. Supposedly, these leaves are of the same kind as the one the Phobactena once wielded as a Phascutter. In battle, Phobactena controls the leaves around it to slice it's opponents to ribbons, before turning their remains into a pile of leaves that other Pokémon can use.

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Bug/Electric --> Bug/Electric --> Bug/Electric
Based off the Click Beetle, Clilor is powered by the electrical sphere on it's back. It powers this sphere by feeding on the leftover electricity left behind by dead Electric Pokémon, making loud clicking noises while it does so. While it can feed on other electrical sources, it usually only does this in an emergency, as it knows the consequences that will soon follow. With this electrical energy, it rapidly clicks it's jaws to chomp it's opponents up in microseconds. It evolves into Clilelatari, which is specialized in speed. It's electrical orb now powers it's entire body, allowing it to zip around at lightning speeds before it's enemies can even expect it. In addition, they can perform a strange process where the orb makes a loud clicking noise that sends the Clilelatari up into the air, to get itself onto higher surfaces or to escape from predators. It feeds on electricty that is used by obsolete devices, but it is able to give them back if the device is used again. It's final evolved form is called Clilscara, and in this form, it becomes an electrical Goliath. It generates electricity all over it's body, and it's power orb creates loud clicks that cause massive surges of electrical volts. It then uses these volts not just to charge it's horn with over a million volts, but also to fire powerful electrical beams that can blow a castle to rubble in seconds. To conserve this electricity, Clilscara spends most of the time standing still, as even moving costs a bit of electricity, though it never runs out of power because of it's sphere. Scientists believe Clilscara is saving the electricity for not just combat, but to power obsolete generators.

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Bug/Ice --> Bug/Ice --> Bug/Ice
Based off the Fidia atra, Fiditis are small beetle Pokémon found not in cold environments, but on the tips of leaves. What appears to be snow on it's back is actually a powdery substance that is cold to the touch, and it has a shiny shell underneath it. They spend all day feeding on leaves, which generates more of this powder in the process, and if it is threatening, it will fire this powder at it's enemies, causing colds for days. It's evolved form is known as Pulvajaw, and as the name suggests, it's jaw has a biting force of over a thousand tons of PSI, allowing it to break through even solid glaciers. It's powder has now become actual fur, and it helps Pulvajaw keep warm in the coldest environments, though it still likes to reside in forests. In addition, Pulvajaw has now become a carnivorous Pokémon, feeding on other Bug Pokémon and crushing even the most armored of foes with it's powerful jaws. It's final evolved form is called Talmoninable, a giant Bug Pokémon that resembles a yeti. It wanders across snowy forests, feeding on anything unlucky enough to be it's path with not just it's now cold jaws that regulate temperatures of absolute zero, but it's two arms which have has much power as the jaws themselves. Armed with a brutal personality, it will hold on it's enemies until they break apart into halves. Always covered in a blizzard of powder, Talmoninable is rarely seen by most people, and those who claim to have seen one will be dismissed as nonsense.

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Bug/Time --> Bug/Time --> Bug/Time
Terhohos are the evolved form of Tymphs, both of which are termite Pokémon. Terhohos can come in many different roles, and they all help keep the Terhoho colony together. The soldiers protect the nest and build shelter for the Terhohos, the workers gather food and resources for the colony, and the nesters look after the defenceless Tymphs and protect them from harm. All Tymph can do is squirm around in it's colony, though it can release a giant storm of time energy if it is threatened, which Terhoho can control, though it rarely uses this once it evolves as Terhoho is a physical attacker. Different Terhoho colonies will fight each other, and people will soon find out that they are fighting in a similar way to the wars that occured in the past, signifying that Terhohos had learnt from warriors and soldiers: Each Terhoho colony fights in a different manner, apparently having learnt from a different warrior. The Terhoho colonies are lead by Terhoho's evolved form, Tunquan, which give the Terhohos commands and maintains order among it's fellow Terhohos, just like a general. Tunquan's main weapon of choice is a strawman that apparently resembles the warrior that the Terhohos in it's colony follow the code of. It not only uses this strawman as a form of distraction, making the other Terhoho colonies think there is a human about to stomp them, but also as a very talented weapon similar to a sword, which can chop off 58 trees in a single strike. When two Tunquans meet, they engage in a fight that resembles the final battles that the warriors they followed went through, with the winner taking control of both colonies.

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Bug/Villain --> Bug/Villain --> Bug/Villain
Based off the Ōmukade, Millikades claim small mounds as their own, such as Terhoho nests, refusing to give ownership of them back until they perish. Despite their innocent look and their rarely vemonous bite, Millikade is a very clingy Pokémon, often staying stuck to the mound they claim until they are removed by force. Their tough skin can deflect most attacks, but it is very vulnerable to the chemical makeup of saliva. It evolves into Centikade, which is now big enough to claim hills. A very aggressive Pokémon, Centikade constricts around anyone that dares approach it until their life extinguishes, and it makes sure the target can't escape by biting them with it's jaws, which not just cause paralysis, but also makes the mind do bad deeds. The sight of even one of them can cause entire towns to cancel their events to get rid of it, as if it is not dealt with in time, it will sneak to the towns at night to feed on it's residents. Centikade's final evolved form is known as Kilokade, which claims an entire mountain as it's home. A very aggressive Pokémon that never runs out of targets to kill, Kilokade supposedly targets Dragon Pokémon and prevents them from doing their roles, often long enough to let other disasters strike the area. They are so long, that no measuring system can ever measure them, and their tough skin can deflect anything that isn't coated in saliva. Legend told of how a warrior slew a Kilokade to earn the trust of a legendary Dragon Pokémon, which most people do not know the appearance of.

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Bug/Beast --> Bug/Beast --> Bug/Beast
Based off the Denglong and the Hercules Beetle, Herwards believe it is their duty to protect the Pokémon around it. It does so by throwing it's enemies with it's powerful horn that can lift even a giant dumper truck with relative ease. A trainer who manages to catch a Herward will be able to ward off evil spirits with it, as Herward's pheronomes can render even a Scrobunaga unable to fight. It evolves into Chaoteetle, a brave and honorable beetle Pokémon those horn has gained increased throwing power. Now a lot heavier than before, Chaoteetle can hold off enemy attacks for hours on end, giving the people and Pokémon that it protects time to escape or to help it finish off the enemies that it is fighting. When two Chaoteetles meet, however, they get themselves into a throwing match, with the winner being the one with the bigger horn. Chaoteetle's final evolved form is known as Dynaeng, a very sacred Pokémon in the Oriva Region. It chooses an honorable person as it's master, and drives anything bad away from them, while at the same time making sure that they do not get hurt. It's usually found near emperors, protecting them with it's powerful horn that can throw enemies all the way to outer space, and it fiercely battles Dragon Pokémon and feeds on their brains, removing them as a threat. They can even help the emperors not only distinguish good from evil, but also help them reincarnate to a different body. Because of this, Dynaeng is considered by many to be "The Master of All", building statues of it across the region in it's honor.

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Bug/Magic --> Bug/Magic
Based off the Asian Lady Beetle, Harmaxy is a Pokémon that is simply obsessed with different colors. It takes different pigments and tests them out, feeding on the ones it doesn't like, and storing the rest within it's nest. These pigments are then contained within it's own jaws, which it inflicts upon anything they bite, causing various, but usually random effects, and Harmaxy loves every last one of them, often rolling around on the leaves after witnessing someone becoming crazy from these pigments. Harmaxy evolves into Ridishuo, a crazed jester Pokémon that only aims to make a fool out of it's own enemies, dancing around and releasing pheromones that can cause insanity on the slightest touch of them. It juggles around balls of condensed paint to make other people laugh, and it can be observed telling jokes that seem to make other Bug Pokémon laugh themselves to death. Ridishuo is a very unpredictable Pokémon, with some people thinking that it is controlled by it's own pheromones, and the body itself is just a discarded bug shell.

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Normal --> Normal/Bug
Based off the Asiatic Black Bear, Ursibs love nothing more than to feed on honey all day. They use their enhanced nose to sniff out the tastiest honey in a tree, before cracking them open with a giant headbutt. The honey on it's back serves as a lure to other Pokémon. It dislikes honey from other sources, and thus it tends to battle Apisees, those pollination could lead the smell in the wrong direction. When it is not looking for honey, Usribs will instead climb up the nearest tree, and either take a rest, or watch it's predators and figure out a plan to counter them, whether it be migration or taking them on. By reaching level 15 while holding a Jar of Honey, Ursib evolves into Honsiatic, which is a very grizzled Pokémon! With it's two honey tanks providing it with infinite nourishment, Honsiatic spends it time clearing the forest of anything that would threaten both itself and it's fellow Ursibs, marking it's territory by slathering it's victims in honey. This honey in term lures the rest of it's enemies towards it, where it strikes where they'd least expect it. It is the most active during the night, striking it's opponents while they are still sleeping by rending them with deadly bear hugs that can break bones like they were sugar.
In the Oriva Region, Honsiatic is the weakest of the ten Titan Pokémon, serving as the Raging Bug Titan. Like the Totem Pokémon of Alola, Titan Pokémon can call in ally Pokémon to help them out: the Titan Honsiatic can call in an Apisee and a Cyrigumo to assist it in battle. Honsiatic holds Chuan's strength, and upon it's defeat, Chuan will gain the ability to charge forward like the Ride Tauros of Alola, being able to break apart rocks with ease. It also regains the first of it's lost memories: It's defeat at the hands of an unknown demonic Pokémon.
The rest of the typings used by the Gym Leaders, Titan Pokémon, and Wushido Clan bases (But not their locations) are as follows, with the top being the weakest:


Saturday at 5:41 AM

  • #19

Surrounding the Poison Wushido Base are various new Pokémon for you to catch, some of which can also be found in many different areas across the region. These also include this region's terrain creators, and like the weather creators, they are the only Pokémon in the Oriva Region with access to the terrain creating abilities!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (152)

Sound/Dragon --> Sound/Dragon --> Sound/Dragon
Although it looks like a limbless serpent, Langlang is actually a type of puppet Pokémon, intended to be used by other people. They swing Langlang around while they are dancing, adding atmosphere to a festival. It is said that the people had done this tradition for years in order to ward off a Pokémon that once terrorized their village. Langlang itself is a rather feisty Pokémon, and feeds on music to keep itself alive. It's evolved form is known as Langlong, those longer body allows it to be swerved around more easily. As it dances, it fills the surrounding area in an energy field that inspires others to keep on going, even in the most dire of situations. The patterns on it's body are said to have been inspired by the legendary Pokémon it had seen, but all Langlongs have the same body pattern on them, displaying it to everyone as they swerve in the night sky. It's final evolved form is called Langsplendor, a true dancing dragon! As it moves, it releases streamers and fireworks everywhere while playing a harmonic bell track that serves as an inspiration for forms of dancing. It's often found in festivals, and waving it around is said to be a sign of good luck, and helps ward off spirits. It's jaws are also laced with a special toxin that causes giant firework explosions upon biting it's targets. If you see a Langsplendor dancing in the night, it is a sign that the festivals of this year will thrive.

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Shadow/Light --> Shadow/Light
Based off the Jian, Dajian is a very honest blade Pokémon. It has never been seen telling a single lie, and it spends all day speaking the truth to other people, usually warnings of enemy armies approaching. It always sharpens itself in the most secure of areas, to make sure it doesn't damage any property, and it will protect anyone it sees with it's own life. It cuts with enough force to tear through a solid battleship plate in a single strike! It's evolved form is known as Wenshudo, a Pokémon that always fights with a code of honor. It can easily adapt to foes playing dirty, and it's special blade can slice through any evil by infusing it with the power of light. Supposedly, Wenshudo is the descendant of a general who was loved by his empire, and never lost a single battle. When it battles another Pokémon, it delivers a flurry of strikes with it's blade, before sheathing it in, and the damage is done. Wenshudo is still as honest as it was when it was a Dajian, and whatever you tell to a Wenshudo, it will keep to itself with absolute honesty.

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Shadow/Dark --> Shadow/Dark
Qiun, on the other hand, always tells a dirty lie! This Pokémon is based off the Gun staff, and it spends all day spurting out lies through it's bush in such a way that people think are honest. Telling even a single lie that Qiun tells you ensures that your path to the future is not going to be a bright one. The tip of it's staff is sharp enough to puncture through any armor, and it often sharpens it against public property, driving people insane in what could have possibly damaged them. It fights with dirty tactics, tripping it's opponents up before finishing them off, a tactic that is amplified when Qiun evolves into Xigua. Xigua spurts out lies and dishonesty through the face on it's chestplace, and anyone who hears them will be compelled to believe it is the truth. This devious Pokémon has caused many empires to fall in the past, just because they decided to follow Xigua's advice. Anyone who refuses to follow it will be at the mercy of Xigua's staff, which can strike the enemy's weak points with enough force to make them explode with darkness. It's four legs allow it to run across the night with breeze, and they are also used to toy with the opponent's movements, forcing them to make abnormal ones that Xigua can use to it's advantage. Strangely, it's mostly seen fighting against Wenshudo, indicating a connection between them.

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Flying/Dark --> Flying/Dark --> Flying/Dark
Based off the Kamaitachi, Kickles are feisty weasel Pokémon that allow themselves to be picked up by dust devils, going wherever the dust devils take them to. It's a very calm Pokémon at this stage, and Kickles love nothing more than being tossed around by these dust devils, willingly going into them just to have a little fun. They feed on the dust within these whirlwinds, and some possess wily thoughts about using this dust devil for their own gain. It's personality completely changes when Kickle evolves into Kamtaickle. Now a ferocious wily weasel, they arrive to towns on violent dust devils, slicing everything they come across with their razor sharp arm blades that are infused with the power of the wind itself. They move so fast that most people consider them to be mirages, not knowing why they suddenly have cuts on their arms that will never heal. Apparently, Kamtaickles can be warded off by holding an old calender in front of them. It's final evolved form is called Kamaiseiken, a violent Pokémon that hunts in packs that move so fast, no-one has ever seen them move! One Kamaiseiken creates a violent windstorm that the other Kamaiseikens then jump into, slicing everything they come across with enough force to destroy an entire castle in a single strike. Some early prophets believed that the damage caused by tornadoes and whirlwinds was in fact a pack of Kamaiseikens, and they're even said to cause calamity to those who catch even a glimpse of it.

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Flying --> Flying/Dragon --> Flying/Dragon
Based off the Hong, Breezkits are kite Pokémon that fly across the sky, going wherever the breeze takes them to. They're carefree Pokémon that are obsessed with the sky, staring into it all day, especially on clear days where there aren't that many clouds in sight. Breezkits have a strange liking towards colors as well, gathering many of them up to form a collage that resembles a rainbow. Breezkit evolves into Kitiang, those kite shape has changed to resemble that of a dragon. It usually glides around towns, granting great prosperity to anyone who sees them, and they always seem to appear on nice, sunny days. In fact, the presence of a Kitiang appears to repel any rain clouds in sight, creating rainbows in the process. As such, Wethayami is it's main rival in the wild, as it can interfere with the Pokémon's ability to tell the weather. Like Breezkit, they go wherever the wind takes them to, leaving behind a rainbow as it does so. It's final evolved form, Hongainbow, on the other hand, is the bringer of rainbows itself! It's breath can create rainbows almost instantly, and if you look at them closely, they contain every single color in existance. These rainbows inspire other people, and Hongainbow always appears after a rainy day to show that there is still hope for the rest of the day. While it appears to be made of separate parts, they are in fact connected with invisible strings that are like microscopic prisms. These include it's two heads, which both have a different variety of it's rainbow breath. People believed that it's appearance would ensure clear skies for the rest of the month.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (157)

Job/Bug --> Job/Bug --> Job/Bug
Manteach is a mantis Pokémon that teaches other Bug Pokémon how to defend themselves against predators, passing down it's own fighting techniques that it used against those predators. It never fails in teaching the correct lessons, and thus the other Bug Pokémon always know what to do against a certain opponent. It's presence thus can be noted by the lack of predators in this area, but it's not as good as a fighter in itself, instead focusing on teaching it's students and gathering resources for evolution. Manteach's evolved form is known as Tenodsin, and usually, when Manteach evolves, so does it's students. It shows off a clever display of fighting techniques before asking it's students to repeat the same actions, allowing even the most inexperienced of it's students to learn them. With it's razor sharp arms that can tear through solid concrete, it will never forget anything that a predator has done against it's students, and will seek them out to defend their lives. Although Tenodsin's training can be easily done, it always does a revision every night to show it's students how they have learned. It fully evolves into Shanhakka, the final test for it's now fully evolved students. It's scythes are now sharp enough to tear through solid diamond, and it teaches it's students every day, making sure that no evil will ever escape their sights as long as they live. The student's final test is a battle against the Shanhakka who is teaching it, which is a chance to show the Shanhakka what they have learned. It never holds back in a battle, showing it's full potential every second. Once Shanhakka has taught all of it's students, it turns towards the other Manteaches, starting the cycle once more.

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Psychic/Bug --> Psychic/Bug --> Psychic/Bug
Based off the trapdoor spider and the Ushi Oni, Sekigumos are subspecies of Cyrigumos that specialize in trapping it's opponents, and they can be found in both forests and near beaches. They possess a glaring eye that traps it's opponents in a prison of psychic webs, before Sekigumo itself finishes the job with it's psychic fangs. Strangely enough, Sekigumos can often be seen hiding inside clay jars. It evolves into Ushcosma, those eye has fully absorbed it's psychic powers. Just catching a glimpse of this eye can cause migraines for weeks, shutting the body down where Ushcosma can go for the kill. This also happens if the eye is shot, and thus many people that see an Ushcosma occupy an area will never visit that area again as long as they live. Ushcosma also possess a pair of psychic horns that can level a wall in a single strike. It's final evolved form is known as Gyukarach, a bringer of curses that spreads them to anyone it sees. It's eye is now on it's thorax, and it can launch a beam of psychic energy that can destroy every last memory of anyone it strikes, rendering them blabbering messes in the process. It also possess a powerful net that never breaks, and adapts it's size according to what Gyukarach catches within it. Those who are caught in the net are left at mercy at this deadly eye beam. It can even catch the shadows of other people, dooming them to their demise. Legends once told of a Gyukarach who gave it's own life to save it's trainer by removing the memories of everyone around him. A thousand years later, the trainer came back as a Gyukarach himself!

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Bug/Wierd --> Bug/Wierd
A very strange Pokémon indeed, Waboross is simply a clumped ball of earthworms! They always stay clumped together, and if the earthworms were to ever be seperated, they know where each worm is so that they can clump together again. They normally just stand there and add a heir of wierdness to the area, but in battle, Waboross pulverizes it's opponents by rolling into them, infused with the energy of wierdness. It's evolved from, Lumbrithree, is even wierder. It consists of three giant earthworms, each able to eat a whole mountain in a day, sticking by each other no matter what. They work together to get past any situation that presents itself in front of them, and they can find each other even when they're separated. Each worm that makes up Lumbrithree has a different role in the pack, and they always take turns in eating their fair share. It's most common during the rain, and a whole pack of Lumbrithrees is a sight to be seen, as even their predators know they can't handle the biting power of this many worms.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (160)

Fire/Steel --> Fire/Steel --> Fire/Steel
Firon is practically a walking blast furnace! As it walks around, it feeds on metal and melts it down to it's core components, which then power Firon's engine like it was being fueled with coal. It then uses this furnace to smelt many different things: Wild Firons mainly use it to cook meat, but trained owned ones can be used as smelt down metal and molds. This furnace never gets cold, as Firon is constantly being powered by it's own flames which never die out as it can always find materials to burn down. It evolves into Jirnace, which uses it's furnace as a form of fuel with burning bright eyes. It bellows out smoke from it's chimney before running towards it's enemies like it was a charging steam engine, leaving behind a trail of flames that never go out. It's insides are now hot enough to melt down even diamonds, and it can smelt down raw iron into ingots in batches of over a thousand. Jirnace can easily control it's own temperature according to the items it smelts, and early blacksmiths used them in lieu of a forge. It's final evolved form is called Guanrong, who is now a blacksmith in itself! It molds out metal with it's powerful hammer which is also a furnace in itself, powered by the coal it eats, before it heats them up in the furnace on it's stomach. It then provides the final products to those who most need them. It's flames burn with enough force to melt an entire mountain into a puddle of liquid in seconds, and it never seems to overheat despite giving off so much flames. It's said that weapons forged by Guanrong will never break or dull in their lifetime, and Guanrong makes sure that every last detail of them is perfectly done.

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Fire/Beast --> Fire/Beast
Based off the Pixiu, Pixions are protector Pokémon that watch over lost souls, especially wild Hinowillas. Under their watchful eye, the soul is never used for evil or for personal gain. It feeds on gold and silver, but it never feeds on too much on them, only too little, and they're said to bring great fortune to those who can catch it. It's said that seeing a Pixion on a rough year will ensure that the rest of the year will go fine. Pixion evolves into Tarsapix by being exposed to the energies of a Fire Stone. In this form, Tarsapix is a dutiful protector: If you assign it to protect an area, it will do so with compassion until it is called back. It searches the world for gold and brings them back to their masters, before making sure it never gets lost or stolen. People build huge statues of Tarsapix to attract great wealth, and their energy can also be infused within special pendulums: In fact, some people state that Tarsapix is what gave the Amulet Coin it's special power of attracting extra money. In battle, it rams it's foes like if it was a meteor, causing them to explode in a shower of coins.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (162)

Quite the rare sight indeed in the early areas of the Oriva Region, but more common in the later areas, Otamody is a strange Pokémon who resembles a living otamatone. It can play any sound like a synthesizer when it's cheeks are pushed, and in the wild, they play beautiful melodies that always seem to tell the future, but no-one can figure out what Otamody is trying to tell. To help it play by itself, Otamody is accompied by two tiny little spheres known as "Co-Tones" that push it's cheeks to produce sound. Otamody treats it's Co-Tunes as if they were it's children, protecting them from harm by destroying it's enemies with a loud synthinized scream. It's a very popular Pokémon among the children of the Oriva Region, who love squeaking Otamody for fun, but it's not very popular in other regions. Whether this is related to it's style of songs, or the fact that it's a very, very rare sight outside the Oriva Region, is still unknown to this day.

