John Rishworth (abt.1450-bef.1537) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (2024)

John"of Coley Hall"Rishworth

Born about in Yorkshire, EnglandJohn Rishworth (abt.1450-bef.1537) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (1)

Ancestors John Rishworth (abt.1450-bef.1537) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (2)


of John Rishworthand Unknown (Lacy) Rishworth

[sibling(s) unknown]

[spouse(s) unknown]

Descendants John Rishworth (abt.1450-bef.1537) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (3)

Father ofAgnes (Rishworth) Waterhouse and Alexander (Rysshworth) Rishworth

Died before before about age 87in Yorkshire, EnglandJohn Rishworth (abt.1450-bef.1537) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree (4)

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The Birth Date is a rough estimate. See the text for details.


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Family
    • 1.2 Death
    • 1.3 Deeds and Convenances
    • 1.4 Research Notes
  • 2 Sources
    • 2.1 Acknowledgements


John was born about 1450. He was the son of John Rishworth and his wife, a daughter of John Lacy of Cromwellbottom.


The name of John's wife is unknown. Some online genealogy pages and family trees identify John Rishworth's wife as someone named Mary Keith, Mary Janet Keith or Janet Mary Keith, born in Kincardineshire, Scotland, who is said to have been the daughter of William Keith, 1st Earl of Marischal of Scotland. None of the pages that make that claim cite any reliable sources for it. On its face, the claim seems farfetched, and no evidence supporting the claim or otherwise identifying John's wife has been found.

John had the following children:

  • Alexander, b. say 1475. -m- Grace Townley.[1][2][3][4] Alexander's date of birth is estimated based on his father's estimated date of birth and the fact that his son was said to have been over 30 at the time of John's IPM in 1537.
  • Agnes, m. John Waterhouse. [5] There is a window in Shibden Hall on which are shown the arms of Waterhouse and Rishworth.[4]


He passed away before 1537.

Post Mortem Inquisition was dated 4 Oct 1537. [6] [1][3][2]

29 Henry VIII Inquisition taken before Thomas Grene, esq., escheator in the county of York, after the death of John Rysworth, late of Coley, esq., by the oath of John Heslerton, esq., Richard Boorman, Francis Bolmarr, William Stokdale, William Boynton, Henry Essheley, Henry Baite, Francis Williamson, Edmund Chapman, Richard Esheley, William Robertes, Robert Waterhous, John Drakem and Robert Holme.

John Rissorth was seized in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Haworth, and of 12 messuages, 40 acres of wood, 1000 acres of waste, 200 acres of pasture, a watermill, and the following yearly free rents, 4s. 9d. from the lands and tenements of Christopher Pyhils, 3s. from those of Thomas Whiteacres, 2s. 8½d. from those of Christpher Rissworth, 2s. 6d., from those of Richard Mychell, 2s. from those of William Hollyns, 2d. from those of John Estburn, and 4d. from those of William Smyth of Maningham.

Also the manor of Collay, and 2 messuages, 40 acres of meadow, 100 acres of wood, and 200 acres of pasture in Colley; and of 6 messuages, 12 acres of meadow, 10 acres of wood, and 30 acres of pasture in Shelf; and one messuage, 1 acres of meadow, 3 acres of wood, and 20 acres of pasture in Merton in Craven; and of 2 messuages, 12 acres of meadow, 6 aces of wood, and 30 acres of pasture in Horton in Bradforthdalle; and of the following free rents from lands and tenements In Horton belonging to Christopher Sherpe, 2d., William Mortymer, 1d., and William Feld 2d.; of a close in Bradforth, and of the following free rents from the lands and tenements in Bradforth belonging to Thomas Newby, 8d., John Kentm 2d., Thomas Hogson 7d., John Robynson 10d., and Humphrey (Omfridi) Rishworth .... in Oxenope.