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Poison/Ice --> Poison/Ice --> Poison/Ice
Based off Gonggong, Vipvip is a viper Pokémon that slithers around in not just tall grass, but also in icy mountains and rocky crevasses. It's fangs are filled with a special kind of poison that freezes anything on contact in a sheet of black ice, and Vipvip uses this to make it's prey easier to swallow whole. However, medicine made with this poison can help alleviate heatstroke. It evolves into Korongkorong, those venom now freezes instantly rather than manually. On it's chest are three inactive faces that are said to be it's three most notable victims, usually warlords that it has bitten in the past, and these three faces still have the coldness of the victim's final moments. A very clever Pokémon, Korongkorong hides within patches of tall grass to strike it's enemies where they least expect it, and it can keep a frozen target inside of itself for days as it absorbs it's nutrients. Korongkorong fully evolves into Phangphang, said by some to be "The Harbringer of Black Ice". It's fangs now have enough force to swallow a large house in one strike, and the three faces have merged into a single one, said to be Phangphang's strongest victim. The face grants Phangphang more power than it would have ever imagined, and the stronger the victim was, the colder Phangphang's poison is. Legend tells of how a Phangphang once tilted the land itself after it was defeated by a Guanrong.

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Poison/Dragon --> Poison/Dragon --> Poison/Dragon
Cobazi is a snake Pokémon with a slight liking for weaponry. When no-one is looking, it bites these weapons to infuse them with it's poison, even if it meant harm in the long run. It's fangs have not yet developed well enough for anything else, but it can puff itself up to make itself look like a dangerous snake to other Pokémon, forcing them to flee. In the wild, it has aggressive competition against the similiar Vipvip. Cobazi's evolved form is called Najatra, those frill is filled with a poison that can cause it's victims to become bedridden for weeks. The tip of it's tail is as sharp as a real sword, and Najatra wields it like a warrior would, rattling it to gather focus before slicing it's opponents with it. There have been rumors of warriors in the past using Najatra's tail tip as if it was a real sword, as it is as hard as solid titanium. These qualities alone force it's enemies to flee for the hills, never wanting to harm a Poison type Pokémon again. It's final evolved form is known as Elapguarr, a living sign of threat. People who see it are compelled to run away, as Elapguarr's tail is sharp enough to slice through a 60 floor building in a single strike, and the poison it wields in not just the tail and fangs, but also the frill, can cause death almost instantly. As such, warriors in the past carved an image of Elapguarr on their swords and shields to make them threatening. However, if Elapguarr sees that it's image has been tarnished, it will retaliate against the attack with a spray of poison that can dissolve anything from it's frills.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (165)

Poison/Flying --> Poison/Flying --> Poison/Flying
Based off the Teratsutsuki, Terastecker is a woodpecker Pokémon that is actually the reincarnation of a warlord that died trying to destroy the temples that he disliked. It still does this today, pecking on the temple beams until they fall apart. As Terastecker pecks away, it leaves behind a poison that dissolves wood on impact, but very few people can confirm that it was Terastecker that did the destruction as this poison fades away very quickly. It's presence can be noted by the pecking sound it makes on the beams, and it can be driven away by most Flying Pokémon. Terastecker evolves into Sludgood, who changes it's tactics from pecking to dissolving! With it's wings now made of the poison that once wielded, it flies above temples that it found unworthy in it's past, and rains down sludge to dissolve them right down to the foundations. Afterwards, Sludgood flies towards it's next target, repeating the process until all of it's targets have been eliminated: After which Sludgood will focus on evolution, using the poison to dissolve the stone into a substance that grants it energy and power. When it has gathered enough of this energy, Sludgood evolves into Horyusutsuki, said by many people to be "The Bane of Villages". Now resembling the warlord that reincarnated into it, Horyusutsuki flies above the towns that it had a resentment against, and rains down sludge from above, turning them into slime filled garbage heaps in seconds. No material on Earth can defend against this deadly sludge, which can dissolve metal in seconds. Fearing that it's presence alone could make people fear building, in case they were melted down by Horyusutsuki, the governors of the Oriva Region in the past had it hunted down to extinction: As such, Horyusutsuki can be only be seen today by evolving a Sludgood, and if you see a wild one, it is one that it's trainer has released without realizing it's deadly past.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (166)

Poison/Ground --> Poison/Ground --> Poison/Ground
Based off the Mangonel, Pokebox only started appearing recently, and for a good reason: It fills the biological role in the Oriva Region that Voltorb and Foongus had in other regions! It disguises itself as either an ordinary Poké Ball, or the device that houses items that closely resembles one, and when someone tries to get close to it, it will release a flurry of poisonous mist that can cause coughing for days. Supposedly, this Pokémon had existed in the past as well, and it had adopted it's Poké Ball shape as a form of adaptation to urban environments, allowing it's poison to get in unscathed. This is further exemplified by it's evolved form, Gregonel, which resembles a catapult. It launches itself at it's foes and explodes with a shower of poisonous sludge, before reloading almost instantly by making a new projectile out of sludge and acid: Scientists are confused whether the real body is the Great Ball-like sphere, or the catapult itself. Strangley, it's throwing tactics are very similar to the throwing tactics that trainers use when they throw their Poké Balls, and the Great Ball skin appears to be a side effect of the poison within it getting stronger. It's final evolved form is called Astngyo, and it's sphere now resembles the Master Ball, a device made by Silph Co., indicating that adapted this look only recently. It can now throw this orb to any distance it wishes with it's powerful throwing arm, and after it explodes with a powerful explosion of sludge, it reappears at the basket, ready to be thrown again. Sometimes, the orb can even capture it's foes like an actual Poké Ball, subjecting them to a prison of dissolving poison. No-one knows what Astngyo looked like in the past, but some say that it did adapt to the evolution of the Poké Ball, just like the Voltorbs of Hisui once did.
SIGNATURE ABILITY: Ball Grip: This ability makes the Pokebox family a flinging master. When using Fling, it can choose to keep it's held item, and it's type changes from Dark to either Ground or Poison, whichever one the target isn't immune to. Additionaly, it can fling Poké Balls as well, but they work differently: Instead of capturing Pokémon, if all three shakes are checked correctly, the Poké Ball will trap the target for a few turns before breaking free, just like the Sleep Status condition, even against other Trainer's Pokémon. The lower catch rate multiplier the Poké Ball has, the longer the opponent will be trapped should the Poké Ball work. However, if a Poké Ball is to be kept this way, or if it chooses to keep a King's Rock or a Razor Fang, Fling's chances of missing rises if used in succession.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (167)

Electric/Poison --> Electric/Poison
Based off the Xiezhi, Guxiez is a Pokémon infused with the legendary Gu Poison, a type of poison that was made by condensing the poison of other Pokémon together. While normally used in black magic spells, Guxiez uses it to judge the guilt of a person by feeling them with it's horn, which is filled with a million volts of electricity: the more volts that respond to the person, the more guilt the person has. It's said that Guxiez only chooses to partner itself with people who have no guilt at all, abandoning them if they start showing it. With the help of a Thunder Stone, Guxiez evolves into Kaihaencan, a true mix of poison and electricty! The Gu Poison within it can now cause a million volts of electricity to surge across it's target, and Kaihaencan uses it to judge an entire town. Those with even the slightest trace of guilt within them will be rammed by Kaihaencan, electrocuting their entire body in a single blow. Thus, emperors once used them as a form of law enforcement, though some say that Kaihaencan is corrupted by the Gu Poison, only thinking about detaining the guilty and sparing the innocent.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (168)

Electric/Villain --> Electric/Villain --> Electric/Villain
Based off the Zokor and the thunder crash bomb, Zokala is a curious rodent Pokémon that is brimming with energy. It spends most of the time planning up ways to keep it's seed storage safe and sound, though if it doesn't have any, it will gladly steal seeds from other Pokémon as well. Zokala then infuses these seeds with an electrical charge and lays them out to mark it's territory, creating an electric field in which no-one can enter. Anyone caught in this electrical field will be electrocuted until they agree to help Zokala gather more seeds. But when Zokala evolves into Manipao, it no longer wants to take over the seeds in it's area. Rather, it wants to take over the whole world! It does this by creating devices out of it's electrical power, before unleashing them to towns and cities. If threatened, Manipao will unleash a storm of electricity comparable to an electrical bomb, and many armies had used Manipao in the past this way to win their wars, but they have always eventually turned out to be villains. Manipao also captures anyone unlucky enough to come across it's path, and tortures them by shocking them with electricity. Manipao's final evolved form, Korchartt, is best decribed as the Pokémon version of a mad scientist! It cackles insanely all day as it builds doomsday devices from the materials around it, keeping them charged with the electrical field it generates from it's backpack. It tortures anyone it sees with these devices, often experimenting how much electricity a Pokémon can take before it explodes with a surge of electricty! It also recruits other Electric Pokémon as it's own henchmen, serving with them until the time has come to use them to power it's own devices! Some Korchartts are even devious enough to create natural disasters with their doomsday devices! Korchartt is the only Pokémon in the Oriva Region with access to Electric Surge!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (169)

Psychic/Ground --> Psychic/Ground --> Psychic/Ground
Elemax is an Asian elephant Pokémon that normally just wanders around the Oriva Region's plains, feeding on both branches and peanuts alike to sharpen it's mind. It's a Pokémon that never forgets, and it remembers everything in it's life, from birth to death. Although it possesses a powerful trunk, Elemax fights with it's mind, making it's opponent's think that it's being thrown by a much larger elephant that is really an illusion made by the Elemax. However, Elemax's mind powers are not fully controllable yet, but once it does, Elemax evolves into Syriderm, which disposes of it's back legs in favor of an organ that helps it concentrate it's mental powers. It uses these powers to look like it is walking on all fours, and to destroy the brains of anyone it finds unworthy by overloading them with it's mind. Syriderm is a master of illusions, and it can easily create entire towns of mental energy to trick it's opponents: But supposedly, food eaten in there tastes delicious. It can then shape these illusions into different ones entirely according to the situation of battle. Syriderm's final evolved form is known as Mohansha, said by some to be known as "The Lord of New Beginnings". Having achieved enlightenment, Mohansha dedicates itself to helping people achieve prosperity. It does this by magically removing obstacles with it's mind, and destroying it's enemies by subjecting them to terrifying illusions that are not real at all, and they can only be seen by the victim of these illusions. People honor Mohansha at the start of their ceremonies, believing that it will bring good luck to their hearts in dong so. There have also been some claims that Mohansha thinks that the entire world is an illusion to itself, and the world that it believes it lives in is in fact an illusion made by it. Mohansha is the only Pokémon in the Oriva Region with access to Psychic Surge!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (170)

Grass/Dragon --> Grass/Dragon --> Grass/Dragon
This Pokémon is based off the Nian, and was the beast that Langlang fended off! Nishu is a brutal Pokémon despite it's innocent looks, feeding off crops when no-one's looking. At the start of every month, Nishu runs into villages and eats the livestock and crops without anyone knowing, thus causing early famine. It then uses the energy gained to power it's Grass-type attacks. It has aggressive competition with other Pokémon that eat crops, making sure that it is the only Pokémon in the area to eat these crops! The only way to permently keep a Nishu tamed for life is to capture it in a Poké Ball: People who tried to tame Nishu in the past before Poké Balls were imported to the Oriva Region from Johto and Hisui met their end when Nishu evolved into Zhorishu, a brutal Pokémon that attacks anyone who isn't it's trainer if it is not trusted. Now with a taste of people as well as crops, waving Langlangs around is no longer efficent to keep Zhorishu at bay. It has a fear of the color red, and people used to put chinese lanterns and red Pokémon at their doorsteps to keep Zhorishu at bay. However, Zhorishu and it's powerful fangs that can tear a dumper truck in two eventually adapted to this, releasing pigments that dye items green to foil a village's plans for prosperity, though it only does this it's target is one that it really wants to eat, usually a rare variety of crop. Zhorishu's brutality only increases further when it reaches it's final evolved form as Jyutpushu. Every day, Jyutpushu covers an entire area in a sheet of grass, before approaching towns and eating anything it sees. It seems to have a thing for children, making sure that families never prosper. To ward it off, people dance in bright red lion costumes during festivals that ward Jyutpushu away from the villages they are hosted in. This tradition started after an old man visited an ancient village and told it's residents about Jyutpushu's weaknesses. Jyutpushu is the only Pokémon in the Oriva Region with access to Grassy Surge!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (171)

Fairy/Hero --> Fairy/Hero --> Fairy/Hero
Based off the Wonton and the Hundun, Wompling is a flying dumpling Pokémon that flies around the Oriva Region's skies aimlessly. It has no face whatsoever, and it never seems to have to eat, drink, or even sleep. Anyone who gazes into the spiral pattern on it will be driven insane wondering what it does, and it often appears before villains, making them dazed and confused. However, there's not much known about Wompling beyond these facts, as it rarely shows itself to anyone else, and people can't risk seeing a Wompling that isn't theirs in case they see this spiral pattern. As such, it's evolved form, Kongwon, is shrouded in mystery. Sources tell that it mysteriously appears with a shower of mist, and drives the evil in it's area into destroying itself with it's chaos. Afterwards, it vanishes with this same shower. Trainer owned Kongwons don't do that much outside of battle, and strangely stare into space at nighttime, indicating a connection between them. It also likes to play around with stardust and comet shards, though no-one has ever seen Kongwon doing this. It's final evolved form is known as Hunangzi, a Pokémon that some people believed to have shaped the stars and cosmos with it's own chaos energy. It possesses six legs and powerful wings, but supposedly no face: It's internal atanomy appears to be nothing but a shroud of mist. In battle, it releases a stream of mist that is comparable to the fabric of space itself, seemingly the same ones that it helped shape. It's said that Hunangzi is in fact an emperor who died after seven holes were drilled into him, each representing one of his senses. Hunangzi is the only Pokémon in the Oriva Region with access to Misty Surge! Misty Terrain has been slightly buffed in this region, powering up Fairy-type attacks by 50%!


Saturday at 5:41 AM

  • #20

The Poison Wushido Base's leader, Kubira, has been defeated, alongside his mysterious demon said to be from the Pokémon that the Wushido Clan had been trying to raise! But as you continue, you'll discover two peculiar sets. One is a set of Xiangqi pieces that represent Chess as well. The other is the fact that there were four more Elemental Sprites (The first five of which appeared in wave 4), for a total of 9!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (173)

Shadow/Fire --> Shadow/Fire --> Shadow/Fire
Representing the Queen, Huqi is a living fire lance that has a crown resting on top of it. This crown is said to have originated from another region, and fills Huqi with a heart of fire, which powers itself at every step. By lighting itself on fire, it can launch itself at over 80 miles per hour, enveloping it's opponents in a fiery explosion that they cannot avoid. Supposedly, Huqi is a royal subject who looks after the other Xiangqi related Pokémon well, and always wants everything to be treated with royalty. It evolves into Lancoyal, who now wields an actual fire lance, which it fires at anything that dares to harm it's fellow royal subjects. Now wanting to be treated like a queen, it refuses all but the most royal of treatments, finding the most expensive items whenever possible. However, it's heart has a burning passion that never goes out, and it is always kind to it's subjects. Lancoyal then fully evolves into Queehuorisa, who is said to be the descendant of a queen from another region who always treated her servants with kindness, never ordering them around. It is a very loyal Pokémon, protecting it's most trusted friends with it's own life, alongside it's fire lance, which it can fire at over 100 miles per hour. It's aim is long and true, always focusing on it's intended target with it's heart of gold. It also loves to jump on top of other Xiangqi related Pokémon to entertain itself. People in the past once made a device that was similar to Queehuorisa's fire lance, which was made of metal, but it was recalled after they realizing it was being used for power, not for defence.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (174)

Shadow/Fighting --> Shadow/Fighting --> Shadow/Fighting
Representing the King, Tradin takes great pride within it's crown, using it like a saber to cut down anything in two. It's said to have inspired the first crowns, and Tradin produces a strange scent that makes other Pokémon want to follow any order that it gives, especially other Xiangqi related Pokémon. Although a good fighter in heart, it prefers to let it's new servants do the fighting for them, weakening the targets so that Tradin can finish them off with it's crown, but it never takes part if that fight would dent it's crown. Tradin evolves into Jishuai, who gains an actual weapon in the form of a saber that can cut through solid titanium. It now treats it's servants as if they were their children, protecting them with all their might, though this only applies if Jishuai trusts them. Pokémon that Jishuai does not feel like trusting, even it's own royal servants, will be cut down by it's saber until they are nothing but a pile of skin flakes. Some people think that Jishuai is being corrupted by it's own saber, caring nothing more but power itself, as it seemingly returns to normal whenever it drops it's saber. It's final form is called Kingmate, who is said to be the descendant of a king whose kingdom fell due to his lust for power. Now armed with two sabers, Kingmate uses them to slice apart the target's weak points in seconds, before remodeling them into items that it thinks gives it the royal treatment, such as a throne to rest on. Kingmate orders it's servants around like a soulless warlord, but the servants are too afraid to leave it's side because of the fear that they might get executed by it's sabres. Only a few servants actually plead order to Kingmate, and these are usually Xiangqi related Pokémon.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (175)

Shadow/Ground --> Shadow/Ground --> Shadow/Ground
Representing the Pawn, you'll often see Soldawns working under the orders of Kingmates and Queehuorisas, and it is very rarely seen by itself. They like to attack in groups, with each Soldawn in the group having a different role in taking it's enemy down, but they all desire to be as good as the Kingmate or Queehuorisa that they serve under in the future. They always go in straightfoward, attacking diagonally with their miniture whip, which becomes a chain knife when it evolves into Jiuijevate. These Pokémon lead groups of Soldawn into battle, and it takes great pride in it's master, serving them gifts every day, usually from the remains of the opponents that it has defeated. Their chain knife can slam into the ground to cause miniture shockwaves that trip Pokémon up, leaving them vulnerable to be finished by their masters, but it always feels that every last blow it inflicts will be the one to finish their enemies off. They then evolve again into Qijiebing, which command Jiuijevate armies to destroy anything they see in sight. It's chain knife is now strong enough to cause powerful earthquakes upon impact, which are strong enough to level a whole castle to dust in seconds. It may be a Pokémon full of honor, but it's also quite demeaning, always wanting the spotlight at every hour. Some Qijiebings even think of overthrowing their masters and taking command, though this never seems to happen for trainer owned Qijiebings.
SPECIAL ATTACK: El Passant: A Power 40 Special Athlete move that projects an image towards the target that hits them despite it not seeming like it, which may cause confusion. It is learnt not just by the Xiangqi based Pokémon, but also by most Athlete Pokémon that specialize in Special Attacks.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (176)

Shadow/Hero --> Shadow/Hero --> Shadow/Hero
Representing the Knight, Knzewalski is a Pokémon based off the Przewalski's Wild Horse. It runs across the plains of the Oriva Region, jumping over anything it sees, no matter how high it is, or if it is too high to even jump over. It does this to improve it's main tactic in combat, jumping around it's enemies until they tire out, upon which Knzewalski finishes them off with a powerful back kick. It is a kind of saviour Pokémon, always appearing to help others in need, though it's way of doing so is quite dishonorable, and it's often seen attacking defeated enemies, with a large herd of them causing most enemies to flee for the hills. When Knzewalski is ready to leave it's herd behind, it evolves into Batterzunga, who is now more like the Elephant in Xiangqi! It's head is now the elephant shaped body, with it's original head nothing more than it's trunk, which it uses to ram into other Pokémon like a battering ram with enough force to collapse a 25 story skyscraper into rubble in a single strike. Despite this, Batterzunga still feeds the original head even though it lacks a digestive system, a possible remnant of Knzewalski's original behavior. Although they appear to be rampaging all day, Batterzunga has a code of honor, only targeting buildings that are used for evil, though if there aren't any, Batterzunga will target the one that it thinks is used for evil. If you see a ruined village that was an evil location yesterday, chances are that Batterzunga has reduced the village to rubble. Batterzunga's final evolved form is known as Xiangightor, who has finished it's transition into a brutal elephant Pokémon! It's original head is now a powerful cannon that can reduce even the most well built of fortresses to rubble, though it can also double as a battering ram. Once Xiangightor has started running, no force on the planet can ever stop it but itself and it's trainer, smashing through anything in it's path like a train of thoughts. How Xiangightor destroys buildings is a form of a test: If it stops just short of touching the building, no traces of evil are in that building. Warriors once used them in the past to demolish the opposing castles with relative ease.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Secret Origin: This is a Hero Status move. By reflecting on it's origins and casting the negative attributes of them aside, the user gains a permanent Safeguard that only applies to it until it switches out. This move always goes first. However, the intense focus required to perform the move means it can only be used on the first turn that the user is sent out in, just like Fake Out. It's mainly learned by Pokémon with tragic backstories, such as most Legendary Pokémon.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (177)

Shadow/Villain --> Shadow/Villain --> Shadow/Villain
Representing the Rook, Cannooks are cannon Pokémon that were once used by many soldiers across different regions in the past in the war. It is basically a walking cannon, and it can launch cannonballs that can easily smash holes in castles, though it can only do so if the fuse on it's back is lit, just like an actual cannon. Because of this, Cannook is a very cowardly Pokémon in the wild, fleeing from anything unless it is a nearby Fire Pokémon that can light the fuse and fire it's cannon. Once the fuse is lit, a new one regrows almost instantly. It's cannonballs are made from the rocks that it eats as it walks, and they are very similar to the cannonballs of today, in both shape and atom composition. It's evolved form is called Cartillery, and it's cannon is now strong enough to pierce through 21 walls in a single shot. It now holds a turret that a small Pokémon, such as another Cannook, can rest upon, and it can be used for both transport and for a better chance to attack the opposing enemies. While it's fuse still needs to be lit in order to fire, Cartillery is less cowardly than it's pre-evolution, as it can ram into others with it's rock solid body, though this normally injures it, so it still prefers to avoid fighting without a Fire Pokémon to light the fuse. It fully evolves into Capaojuriot, which now resembles a giant castle turret. It can house up to 10 small Pokémon or soldiers inside of it, and they can fire out of the windows on it, though it's insides have never been seen. Capaojuriot possess a miniature battering ram to get close to it's targets, where it obliterates them with it's huge cannon that can destroy a mountain in one hit. Most importantly, it can now light the fuse by itself by infusing it with Villain energy, and as such, it is a brave fighter that always destroys it's targets. Warlords once used them in the past to counter Xiangightors, but it's sheer power meant that heroic warlords never used them in the fear that they might be consumed by this Pokémon's own power.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Death Ray: A power 90 Special Villain move that fires a ray of destruction towards the target. It has 100% Accuracy, but the knockback of this attack may lower the user's Special Attack by 1. Most Villain-type Pokémon can learn this move, and it is their most efficient Special STAB option.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Scheming: A Villain Status move that makes the user start scheming for five turns. This gives both Pokémon the Contrary ability for it's duration. Most Villain-type Pokémon can learn this attack.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (178)