Being thus seized he gave all the aforesaid manors, etc., to Nicholas Tounley, John Lacy, son of Thomas Lacy esqs., William Barcroft and John Waterhouse.

John Waterhous survived the other feoffees, John Ryschworth died and the premises descended to John Rishworth, then alive, as his cousin and heir of the aforesaid John Rishworth.

The manor, etc., of Hawworth, with the appurtenances there and in Bradforth, worth yearly 20 marks, and held of the king as of his manor of Tikyll, parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster, by the service of the 17th part of one knight's fee.

The manor of Colley, etc., held of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England by fealty, and a yearly rent of 5d., in lieu of all services, worth 5 marks a year clear, The messuage, etc., in Marton, held of Henry, earl of Cumberland, as of his castle of Skipton as the (blank) part of one knight's fee, worth yearly 13s. 4d. The messuage, 12 acres of meadow, etc., in Horton, held of John Lacy esq., by fealty and a yearly rent of 10d., in lieu of all services, worth 20s., a year.

The other messuage and premises in Horton held by the king as of his castle of Tykhill by fealty and a yearly rent of 3d., in lieu of all services, worth yearly 20s.

Whose heir is John Rysheworth, son of Alexander, son of John heir, was aged 30 and upwards. [7]

Deeds and Convenances

22 Aug 1459 [8]

John is listed along with his brother, James, as heirs in his father's probate.
Item on the 22nd day of August A.D. 1459 Administration of all the goods of John Rishworth late of Colay in the parish of Halifax deceased intestate was committed to John Rishworth and James [Jacobo] Rishworth sons of the said deceased, and Richard Rokes of the same parish, the administrators deputed by the ordinary authority in the goods of the same, they being sworn in form of law. [Does having a administrator i.e. Richard Rokes, mean that the brothers were under age?]

05 Apr 1474 [9]

John was listed as an heir in his grandfather John Lacy of Cromwellbottom's will

05 Feb 1478[10]

John Rishworth paid, 6s. 8d. for 1.5 bovates heriots after death of his father, John Rishworth, for lands formerly of Henry Copley, a plot called Hekdeyne, and another formerly waste, east of Coldelay.[11][1][4]


John and Edmund Ryshworth, and Richard Rookes of Roides Hall, were fined 4d each for not attending the greave election

1488 [13]

4 Henry VII. Grant by John Rishworth, esq., to Nicholas Tounley [Townley], John Lacy, son of Thomas Lacy, esquire, William Barcroft, and John Waterhouse, of all his manors, etc., in Haworth, Coley, Bradford, Maningham, Shelf, Horton, Hipperholme, and elsewhere in the county of York. (1) Power of attorney to Henry Bacheler to deliver seisin. Witnesses, Thomas Lacy, Henry Sayville, esquires, William Wilkinson, Thomas Ecclesley, Richard Fourne.
The intent of the feoffment, to which this present writing indentid is annexed, is such that the feoffments therein named shall suffer lands and tenements with their appurtenances in Coley, of the yearly value of iiij [4] marks, to be set and latten to ferme by John Risshworth esquire, in the same feoffment named, or his assignees, for the term of X [10] years next following the day of the decease of the said John. And that all fermez and profits coming and groving of the said lands and tenements during all the same term to be disposed after the will and pleasure of the said John.
And if it happen the said John to decease afore the end of X [10] years next to come after the date in the same feoffment written then the said feoffments shall suffer other lands and tenements with their appurtenances in Coley aforesaid of the yearly value of vj [6] marcs ouer the said lands and tenements of the yearly value of iiij [4] marcs to be set also and latten to ferme by the said John or his assignees for term of X years, next following after the day of the decease of the said John, to pay his debts and to fulfill his last will with the fermez and profits coming and groving thereof during all the same term, according as in an indenture made of the marriage betwixt Alexander Rissworth, son and heir apparent of the said John, and Grace, daughter of Laurence Touneley esquire, more plainly is specified and contained. And also, the said feoffments shall fulfill and cause to be performed all the poyntes and articlez to them pertaining, specified and contained in the same indenture.