Shadow/Psychic --> Shadow/Psychic --> Shadow/Psychic
Representing the Bishop, Sibemei is a Pokémon those weapon of choice is an Emeici, a metal rod designed for stabbing. It uses it's psychic powers to spin this rod around and manipulate the target's actions, forcing them to adapt at every turn until they tire out. It's very loyal to it's trainer, blessing them with a special ward that drives away evil thoughts, ensuring that the trainer will only do good deeds. However, it does not realize that bad deeds are sometimes required for good, and it always cast the ward at the first available opportunity it gets. It's even been seen converting enemies to their side with a chant that no-one can understand. It evolves into Shivisor, who now has two metallic rods for defense. Fitting to it's name, it's a kind of advisor Pokémon, always giving out advice to it's trainer, though no-one can really understand this advice or if it is actually advice at all. It can cast a special kind of psychic mind that can remove evil thoughts from the target, and for this reason they are avoided by evil teams, with the appearance of one causing all the grunts to run away almost instantly. In battle, it controls it's rods with it's mind and aims for the target's brain, aiming to get rid of the areas that promote evil. It's final evolved form is known as Scholimination, now armed with four metallic rods which it uses with perfection to rid it's enemies of all evil. It uses them like staffs, casting powerful sealing spells that locks the evil of it's target to a place where no-one can ever find them. This spell is laced with the same ward that it had as a Sibemei, and Scholimination travels from village to village, not leaving until it is certain that all the evil thoughts in the village have been exterminated. If it's target has an evil spirit that can never be removed, Scholimination will banish them outside the universe as punishment. Despite this, some say that Scholimination is too focused on it's job to perform anything else.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (179)

Psychic --> Psychic --> Psychic
Minspiis are common in areas where people can concentrate and focus on the situations around them. They are filled with psychic energy, and they spend every hour of their life focusing on their mental powers, which can melt brains to mush in seconds. As such, it's rather calm compared to the rest of the Elemental Sprites, spending most of the time in one place. It evolves into Elemmin, which possess mental powers strong enough to liquify skeletons in seconds. They provide nearby Pokémon with boundless intelligence, and they seem to project an area which can remove mental blocks, though Elemmin never seems to realize this, still concentrating on it's powers on the mind. By being traded while holding a King's Rock, Elemmin fully evolves into Violano, whose eye has now opened. Staring into this eye can cause the viewer to lose their minds instantly, their only purpose in life being to contuine staring at Violano's eye, improving their concentration. In battle, Violano fires a storm of mental energy towards it's opponent by concentrating deeply, so much that it cannot be interrupted at all, retaliating with a mind shock that can obliterate even the most intelligent of brains.
SPECIAL ABILITY: Prediction: When a Pokémon with this ability is sent out, it will automatically use Future Sight!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (180)

Steel --> Steel --> Steel
Metaspiis are often located in areas that are rich in metal, such as factories and cities. They eat any metal they find and use it to enhance it's powerful metallic skin that can deflect anything, and as such it is considered a pest by those who do not want it to eat anything valuable, even though it's main diet is iron ore. Because this diet isn't rich in nutrients, Metaspii is a very relaxed Pokémon, spending most of the time just sitting there, staring into it's next target. Metaspii evolves into Elemmeta, which is a lot more active than it's pre-evolution. While it still eats metal, it now only takes what it needs, saving the rest for another day. It has gained a pair of powerful claws infused with the might of metal itself, which can tear through a solid sheet of diamond in seconds. The flakes that it leaves behind can be used to rebuild the metallic structures that it ate, and as such Elemmeta isn't considered a threat, as long as these flakes are not lost. By being traded while holding a Metal Coat, Elemmeta can reach it's final form in the form of Silvgang, those claws are now sharp enough to tear through even the earth's surface. It's metallic coat can deflect any projectile thrown at it, and it provides pieces of itself to those who need it. Supposedly, Silvgang once helped shaped the earliest metallic structures with it's master, who is said to be the one who gave the fully evolved Elemental Sprites the black necklace that they possess.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (181)

Bug --> Bug --> Bug
Sectspiis can be found near other Bug-type Pokémon, and they serve as a sort of parasite to them, providing them with food and defending them from harm with it's powerful jaws, which bite as hard as a compressor. It can serve as a radar for Bug Pokémon, as if it cannot find a Bug Pokémon to partner with, it will go miles to find one, always seeming to know where the nearest Bug Pokémon is, though it never helps another Sectspii or it's evolutions, as they are very territorial towards each other. When it evolves into Elemsect, the Bug Pokémon that it is partnered with will often evolve as well if it can: If it does not, Elemsect will seek another Bug Pokémon to follow. It's never seen feeding itself, always providing it's partner Bug Pokémon with anything it can find. It instead runs itself on the food it had ate as a Sectspii, and thus they focus on evolution when they're not busy defending their partner. There have also been sightings of Elemsect going inside it's partner and controlling them like a parasite. It reaches it's final form by leveling itself up to level 35 while it's holding a Jar of Honey. This form is known as Limchong, and in this stage it leaves it's partner behind, now fully independent. However, they still watch over it's former partner from time to time, and it's mood seems to be the same as it's partner's mood. If the partner thrives without it, Limchong will provide them with good luck, but it will do the opposite if it realizes that it's partner used it as a tool to become evil, or if it cannot live without it. It possesses not just powerful jaws, but a pair of saber blades that can cut through it's partner's skin. The strength of these blades depend on the partner's strength: Limchong is always prepared for every situation that the partner goes through.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (182)

Ice --> Ice --> Ice
Freezspis can be found all over the snowy areas of the Oriva Region, falling from the sky like actual snowflakes. It is very cold to the touch, able to freeze even the hottest of foes, and Freezspis often fall towards fires, putting them out in exchange for their life. It is very aggressive towards feminine Pokémon other than itself, indicating that it is a form of tomboy Pokémon, freezing them almost instantly, It evolves into Elemfreez, which is a very aggressive Pokémon that freezes anything it sees in blocks of ice, which it then uses to build it's home. The only Pokémon that it does'nt seem to attack are other Ice-type Pokémon, instead treating them as if they were it's servants. Some say that Elemfreez acts this way because it's heart is completely frozen from it's own cold skin, which is reported to be at a temperature of absolute zero. Eventually, though, Elemfreez will warm itself up, especially towards it's own trainer, though only with an Ice Stone can it's heart be fully repaired. This is when Elemfreez evolves into it's final form, Cyabing. Now being colder than even absolute zero, Cyabing possesses wings made of floating ice shards that it can redirect towards it's enemies, turning them into blocks of ice almost instantly. It's a very spoilt Pokémon, always preferring to be by it's trainer's side, or by another fully evolved Ice Pokémon to serve as it's bodyguard, and it still has a hatred for feminine Pokémon, it's tomboy-like personality having returned. Despite this, Cyabing still has a soft spot for falling snowflakes.
SPECIAL ABILITY: Frigid Touch: This Pokémon's skin is so cold, that any Pokémon that attacks it has a chance to be frozen. It also grants physical attacks the ability to potentially freeze their targets.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (183)

Dark/Fairy --> Dark/Fairy
Based off the Inari, Finaris are Fox Pokémon that are symbols of good luck to anyone who can see them. They are rather shy, preferring to hide in the bushes where it can eat the meat they have found, and they also have a liking for berries. The farmers of the Orvia Region praise them over the fact that they feed on pests that attack their crops, showering them with kindness every time they do so. However, it takes a lot of effort to gain the trust of a Finari, but those who can get to Finari's heart and open itself to other people will be filled with luck for the rest of their lives. It evolves into Jinjkami, a guardian Pokémon that destroys it's enemies with the might of fairy energy and darkness. They can often be seen carrying sacred items in their mouth, either to transport them between shrines or to provide them to other people like messages. Their fur never seems to get itself dirty at all, and it is filled with a magical power that brings good luck to anyone it trusts. Curiously, it's often seen near Singhainu, indicating a connection between them.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Sharp Claws: A Power 40 Physical Beast move with no special effects. Pokémon with claws usually learn this move at a very early level.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Drop Off: A Dark Status move that discards the user's item to increase the power of their next STAB move by 50%. Many Pokémon have access to this move, but most of them can only learn it as an Egg Move.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (184)

Poison --> Poison/Sound
An isolated island far away from the Oriva region's coasts is only populated by wild Okurabis, which is also the only area in the Pokémon world where they can be found. This Pokémon, based off the Amami rabbit, is said to have become the shape it is today due to the radiation that bombards the island all day long. As such, it possesses a sheet of poisonous fur that can cause mutations to anything it touches, yet it doesn't care about this one bit, only focusing on eating carrots like a real rabbit would. Supposedly, Okurabi originally came from another region that it is now extinct in, to be used as a form of test subject. It's evolved form, Murgethal, is far more common than Okurabi, and the only way to get Okurabi in other regions is to breed a Murgethal that you'll sometimes find feeding on radioactive materials. Murgethel possesses a hazmat suit that allows it to go through the most radioactive of areas without a scratch, and it's gas mask prevents it from all forms of harmful gases. It's weapon of choice is a pair of gas pumps that are filled with over a million different kinds of radioactive atoms, causing death on inhaling them, unless the target is a Poison Pokémon. Strangely, it plays these pumps as if they were trumpets, producing sound waves laced with poison that can cause fevers for weeks, indicating that it was once used for sound based experiements. No-one has ever seen it's true face behind it's gas mask, though the ears that stick out of it, made of the same material as it's hazmat suit, has provided some clues. It is notable that you can normally get these two Pokémon this early into your adventure through the Ancient Raid dens, or by an ingame trade in the city of the Grass Gym.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Amplify: A Sound Status move that doubles the power of the next Sound move the user uses. It also increases the user's Special Defence by 1. Many Sound-type Pokémon can use this attack.
SPECIAL ATTACK: Sonic Wave: A Power 40 Special Sound move that never misses. Many Sound-type Pokémon can learn this move at a very early level.
SPECIAL ABILITY: Trumpeteer: This ability acts like the Metronome Item, powering up a move if it's used multiple times in a row. This ability is reserved for Pokémon who are based off trumpets.


Saturday at 5:42 AM

  • #21

While the rest of the Oriva Region is now open for exploration, the next stop in the level range is the Grass Gym at the city of Fuslong. On your way there, you will meet a variety of Grass-type Pokémon by going through the Ginlong Forest, and some others as well through the road there!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (186)

Grass/Mythical --> Grass/Mythical --> Grass/Mythical
Based off the Fusang, Fusees are common across the Oriva region's plains and forests, spending all day absorbing the sun's rays in order to grow. Incapable of moving in most situations, Fusee defends itself by entangling it's opponent in powerful roots those strength are determined on how much solar energy it managed to absorb. Some Pokémon also mistake them for actual trees, as it keeps it's face well hidden from danger to avoid having to fight enemies that it cannot defeat. It evolves into Sangawise, which is still incapable of moving from the spot it is born in. Now full of wisdom, Sangawise provides advice to other Grass-type Pokémon it sees in how to leave the forests that it lives in, though it never means to send them away, only to help those that are lost. Most Sangawises are said to be over a million years old, and their age can be determined by seeing how many leaves are on their trunk. Once Sangawise has learnt all that it can learn, it becomes it's final evolution in the form of Ruomreant, now capable of moving at last. It defends the forest that it lives in with all it's might, destroying it's opponents by crushing them with it's own trees. It only wields the trees that it knows it cannot save, and a forest with Ruomreant in it will never be chopped down as long as it lives. Legend told of how the sun was carried to a huge Ruomreant, more notably the second tree inside it's head that serves as the Pokémon's brain.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (187)

Grass/Shadow --> Grass/Shadow --> Grass/Shadow
Miaout is a living speck of pollen that causes violent sneezing fits to anyone who comes near them. Some say that they come from Nostjing's nostrils, and are their pollen given life, though most people deny this fact. Should it's opponent be unable to sneeze, it will cut them up with it's miniature Miaodaos, though they aren't really that sharp, so Miaout spends most of the time just flying aimlessly, preparing itself for evolution. Eventually, it manages to do so, evolving into Polledao. Now filled with a supply of pollen, anyone that sees even a glimpse of this Pokémon will sneeze uncontrollably, leaving them vulnerable to Polledao's giant Miaodao, which can cut through a tree in a single slice. Outside of battle, it uses this blade to make it's nest and hide itself from predators that cannot sneeze by cutting up tiny bushes. Polledao is very caring for it's fellow Miaouts, always protecting them no matter what. Polledao's final evolved form is known as Ragxing, a giant ragweed Pokémon that fights with a code of honor and duty. The pollen on it's leaves are now so powerful, that even Pokémon that cannot normally sneeze will do so near it. It's prized weapon is the giant Miaodao on it's head, which is now sharp enough to cut through solid concrete, alongside it's two leaves which are just as sharp. The pollen that Ragxing leaves behind can be grounded down and used as a medicine for colds and hay fevers, but it must be done just right due to it's lethal properties.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (188)

Grass/Villain --> Grass/Villain --> Grass/Villain
Linshrooms are Lingzhi Mushroom Pokémon that are common in damp places. They are a nocturnal species, spending all day sleeping, and the night looking for food and water in the night. When it sees another Pokémon, Linshroom fires a puff of pollen at the target, inflicting them with a disease that makes a mushroom appear on their head, causing dizziness. This mushroom is valuable, however, but people who exploit Linshroom for this property will always grow up to become greedy villains. It's evolved form is known as Zhungusahungus, those mushroom pollen can now cause the afflicted target to lose their mind. It commands Linshrooms to cover the forests in poisonous mushrooms that can alter the mind when eaten: these mushrooms are said to be different from the ones that come from the pollen. When the poison is removed from them, these mushrooms can be used as a form of medicene. Zhungusahungus has three heads visible, but only the one wearing a special eyepatch that protects it from afflications is alive: the other two are solely for fooling predators. Zhungusahungus's final evolved form is known as Shenwuhan, and in this form, the mushrooms can now control minds entirely, leaving them as nothing but slaves to Shenwuhan. Shenwuhan then commands it's mushroomized slaves to build homes for it, and to cover the world in a mushroom garden those poison cannot be removed. The mushroom that the pollen creates also cannot be removed now, as it drills directly into the brain, turning the target into a zombie, and it can easily spread to other people on touch. Shenwuhan is also a great alchemist, brewing potions out of it's own mushrooms, though they are very rarely used for anything other than to spread the plague. As it is a mushroom Pokémon, Shenwuhan can also learn Spore, a 100% accurate move that can put the target to sleep, making it useful for capturing Pokémon.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (189)

Grass/Light --> Grass/Light --> Grass/Light
Cordcomy is based off the Cordyceps, and it is a vital component in many of the medicine brewed in the Oriva Region due to the healing properties of it's skin. It pops out of grass patches waiting to be caught, though if it sees someone it doesn't trust, it will hide into the grass almost instantly. Cordcomy's body is constantly healing itself, meaning that any injury that it sustains can easily be shrugged off like it was nothing, and it can even regrow parts of itself. It evolves into Medicomy, a kind Pokémon that heals any injured Pokémon it sees by blessing them with a ray of light, just like how a Chansey would. It's a brave Pokémon that will always go into a situation prepared and without any despair whatsoever, so that it can heal it's friends even if they're in a tough situation. The rays of light can fix broken bones and damaged body parts, and Pokémon centers in the Oriva Region often use them as a nurse. Once Medicomy has mastered it's healing powers, it evolves into Biodylia, a princess Pokémon that makes sure that no injuries will never happen in the area that it lives in. It spreads a healing aura like a positive plague, that heals any broken bone or organ that it touches. The aura then acts like a powerful antibody, taking out any viruses that dare to attack it. The aura spreads from person to person, but it gradually fades away if it is not reapplied. Biodylia also provides medicine to those in need, and it always seems to provide the correct medicene every time, made from it's own rays of light.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (190)

Grass/Dark --> Grass/Dark
Pinglai is a pineapple Pokémon that is common in the swamps and jungles of the Oriva Region. Both it's shell and it's leaves are covered in razor sharp spikes those wounds they inflict never heal, and Pinglai often hides itself in the grass to make it look like an ordinary pineapple. It is also inedible because of this, and sometimes Pinglai is used as a sign of worry, to show that you're desperate enough to touch a Pinglai to solve a problem. With the help of a Leaf Stone, Pinglai evolves into Pinesperity, which is now covered in spikes that can puncture a solid sheet of titanium. It's said that touching Pinesperity without being injured will grant great prosperity for the rest of your life, and they're sometimes used in a game that acts this way. In battle, Pinesperity rolls itself into a spiky ball and spreads it's spikes across the grasslands, making them unsafe to walk through without equipment: Due to this, some people call Pinesperity "Nature's Living Dead End".

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (191)

Grass/Wierd --> Grass/Wierd
Peathrees are a Pokémon that is like a pod of peas! Three of them always huddle together in the pod, and each one helps the other survive in the wild. A Peathree that is seperated from the group can always find where the other two are, no matter how far away they are. They are also very friendly Pokémon, with each head making friends with a different person, though if all three Peathrees in a pod like you so much, it is a sign that you will be a strong person in the future. Podasatii is it's evolved form, and three Peathrees are now bound to the pod, each one communicating strategies for victory to each other before they combine their forces to defeat anything in their path. The three heads always get long, and each one has a different personality that varies from Podasatii to Podasatii. It is also capable of launching giant peas that are like cannonballs at it's foes, before regrowing them almost instantly. These peas provide a lot of nutrients to those who eat them, and great expeditions are often held just to find a fresh one.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (192)

Grass/Fighting --> Grass/Fighting
Dai-Chi is a Daikon Radish Pokémon that specializes in Tai Chi, reading the opponent's moves before taking them down in a way they'd never expect it. It's a very brash Pokémon, always picking fights with other Pokémon, though whether this is to get stronger, or because it simply does'nt like them, is still unknown. Notably, it's most common target is Oradish, using the leaves on their head to heal their wounds. The leaves of a Dai-Chi itself can also provide a powerful fighting spirit to those who consume it, and it's often used in medicine that can regain motivation. Dai-Chi then evolves into Chújikon, the ace of the second gym leader in the Oriva Region! It's fighting spirit now at it's peak, it picks a fight with anyone it sees just to get stronger and stronger, until there is nothing in it's land that is stronger than it. It's slow movements baffle fast opponents, who trip up trying to fight Chújikon, and it can strike the enemy's weakpoints with enough force to topple a whole mountain. When it's not in battle, it likes to meditate and sooth it's concentration so that it can always focus in every battle. In addition to Chújikon, the Grass Gym Leader also uses a Planain and a Kanzishama against you!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (193)

Grass/Time --> Grass/Time
Planains used to be harvested by people in the past due to their high level of nutrients that are in them. However, they soon realized that it can drain the youth of anything that bites it, and it was soon abandoned. It's normally a very calm Pokémon, preferring to avoid fighting by all means necessary, and thus it hangs itself from trees, watching the world go by. However, Plainain has Time and Grass attacks ready to go when it is threatened and it cannot escape. It's evolved form is called Pazhamusa, a predator fruit Pokémon that lives in jungles and forests. It likes to bite on the head of other people and Pokémon, turning them into old men in seconds by absorbing their youth, which they then use to infuse their bites with time energy. It also possesses a strange pheromone that compels people to bite it, but this is one that you must resist, as Pazhamusa is completley inedible, biting anyone that dares to bite it. Despite this, Pazhamusa was said to be the tastiest fruit in the world in the distant past.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (194)

Grass/Job --> Grass/Job
Saimers are Pokémon that spend all day plowing the fields and ensuring that crops can grow, usually ones that Saimer likes to eat. In fact, Saimer is so focused on it's job, that it rarely does anything else outside of combat, becoming extremely stressed if it cannot find the farm it likes to work on. Some say that Saimers inspired the first farmers, teaching them how to harvest crops. They evolve into Saihhorweng, a centuar Pokémon that can always assure that the farm it works in will prosper for all eternity. With their four legs, they plow the crops in record time, making sure that no mistakes are made. Supposedly, there was a tale of a Saihhorweng that ran away from it's farm, only to return with a whole herd of Saihhorwengs. Despite this, it's calm face still remains, indicating that this Pokémon had become so focused on farming, that it's body shape changed to adapt to it. There have been no reports of Saihhorweng appearing in the prehistoric times, indicating that it is a Pokémon that only evolved rather recently.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (195)

Dark/Steel --> Dark/Steel --> Dark/Steel
Pugxue is a Pug Pokémon that's often kept as a pet in the Oriva Region. Obedient to every last command that it's trainer gives to it, Pugxues usually go for crimes and mysteries, digging out dirt to reveal vital clues to stopping it. However, Pugxue's jaws are not yet strong enough to stop crimes by itself, always requiring help to do so, though it's fur is made of a special type of leather that is as hard as a battleship plate, allowing Pugxue to run into crimes without any worry of being injured. Once Pugxue is strong enough to solve a crime on it's own, it evolves into Yijisanji, which is often employed as a police dog in the Oriva Region. In the wild, it protects other Pokémon, usually Dark and Steel Pokémon, from being bullied or attacked by their enemies, and it can do so at an alarming rate, it's jaws now strong enough to crush a steel beam in two. Although it appears to be fat, Yijisanji is actually a very athletic Pokémon, always making sure it can get to the crime scene on time and on schedule, and it's improved eyesight can sight out enemies and even see through certain kinds of walls. It's final evolved form is known as Jingzon, those actual head is the one on top of it. Now more comparable to a German Shepherd than a Pug, Jingzon ensures that every crime falls under the long arm of the law, scaring criminals with it's alarm system and fooling them with it's fake head. Once Jingzon has you in it's jaws, it will drag you to the court no matter what happens: In the wild, this court is usually it's own den. Their senses have also increased significantly, able to smell out suspicious material from miles away. It is as this stage that Jingzon can solve crimes by itself without any help at all.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (196)

Shadow/Sound --> Shadow/Sound --> Shadow/Sound
Taixing is a type of Taiko Drum Pokémon that hides itself from most people until it evolves. It lures in predators by playing itself, and these drums are comparable to the ones played in festivals. Fittingly, you'll often find Taixing at the festivals of the Oriva Region, playing tunes that can cause inspiration and add atmosphere to the festival. Outside of these qualities, though, Taixing rarely does anything outside of battle. Once Taixing evolves into Dumi-Daiko, it's drum splits into two, allow it to play more harmonious melodies with it's new chain, which is used in battle to fling DumI-Daiko towards the target like a meteor hammer. With every step it takes, a drum plays out, and it can now lure in predators better because it is laced with a toxin that can cause uncontrollable dancing: Dumi-Daiko then finds the source of the music and decides it's fate, destroying the unworthy but sparing those it thinks are worthy. It repairs itself with the leather of the opponents that it manages to take down. It's final evolved form is called Daikachuiz, a Pokémon wielding a powerful meteor hammer that can cause deafness to anyone that hears the sound wave it produces when it strikes the ground. It swings this hammer around wildly to produce a music track comparable to some orchestras, and each Daikachuiz has it's own different music brand. They will even sometimes compete against each other in a battle of the bands: the Daikachuiz who performs poorly is sentenced to death! Supposedly, it was the descendant of a warlord who became consumed by it's taiko drum playing.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (197)

Sound/Ghost --> Sound/Ghost
Ti-Yanna is a toy Piano Pokémon those tunes lead poor unfortunate souls to their demise! However, in this form, the jaws that are hidden within it's piano keys are too weak to cause any meaningful injuries, making people think that Ti-Yanna is just playing with them. As such, it hides itself within abandoned mansions, gathering energy to evolve as quickly as it can. The real stinger begins with Ti-Yanna evolves into Yujathoven! Not only does it resemble a real piano now, it's teeth are sharp enough to puncture even solid titanium. It disguises itself as ordinary piano playing a tune by itself until people get close to it, upon which it will bite at their targets until they have perished, playing plunky piano tunes with every single bite that it makes. Resting on top of it is a conductor that commands the Yujathoven, and it's said to be the descendant of a long lost piano player who created some of the world's most popular piano tunes, which you may sometimes hear when Yujathoven is inactive. Stand your ground the next time you come near a piano: You might never know if it could be a Yujathoven in disguise....

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (198)

Sound/Magic --> Sound/Magic
Oripe is a pipe organ Pokémon that other people play to add atmosphere to dramatic tracks. Each of it's pipes contains a different kind of sound, but they all specialize in making the opponent deaf, with Oripe launching these sound waves as if they were rockets themselves. It's often found near classical music, which is a very rare occurrence in the Oriva Region, leading some people to believe that they came from another region via being a stowaway. Oripe then evolves into Ganocketz, who switches to actual rockets that never miss their targets. It carries it's pipe organ rocket launcher around at all times, and with the press of a button, a rocket fires out of one of the pipes, while playing it's original sound at the same time. People often bring Ganocketz to concerts and orchestras for the grand finale, as it fires out rockets all over the place. Strangley, these rockets never aim for property or innocents: If a rocket cannot find a target, it will spin around in tight circles until it has either found one or it's fuse runs out and it explodes by itself.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (199)

Fighting/Wierd --> Fighting/Wierd --> Fighting/Wierd
Hedgitang is a hedgehog Pokémon that gets it's Wierd typing because of it's speciality in Ditangquan, an obscure fighting style that involves rolling around the ground while kicking the opponents in their legs. Hedgitang is common in gardens and forests, and spends all day rolling around: To allow it to kick it's foes a lot easier, Hedgitang cannot roll into a ball unlike over hedgehog Pokémon, instead performing cartwheels in an attempt to stab the opponent's with it's spikes, that can puncture almost anything. It's evolved form, Rolliquan, is a lot more experienced at performing this tactic, and in battle, it is always rolling around playfully to confuse it's opponents. In the wild, it gathers roots and feeds them to the fellow Hedgitangs, and it always makes sure that each one gets the right amount of nutrients. If it faces an opponent it cannot beat, it will jump into the ground and expose it's spikes, making them believe that it is just an ordinary chesnut. While normally a friendly Pokémon, Dishor, Rolliquan's final evolved form, is the exact opposite. Now armed with spikes sharp enough to puncture almost anything in existence, Dishor is a brutal Pokémon that won't stop rolling into it's foes until they have perished. It abandons it's home at this point, travelling the world while looking for worthy opponents to face. It's powerful legs are used for deadly kicks, and just that: Dishor normally moves around by rolling, and if you see a Dishor coming your way, there is no escape.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (200)

Time/Ground --> Time/Ground --> Time/Ground
Paccura is a type of Plow Pokémon that spends all day plowing the fields. People once used them in the past as actual plows, and any field that was plowed with Paccura is said to thrive. It has aggressive competition with Saimer, another Pokémon who plows fields, and the two of them often race each other to see who can plow the most earth first. The plow is made of a special kind of wood that is formed out of the dirt that it eats on the way. Paccura evolves into Hollhano, those plow is now strong enough to move boulders. It can toggle the strength of it's plow at will, and you'll often see them plowing out farmland for the other Pokémon to use. It never plows it's own farmland, though: Every farmland it makes is for someone else. In battle, Hollhano uses their bulky plows to push entire mounds of earth towards it's enemies with the intent of crushing them. Hollhano fully evolves into Terraplow, those plow is now strong enough to move mountains whole. They rearrange the land around them to make sure that the crops here can fully grow to the best of their ability, and thus farmers used Terraplow to rearrange the land, causing the other people to think that it was the job of a Legendary Pokémon. Fittingly, Terraplow's strength is comparable to most legendary Pokémon, and it can, with enough strength, tip a whole mountain on it's side to roll it into the ocean, freeing up space for extra farmland.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (201)

Normal/Flying --> Normal/Flying --> Normal/Flying
Based off the Mandarin Duck, Quackquack is like a duckling, always following it's mother wherever they go until they evolve. It's down that falls off as it grows up can be used as a form of tough leather that can never be broken, and this protects the Quackquack with harm that isn't required. Like all ducks, it is common in ponds and rivers, able to blow predators away with a tiny gust that it cannot control. It's evolved form, Sokuquak, is the adolescent stage of Quackquacks. Having left it's mother, Sokuquack feeds on duckweed and peat moss in the water, and it's feathers are said to bring a great fortune to those who pick them up. It can also fly at this stage, though only just a little, so it prefers to swim across in the water instead. People once made clay items in the shape of Sokuquack as gifts to other people. Sokuquack then fully evolves into Oshidarin, a beautiful and elegant Pokémon that many people tend to draw pictures of to bring happiness. It wears a Sokutai around it's wings, not only providing protection, but also to make it stand out amongst other Pokémon, especially other Oshidarins. It has also become more of a mandarin at this stage, teaching other people and Pokémon how to speak many different kinds of languages. Oshidarin is the mother of the Quackquacks, and will make sure that they are protected from all harm.


Saturday at 5:42 AM

  • #22

The Pokémon that you saw in Wave 11 were but just a taste of the version exclusive Pokémon you've seen so far. As you proceed towards the Tyrannical Dark Titan, you'll see

more of

the rest of these version exclusive Pokémon, this time being ones that are exclusive to two or three versions! This also includes this region's pseudo legendaries, who can't normally be obtained this early without scouring the Ancient Raid Dens!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (203)

Electric/Fairy --> Electric/Fairy --> Electric/Fairy
Based off the Sable, Saoppu fills the biological role that Pikachu and similar Electric-type Pokémon have in other regions. It is a kind rodent Pokémon that can store electricity in it's cheeks before unleashing it towards it's enemies at lightning speeds. When the period of hibernation ends, Saoppu is often the first one to break open their food stores to share among the other Pokémon. It evolves into Saokippu, and in this form, it can store it's electricity far better, unleashing them in ways comparable to electrical storms. It stores this power not just in it's cheeks, but also it's tail, which is as sharp as a meat cleaver. Much kinder than it's pre-evolved form, it will gladly share it's own food supply with others who are in need, even if it meant it's own demise in the long run, and it can gather food easily by running at speeds of over 100 miles per hour. Just like how Pikachu evolves into Raichu, Saokippu uses a Thunder Stone to evolve into Saojampox, and in this form, it's personality completely changes. It is now a battle loving predator that brutally attacks the Pokémon that it once trusted in the past. It's prized weapon is the lightning sabre on it's head, able to strike it's foes with enough electricity to blow their organs across the plains. However, Saojampox has only been seen doing this if it has not shared that often in it's past two forms, indicating that Saojampox attacks out of the guilt of failure, having not been kind enough in the past.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (204)

Fairy/Flying --> Fairy/Flying
Peclod is a Peach Pokémon that was believed to have been born from an actual peach. It flies around on a cloud generated by it's willpower, spreading it's teachings to anyone that hears it. Supposedly, it always flies towards a place of relaxation before flying aimlessly around it, before moving on when it no longer feels relaxed in the place. In battle, it is armed with a powerful tackle that is infused with Fairy energy, that can drain the fighting spirit of anyone hit by it. Peclod then evolves into Sutaró, a Pokémon that some people call "The Monkey King Of The Fae" because of the long journeys that it often takes in order to obtain special artifacts which it then entrusts upon other people and Pokémon who it thinks are worthy of them. It's magical powers have extended tenfold, now able to read the opponent's minds and act accordingly depending on their tactics. It stands atop it's cloud and flies over to those who are in need, able to move over 180 miles per hour, and it can supposedly remember the birth of every monkey Pokémon there is. Some say that Sutaró inspired a tale where a monkey led a sorcerer to an ancient scroll, and this tale is a very popular story in the Oriva Region.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (205)

Grass/Psychic --> Grass/Psychic --> Grass/Psychic
Tarley is a Barley Pokémon that disguises itself as crops on a farm, spreading it's seeds as it is plucked. It's single eye can read the minds of anyone it sees, and if it thinks it is a threat, it twists their brains with it's psychic powers. X-Rays show that the brains that are victims of Tarley's attacks are shaped like Tarley itself, indicating that Tarley is trying to turn the brain into a copy of itself, to no avail. Tarley's evolved form is known as Poacist, and in this form, it's mind reading powers have improved, able to read every last memory of anyone it sees. Brains affected by Poacist's mind powers now grow Tarley seeds on their own, and it protects the crops around it from predators such as Typicrow by turning them into Tarley crops. Supposedly, Poacist can even read the minds of these crops, making sure that they have a bright future. For Poacist to evolve into it's final form, it must be exposed to a Leaf Stone. This final form is known as Rachirina, and it's mind reading has been perfected. It can read the entire life of anyone it sees, from their birth to their death, and it will modify the memories of them at will if it thinks that the person's life will lead to the demise of the farmland around it. Rachirina can even modify the DNA of crops so that they will prosper, but many people are afraid of enlisting Rachirina's help, lest their mind be twisted into a crop itself.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (206)

Light/Magic --> Light/Magic
Xyanuan is a Monk Pokémon that spends most of it's time meditating, even in battle. It's said that Xyanuan was the sorceror that Sutaró guided in the tale, and it can know several magic tricks that can toy with it's opponents. For some odd reason, it's highly obsessed with the letter X, always being found in areas with them. It's also quite the dynastic Pokémon indeed, protecting ancient heritage and making sure that no-one can dare to sabotage their future. It's evolved form is known as Xanzangott, a Pokémon that teaches other monk Pokémon the importance of attaining enlightenment. It now possesses a powerful staff that can lower the fighting spirit of anyone it strikes, and it takes good pride in it's students, always protecting them from all harm. When it is not busy teaching it's students, Xanzangott dedicates itself to removing the evil from the ancient temples that it once protected. It is rumored that the first Xyanuan to evolve into an Xanzangott was this sorceror in the tale after it had obtained the ancient scroll at the end of the story.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (207)

Fire/Dark --> Fire/Dark --> Fire/Dark
Based off the Hiderigami, Hidry is a Fire Pokémon that causes water sources to dry up simply by being near them. Due to this, it is considered a pest in many areas, but no-one can get close to it due to it's blue flames, which can melt solid titanium in seconds. If Hidry approaches a water source, it has assumed that water source is too relied upon, and you should let it do it's job, lest you get burned. Hidry's evolved form is known as Hiderithirst, and in this form, it can dry up entire lakes with it's flames. It does so by boiling the water and turning it into steam within microseconds. The burns caused by these flames never go away, and they can cause constant thrist by turning any liquid applied to it into steam. In some cases, Hiderithirst's flames can even liquefy solid materials, which in turn become gases. A village that Hiderithirst approaches is doomed to be parched forever, because it has deemed that village too reliant. Hiderithirst evolves into it's final evolved form, Hidzhangyu, using a Fire Stone. In this form, it's flames are now so hot, that entire oceans can become deserts in it's mere presence. Legend tells of how a Hidzhangyu made a lush region into a desert because it thought that the people living there were not reliant on their Pokémon companions. A hundred year war between the people and Pokémon then occured, which ended with the dry region returning to it's lush state: apparently, Hidzhangyu was only testing the region in a trial that worked to perfection. In the wild, it has a violent rivalry with Volcaterasu, which is due to their similar abilities to cause droughts.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (208)

Dragon/Fighting --> Dragon/Fighting
Based off the White Dragon Horse, Baiss is a Dragon Pokémon that was rumored to be a Legendary Pokémon in the past, before it was cursed to become this form after it had broken a pearl that was sacred to the region. Attempts to find who this Legendary Pokémon was have all ended in failure. Today, you'll often find Baiss near temples and oceans, reminiscing about it's past and feeding on the beach grass that grows there. As it runs, it leaves behind a trail of green energy that can cause inspiration to anyone it touches, but in battle, this energy becomes one that is similar to acid, dissolving anything on touch. People once used this energy in the past as a form of energy boosting medicine, to help people get up when they were feeling down. It's evolved form is known as Yubaizer, which supposedly resembles the Legendary Pokémon it used to be. Now able to run up to 100 miles per hour, Yubaizer can strike it's enemy's weak points before they can even react, leaving behind an even more powerful trail as it runs, which can serve as a wall or a field of inspiration. People who ride Yubaizer will be filled with boundless energy, being able to do anything they want even in the toughest situations. There have even been some reports of Yubaizer taking the form of a human, and it often does this when it feels that it is truly at peace, just like it's past self wanted to do.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (209)

Water/Ghost --> Water/Ghost --> Water/Ghost
Based off the Shui Gui, Koiwns are Koi Carp Pokémon that are infused with a ghostly energy similar to the one that resides in Sploshis, indicating a connection between them. It is common in imperial gardens and lakes, and it's scales bring great prosperity to those who can catch them without suffering it's ghostly energy. It's also a key part of a special game in the Oriva Region's festivals, where the goal is to fish one out: the winner gets both a great fortune and the Koiwn itself. Some sources state that Koiwn is a fallen fish Pokémon given life once more, but no-one can believe it. Koiwn evolves into Amurgui, which is the spirit of a drowned person given life. It dwells in the bottom of the water sources that they once drowned in, looking for a suitable body to inhabit. Once it has found one, it will use it's chain to drag the target to it's doom, before transfering it's soul to the target, the target becoming an Amurgui in the process. It is so good at imitating it's new body, that no-one can realize that Amurgui has possessed a body. Amurgui then evolves into Cyrpishen using a Water Stone's power. In this form, it guides the souls of those lost at sea to the afterlife, showing them the way by guiding Koiwns across the water's surface. At every second, Cyrpishen judges the worthiness of the soul it guides, and if it deems it unworthy, Cyrpishen will banish the target to a dimension full of water where there is no escape. Cyrpishen is the only one who knows the way into this realm, called the "Sea Realm" by some, and it is otherwise completely devoid of life.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (210)

Job/Athlete --> Job/Athlete
Charco-Polo are two Pokémon conjoined into one, and, despite lacking a horse, both are very good at playing Polo. The two Pokémon never seperate, and they never seem to argue with each other at all, always getting along even if one Pokémon doesn't agree with that the other says. People looked up to Charco-Polo as a sign of teamwork, thinking that if they stuck together like Charco-Polo did, they will never fight with each other. In battle, the two Pokémon generate energy balls to whack towards their enemies at speeds of over 150 miles per hour. Once Charco-Polo's bond with each other becomes unbreakable, it evolves into Buzkarushu, a Pokémon that resembles a warlord riding a horse to battle. Now a single Pokémon, Buzkarushu rides into battle with an endless spirit of teamwork, plowing through everything in it's path with it's giant polo hammer, which can topple a castle in a single strike. When it rides into battle, other Athlete Pokémon are inspired to follow it's lead and join it to battle, working with each other like they have never imagined before. Supposedly, Buzkarushu is the reincarnation of a warlord and his horse who both died together after working to their prime.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (211)

Wierd/Job --> Wierd/Job --> Wierd/Job
Stamer is a Stamp Pokémon that stamps the seal of approval to any paper it can find. Each Stamer has a different kind of stamp on it, and people had used them in the past to let other people know who sent a letter, and what kind of letter it is. It also uses this stamp in combat, stamping a formula on the target that is comparable to acid, dissolving their skin within minutes. Stamer evolves into Bearampa, a porter Pokémon that carries around a large crate. This crate is not only used as a weapon, but also as a form of secure storage, as only Bearampa knows how to open it's own crate. Although it has lost the ability to stamp on paper, people used them as a way of transporting luggage, making sure that they reach their destination safe and secure. Bearampa evolves into Sherproved in a rather unique way. The elemental energy that is infused within it's large sphere, which can carry even large items, depends on the evolution stone used to evolve Bearampa: any of them will do. A Fire Stone (Top left on the above image) will infuse Sherproved's sphere with a raging firestorm, a Water Stone (Top right) will allow it to create torrential storms of water at will, a Leaf Stone (The largest one) will enable the ability to create gardens of grass energy, a Thunder Stone (Bottom left) will infuse the sphere with millions of electrical volts, a Moon Stone (Bottom right) will grant the powers of ancient fairies, and, while not shown in the above image, an Ice Stone will allow Sherproved to go through even the coldest of environments with the power of Ice. Although the other Evolution Stones not mentioned do not appear in the Oriva Region, they also affect Sherproved's abilities: A Shiny Stone will grant it the powers of light, a Dusk Stone will infuse the sphere with pure darkness, a Dawn Stone will grant it the powers of a Psychic type, and by using a Sun Stone, Sherproved will become hard baked like a Ground type. Emperors had used Sherproved to transport large items in the past, and some are even allowed to transport artifacts as well.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (212)

Wierd/Beast --> Wierd/Beast
Wow. Such Wierd. Many Pokémon based off the Dogecoin! Soge is a Shiba Inu Pokémon that, unlike other dog Pokémon, isn't usually that well loved by other people because it is a walking cryptocurrency! In the past, people brought Soges with their money, serving as a pet, before selling it to other people when their profit increased, but the policies involved in doing so meant that they would always become obsessed with selling the Soges, thus collapsing their life. As such, Soge is known as a sign of bad luck today, but it just wants to play with other people just like it did in the past. Shibakoyn, it's evolved form, on the other hand, is a true sign of bad luck no matter what! It appears before people and convinces them into buying products that only serve to provide profit in the long run, eventually leading them into bankruptcy. The coin on it's ruff hypnotizes people into doing so, making them think that the product is the most valuable item in their life. Disobeying Shibakoyn will make it maul you to death, so having a Poké Ball at all times is advised when you're in an area where Shibakoyn lives. Legend once told of a Shibakoyn that appeared before a prosperous emperor: The emperor spent his entire fortune in just one day, through a series of increasingly worthless trades.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (213)

Psychic/Fairy --> Psychic/Fairy --> Psychic/Fairy
Based off the Baku, Saku is a tapir Pokémon that is constantly sleeping, dreaming of sharpening it's mental focus every second. It eats the dreams of other people and Pokémon, with good dreams allowing it to focus more deeply. However, if it eats a nightmare, it will expel it at the nearest enemy it can find: if it can't find one in time, it becomes overwhelmed by the nightmare and enters a state similar to death, only awakening when it senses a good dream to eat. Saku's evolved form is known as Tapream, and in this form, it's own sleepiness makes anyone near it fall asleep as well. Tapream then eats the dreams of those who fall asleep, but it will give back what's left of the good dreams it eats, though they will then have traces of Tapream in it. Tapream battles other Pokémon in it's own dream, using their nightmares as their weakpoints. No-one has ever seen Tapream open it's eyes, with those trying to do so falling asleep instantly. The only way to get it to wake up is to expose it to Moon Stone, which will evolve it into Goodbight. This Pokémon's aura of drowsiness is so powerful, that Goodbight decides when those afflicted by it will wake up. It eats the nightmares of those who fall asleep, and if it eats very few of them, the target will wake up in a few minutes. However, if it eats a lot of nightmares, the target will sleep for the rest of their life. Goodbight then uses these nightmares against it's enemies, weakening their minds to the point that Goodbight can finish them off. Research has shown that it is in fact a seperate species from the Drowzee line, though their hypnotism is very similar. It is noteworthy that the Saku line lives in Magicant, a dreamy area those position in the level range is very late in your Pokémon journey: the only way to get one this early is to scour the Ancient Raid dens!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (214)

Bug/Shadow --> Bug/Shadow
Based of the Snow Apollo Butterfly, Pardao is a butterfly Pokémon those rear end is as sharp as a dagger. While normally a peaceful Pokémon that spends it's days feeding on nectar, when threatened, it will stab it's predators with it's dagger, which is infused with the powder that it leaves behind that can cause hallucinations for days. Thus, warriors sometimes used them in the past as a form of poisoned dagger. Despite this, Pardao is normally a beautiful sight to see on a snowy evening, and it is said that seeing one is a sign that the winter will prosper for the one who sees it. Heilossius is it's evolved form, and not only does it now have a specialized dagger arm, but it also possesses a powerful hand cannon that can fire cannonballs strong enough to plow through a solid brick wall in a single shot. Heilossius can switch between these arms at will, and it can even wield two of the same weapon as well. It is quite a vain Pokémon, spending all the time it has when it's not battling constantly making itself beautiful. It's goggles help it see through even the most violent of blizzards, and it gets very stressed it if were to ever lose either them, or it's trademark scarf, said to be wielded by a blacksmith in the past. It's silver wings never seem to get dirty, and it takes great pride in making sure that they never get damaged.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (215)

Dark/Dragon --> Dark/Dragon --> Dark/Dragon
Based off the Yamata no Orochi, Daijite is a ruthless Pokémon that picks fights with anyone they see. They come from the darkest caves of the Oriva Region, approaching villages and asking for sacrifices, mainly those who are most sacred to the village. If the village refuses, Daijite will tear the village down to the ground with a noxious breath that can burn down solid titanium. It takes great pride in it's own strength, getting stronger and stronger every day to the point that no-one can ever stop it at all. It evolves into Doubldai, a ruthless Pokémon those head has split into two. These heads always get along with each other, but each one specializes in a different fighting tactic to confuse their foes. They claim entire mountain ranges as their own and raze down everything that moves to the ground, and entire villages are known to become deserted at the sight of even one of them. Legend tells of how a Doubldai tore down the city of an emperor who had too much in himself. However, the real threat is when Doubldai becomes it's final evolved form, Yorochi! Yorochi is one of the most devestating Pokémon in the Oriva Region, with it's strength rivalling most Legendary Pokémon. It's nine heads require a different sacrifice each day, or else they will tear down entire cities with their razor sharp jaws. Towering over entire mountains, Yorochi can warp entire societies around itself, forcing them to serve Yorochi, lest they suffer it's wrath. An old folk tale once told of a Yorochi that ate a sister of an emperor every day, until the emperor's Susanoperial slayed it with it's legendary sword, dying the oceans a blood red.
SIGNATURE ATTACK: Oblivion Paradise: A Power 20 Physical Dark move which has Yorochi bite the target with each of it's nine heads. This attack hits nine times, with each hit having a chance to cause Black Wounds, a unique status condition that deals 1 damage to the target at the end of each turn. This status condition can stack!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (216)