15 Oct 1488 [14]

John arranged a dower for Grace Townley on the marriage of his son, Alexander.
Grant by John Risshworth, esq., to Grace, daughter of Laurence Tounelay [Townley], esq., whom Alexander Rishworth, his son and heir apparent, was to marry, of two messuages, etc., in Horton, in the tenure of Richard Hall and Thomas Smythis, of a parcel of ground in Little Horton in the tenure of John Roper; of a yearly rent of 2d. from the lands of Christopher Sharp in Horton; of a yearly rent of 1d. from the lands of John Mortymer in Horton; of a yearly rent of 12s. 4d. from a parcel of land in Bradford, called Milneholme; of a tenement in Bradford, lying to the north of le Kirkebrigge, in the tenure of William Rauson; of an annual rent of 18.d from lands formerly belonging to William Dicson in Bradford, in the tenure of Thomas Thomlynson; of a yearly rent of 4s. from the lands of William Smyth in Manyngham; of a parcel of land in Haworth, called Whiterode, in the tenure of William Pighils; of a messuage and all his lands in the same vill in the tenure of John Risshworth; and of a yearly rent of 7s. 9d. from lands in Haworth in the tenure of John Stansfeld. To hold for her life, rem. to the heirs of the bodies of Alexander and Grace. Reversion to the right heirs of the grantor. Proviso that if there be a divorce at Grace’s suit this indenture to be void. Power of attorney to Thomas Smythis to deliver seisin. Witnesses, Thomas Lacy, Henry Sayville, esqs., William Wilkynson.


In an indenture in connection with the marriage of his son Alexander Rishworth, his son and heir, to Grace, daughter of Lawrence Townley, Esq, John Rishworth, Esq. granted all his manors and lands in Howarth, Coley, Bradford, Manningham, Shelf, Horton, Hipperholme, and elsewhere, in trust to certain feoffees/trustees.


Elizabeth Bynnes, widow, conveyed 1/2 acre formerly waste to John Ryshhworth, Esq. and John Wilby.

1510. [15]

John Rysshworth and John Wilby regrant to Alice, daughter of Elizabeth Bynnes, part of an acre.

1511 [15]

John Risshworth, Esq. was among those surving on the jury at a Turn in April 1511.

1513 [16]

John Rissheworth, Esq. was among those who served on the jury at the Brighouse Turn on October 19, 1513.

1514. [17]

John Risshworth, Esq. was among those who served on the Brighous Turn in 1514.


John Rissheworth, Esq. took 3 rodes, waste, between Collay slake E., highway W., Kirkeway S., Shelf township N.

1530 [19]

John Rysshworth, Esq. surrended to come into force after his decease 1.5 bovates at Hekden, west of Coley, &c. to William Frost, Esq, Richard Rooks de Rodeshall, Robert Ryssheworth, Robert Waterhouse, William Sayvile and Richard Stanclyff, for ten years, to perform requirements of his will.

1532 [19]

John Rysshworth conveyed 1 acre 1 rod, and Umfri Rysshworth conveyed 1 acre, to John son and heir of Alexander Rysshworth.

1533 [2][3]

John Waterhouse of Halifax, the surving trustee of the 1489 marriage settlement, confirmed to John Ryssworth of Coley, all the messuages and lands in Howard, Coley, Bradford, etc., that were conveyed to the said John Waterhouse, on trust, by John Rysshworth, deceased, grandfather of the above John Rysshworth.

Research Notes

In Halifax Wills i, p19, John Rissheworth of HIPPERHOLME, it states, March 4, 1475. Administration of goods of John Rissheworth, late of Hyperon, parish of Halyfax, granted to Christopher Rissheworth of the same.