Based off the Money Tree, Monula is a very rare Pokémon that grows coins on it's branches! It only allows the most prosperous of people to take them, reading their minds and determining how well they have sorted their money out in the past. If it senses a greedy Pokémon that only wants to take it's coins for personal gain, it will refuse to let them go, and scare off the person with powerful Grass attacks. Despite this, successfully touching one of Monula's coins will grant great fortune to those who touch it. They're most commonly found in the festivals of the Oriva Region, providing their coins to the poor and spreading them far and wide as a sign of good luck. Apparently, some legends tell that Monula is born when a coin is planted in rich soil that has been blessed by wealth itself.
SPECIAL ABILITY: Gold Rush: This ability behaves like the Amulet Coin, doubling the amount of prize money after each battle. A Pokémon with this ability will also confuse all enemy Pokémon and drop money when it is defeated.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (217)

Light/Wierd --> Light/Wierd --> Light/Wierd
Based off Ōyamatsumi and The Great Wave off Kangawa, Wayamas reside in only the most violent of the Oriva Region's tidal waves. Despite it's looks, it is not a Water type at all, instead using a special kind of water that emanates an endless amount of light. Some Wayamas are the size of entire villages, swamping over them with a single strike and laughing over their remains. Every day, Wayama absorbs more and more water to become stronger than ever before: Once it has absorbed enough water, it evolves into Tsutsumi, a giant wave Pokémon that can turn entire grasslands into oceans by swamping over them with a massive tsunami. Oceans made this way always prosper with life and hope, even in the darkest of moments, and it has inspired many artists to draw paintings of giant waves that capture the beauty of the ocean. In battle, Tsutsumi creates giant waves the size of mountains to destroy anything in it's path. It's final evolved form is known as Kanagaror, known to some as "The New God Of The Waves". Only appearing in the most unstable of maelstroms, Kanagaror destroys everything in it's path by generating a massive wave of light around it that can level castles to the ground in a single strike. Said to be the descendant of a Water Legendary Pokémn, Kanagaror judges every continent in the world with every breath it takes, and if it finds that a continent is doing more harm than good, it will level the place into a giant ocean, ready to start the cycle of life again.
SIGNATURE ATTACK: Radiant Wave: A Power 100 Special Light move that swamps the target in a giant tidal wave of pure light. This hits both enemies in a double battle and has a small chance to raise all of Kanagaror's stats by 1: the chance increases for each time an enemy's stats were raised during the battle.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (218)

Jarlaris is a Clownfish Pokémon that is shaped like the junk ships that people crafted in the past to get across the water's surface. It can often be found sailing across the sea from region to region, feeding on coral reefs as it swims by. It's insides a very spacious and resemble the interior of a wooden boat, and Jarlaris is very caring for it's fellow Water Pokémon, allowing them to rest inside it and breed at will. Some fish Pokémon even spend their entire childhoods inside a Jarlaris, and they only exit it with Jarlaris's help. The Pokémon inside Jarlaris affect how it battles, with stronger Pokémon increasing the strength of it's water attacks. In addition, Jarlaris resides in the Ditto Egg Group, meaning that any Pokémon can be bred with it to make their eggs. It is noteworthy that you cannot normally catch a Jarlaris at this point until you obtain the ability to cross water.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (219)

Sound/Job --> Sound/Job --> Sound/Job
Based off Konohanasakuya-hime, Kokiki is a shy performer Pokémon that spends most of the time isolated from the rest of the world, listening to it's headphones which can absorb any sound possible. While it normally runs away from anything it sees, you can build your trust with a Kokiki, and in return, it will play the music from it's headphones to you, which cultivates the earth and soothes the soul. Once Kokiki has built enough trust, it breaks away from it's isolated shell and evolves into Kohanii. This Pokémon just loves to be the centre of attention, and will sing beautiful tunes, amplified by it's microphone, to draw everyone to it. It mostly plays songs for the people and Pokémon that it trusts, and the songs that it sings can calm down volcanoes and prevent them from erupting, though it's mostly unaware of this, preferring to have big battles against other Sound Pokémon to see who is the better singer. This is because Kohanii is actually the descendant of a goddess that looked after the earth, and it's full traits awaken when it reaches it's final stage of evolution in the form of Kosakuri. Now a fully fledged performer goddess, Kosakuri performs beautiful songs for everyone to hear, protecting the earth from natural disasters in the process. However, all shrines dedicated to it have been destroyed by natural disasters themselves. It can not only sing, but also play a sweet riff from it's guitar, which it plays using it's right hand which is designed to always create the best strums. If it ever loses this guitar, Kosakuri will find a replacement almost instantly. It has also fully bonded with the person it trusts the most, protecting them from all harm and helping them in need. It's said that a performer that exceeds all expectations is destined to become a Kosakuri when their life comes to an end.
SIGNATURE ATTACK: Sakuya LIVE!: A Sound Status Move. Kosakuri performs an amazing song that steals the target's stat increases, removes all helpful effects from them, and heals Kosakuri for each one removed or stolen this way. It also applies Protect and Mist to Kosakuri, and heals it a slight amount anyway. Being a protecting move, it always goes first, and it's chances of failing rise if used in succession.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (220)

Mikiánzé is a very peculiar Pokémon because it resembles a little human girl. It's said that the first Mikiánzé was born when a girl was struck by a bolt of lightning that told of it's destiny to fight against other Villain Pokémon. It is a very upbeat Pokémon that spends all day charging itself with static electricity, even from appliances and power lines, which it then uses to fight against evil, which it can sense with it's own static electricity. It fires out electric bolts in such a fast way, that it has been comparable to a railgun by some people. Apparently, Mikiánzé does not get along well with other Electric-type Pokémon, who it thinks are thieves, trying to steal it's electricty for itself. It is notable that Mikiánzé can normally only be found much deeper in the Oriva Region, and requires you to go out of your way to get one before the Tyrannical Dark Titan.
SPECIAL ABILITY: Ancient Spirit: A Pokémon with this ability will have it's Ancient Gauge fill in faster. In addition, outside of the Oriva Region, only Pokémon with this ability can use Ancient Attacks in regions where the Ancient Band is nonexistant.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (221)

Hero/Villain --> Hero/Villain --> Hero/Villian
Based off Susanoo-no-Mikoto, Susoretic is the descendant of a Legendary Pokémon that was also said to be a descendant of the Erumano line. It has a questionable future because of it's typing, and Susoretics will either follow the path of heroism, or the path of evil, using the unused destiny to help it shape it's own way. Many people also question Susoretic's nobility, as many of the sources of it have been proven to be false. It's main attack is firing a giant laser beam that judges the target's soul and adapts to it accordingly. It evolves into Susokami, a Pokémon said to be infused with the souls of fire and ice, which are also contained within it's twin blades. The left fire blade slays any evil it strikes, while the right ice blade slays any good it touches: as such, Susokami will only ever use one of the blades to fight, unless it's path is neutral. It's wide variety of abilities allow it to be used for good or evil, and it can easily switch between them rather quickly. Some sources state that Susokami was born when it's descendant cleaned it's face in a sacred river. It's final evolved form is known as Susanoperial, a Pokémon with so much power, that it has been mistaken as a Legendary Pokémon by some. Banished from the astral plane for wrongly causing the demise of it's father, Susanoperial allows the winds of fate to take it to it's own destiny. It reigns over destruction and regeneration, managing the planes carefully and recreating them when they are damaged beyond repair. It is a notable slayer of many different Pokémon, such as Yorochi, but the evil that the Wushido Clan is trying to raise managed to avoid Susanoperial by misleading it with a dark destiny. People fear Susanoperial as it makes every move, as they don't know if it could either help the world, or bring it to an early end!
SIGNATURE ATTACK: Yakusa-no-Ikazuchi: A Power 60 Special Normal Move that has Susanoperial open a hole in the sky with it's sword, raining down celestial bolts down the target. Despite it's typing, this is both a Hero and a Villain move, and it hits twice: the first hit is calculated using Susanoperial's Attack, while the second hit is calculated using it's Special Attack, and both hits have a chance to drain 3 PP from one of the target's moves. This move's power becomes 90 if Susanoperial's Ancient Gauge is full, or all of it's moves are at full PP before use.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (222)

Jackpot is a casino Pokémon that lives up to it's name. It is basically a walking slot machine, but the slots on it determine it's battle abilities, yet it still makes people think that it can produce money, giving them bad addictions in the process. Because of this, Jackpot had been banished from many different regions, and some people say it is the reason why the Game Corners dropped their slot machines, thinking that they were no better than Jackpot. The only region where Jackpot can be found today is in the Oriva Region, where people know that Jackpot's slot machine is only for combat. Some say that Jackpot took on the form it uses today to preserve the legacy of slot machines, and it actually hates gambling, only doing the evil deeds it did in the past because of it's own Villain typing.
SIGNATURE ABILITY: Slot Reel: At the start of every turn, Jackpot pulls it's lever and spins it's reels. If it doesn't get three of something, nothing happens. However, there is a wildcard slot that can serve as any reel. Otherwise, Jackpot will automatically use the following moves based on what it rolled:
Three Cherries: Eerie Impulse
Three Lemons: Confuse Ray
Three Oranges: Psybeam
Three Pears: Nasty Plot
Three Apples: Scheming
Three Bells: Recover
Three Bars: Psychic Terrain
Three Replays: Jackpot uses Confusion before instantly spinning the slots again
Three Magikarps: The ghost-type version of Curse
Three Upside Down Sevens: Drop Off followed by Rest
Three Wildcards: At the end of the turn, Jackpot uses Teleport
Three Sevens: JACKPOT! Jackpot launches a Power 150 Special Villain move that fires a gigantic laser from it's reels. This move cannot miss and has a high critical hit ratio!


Saturday at 5:43 AM

  • #23

The Tyrannical Dark Titan lies within the Yinying Woods, a dark forest known for the various spirits that dwell within it. Minions of pure darkness are now yours to command as you make your way towards the second Titan! This includes the rest of the region's Ghost-types....just in time for Halloween.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (224)

Dark --> Dark --> Dark
Shapasu is a pair of hands that constantly play with themselves, calling forth shadow puppets that become real forces of darkness. Never separating even in the direst of moments, Shapasu is constantly thinking of evil thoughts, and the more distorted it's shadow puppets get, the more ruthless it is. Some Shapasus can even tell the future with their shadow puppets. It evolves into Tholbomasu, a Pokémon which strangely resembles a puppet itself. It performs strange dances of darkness which compel other people to do the same, no matter how dangerous they are to perform, and they always seem to tell white lies, filling the minds of anyone it speaks to with pure discord. It's said that Tholbomasu is a rejected design for a puppet that brought the theater it performed in into bankruptcy, and it is rather crazy as well, always dancing without running out of energy. It's final evolved form is known as Wolkhmlasu, known to some as "The Puppeteer Of Shadows". It lashes out the twin strings on it's hands towards the strongest Pokémon or person it sees, strangling them up like a puppet. Wolkhmlasu then gains complete control over the target's mind, draining their good thoughts in the process so that the rest of their lives will be as an evil mastermind. It uses it's puppet to do the fighting for them, infusing them with the powers of darkness and shadowing over all light. Wolkhmlasu only let's go of it's puppet if it sees a stronger one to control, and those let go will suffer eternal nightmares for the rest of their life. There's been a common superstition that people only perform bad deeds because they are controlled by Wolkhmlasu.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (225)

Light --> Light --> Light
Eyffer is a Pokémon that puts it's own faith in the light, strangely resembling a temple from a distance. It offers small Pokémon as sacrifices to this force of light, making itself stronger and more focused in the process. Eyffer carefully inspects each potential sacrifice, based on how strong it is and how faithful it is, so you'll often find it sacrificing evil Pokémon against their own will. The sacrificed Pokémon is then whisked away by a massive torrent of light energy. When it evolves into Dimao, it becomes a walking sacrificial altar. It judges the worthiness of every person or Pokémon it sees, and if Dimao sees someone as too unworthy to follow the light any further, it throws it on top of the altar, ready for sacrifice. It's a very honest Pokémon, always telling the truth, though it rarely comes in contact with people that it doesn't want to sacrifice, instead isolating itself in the far mountains of the Oriva Region, constantly focusing it's body and soul. Once Dimao has sacrificed enough targets to fully become one with the light, it evolves one last time into Tuditao, the closest resemblance to a priest in the Oriva Region. Putting all it's duty into serving the light itself, it uses powerful beams of light energy to drain the evil out of anything it hits. You'll often find Tuditao meditating at the local temples, making sure that it never loses contact with the light every day by constantly keeping itself in focus. There's even been some sayings that most of the temples in the Oriva Region are based off Tuditao's shape when inspected from a distance.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (226)

Normal/Time --> Normal/Time --> Normal/Time
Based off the Dorotabō, Muolar is a Pokémon made entirely of a special kind of earth known as Xirang, a type of soil that constantly mutlipies to whatever the wielder sees fit. It's normally a very shy Pokémon, hiding inside farmlands as it spread the Xirang around, and it rarely shows itself to other people and Pokémon. It uses it's Xirang as it's weapon as well, covering the opponent in a pile of soil so that Muolar can escape to a safer spot. It evolves into Xirdoro, the spirit of a farmer who died in guilt after his well spent farmland was ruined by the very next owner. Feeding only on vengeance itself, they haunt the owners of the field they died in and force them to eventually sell the farmland to someone who can take better care of it. It's four fingers are said to represent a different sin, and the fitvh finger was apparently chopped off the Xirdoro itself. It still uses it's Xirang to it's advantage, mainly as a way to get the owners to leave. Xirdoro then fully evolves into Yuxiarang, a bountiful warlord Pokémon that commands it's own Xirang to it's will. It mainly uses it to prevent great floods from occuring, earning it the cheers from it's fellow villagers. However, Yuxiarang will only stop a flood if it would destroy the village otherwise, allowing the flood to go by otherwise. It also uses the Xirang to build great farmlands where crops can grow in peace and tranquillity. Supposedly, it once worked with a certain Legendary Pokémon in the past that no longer appears in the region today to help shape the land itself.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (227)

Fire/Ghost --> Fire/Ghost --> Fire/Ghost
Based off the Onibi, Pudibis are squashed pumpkins given life once more. These little wisps of flame always carry the squashed pumpkin with them as they wander across the Oriva Region's rainy areas, making sure that the pumpkin is never damaged any further. It's flames are hot enough to cause constant burns for weeks on end, and they can drain the life force of anyone who threatens them. Some Pudibis take on the voices and faces of those who have lost their life to this Pokémon. When Pudibi evolves into Inkaso, it becomes one with it's own pumpkin, which strangely loses the X_X markings it had when evolving. No longer able to fly, it instead disguises itself as an ordinary pumpkin until someone gets close to it. Then, Inkaso releases an infernal scream that can drain the souls of anyone unfortunate enough to hear it almost instantly, before hopping over to a different location. It also does this if it is carved by someone that it doesn't trust, but successfully doing so will grant you protection from the spirits for a few weeks. It's most commonly found in festivals that celebrate the spirits of the Oriva Region, feeding off the leftover energy projected from them. It's final evolved form is known as Jackoyaku, a possessed Jack-O-Lantern spirit that is slowly burning away. It's flames can consume entire souls and send them to the underworld for all eternity, and it's two eyes can see every spirit in the area, letting it know which ones to feed on to keep it's own fire going. It's said that if Jackoyaku appears before you on a dark, stormy night, your life as you know it is over, doomed to serve a lifetime of torment to Jackoyaku's flames, which it can reshape into demons and essences of darkness.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (228)

Wierd/Ghost --> Wierd/Ghost --> Wierd/Ghost
Tamatigami is an Origami Pokémon that is shaped like a Tamatebako, folded from paper that supposedly belonged to an origami craftsman who perished trying to make a thousand paper cranes, which he believed could fulfil any wish possible. Those who stare into it's single eye will find themselves losing their focus and youth, and it constantly refolds itself every day to keep it's shape. However, outside of that, Tamatigami does not do that much, spending all day staring into the night sky. This behaviour continues even when Tamatigami evolves into Katamakami, which has folded itself into a bear. This bear shape is supposedly the first origami model that the craftsman created, and outside of standing there, all Katamakami does is run in a straight line, as if it is imitating the bear's movement. Those who touch it will have their spirit drained to the core, and in battle, it folds itself into several other shapes, such as a giraffe and a cat, to confuse it's opponents. It only truly becomes active when it fully evolves into Orizurushrami, a Pokémon that resembles one of the paper cranes that the craftsman made. Now free from it's past behaviour, Orizurushrami commands a series of mini-cranes into battle, each of which is folded out of a single sheet of paper made of ghostly energy. It leads these cranes as if it was like a warlord leading an army of soldiers into battle, and each crane has a different speciality that can catch an opponent off guard. When it's opponent is weakened, Orizurushrami goes for the kill, striking them with a peck of wierd energy that turns their body into a piece of paper, ready to be folded into another mini-crane. Once it has a thousand of them, Orizurushrami will make the wish that the craftsman wanted, before it mysteriously vanishes, it's duty having been done. However, an Orizurushrami that trusts it's trainer every step of the way will stay behind, though it will lose all of it's cranes in the process. It is noteworthy that a hidden hollow in the Yinying Woods is the only way to obtain the Tamatigami line before facing the Tyrannical Dark Titan outside of scouring the Ancient Raid Dens, and you need the ability to cross water to find all the other locations of it.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (229)

Ghost/Flying --> Ghost/Flying --> Ghost/Flying
Based off the Kotengu and the Aosagibi, Aohers are Heron Pokémon that become this way after they have lived for a thousand years. It's a very shy Pokémon, preferring remote areas where it can feed on low class spirits in peace, and as it flies, it leaves behind a flammable powder that, when ignited, doesn't appear to burn anything at all. It's quite easy to mistake the flames that the powder makes for other Pokémon such as Pudibi or Hinowilla, and most people don't realize it until it is too late. Heroguu is what Aoher evolves into, and in this form, it stops being shy and starts hunting higher class spirits, mainly middle stage Ghost-type Pokémon. They prefer a solitary life, stealing treasures and trinkets and using them to decorate it's own nest, with more valuable treasures making Heroguu more powerful. They also enjoy injuring other Pokémon: One of their favorite past times is to pick up other Pokémon and drop them from high heights just to see if they survive hitting the ground. What was once it's flammable powder is now a ghostly spirit that can consume even the brightest of souls. It's most savage form is it's final evolution, Goiaosugi, which hails from the same family tree as Tenguruda. It loves nothing more than destroying everything in sight, and it will even draw other people into doing the same thing by telling them white lies and forcing them to eat the mud from it's nest, which is infused with the spirits that it had previously consumed. It's giant wings drain the spirits of anyone that catches even a glimpse of them, and it's talisman prevents other Ghost Pokémon from doing the same thing to it. Goiaosugi's greatest weakness is it's own overconfidence: It can easily be tricked into making faustian bargains or to fly back to it's nest over the simplest of things, and more often than not, this is the only defence against Goiaosugi's brutality.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (230)

Ghost/Electric --> Ghost/Electric --> Ghost/Electric
Based off the Nue, Nusis are calm, caring Pokémon that make their homes in treetops, concentrating on improving it's mastery over Ghost and Electric attacks, as it has not yet mastered either of those. It tends to avoid conflict, focusing all of it's energy on evolution, and catching a glimpse of a Nusi can grant you great fortune in certian regions. Nusi's evolved form is known as Kojinusi, those mastery over electricity and spectres has multiplied tenfold. It runs across trees and branches, marking it's territory with an electrical field that drains the spirits of anyone who touches them. It's presence is noted by the strange cries it makes that sound like birds, and people thought they were a bad omen, always hoping for the worst whenever they hear them. Kojinusi also the name given to something truly mysterious that has not yet been discovered. It's final evolved form is known as Yorkyranusi, a chimera Pokémon that leaps from thundercloud to thundercloud, tormenting all that dares to oppose it with a giant storm of lightning bolts. It can turn itself into a giant thundercloud to travel great distances, and it's cry now makes thunderstorms appear with every second it sounds out. Hearing this cry will send you into an eternal state of paralysis, leaving you wide open for Yorkyranusi to land the finishing blow. Legend tells of how a warrior slayed a Yorkyranusi to cure an emperor of such paralysis, before casting it's corpse down a river to a village, where it was rightfully buried. Rumor has it that the reason why the village is still being struck by constant thunderstorms is that Yorkyranusi's lifeforce comes from the lightning it creates.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (231)

Ghost/Job --> Ghost/Job
This Pokémon is based off the Kyōrinrin. If a book is left unattended and gathers dust for too long, it will gain life and become a vengeful Buzzled. This Pokémon's wisdom depends on the book that became it, and it is a very vengeful Pokémon, attacking the owners of the book it once was in revenge of abandoning it. It does so by animating the letters on it and sending them towards it's enemies. An extravagent Pokémon, Buzzled constantly decorates itself with scrolls and book covers, and it's often found at libraries. Buzzled evolves into Kyorinbar, a Pokémon powered by the endless wisdom that is around the world. Now taking the form of a ruthless serpent, it's vengeance towards other people has multiplied tenfold, causing people to take good care of their books, lest Kyorinbar attacks them with it's razor sharp pages. Some people even get sealed inside the Kyorinbar's pages itself, never to escape again. Sometimes, however, you'll see Kyorinbar acting as a librarian, making sure that all of the books around it never get dusty at all.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (232)