In Yorkshire Deed iii, p121, n 3; states John Rissworth of COLEY HALL, Administration of his goods was granted on March 4, 1475 citing above, but dosen't mention a Christopher.

Is this possibly a different John Rishworth line, maybe son of Henry, son of Henry who died c 1418?

Pearson & Parker had a different death date of 1533, as established by a record dated that date that refers to him as deceased in turned over land held in trust to his grandson.[2][3]

In Halifax Wills i, p19, John Rissheworth of HIPPERHOLME, it states, March 4, 1475. Admonistration of goods of John Rissheworth, late of Hyperon, parish of Halyfax, granted to Christopher Rissheworth of the same.

In Yorkshire Deed iii, p121, n 3; states John Rissworth of COLEY HALL, Administration of his goods was granted on March 4, 1475 citing above, but dosen't mention a Christopher.

Different John Rishworth line, possibly a son of Henry, son of Henry?



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4Yorkshire Deeds, Vol. 1, edited by William Brown, publ. 2013 by Cambridge University Press. p. 227. Link to page at
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5Pearson, M. "Northowram Old Halls. Papers Read by the Rev. M. Pearson, on a Visit Made June 6ht, 1903. Papers, Reports, &c., Read Before the Halifax Antiquarian Society, 1901. pp. 290-293, 296-297. Link to pages at
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5Parker, James. Illustrated Brambles from Hipperholme to Tong. 1904. pp. 277-278. Link to pages at
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4Rishworth, Frank S., "Notes on the Rishworth Families of Yorkshire." Formerly at Link to archived copy at
  5. 5.0 5.1"A short pedigree of Sir Thomas Hallifax's family," Suffolk Record Office - HAS19/63. Link to image at
  6. "Yorkshire Deeds," Volume 1. Edited by William Brown. The Yorkshire Archaeological Society Record Series Volume 39. (1907) Printed by Knights and Foster for the Society, Leeds, England. Digital Image: Page 52 #142
  7. Website The National Archives Inquisition post mortem. Reference: CH:1/7. Held by: West Yorkshire Archive Service, Calderdale
  8. "Halifax Wills Being Abstracts And Translations Of The Wills Registered At York From The Parish Of Halifax" Volumes 1 & 2, 1389 to 1544. Edited by J. W. Clay and E. W. Crossley, Compiled by A. Gibbons and John Lister, Printed for the editors, (Yorkshire. undated); Digital Image: Page 12
  9. "Halifax Wills, page 19.
  10. "Yorkshire Deeds," Volume 1. Edited by William Brown. The Yorkshire Archaeological Society Record Series Volume 39. (1907) Printed by Knights and Foster for the Society, Leeds, England. Digital Image: Page 227
  11. 11.0 11.1Turner, J. Horsfall. The History of Brighouse, Rastrick and Hipperholme. 1893. p. 126. Link to page at
  12. 12.0 12.1Turner, J. Horsfall. The History of Brighouse, Rastrick and Hipperholme. 1893. p. 128. Link to page at
  13. "Yorkshire Deeds," vol 1, page 84 #225
  14. "Yorkshire Deeds," vol 1, page 95 #251
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3Turner, J. Horsfall. The History of Brighouse, Rastrick and Hipperholme. 1893. p. 136. Link to page at
  16. 16.0 16.1Turner, J. Horsfall. The History of Brighouse, Rastrick and Hipperholme. 1893. p. 137. Link to page at
  17. 17.0 17.1Turner, J. Horsfall. The History of Brighouse, Rastrick and Hipperholme. 1893. p. 138. Link to page at
  18. 18.0 18.1Turner, J. Horsfall. The History of Brighouse, Rastrick and Hipperholme. 1893. pp. 138-139. Link to page at
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2Turner, J. Horsfall. The History of Brighouse, Rastrick and Hipperholme. 1893. p. 143. Link to page at


Thank you to everyone who contributed to this profile

  • Rose Edwards

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