Ghost/Psychic --> Ghost/Psychic --> Ghost/Psychic
Based off the Hinnagami, Dollinas appear to be possesed dolls, but they are in fact the earth from seven different villages given life by the spirits of darkness themselves. They are created through a ritual that involves covering the earth in stardust, which then shapes itself into the Dollina. It can grant any small wishes that it's owner asks to it, though once it grants a wish, it will instantly ask for another one, forming an endless cycle of greed and despair. It will constantly annoy it's owner this way to ask for a wish, and the only way to get it to shut up is to recall it back into it's Poké Ball. However, it does not exhibit this behavior in battle. Dollina's strength depends on the number of wishes it grants, and once enough of them have been granted, it evolves into Poswish, and in this form, it will no longer leave it's master's side, now capable of granting even the most powerful of wishes. The promise of an unlimited number of wishes will drive it's owner into a greedy overlord in seconds, but if Poswish thinks that it's being asked bad wishes, such as a wish for the world to be destroyed, it will rightfully refuse the wish, or even twist the words of it. An emperor once tried to use Poswish to rule the world, and people were granted lots of wool on that day: Poswish had twisted the words to "Wool the World" before destroying the emperor with a massive torrent of psychic energy. In battle, it grants wishes made by itself, though it has a code of honor and will never wish for the battle to be instantly won unless the situation at hand would allow the battle to be won anyway even if the wish was granted, such as if the opposing trainer only had one really weak Pokémon left. It's final evolved form, Hinnachobbo, is said by some to be humanity's greatest mistake. While it can now rewrite the rules of time and space to grant it's wishes, people who are partners of Hinnachobbo will do nothing but constantly ask for wishes, now a puppet to this Pokémon. Said to be created from a thousand dolls, not even death will separate Hinnachobbo from it's owner, following it into the afterlife to torment them with wishes for all eternity. Some sources state that Hinnachobbo grants the wishes in an alternative universe, leaving the owner completely insane as they spurt out words of nonsense.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (233)

Ghost/Dragon --> Ghost/Dragon --> Ghost/Dragon
Based off Shokuin, Shoaces are possesed dragon Pokémon those actual body is the face that never seems to open it's eyes, not the dragon like body, which the face controls. It never eats, sleeps, drinks, or breathes, wandering around aimlessly searching for torches to gain warmth from. As a Ghost/Dragon type, it's mastery over the spirits of dragons is resolute, though Shoace mostly ignores them in this form, like a wild animal to flame. It's evolved form is called, Shokurul, which is a lot more active than it's pre-evolution. Shokurul is the size of an entire castle, and it claims an entire mountain as it's own, forcing the residents to be extra careful when treading through it, as it's skin can cause hallucinations for days. It's eyes gleam like a lighthouse, and it's breath can cause massive hurricanes infused with the spirits of darkness. When it leaves the mountain it claims, it will infuse it with ghastly energy until it returns, serving as a barrier against the forces of darkness. Shokurul's final evolved form is known as Shoraraguardor, known as the "Crimson Season Spirit" by some people because of it's ability to change the seasons. When it opens it's eyes, night becomes day. When it closes them, day becomes night. When it inhales, it becomes summer. When it exhales, it becomes winter. Because of this, people viewed Shoraraguardor as a high level deity of the world, praising it's ability to change the weather at will, and as such, Wethayami has a violent rivalry with it. In battle, it uses it's immeasurable size and it's mastery over spirits and seasons to destroy anything in it's path, possessing enough power to turn a whole city into a bleak wasteland in a single strike!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (234)

Ghost/Ice --> Ghost/Ice --> Ghost/Ice
Based off the Oshiroi babā, Hagihoris normally live in the icy mountains of the Oriva Region, and it's said to be a subspecies of the Yunesa line. Covered in a sheet of cold powder, Hagihori is a Pokémon that avoids conflict and interaction at all costs, with it's horrifying face scaring away even the bravest of souls. It loves to cackle into the deep blizzards, and their presence can be noted by the strange creaking sound they make that is comparable to a mirror being moved. It's evolved form is Powjara, a strange hag Pokémon that only appears at snowy towns at nighttime near the end of the year. It tries to convince other people into accepting the makeup it sells, which is a powdery substance comparable to snow. Their cane not only helps them stay balanced, but also serves as their weapon in combat, covering enemies in a giant flurry of powder snow from which there is no escape whatsoever. Because only a few people have seen Powjara, not much else is known about it. It's final evolved form requires an Ice Stone to reach, and it is known as Babaoshaw, a truly mysterious Pokémon that very few people actually see. Supposedly, it commands blizzards at it's will, and rearranges the faces of anyone it sees to make sure they look beautiful. It also only appears in areas where there is absolute peace, so not much is known at Babaoshaw beyond these facts, because ones that evolve from Powjara exhibit nearly the same behavior as their pre-evolution.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (235)

Ghost/Athlete --> Ghost/Athlete --> Ghost/Athlete
Based off the Kyōkotsu, Snooky is a snooker cue and a set of billard balls given life after they were thrown down a well. Possessing a powerful grudge towards the owners who disposed of them poorly, Snooky pucks the balls like it was an actual game of snooker, always aiming for the target's weak points every time. Each of the three billard balls possesses a different personality, yet they always get along so that they can perform the greatest snooker maneuvers. When Snooky evolves into Kyooky, it absorbs the billard balls, leaving just the cue, which becomes a spirit that is apparently shaped like the person who threw the billard balls away. Now able to generate a set of billard balls by itself with it's ghostly energy, it inflicts anyone it sees with a deep grudge that deters them from using wells, as that is where Kyooky lives most of the time, stealing the souls of anyone who climbs down the well. There have been some sources that Kyooky's lifeforce depends on it's snooker playing skills, fading away if it can't find the perfect shot in time. It's final evolved form is known as Cueshotrooky, the spirit of a professional snooker player given life once more. It spends most of the time honing it's snooker skills, playing snooker at tables without caring about the outside world. Supposedly, it has even forgotten it's own grudge, only showing it again in combat. However, when the time comes to strike it's enemies, it will hit the billard balls that it makes with it's own vengeance with enough force to pierce through most materials in a single strike. Some Cueshotrookys come from the spirits of snooker players who have spent their entire lives figuring out every possible scenario in snooker.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (236)

Villain/Ghost --> Villain/Ghost --> Villain/Ghost
Debbos are servants of Legendary Dark, Ghost, and Villain Pokémon that are based off the Red Boy. They fly across the underworld searching for mean tricks to play on other people and Pokémon alike, all to please their masters. Lacking a soul entirely, Debbo only cares to spread evil to wherever it goes, sometimes appearing near people and convincing them to do evil deeds. Debbo is normally reliant on it's master, but when it is ready to become independent, it is a sign that it is nearly ready to evolve into Hohnivil. This demon Pokémon is a master of playing tricks, able to shapeshift into a variety of items and summoning torrent of demonic flames that can blot out the sun. These flames cannot be quenched by even rainfall, and burns left by them are filled with the forces of darkness. It's pitchfork is filled with the evil spirits of a millenium's curse, and those stabbed by it will instantly become demonic themselves, performing evil deeds just for the sake of it. It claims entire caves as it's own, and tricks people into helping it out so that they can be left at their most vulnerable moment. Only the most demonic of Hohnivils can evolve into it's final stage of evolution, Samátan. In this form, it basically becomes the ruler of the underworld itself, commanding demonic Pokémon to spread evil to the furthest corners of the land. Samátan itself appears before people and convinces them to sell their soul to it, whether it be for power, fame, or fortune. It then keeps a close eye on it's bargain, and if it's servants ever violate them, it torments them to an endless cycle of pain and nightmares. Despite all this, it is a very close friend to Vajiroxx, indicating a connection between them.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (237)

Hero/Ghost --> Hero/Ghost --> Hero/Ghost
Based off Zhong Kui, Shórry may look like a creepy spirit, but it's actually a very dedicated ghost slayer. It commands small demon Pokémon like Debbo against their will to fight with them, incorporating their abilities into it's own strategy. A very persistent Pokémon, once Shórry enters an area, it will not leave until it and it's friends are the only Ghost Pokémon left in the area. For some odd reason, it likes to hide in attics, though whether it is a way to keep it's identity a secret is still unknown. Once Shórry has defeated enough ghost Pokémon, it will evolve into Shózhong, now armed with a blade designed to destroy spirits outright. It judges every Ghost Pokémon it sees, recruiting the ones that it trusts and destroying their rest, making sure that they can be at rest in the afterlife. Ghosts that follow Shózhong never seem to become evil at all, working alongside it at a far better rate than it's pre-evolution. Supposedly, it is the reincarnation of a warlord who vanished after losing his title due to it's distorted appearance. Upon becoming one with the spirits themselves, Shózhong will fully evolve into Shókuiyuk, the ultimate slayer of evil ghost Pokémon anywhere. It's spirit is bound to a special book that serves as it's source of power, though it can still fight even the strongest of ghosts if the book is destroyed. Rather, it serves as it's bounty list: When the name of something is written upon the book, Shókuiyuk will go for that target instantly, and since it never loses concentration on itself, clawing even the most grim of spirits with it's possessed claws that can damage both the body and the soul, it will usually result in the target perishing without anyone knowing it was Shókuiyuk's doing. Those who wield the book will gain Shókuiyuk's trust, protecting them from all spirits as long as they hold it. It is rumored that the death of several criminals across the Oriva Region is related to this very book!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (238)

Time/Ghost --> Time/Ghost --> Time/Ghost
Based off the Heifeng Guai, Guarl is an incopereal spirit Pokémon that is invisible to most humans and Pokémon. It's presence can be noted by the lack of spirit in an area, and it fights with powerful time based attacks which can extinguish any fire in the vincinity. It's quite a common Ghost Pokémon, but it can only be seen with special devices such as the Silph Scope. It's evolved form is known as Etherfang, which wields a sharp claw in one hand, and the head of a bear in the other. It's said that this bear is the spirit of an ancient grizzly bear that once terrorized villages, only dying because it did not believe in the spirits themselves. Now mostly visible, Etherfang hunts down prey by biting them hard with it's bear head, not letting go until there are no spirits left within the target. It's a common sight in most mountains, feeding on the bad omens that come from them. Etherfang then fully evolves into Bodhisyin, those bear head has now fully taken over it's entire body. A vicious spirit Pokémon, Bodhisyin only exists for the thrill of the hunt, stealing possessions to goad people and Pokémon alike into fighting them, their spirits draining as they fail to pierce Bodhisyin's hard skin, until they perish. Bodhisyin then feeds on the target's spirit and discards the body, making it look like they had been killed by an avalanche. Legend tells of how a fair maiden got a Bodhisyin to give up it's evil ways by forcing it to drink the elixr shaped like one of her companions.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (239)

Dark/Beast --> Dark/Beast --> Dark/Beast
Based off the Betobetosan and Sugawara no Michizane, Bestoclaks are invisible spirits those presence can only be noted by the clacking of sandals in the streets at night. They match the steps of anyone they follow, causing them to become insane from hearing things that they can't see. To fend it off, just stand by the side and say "After you, Bestoclak", upon which it will pass by harmlessly and walk towards it's next target. While normally a harmless spirit otherwise, Bestoclak's evolved form, Nighwara, is quite the opposite. Said to the spirit of a deceased imperial poet, Nighwara appears before people and speaks out a strange poem that always seems to describe their demise, before the events of the poem occur in reality. An experienced Pokémon in both the powers of Darkness and of Beasts, it uses these powers to torment those who have avoided the events of the poems it has told, spurting out more poems in the process. It's said that as it's guilt over it's death overtakes it, Nighwara becomes stronger and stronger, until eventually it becomes it's final form, which is known as Michirano. Now a vengeful thunder god, Michirano's past life was of a poet that lost everything to when the emperor he served turned to the dark side. It brings forth an eternal curse on villages that do not pledge their will to it, destroying houses with bolts of pure darkness, and the only way to satisfy it is to host a festival in it's honor. It's ruthless destruction across the Oriva Region has it earnt it the honor of being one of the region's most powerful demons, and people lay out paintings of Michirano to avoid it's wrath of darkness.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (240)

Dark/Athlete --> Dark/Athlete --> Dark/Athlete
Cisd is a possessed Discus Pokémon based off Taira no Masakado. It's said to be the soul of a powerful samurai taken residence in a disc that he once played with as a child, and it normally flies around aimlessly in the night sky, slicing through opponents with enough force to chop down an entire forest of trees. Whoever tries to use it as an actual discus will lose their soul to the abyss of darkness, with it's single eye watching the wielder's every move as they are consumed by the shadows. It evolves into Tairisc, those disc is now sharp enough to slice through solid titanium. It strikes down those who opposed it during it's past life as a samurai, especially opponents that it failed to defeat. It infuses itself with the blackest night, and those struck down by Tairisc will see nothing but darkness for the rest of their days. In an emergency, it can detach the two dots on it's disc to use as additional discuses, but they are only strong enough to slice through iron sheets. Tairisc's final form is known as Masakahurl, those face bears resemblance to the samurai's final moments, his head being chopped off by his own friends and family. It arrives with a chant of "Where is my murdered body!? Come here! Reattach my head and let me fight once again!", slicing through even solid mountains as if they were mere sheets of paper as it flies across the night sky. It's two dots have now become athletic hands which can throw energy discs that can send those hit by it directly to the afterlife, and it is a very cunning Pokémon indeed, always knowing when to fling it's discs to the right areas. As Masakahurl flies by, those who witness to it become victim to a deadly plague of darkness.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (241)

Dark/Wierd --> Dark/Wierd --> Dark/Wierd
Based off the Kuro bōzu, Darsell is a mysterious floating sphere of darkness that floats across the night, projecting an aura of shadows as it flies across. This aura causes nightmares to anyone who enters it, and these nightmares persist even after exiting the aura field. There's a common folk belief that if a Darsell appears in a village, it is a sign that a powerful Dark-type Pokémon will soon appear and ravage the village to the ground. Darsell's evolved form is known as Dartuhoch, a strange Pokémon with two huge tongues for arms. It approaches sleeping people at night and licks them with it, draining their breath and causing them to suffer nightmares where they continue being licked, leaving them with a massive state of apathy in the morning. No-one can figure out that this is Dartuhoch's doing as it is a nocturnal species, though it's smell is so putrid, that it makes other people run away from home just to get away from it. It also appears to only approach those with good minds, intending to corrupt them into the forces of darkness. It's final evolved form is known as Darkurora, a true harbinger of eternal darkness. Those that it licks will have their minds replaced with nothing but a void of darkness that thinks of nothing at all, leaving them in a state of eternal sleep. It's tongue is strong enough to wipe out even the brightest of minds in microseconds, and it secretly hides in the darkest of areas, waiting for it's moment to strike. No-one knows why Darkurora is even doing this, but some say it is trying to convince entire villages to disappear from history entirely.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (242)

Dark/Villain --> Dark/Villain --> Dark/Villain
Odoldiers are soldier Pokémon that fight for warlords specializing in evil schemes, such as the head of the Wushido Clan. They gather in large armies and charge towards their enemies, basing their strategy around what they face. Oldoldier's prized weapon it's spear that can pierce through even the toughest of metals, and it sharpens it every day with the corpses of those that it kills. These Pokémon are led by it's evolved form, Sekigaspa, who are more specialized and experienced than it's pre-evolution. Having left the warlord it serves at this stage, it assembles huge armies and brings doom towards anything it sees as a threat. A very cunning strategiest, Sekigaspa can figure out the weak points of it's targets simply by reading their movements, and it's rumored to be the descendant of a warlord who brought the world to his knees. However, it does slightly suffer from a case of overconfidence. It's final form is called Nobunoda, a talented and powerful warlord Pokémon that only aims for the conquest of it's home region. Able to command it's army with extreme loyality, Nobunoda is one of the most feared Pokémon known to man, unifying the world under it's fingertips, and it is a talented warrior when it comes to combat, able to beat any opponent no matter how powerful it is. Some say that Nobunoda even managed to change the rules of the Oriva Region entirely, though it has been confirmed that it was not responsible for the thousand year war that led to the Guardians of the Oriva Region being forgotten.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (243)


To your absolute shock, the Second Titan Pokémon is'nt a Titan at all...rather, it's a Legendary Dark Mage based off the Godai, the right hand man to the evil that the Wushido Clan is trying to raise! It commands five orbs which are said to be the personifications of the first elements brought to the Pokémon world: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Void, of which the only the first two remain today. These five orbs each command the entire flow of the element within them, and Godyo can use them to create massive natural disasters that can bring doom to the whole world. Godyo was once well celebrated for bringing the elements together to create the Oriva Region, but as time went on, Godyo believed that the elements were being used for the wrong purpose, and when it learnt of the evil, it allied itself with it, believing that once the evil destroys the Oriva Region, Godyo can banish it and build the region once more. It's fully capable of human speech, being one of the few Pokémon that can do so without telepathy, and when it encounters you, it questions why you are defeating the Titan Pokémon for lost memories, telling Chuan that it was built for a far greater purpose that it must stop!
You'll fight Godyo three times across your Pokémon journey, and it's role as the Tyrannical Dark Titan is your first battle with it. His ally Pokémon consist of five Pokémon that each represent his orbs, in the order of Bampoa, Koiwn, Creston, Firon, and Shapasu, and despite not being a Titan in technicality, Godyo still holds a portion of Chuan's power: In this case, it's strategy. Defeating Godyo for the first time will cause him to flee, while promising that they'll meet again, and it will grant Chuan the ability to walk across water, finally opening up the rest of the Oriva Region for exploration. It also causes Chuan to regain it's second lost memory: That the power sealing wasn't for the greater good by all: It was caused by Godyo itself! It is also noteworthy that you cannot catch Godyo until you have completed your Pokémon journey in Oriva.
SIGNITURE MOVE: Chisuikaf*cku: A Power 30 Special Normal Move which has Godyo fire lasers from it's five orbs towards the target. This move hits five times with varying types for each strike: Fire, Water, Flying, Ground, and Psychic, in that order. The fire strike may cause burning, the water strike may apply Aqua Ring to Godyo, the Flying Strike may increase Godyo's speed by 1, the Ground strike may cause flinching, and the Psychic strike may increase Godyo's Special Attack by 1. Each strike will double it's power if there is a Pokémon with the same type as the strike in the party, though if there is a dual-type Pokémon that fulfills two of the strikes, they will only increase their power by 1.5.
First originating from Paldea, the Meal Powers make a return in the Oriva Region, this time granted through special kinds of Sushi! They are made at another familiar feature coming from Paldea, the Picnics, which is also the main source of Pokémon eggs in this region. They are cooked in three simple steps:
1: First, choose a type of rice to apply over the sushi wrapping.
2: Evenly apply the ingredients on the sushi wrapping and roll the sushi up.
3: Carefully chop the sushi into eight halves for you and your Pokémon to eat.
Every Meal Power returns from Paldea, with Raid Power instead increasing the chances of a Pokémon in an Ancient Raid Battle to have an Ancient Move which matches the type of the Raid Power. In addition, Encounter Power can now cause Pokémon not normally found in an area to spawn: most of the time, this will be a pure-type Pokémon matching the Encounter Power's type, but sometimes a special Pokémon can spawn: for example, 12 seperate areas in the Oriva Region each have a very small chance of spawning a Fully Evolved duplicate Starter Pokémon if you have it in the front of your party and it is registered in the Pokédex, with Encounter Power increasing the chances of it spawning!


Saturday at 5:43 AM

  • #24

With Godyo defeated, even though you now have the ability to cross water, the next stop in the level progression is the Fighting Wushido Base down the dangerous Boulder Canyon. On your way there, you'll meet many new Pokémon in the surrounding fields, including encounters found in fresh water! Though some of these Pokémon look very...familiar.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (245)

Water/Magic --> Water/Magic --> Water/Magic
Based off the Jin Chan, Zhapole is a tadpole Pokémon that resembles a coin with a tail. It's most commonly found in fresh, thriving, rivers, and whoever can catch one in a jar will be granted great fortune as long as Zhapole remains in the jar. It's said to be a subspecies of Ferofero, despite it's life stage being younger than the former. People once used them in lieu of real coins, trading them for goods and commodities. It evolves into Jibbit, which has become a frog of fortune. It can generate coins using it's mastery over water magic, before using them for either trading with others, or for combat. Jibbit only gives out it's coins to those that it trusts, and for this reason, it does not get along well with Monula, who has a very similar coin creating power. It's said that if you see Jibbit in a river, that river will be rich with gold and other treasures beyond the eye can see. Jibbit then fully evolves into Jingoreed, a giant Bullfrog Pokémon with only three legs. It protects hoards of treasure and money, making sure that no-one will ever steal them. Jingoreed will also protect the houses of the people it trusts, granting them good luck and making sure that they are never robbed. It's said to appear before villages that will soon receive good news, and charms made after it are said to become powerful good luck charms. However, bad luck is to occur if a Jingoreed is ever facing a front door.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (246)

Ground --> Ground/Ice --> Ground/Ice
Bearisa is a Himalayan Brown Bear Pokémon that lives in the Oriva Region's mountains, forests, and sometimes deserts. A grizzled predator, Bearisa's main goal is to hunt down any prey it sees, building up a strong enough food supply to hibernate for the winter. With strength comparable to a fully grown Ursaring, if you see a Bearisa in the forests, one's only option is to flee before you suffer it's powerful fangs which can tear a dumper truck in two in a single strike. Things change, however, when Bearisa evolves into Splitear, granting it a second head for an arm who is based off the Polar Bear, also granting it the powers of an Ice-type. The two heads never get along, always running towards their respective habitats, yet they never show signs of splitting at all. Each head has a different diet and a different mastery over a type, and they both fight each other for supremacy and leadership. Found in a variety of environments, Splitear's presence ensures there is always conflict in the area it lives in. Once the two heads stop fighting each other and start getting along, Splitear will fully evolve into Arctomaritt, one of the Oriva Region's most brutal predators. Now with full control over Ground and Ice, Arctomaritt's ferocious jaws can tear apart a whole castle into rubble in seconds, and it's claws are sharp enough to end the life of anything they strike. They are very territorial Pokémon, with each head claiming a whole forest as their own and scaring off everyone in the vincity, as they know that if they stay any longer, they will fall victim to Arctomaritt's brutality.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (247)

Water/Job --> Water/Job
Sushoct is an octopi Pokémon that can be found not just in the ocean, but also in towns and beaches. An expert at sushi making, Sushoct uses the tools around it to create sushi dishes comparable to ones made by artisan chefs. It is also armed with a spray of ink that it uses to escape from danger, and it uses all these qualities to help the Water and Job Pokémon around it who are in dire need. Because of it's simplistic appearance, many chefs had used them as the logo for their restaurants. It dislikes the Fooshi and Ambuno lines, which resemble it's hard work. Sushoct's evolved form is known as Cleavokamui, now able to create any form of sushi dish. It's armed with two cleavers which can chop apart fish into sushi in seconds, and it's tentacles can easily grip anything, allowing it to hold all of the ingredients to making sushi at once. Chefs often hire Cleavokamui to serve as the main chef in their restaurants, though it gets distressed if it is told to make anything other than sushi. In battle, Cleavokamui uses it's twin cleavers to chop up the opponent into a special kind of sushi dish those properties depend on the opponent's.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (248)

Mythical/Bug --> Mythical/Bug --> Mythical/Bug
Cakiku is based off the Okiku mushi, and it's appearance alone is a strange occurrence. Some sources claim that after a beautiful girl was murdered by her lover, her spirit became Cakiku, which appears to be filled with an aura of vengeance that makes other people want to do the same. It normally doesn't do that much, crawling along leaves and preparing itself for evolution, though if provoked, the provoker will find that the string it spits will make them so consumed in vengeance, that they will go insane. Cakiku then evolves into Byasaya, who, when looked at from a distance, resembles a bound woman. It's aura of vengeance still remains, though, making people who try to rescue it fall into insanity and eventually the afterlife. It's four arms are bound together by a special kind of leather which strangley resembles the wooden texture of a windmill blade, and fittingly enough, it's often found in windmills, cursing them to be never entered again as long as Byasaya remained in the area. The floating eye above the arms serves as the source of it's Mythical energy, as it flies around with it's new pair of wings. Eventually, Byasaya will evolve again into Samabancho, an adorable butterfly Pokémon those looks are decieving. Having forgotten about it's own vengeance, Samabancho gleefully flies around looking for friends to make, unaware of the fact that it is making people be consumed by their own lust for revenge with the powder it leaves behind. Samabancho is apparently looking for the lover that murdered the girl that became it, eager to make amends for itself, even if the lover has become a Pokémon today. There's been some rumors of a strange video tape those only video is a Samabancho acting cute: those who watch it become a Samabancho themselves afterwards. It battle, it uses it's twin blades to chop up anyone that dares to oppose it, filling them with their own vengeance and making them crazy.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (249)

Magic/Wierd --> Magic/Wierd
Gimtop is a Gimbal Pokémon that is basically a top contained around a razor sharp ring filled with magical energy. Gimtop and it's ring rotate seperatley, spinning around to confuse opponents and tear them to shreds. Gimtop's discovery inspired people to create mechanisms for their machines which allowed for a smoother workflow by being easier to rotate. It can efficiently fight even without it's ring, and sometimes it willingly removes it's ring to allow children to play with it. Gimaphilo is it's evolved form, a Pokémon interested in the philosophy of rotation. It constantly writes out angles and axises on tree trunks so that other people and Pokémon can learn about them. It's prized weapon is itself: Gimaphilo can not only deploy tops to to spin out opponents, but it can also spin around at speeds of over 300 miles per hour, and those caught up in it will be teared to ribbons of magical energy. It gets around with the rings on it's feet, which are comparable to roller-skates, able to perform many different tricks as it runs around: it always appears to go for where the earth's axis is at it's peak.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (250)

Dolji*zo is an ancient ji*zo Statue Pokémon that normally does nothing outside of battle for a thousand years. Not even powerful attacks can move it from it's position. However, it projects an aura of peace around it that drains the will to fight, and people often lay them in front of temples to make sure their services can go along without interruption. Even in battle, it doesn't move much, obliterating the opponent from the spot it stood on with a massive surge of Time energy, which appears before the opponent can even think of it. Supposedly, the first Dolji*zo was originally crafted by an ancient monk who spent his final moments building it so that his mastery over peace and wisdom could forever be remembered.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (251)

Bug/Hero --> Bug/Hero --> Bug/Hero
Hemander is a spotted longhorn beetle Pokémon that is filled with miracles and hope. It always wishes for a good future every day, as it crawls across leaves, protecting young Bug Pokémon from harm. You'll often find them feeding on flowers and nectar, and since they only live for a few weeks if they do not evolve in time or get caught by a trainer, people often kept them in bottles before Poké Balls were imported to the region so that they could always carry their miracles with them. Hemander evolves into Assisoeno, a Pokémon who brings miracles to battles by assisting Hero Pokémon in need. Now a lot more humanoid than it's pre-evolution, Assisoeno fights with kicks filled with it's own miracles, aiming for the target's weak points so that they cannot have a miracle themselves. It's assisted by a being of pure miracles that confuses the opponents before Assisoeno lands the finishing blow. Strangely, it has a liking towards cat Pokémon, and it can always turn any fight around with a miracle. It's final evolved form is known as Ceramiaette, also known as "The Bringer Of Miracles". If you see this Pokémon in a battle, a miracle will soon occur, as it's three companions of miraculous energy deflect the attacks of any enemy that approaches them, before Ceramiaette lands the finishing blow by throwing them with it's horn before performing a powerful kick which can obliterate an entire mountain in a single shot. It's very caring towards it's allies, making sure that they get the most help possible. Supposedly, it took this form after a Bug Pokémon in a distant region that possessed very similar companions.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (252)

Fighting/Poison --> Fighting/Poison
Based off the Kidōmaru, Chekido was believed to have been born after a party of adventurers slayed a Gourtoji, with some sources claiming that it is in fact Gourtoji's son! True to it's typing, with the help of it's snake arm, Chekido loves nothing more than to fight dirty, cheating every second of every battle it takes part in, loving every time it does so. Some of these cheats include tripping up it's opponents, attacking before the signal to fight is given, and even smuggling in Full Restores in battles that disallow them! Because of this, precaution must be taken when Chekido is taken into a battle, lest it gets the first opportunity to cheat. It's main habitat is caves, said to be ones that Chekido was banished too after failing to become a student. It evolves into Marthlatte, which is a more notorious cheater than ever! With it's snake tail telling it about it's opponent's weakness, it strikes them in ways that only ruthless people would dare to imagine. A very devious Pokémon, Marthlatte will sometimes even try to attack the opponent's trainer in an effort to drain them of their fighting spirits. The only way to subdue Marthlatte is to trap him: Legend tells of a warrior who got his revenge on a Marthlatte by sealing him inside the corpse of a Holstow, before striking him down with his blade, as he was now given enough time to figure out Marthlatte's weaknesses.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (253)

Fighting/Ground --> Fighting/Ground --> Fighting/Ground
A Pokémon based off the Asian small-clawed otter, Futters can be found in rivers and oceans in groups of around ten individuals. Each one practices their own fighting technique, able to strike the ground with a small earthquake to confuse the opponent. You'll often find them laying in the water with their belly showing, either holding shells that they use to improve their fighting style, or their own pups. Eventually, Futter will migrate to canyons where Ground-type Pokémon are prevelant. Only a few Futters survive this journey, and they then evolve into Cinxyutter, which is no longer a water-based Pokémon. It's main fighting style is the Fut Ga Kuen, a style where it raises it's fist towards the target to block attacks before walloping them with a flurry of punches and kicks that shake the earth themselves. Cinxyutter at this stage has become a solidary Pokémon whose only focus is to train itself against everything that comes in front of it, mainly other Ground-type Pokémon so that it can improve it's affinity with the earth itself. Once it has trained enough, Cinxyutter becomes it's final evolution in the form of Gakuenutter, a Pokémon whose hands can shake entire mountains. It's mastery over the Fut Ga Kuen has been improved by taking the best traits of the fighting styles used by other Pokémon, and it always accepts every challenge given to it, balancing it's strength depending on the opponents it faces. It travels the world looking for these challenges, though sometimes if it wants to meditate, Gakuenutter will return to the river that it once lived in as a Futter, to use it's origins as a source of power.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (254)

Beast/Fighting --> Beast/Fighting
Wuskk is a Water deer Pokémon native to rivers and plains rich with water. True to the species it is based on, it's fighting style incorporates water into it despite it not being a Water type at all, taking energy from rivers and flowing it into it's fighting style. While normally a peaceful grazer, it's spirit awakens when it faces a predator, striking them with a massive torrent of water similarly to the Rapid Strike Style that Urshifu mastered in the Isle of Armor. Research shows that it's ancestors used to have razor sharp tusks which have faded away today. It evolves into Qinxiuskk, a Pokémon who aims to defend the ungulates and ruminants around it. Now perfected in it's way of controlling the flow of water, Qinxiuskk combines it with the might of a savage beast, creating powerful strikes by sensing the water droplets around it, aiming for the target's kidneys which it knows is always a suitable weak point. It's often seen underneath waterfalls, concentrating it's own mind for it's next battle.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (255)

Water/Normal --> Water/Normal --> Water/Normal
Spinka is a fountain Pokémon that is common in areas rich in water, never appearing where it is dry. It is filled with a special kind of fresh water that provides youth to those who drink it, and some people once mistook it as the Fountain of Youth itself. However, it is a crybaby, crying over the most desirable of things, which often floods the area in it's tears in the process. This is also how it gets around, as it normally cannot move from it's spot. Spinka's evolved form is known as Aqurouta, whose shape resembles the fountains that the people of the Oriva Region once crafted. While it's still a bit of a crybaby, it only cries over the most dire of situations now, and it never runs out of water, which not only is great for drinking, but is also it's main weapon in combat, washing enemies away with a massive torrent of water. It wears a special amulet that was once believed to be owned by an empress who paid her loyality to a Legendary Water Pokémon, and it helps Aqurouta control the flow of water around it. Aqurouta then evolves again into Sozuko, a Pokémon those entire body is made out of water. It appears before those who are suffering from a drought and brings prosperity to it once more by providing them a sprinkle of it's special water, which can heal wounds and serve as a form of cold compress. However, Sozuko is a very shy Pokémon, and it will take a lot of building it's trust to get it to spread it's water to anyone it sees. It's also rumoured that it creates entire oceans of tears whenever it cries. In battle, it converts it's arms into twin water cannons that can blow a house into rubble in a single shot.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (256)

Fire/Normal --> Fire/Normal --> Fire/Normal
Toratches are torch Pokémon that can most commonly be found in towns and areas rich with Fire-type Pokémon. It's a very consumed Pokémon, only caring about spreading it's flames to every corner of the world, but it only does this when no-one is looking, posing as an ordinary torch otherwise. It's an easy pick for starting Fire-type Pokémon trainers to raise because it can always control it's own flames even in the most dire of situations. It evolves into Dengurng, a Pokémon that resembles the torches found near temples. It's firepower now multiplied to the point it can melt even a sheet of solid diamond into goo in seconds, it turns ordinary areas into firestorms that other Fire-type Pokémon can rich it, and it can rain down flames by combusting the flame on it's head. Whether Dengurng evolved to camouflage itself among villages, or to better attune itself with it's own fire power, is still unknown. A popular folk tale tells that when a Dengurng is sighted in a village, that village will burn down in the very next day. It's final evolved form is known as Kenflamz, who is now consumed by it's obsession with fire. With it's twin flame cannons called "The Fire Arms", it releases an infernal firestorm that can burn entire forests into ash-filled wastelands in mere seconds. It can also surround itself with a burning aura that can melt anything it touches with flames of over 15 million degrees Fahrenheit. It's main source of power comes from the symbol on it's chest which once decorated temples dedicated to Fire-type Legendary Pokémon, but no-one has ever been able to break it, as Kenflamz can easily repair it with it's mastery over fire.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (257)

Electric/Normal --> Electric/Normal --> Electric/Normal
Volrod is a lightning rod Pokémon commonly found in areas where lightning storms are apparent, or near sources of electricity such as power plants. Capable of draining any source of electricity to the point that they are non-existent, Volrod unleashes a powerful electrical bolt towards it's enemies that has enough strength to shatter an entire ten storey building in a single strike. When several Volrods gather near a power plant, it is a sign that it is being too relied upon, and that people must seek other sources of electricity, mainly ones that use renewable resources. Once Volrod has fully consumed all the electricity in the area, it will evolve into Beilduct, which can now create a million volts of electricity per second, though it is a brash Pokémon at this stage. It only uses the electricity to power it's attacks, and if you see a Beilduct providing power to a city, it is doing so unwillingly, and it eventually destroy the city with a powerful lightning bolt as a sign of vengeance. Strangely enough, you'll often find a group of them in a straight line, with each one passing electricity to the other. It can still absorb the electricity of others, now being able to target fully evolved Electric Pokémon. Eventually, Beilduct will absorb enough power to evolve into Elanzapp, which is also the only form in it's line to be able to move, flying around using electromagnetism. Using the four prongs on it's back, Elanzapp can absorb the electricity of an entire city, and if power cuts occur very often, it is likely the work of an Elanzapp. It can command electricity at will through it's hands, able to convert them into powerful swords of pure volts. It can also detach the prongs to serve as lightning rods, causing blackouts at even the slightest provocation. This sheer power made people believe that Elanzapp came from another universe, as it's strength is beyond what any Electric Pokémon can imagine, but it is vulnerable if it's power source, the electrical symbol on it's chest, is ever damaged.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (258)

Flying/Grass --> Flying/Grass --> Flying/Grass
Fowlmarishes are Peafowl Pokémon that are common in many forests in the Oriva Region. They look after their pre-evolutions, Peavoni, who are basically defenseless chicks who are totally reliant on their mother for initial survival. Peavonis start their life chirping the day away, but as it grows up, it's hidden Grass genes awaken, allowing it to fight back with leaves comparable to those found in royal gardens. Despite this, even a Peavoni that can defend itself and become independent will avoid combat at all costs until it evolves into a Fowlmarish. Once it does so, it becomes a royally treated bird Pokémon. It displays it's tail feathers not just as a way of attracting other Fowlmarishes, but also as both a threat to other predators. The feathers on it's tail are comparable to leaves, and Fowlmarish uses them to slash through anything in it's path. A royal Pokémon at heart, emperors once adopted Fowlmarishes and allowed them to roam their gardens, as it's feathers are full of pure beauty. This beauty can be improved further by trading Fowlmarish while it is holding a King's Rock, which will evolve it into Kartipavo. Now a truly beautiful Pokémon with tail feathers comparable to a hedge, Kartipavo can be found as the pet of many kings and queens, favoured for it's sheer elegance. It's said that a garden where Kartipavo dwells in will prosper as long as it is kept well tidy. In battle, it's tail feathers mesmerize it's opponents into a trance of sheer awe, upon which Kartipavo finishes them off by covering them in a garden comparable to most imperial ones. Some say that this mesmerisation comes from the spots on it's feathers, which are different with every Kartipavo.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (259)

Electric/Rock --> Electric/Rock
Based off the Gagoze, Genergy is a storm of electrical energy thought to be given life by an ancient descendant of Rajinorr. It wanders around mountains and canyons, asking for electrical energy so that it can become whole once more: Because of this, it's main target is the Volrod line, who it knows has the most electrical power. Despite being unevolved, Genergy is surprisingly strong, able to use it's collected energy with enough force to topple entire castles with a single strike. Genergy can also be used as a source of electrical power by sealing it in a bottle, which can then be unleashed by uncorking it. No matter how hard Genergy tries, it will never get enough energy to furfil it's goal in it's life: the only way to complete it's goal is to trade it while holding a King's Rock. The energy of the trade combines with the royality of the King's Rock, giving Genergy the power it needs to evolve into Gangó-ji*ze, a very talented electrical sorcerer Pokémon despite it's size. It possesses enough strength to throw even the most talented of Fighting Pokémon to the ground, and it's robes are made with the King's Rock used to evolve it, granting it endless defence. It commands lightning storms at it's will without anyone knowing, making people struck by them think that they have been attacked by their own deities, sowing distrust among them. If Gangó-ji*ze appears before a person, that person's fate has been decided, and it will perish in the next week. Some Gangó-ji*zes also command Rolkais to help spread their electricity, and often the blame of a Gangó-ji*ze attack is placed on those Rolkais instead.


Saturday at 5:43 AM

  • #25

The Fighting Wushido Base, and it's master Ruthing, lies at the end of the Boulder Canyon, where powerful Fighting Pokémon reside. Nearby is the is the entrance to the Kaseki Jungle, a tropical rainforest where this region's fossils can be excavated from a quarry near it: the fossil reviver resides close by, allowing you to command ancient dinosaurs which once appeared in the Oriva Regions' prehistoric past.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (261)

Fighting/Psychic --> Fighting/Psychic --> Fighting/Psychic
Wiamur is an Amur Leopard Pokémon that can be found in both of the locations just mentioned, the Boulder Canyon and the Kaseki Jungle. It hunts prey by specializing in the fighting style of Wing Chun, reading the opponent's mind with it's psychic powers before grappling their hands with their paws and destroying them with a flurry of psychic powered punches. Only the size of a small kitten, Wiamur runs across treetops looking for fish to eat, constantly cleaning itself with it's psychic powers. Once it has fully grown, it will leave it's rainforest home and evolve into Chunpard, those fighting style is comparable to most martial artists. Using it's mental powers as a form of sixth sense, it reads the opponents moves and dodges them with such tranquility, before retaliating by grabbing the opponent's arms and rendering them unusable by overloading the nerves with a giant mental explosion. It's quite popular among dojos and training grounds, but it is always constantly sharpening it's mind so that it can always succeed in any battle it comes across. Supposedly, Chunpard learns in secret, by listening to other people while hidden in bushes. Once Chunpard has become one with it's own spirit, it evolves into Lia-Mui, who is said to be the descendant of a princess who spent her entire life training in the art of Wing Chun, which it has now perfected. A very kind Pokémon, Lia-Mui helps other Fighting Pokémon in need, using it's special staff to detach the spots on it's body to use as both disks and as a way to meditate. These spots can throw punches equivalent to a hundred pro boxers, and Lia-Mui commands every last one of them to perfection, not stopping until it is certain that peace has been attained once more. These spots can even combine into giant hands which can crush a dumper truck in one squeeze. However, as a result of relying on this new tactic, it's hands have degraded, though they can still throw a million punches per second. Lia-Mui wears the skin of a leopard Pokémon which is apparently long extinct, which serves as the source of it's own psychic power.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (262)

Fighting/Athlete --> Fighting/Athlete --> Fighting/Athlete
Tea-Phi is a teapot Pokémon that specializes itself in Tai-Chi, swinging it's handle around in a slow manner that helps it recover it's own health. Tea poured from Tea-Phi can repair wounds and cure some diseases, but Tea-Phi only allows itself to be wielded by the people that it trusts, violently swinging around to others, which can easily tire it because it is outside it's fighting style. It's made of a special kind of clay that can be slathered over a wound to make it heal a lot faster. It evolves into Serv-Phi, those nozzle and handle serve as it's own hands. It spends all day training it's mastery in Tai-Chi, performing hand movements in a way that soothes it's soul and repairs it's body. It produces a healing aroma comparable to the move known as Aromatherapy, and Serv-Phi often appears before those who are injured. It's also very good at serving as it's name suggests, bringing tea and exquisite dishes to the people it trusts, and the tea it pours out is now comparable to a Max Potion's healing ability. Serv-Phi then evolves again into Cheng-Phi, a Tai-Chi master whose fists are teapots that produce the best tea in the Oriva Region. A very dutiful Pokémon, Cheng-Phi will serve it's master for as long as it lives, healing their wounds with it's tea and defending them with a flurry of slow strikes that it's opponent will never expect. They specialize in one of five different kinds of schools, each one providing it with a different kind of Tai-Chi that heals a different kind of ailment. They are easily adaptable as well, always changing it's speciality based on the situation around it. It's said that Cheng-Phi's appearance inspired the first teapots in the Oriva Region.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (263)

Fighting/Bug --> Fighting/Bug
True to it's name, Cricktráin is a Cricket Pokémon that spends every day training, even while sleeping or in battle. It believes that it is never perfect, and thus it attacks everything in sight to get stronger and stronger, and it can often be found at fighting clubs, always being the victor because of it's training. It's back legs are not only a powerful kicking force, but can also jump very high to get Cricktráin away from danger that it cannot face at it's current state. Most Cricktráins will spend their entire lives trying to reach the end of their road to perfection, and some might never make it because of the current situations. Those who do, however, evolve into Gyrlldóúsháy....and then start their training all over again, wanting to become the most talented Fighting Pokémon in the Oriva Region. Gyrlldóúsháy is a balanced fighter who trains itself on stronger and stronger targets every second, though it is aware about power itself. Rather than essentially focusing on getting stronger, it instead focuses on mastering a fighting style to use against an opponent. Once Gyrlldóúsháy has perfected in the fighting style, it will just simply start training in another one. Gyrlldóúsháy's training has no end, always learning a new style every day: as such, some people use it as a form of inspiration, learning new ideas by looking at how it learns them.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (264)

Sound/Fighting --> Sound/Fighting --> Sound/Fighting
Dandan is a rather curious Pokémon that watches the traditional dances that the people of the Oriva Region perform in festivals to please the Legendary Pokémon. It then performs these dances itself, incorporating them into it's fighting style and dazzling it's opponents by performing elegant dances. Some sources claim that Dandan is entirely focused on keeping the secrets of these dances into it's memory, never actually focusing on the battle itself, and you'll often see a whole group of them dancing into the night. The white membrane on it's arm is comparable to the dress of a traditional dancer, and it is used to add further elegance to it's dancing. This membrane becomes it's own arms when Dandan evolves into Roytang, who has become a far better dancer. Able to perform even the most complex of dances, Roytang can be found performing sacred dances within large empty plains, where it has plenty of space to work with. These dances fill anyone near them with their spirit, making them want to dance with Roytang, which in turn builds up it's trust. Some Roytangs are also dedicated to supporting a certain Legendary Pokémon, performing strange ritual dances to please them, though no-one has ever seen a Roytang perform this because they scatter when someone gets close to them this way. It's final evolved form is known as Yangeralkyrie, who is also called the "Crimson Valkyrie" by some due to it's beautiful appearance. Now with a more slender body, Yangeralkyrie can perform any sacred dance imaginable, building up it's fighting spirit and granting inspiration to nearby people. It's a lot more focused in battle now, dodging the opponent's moves with beautiful dancing before striking their weakpoints in the middle of the dance by kicking them with enough force to smash an oil tanker in a single blow. Supposedly, it's filled with the energy of the Legendary Pokémon that is supports, fighting just like them. Yangeralkyrie is very popular with girls, and they will dance for their trainers to help them regain their resolve.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (265)

Hero/Fighting --> Hero/Fighting --> Hero/Fighting
Fis-Tist is a huge fist Pokémon that uses itself as if it was a giant iron fist. Clenching it's feelers like knuckles, it strikes opponents with powerful punches that can break boulders in a single blow. Fis-Tist constantly strengthens it's fist by punching solid rock and fighting Beast Pokémon bare handed. It can often be found in temples high up in the mountains, protecting them from any evil that might enter the area, and it's said to be a good luck charm for martial arts masters. Fis-Tist's evolved form is known as Kun-Lun, which is said to appear from a mysterious city that only appears to Fighting-type Pokémon. Now armed with two fists, it uses them to demolish it's opponent by striking them with a flurry of martial arts techniques. It's most trusted student is the Mukar line, whom it helps improve it's mastery over karate by striking pressure points with enough force to destroy a castle in a single punch. Kun-Lun is a trusted and honorable Pokémon, and it makes great friends with those specialized in the art of Fighting. Once Kun-Lun has fully mastered it's own fists, it reaches it's final evolved form in the stage of Dann-Rann, a Hero Pokémon that protects the mysterious city from all villainy that approaches. It's right hand has grown to an incredible size due to it's fighting spirit overloading it with strength, requiring the change to carry it. Known as the "Iron Fist", Dann-Rann concentrates power into this fist with enough force to obliterate even the strongest of Pokémon in a single punch. It can focus it's chi to cure it's own wounds, or to focus more deeply, allowing it to read the opponent's electromagnetic fields and strike them accordingly, and it always focuses well on it's duty to protect it's area from all harm. No-one has ever seen the mysterious city that it protects, with the city only appearing to the eyes of the Fighting Pokémon it allows in: all attempts to record footage of the city have only resulted in mist.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (266)

Villain/Fighting --> Villain/Fighting --> Villain/Fighting
Kabukair is basically a Kabuki Mask once wielded by a dancer who performed well in the box office until the mask gained a mind of it's own. Jealous of the fact it was being used for profit, not entertainment, the mask laid a curse on the dancer that eventually led to his death. The mask was then damaged by the sands of time, and today, Kabukair focuses on repairing it's mask back to the prime form it once was. Even though it's just a mask in a pile of hair, Kabukair is a talented dancer that can often be seen at theatres, performing strange dances that strengthen it's own fighting spirit. In the middle of repairing the mask, Kabukair will evolve into Kabukance, a Pokémon often employed as a villain in many traditional plays in the Oriva Region, mostly to replace a long lost general. Kabukance fights like the way it performs in theatres, dancing elegantly to sharpen it's mind before striking the opponent down with it's sabre. It secretly steals props between scenes to continue repairing it's mask, often from the plays that the dancer once performed in, and since it always replaces them with something else, not even the theatre's playwright can figure out that it was Kabukance's doing. Eventually, Kabukance fully repairs it's mask and evolves into Kabukizomo. Now a fully fledged Kabuki Pokémon, it is one of the most popular Pokémon in the Oriva Region, performing dramatic dances in front of everyone. It's prized weapon it not just the fan it uses as a form of display, but also it's own hair, which can swing with enough force to chop solid diamond in two with a single strike. However, the spirit of the mask compels it to act it's own plays out in real life, causing Kabukizomo to unknowingly destroy towns that it heroically destroyed in the plays. Despite this, Kabukizomo is still considered to be one of the Oriva Region's most unique forms of culture.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (267)

Dark/Fighting --> Dark/Fighting --> Dark/Fighting
Based off the Sōjōbō, Sónósé can often be seen commanding members of the Titey and Aoher lines, supposedly showing that it is the leader of these families. It specializes in Qigong, moving objects with the powers of darkness using it's bright brown nose that never dulls, and it also uses it at as a powerful blade comparable to ones wielded by most swordsmen. Sónósé resides in huge mountains, watching down over all the Titeys and Aohers in it's area, and making sure that they only perform a bad deed if they have to. It's mastery over Qigong increases when it evolves into Kúrgátá, a sage Pokémon that teaches those who manage to make it to their humble mountain lairs. It's a very kind Pokémon that always offers the correct advice, and it fights alongside Hanrittys and Heroguus, incorporating it's fighting tactics into their battle styles. However, it's said that Kúrgátá eats the flesh of any child that it doesn't trust, taking them into the deepest parts of the mountains where they are never seen again, and sometimes it approaches villages during the night to do this. Eventually, Kúrgátá evolves into it's final form called Qidáitá, which ditches the nose it once used as it's prized weapon to fully focus on it's Qigong powers, being one of the few non-Psychic Pokémon with access to mental powers. By this point, the fully evolved Tengarudas and Goiaosugis have left it to purse their own paths, but it's trust in them has been severed permanently, now an evil mastermind Pokémon that only wishes to challenge the most worthy of opponents to see if they are really worthy of their own power. By using it's six arms, each focusing on a different sin, it overloads the target's mind with darkness before using them to tear them apart limb by limb, doing so one at a time to make the opponent suffer in pain as long as it can. Sometimes, though, Qidáitá will appear before martial artists in training and perform this progress as a test of spirit. If the martial artist still carries on despite the extreme pain it causes, Qidáitá will grant the limbs back and vanish, which is a sign that the training is complete.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (268)

Fairy --> Fairy/Fighting --> Fairy/Fighting
Qiamese can be best described as a Pokémon version of a Siamese cat. It had been domesticated by the people of the Oriva Region for many years on end, serving as a companion and as an inspiration to certian pieces of artwork. Wild Qiameses appear in alleyways looking for food, and take a lot of building trust with them in order to be tamed. It's said that a purring Qiamese will help soothe the spirit and allow it to focus more deeply, not to mention it is very cute. However, if Qiamese suddenly runs away from it's owner, it is a sign that it is close to it's evolution into Miqia. This Pokémon is now fully feral if it isn't in a Poké Ball before then, focusing on the fighting style of Mianquan. This fighting style hardens the soft cotton on it's legs into solid diamond, which it then uses to strike the opponent with a force comparable to a hundred pro boxers. They look after their Qiamese kittens and make sure that they can evolve as well, hissing and boxing against other Pokémon that would dare to harm them, mostly other Miqias, practising it's fighting style all the way through. Some Miqias even convince tamed Qiamese to become feral, gathering in different groups that often fight against each other. Once Miqia has fully trained itself, it will make it's way towards a temple and dedicate itself towards it, fully evolving into Hebalii in the process. Now a fully fledged fighter, Hebalii defends the temple from those would dare to damage it, just like it did with it's owner when it was still a Qiamese. It hardens it's normally soft fur into a sheet of titanium before destroying it's opponents with a flurry of punches and kicks, never stopping until it's opponent has been knocked down, after which it will drag them out of the temple and into the wild where other Miqias can feast on their remains. When it's not busy protecting it's temple, you'll often find Hebalii looking at the house it once lived in from a distance, focusing it's spirit on the happy memories it once had with it's owner. If it's owner finds it again and catches it inside a Poké Ball, it will gladly protect them for the rest of their life, happy that they at least remembered their companionship with them.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (269)

Fighting/Job --> Fighting/Job
Like Saku, Flongo is a Pokémon native to Magicant, and can't normally be caught before the Fighting Wushido Base without going well out of your way, though some of the warriors of the Fighting Wushido Clan base do use it in battle, and it can be found by scouring the Ancient Raid dens as well. It's a Pokémon based off the Drongo that is said to be the symbol of a person's courage. Often coming in groups of five, Flongo will happily agree to work with anyone who asks for it's help, assisting them in battle by pummelling enemies with a flurry of punches and kicks. They only serve as bodyguards to those who they think will have a heart of good, politely turning down the requests of any others. Strangely, every time a Flongo faints, a gravestone mysteriously appears near their home den. As it can normally only be caught late into your Pokémon journey, Flongo requires a lot of experience in order to evolve, and it evolves into Hirarage. Comparable to hireable bodyguards by most people, it fights it's opponents in such a fast way that it's opponents will think they are seeing nothing but mirages. It is very dedicated in it's job, making sure that the person it protects will never fall into any harm again. Hirarage sometimes appears in people's dreams, and it's appearance is a sign that the dream will provide courage and determination to those who believe in it. Some people who saw them this way claim to have seen "The Flying Men", as Hirarage is very rarely found in the wild outside of it's home in Magicant.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (270)

Flying/Time --> Flying/Time --> Flying/Time
Waxor is a Waxwing Pokémon that can be found flying around the mountains and canyons of the Oriva Region. It feeds on berries and fruit, making sure that there's always room for the other bird Pokémon in the region, though it also feeds on Bug Pokémon during the summertime. It's call not only lets other Waxors know where it is, but it also sounds like the ambience that the area once had in the past, indicating that it is trying to preserve the history of the area no matter what. It battle, it swoops down onto it's enemies and strikes them with a force of time energy that drains their spirit. Waxor evolves into Arycilla, and in this form it is a predator, feeding on fishes and small mammal Pokémon before taking them to their nest to feed their young. It's mostly a solitary Pokémon, preferring to fight alone, and it always appears to fly around areas where their history has been consumed by time itself, letting other people know which areas to restore to their original form. Sometimes, it will even protect historic sites from being destroyed, and it's wings are now strong enough to summon giant tornadoes of time energy that, on closer inspection, project images of the area in the past, though they are often too violent to even see through. Once Arycilla has become strong enough by fighting against those who would dare to oppose the historic sites it protects, it fully evolves into Garjada, a powerful guardian Pokémon based off the Garuda. It flies high and true, looking over ancient sites that preserve the history of the Oriva Region, and if it sees someone trying to vandalize the area or even destroy it, it will swoop down and strike the criminal down with a powerful whirlwind which comes from the armor on it's chest, which resembles a giant bird's beak. Garjada's wings can create whirlwinds that can destroy anything in sight, and it often appears before those who are trying to build something on a historic site, convincing them to move somewhere else. If they refuse, Garjada will obliterate their soul by exposing them to winds so dangerous, their body collapses to dust. People once worshipped them as a protector, granting it gifts of feathers and food.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (271)

Normal/Steel --> Normal/Steel --> Normal/Steel
Based off the Rokugyo, Gotin is a Chinese Goral Pokémon that's common in canyons and mountains. It's a type of grazer that feeds on a special grass rich in metal, which in turn hardens the tin spot on it's back. People then used this tin to craft basic armor and storage components, though it's very brash towards those who misuse it's tin. Some say that Gotin was the gift of an emperor from another region who felt sorry in the lack of metal in a certian village of the Oriva Region. It evolves into Naemoclan, which now wields a sword and shield of solid tin. Acting very similarly to the soldiers of the emperor that gave Gotin away, Naemoclans form huge clans of 100 individuals before fighting against each other to see which of their tin coating is the stronger of the two. These battles are apparently based off the wars of the emperor's home region, which has yet to have been indenitifed. Despite this, they are still willing to provide their own tin coating to those in need, and it's said that people who receive the tin plating of a Naemoclan will be granted eternal protection as long as they are wearing it. A Naemoclan leaving it's own clan is a sign that it is about to fully evolve into Rokugoral, a fierce predator that only resides in mountains where there are no trees or plants. It's meat is said to grant not just healing properties to those who eat it, but also great defence as well, but no mortal has ever tried to hunt a Rokugoral due to it's deadly wings of tin, which can cause metal poisoning for days. Normally an individual Pokémon that fights alone, sometimes Rokugoral flies north to work with other Steel Pokémon, leaving behind flakes of tin scraps as it flies which people can use to fix their armor.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (272)

Dragon/Rock --> Dragon/Rock --> Dragon/Rock
Valbalt is a Pokémon that mysteriously appears when a porcelain vase has been standing for many years on end, it's head peeking out of the vase. This vase is in fact it's actual body, with a soft blue skin being within it that's shaped like the vase itself. Valbalt acts like the painting on the vase, with every Valbalt acting in a different manner, and it's very rich in cobalt as well, leaving behind specks of it as it hops around the house it was born in. In battle, it breathes out a breath of cobalt dust that can cause blinding for days on end. When Valbalt evolves into Procelym, it starts to break out of it's own vase, absorbing it's purpose within it's own DNA. It slithers around canyons and caves leaving behind shards of the vase as it goes by, and these shards are great collector's items, with archaeologists striving to find complete sets of a certain vase. It's said that this vase was sculpted by an emperor who wanted to decorate his palace with only the most elegant of displays, coating every last one of them with a speck of cobalt dust. It's cobalt breath has vastly improved, and Procelym often uses them to create actual vases, using them to decorate it's home and store leftover prey to eat for later. However, Procelym is supposedly a shy Pokémon that only shows itself to the most talented of crafters, no matter what the personality it got from the vase was. Once Procelym fully breaks out of it's vase, it evolves again into Hantage, said by some to be known as "The Cobalt Wyrm". It flies elegantly across the sky, and those who see Hantage will be inspired to craft it's image upon vases and walls alike, and painting Hantage this way will grant prosperity as long as the illustration stands. It often flies around the village it was crafted in, and it spreads cobalt dust to those who pass by it, which grants any piece of artwork that it is infused with eternal life. However, Hantage dislikes villages that oppose art or reject it entirely, destroying them with blue flames that can turn anyone that it hits into a cobalt statue for all eternity. Some even say that Hantage is a natural art critic, only allowing the most well drawn of paintings to prosper. It's tail holds a new vase which forever records the history of the vase that it had broken out of. Supposedly, Hantage is the descendant of a Legendary Pokémon in a distant region assiocated with Cobalt, which once lived in the Hoenn Region.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (273)

Rock/Poison --> Rock/Poison
Revived from a Nail Fossil, Bountaraptor is a Velociraptor Pokémon that likes to hunt in large packs of ten to twenty individuals. It's a very smart and cunning Pokémon, clawing marks in trees which the other Bountaraptors can understand, and it's fangs are infused with a special kind of poison that regresses the target's mind back to the stone age. In the prehistoric past, Bountaraptors were common in the deserts of the ancient Oriva Region, with each one having a different role in hunting it's prey. Due being a very keen survivalist, Bountaraptor was able to survive even after most of the Dinosaur Pokémon went extinct, only becoming extinct itself when it could not keep up with Pokémon that adapted around it's hunting tactics, it's DNA eventually passing down into Dragon Pokémon specialized in hunting. These packs are led by it's evolved form, Blugoliskae, said to be one of the most talented hunters of all time. It tears apart prey with it's razor sharp nails which are infused with it's special poison, and it's very clever as well, always striking the opponent when they'd least expect it. Blugoliskae's keen prowess allowed it to keep on fighting until the very end, knowing that another Blugoliskae will carry on it's legacy. Some sources claim that if the Pokémon that caused it's extinction did not exist, Blugoliskae would have been the intelligent species of the world and not humanity. As a scientist who fell victim to it's cunning strategism once claimed..."Clever Girl".

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (274)

Rock/Flying --> Rock/Flying
Revived from a Wing Fossil, Auronirst is based off the Aurornis. It resembles a giant bird, and it tries to fly every day by jumping off cliffs with it's indeveloped wings, often with fatal results, so it's trainer must be careful that it only jumps off the smallest of cliffs. In the prehistoric past, it was supposedly the first ancestor of Archen that migrated to another region before becoming extinct, and it could glide across the sky with ease even after it's birth, a feat that revived Auronirsts can only perform with enough training. After the Pokémon that would become Archen migrated to the landmasses that would become the Unova and Alola Region, as well as the Crown Tundra, Auronirst supposedly forgot how to fly, having passed it's mastery over to the Archen ancestors. This is further proven when Auronirst evolves into Xuivian. Despite having great control over the wind, this Pokémon has extreme troubles trying to glide across the sky, often only resulting in a small glide which can help it cover great distances, but only on land and not in the air. Before it was discovered that Xuivian had gladly passed it's mastery over flight away to the ancestors of Archeops, some people called it "The False Bird", and claimed that it wasn't a bird at all. According to research, Xuivians only existed in the prehistoric past before the first ancestors of Archen and Archeops appeared, after which they stopped appearing entirely. It's said that when Archeops of today remember this mastery, they can evolve into a third form which is only documented in a distant region that the Oriva Region is unfamiliar with: reports show that this form had two tails, a mask of stone, and was supposedly called "Quetzalcous".

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (275)

Rock/Fighting --> Rock/Fighting
Revived from a Leg Fossil, Sautae is based off the Saurolophus. It exhibits fighting styles which are very similar to Taekkyon, knocking enemies off balance with a flurry of powerful kicks using it's long legs. In the prehistoric past, Sautae supposedly used these legs to trip up predators before escaping into the deep jungle, though the lack of articulation in these legs were said to be the cause of it's extinction, as they kept on tripping up themselves and breaking their bones in the process. It's evolved form is known as Subakophus, a dinosaur Pokémon with powerful legs that, unlike it's pre-evolution, could easily be moved around. This allows it to kick opponents with enough force to destroy entire houses in a single strike, and it's very protective of it's trainer, protecting them from even the slightest of harm. Although it is categorized as a form of extinct dinosaur Pokémon, there have been no reports of Subakophus existing in the past, as every Sautae that was categorized never got the chance to evolve before perishing. If it did exist in the past, it would have defended it's young against predators by kicking them into oblivion. It's a sign that even in the distant past, Fighting Pokémon still specialized in certain fighting styles.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (276)

Rock/Shadow --> Rock/Shadow
Revived from a Blade Fossil, Gisuchu is based off the Gigantspinosaurus. On it's tail are a pair of twin blades comparable to weapons wielded by warriors today that it supposedly used to chop up ferns and defend itself against predators. It was apparently a docile Pokémon in the past, but revived Gisuchus are filled with the spirit of deceased warriors from the Oriva Region, indicating that it was waiting for this moment the whole time, as if it could predict the future. Scientists claim that this is why they went extinct, as the warriors they'd expected never arrived due to not having evolved yet. It's evolved form is known as Stenudspine, a four legged dinosaur Pokémon (Only three are shown in the above image) with razor sharp blades that it uses to chop it's opponents into fine ribbons. These blades never dull or break, and each one is filled with the spirit of a warrior as it evolves, though whether this behaviour was shown in the past is unknown, as Stenudspines in the prehistoric past often lost interest in trying to wait for the warriors to arrive, having lost their patience. This, combined with it's armoured shell, meant Stenudspine had very little predators in the past, and it's blades could serve as a self-righting mechanism to avoid exposing it's soft underside. Sometimes, though, these blades got stuck in rocky surfaces, dooming it to fossilization. Stenudspines of today carefully balance the spirit of the warrior within them, though sometimes they'll discard the spirit for a different one, apparently the one it had been waiting for.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (277)

Revived from a Spine Fossil, Donzhetan is a Donbeititan Pokémon that towers over even the tallest of skyscrapers. It uses it's huge legs to stomp opponent's into the ground, and it's long neck allows it to reach the highest of trees to eat the leaves from them. However, it's very docile, and only fights if it really has to. In the prehistoric past, Donzhetan served as a grazer in the deep jungles, feeding on only the biggest of leaves to make sure they grow to be huge. It's huge size meant it was very slow, and it was unable to escape any predators that it couldn't defeat, though some scientists claim that it's extinction was instead due to it requiring too much energy to function due to it's abnormally large metabiolism rate: Donzhetan could clear an entire jungle of plants in a single day. Fortunately, revived Donzhetans can easily be satisfied by feeding them large sheets of algae.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (278)

Revived from a Fern Fossil, Mesozimimus is a Gallimimus Pokémon that gather in herds of ten to fifty individuals. It camouflages itself by resembling a tree fern of it's time period, and it is a very fast and skilled egg hunter, with one Mesozimimus distracting the parents while the rest of them snatch the eggs unseen. It's brown coloration comes from the fact it believed that color to be to the best form of camouflage, and it was a vibrant green in the prehistoric past. It's said that Mesozimimus only fed on the eggs of Grass-type Pokémon, leading to their extinctions: although Mesozimimus was able to adapt by eventually gaining a taste for all kinds of eggs, it went extinct supposedly because grazer Pokémon kept mistaking it as an actual fern, eating them while they were still camouflaged. Fern Fossils are often provided to young people at history museums as a memento of their visit, thus getting a Mesozimimus very easy if you know where to look.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (279)

Dragon/Normal --> Dragon/Normal --> Dragon/Normal
Although it appears to be a prehistoric Pokémon, Hatchil, a Tyrannosaurus Pokémon, is still alive today! It managed to survive extinction by sealing itself in it's eggshell, which is as tough as solid diamond, making Hatchil a form of living fossil. Supporting safety above anything else, Hatchil refuses to leave this eggshell, instead standing completely still and biting anyone that comes across it, as it is a predator that secretly favours the heart of survival. Hatchils are the young forms of their evolution, Therosaur, which, unlike it, did become extinct due to it's low intelligence. Thus, all Therosaurs that appear today evolved from the Hatchils that survived extinction. Despite all this, it's a very talented predator, chasing down it's prey at speed they cannot outrun, before tearing them apart with it's powerful jaws that can snap a log in two in a single strike. It has trouble adapting to the Pokémon of the present, with young Therosaurs often failing to catch even the weakest of prey, so instead it relies on it's own primal instincts to keep it's heart going until it can catch them. Some say that Therosaur still acts like if it's in the prehistoric past, with it's fighting tactics being very similar to the ones it used on it's past prey. Therosaur eventually fully evolves into Tyrannomidia, a predator so devestating and so well skilled in the heart of the hunt, that some people have called it "The King Of The Dinosaurs". Possessing jaws strong enough to break even the toughest of shells, if you see Tyrannomidia in the wild, one's only defence is to run away, no matter how skilled you are. Once Tyrannomidia sees it's prey, it will never stop chasing it until the prey perishes, and it's tough skin allows it to continue the chase even through the roughest of environments. It's trademark feature is it's powerful roar that can deafen even the strongest of ears, though some scientists claim that this roar is due to evolutionary adaptation, and it was a very deep growl in the past. Like it's pre-evolution, though, there was a time where the only Tyrannomidias that existed were ones that evolved from the surviving Hatchils, but even they sparked fear into the bravest of villages, who thought it was a god of destruction.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (280)

Electric/Flying --> Electric/Flying --> Electric/Flying
Like Hatchil, Anovol is a prehistoric Pterodactyl Pokémon that managed to avoid extinction. It did so by hiding thunderclouds, safe from any extinction level events, though it's quite a nervous Pokémon, with most Anovols never leaving the thunderclouds they were born in out of the danger that another extinction level event will wipe them out. Due to this, Anovol was once believed to have been extinct until a traveller discovered one falling from it's thundercloud home. It's said to be one of the first Pokémon able to conduct electricity, doing so by absorbing lightning bolts through it's wings which it's own internal organs then multiplied for use in cooking food or to fry it's prey. It evolves into Pthuera, which is now brave enough to fully explore the world. As it flies, it leaves behind volts of static electricity that the ancient Pokémon of the past once believed to be stars in the daylight, and they payed treatment to them, thinking it was a gift from the Legendary Pokémon of that time. It hunts down prey by swooping down and electrocuting them with electrical volts comparable to power stations, and it was believed that the first known sources of humans using electrical power to power their devices came from Pthuera itself. In the prehistoric past, Pthuera was the only evolved form of Anovol, which is why it's strength is comparable to some fully evolved Pokémon. However, when humans spread their woes and started using irridated materials, the radiation caused by the spirits animating from them caused some Pthueras to become their final stage of evolution, Thyodan. Now a living thunderstorm, Thyodan makes it's homes in volcanoes and mountains, flying at speeds fast enough to collapse entire towns into piles of rubble in microseconds. It rains down thunder from it's wings that can annihilate anything they touch, especially Pokémon that have disturbed the towns of the mountains that Thyodan lived in. It caused great destruction to many villages in the past, whose residents thought it was the wrath of a Legendary Electric Pokémon, and they paid tribute to it to try to get it stop, to no avail.

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Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (2024)


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