Damson recipes | Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall (2024)

Of all the wild fruits that start to become available as summer segues into autumn, damsons are perhaps the easiest to love. This may be because they are not truly wild, but generally escapees from domestic cultivation – plums gone rogue, if you will. A subspecies of Prunus domestica, they are close siblings of garden plums. Yet, havingshaken off the shackles of horticulture and made a break for freedom, they're there for the taking, which is one more point in their favour, as far as I'm concerned.

You will find damsons growing in all kinds of locations, some quite wild – woodland and riverbanks – others much more urban, including allotments and waste ground. Coming across a tree-full is the equivalent of hitting the foraging motherlode. Deeply fond as I am ofall kinds of hedgerow berries, damsons seem particularly generous and inviting. These gorgeous plums have skins that are dark as midnight and overlaid by a soft, dusky bloom. When they start to arrive around the end of August, they put themselves forth in profusion, weighing down the branches like great purple gems. As long as you have access to a ladder, they are extremely easy to gather. And as long as you have some sugar in your kitchen, they are immensely rewarding to cook.

It is technically possible to enjoy damsons straight off the tree, but only if you've found the right variety growing in a sunny spot so they're burstingly ripe – and that's a state that the local bird and wasp populations are unlikely to consent to. If you pick them sooner, eaten raw they will probably overwhelm you with tannic, cheek-hollowing sourness. However, like so many tart fruits, once cooked and sweetened, they surrender the most wonderful, complex, deep flavour.

They make glorious crumbles and cobblers, fabulous ice-creams and sorbets, and a sophisticated, wine-dark jam that is one of the finest things you'll ever get out of a preserving pan. It's not hard, either: just simmer 2kg damsons with 800ml water until soft, scoop out the stones with a slotted spoon, add 2.3kg sugar, stir to dissolve, boil for 10 minutes then test for the setting point.

So keep your eyes peeled over thenext few weeks and, if you spotsome branches laden with purple fruit, make the most of it as soon as you can. It only takes one enthusiast with preserving ambitions to strip a tree, and much disappointment can result from thinking, "Ooh, I'll come back for those in a couple of days..."

Of course, the surest way to avoid such pitfalls is to grow your own. The trees are pretty hardy and, if you have limited space, can be trained against a sunny fence or wall. Or, for faux wildness, stick them in a hedge (clear away competitive growth around the planting site first). Excellent varieties include the Farleigh damson and the Shropshire prune damson, while King and Merryweather are, when ripe, bothsweet enough to eat raw. Even the tame ones taste pretty wild, so Ipredict you will find them impossible to resist.

Cheesecake with damson sauce

This simple, crustless cheesecake issuch a favourite of mine that Isometimes eat it for breakfast. However, bathed in a glorious, richdamson sauce, it makes a fantastic pud. Serves eight.

600g curd cheese, cream cheese or very fresh, mild, rindless goat's cheese (preferably unsalted)
50g unsalted butter, melted and cooled slightly
2 tbsp medium oatmeal, semolina orwholemeal flour
100g caster sugar
2 medium eggs, lightly beaten
Grated zest of 2 small oranges

For the damson sauce
500g damsons
125g caster sugar

To make the sauce, put the damsonsin a pan with 200ml water. Bring to asimmer and cook gently, stirring regularly, for 10-15 minutes, until the fruit has collapsed and thestones have come free. Tip into asieve and rub through with a wooden spoon to remove the stonesand skins. Sweeten the damson purée by whisking in sugar to taste – how much sugar you need will depend on the tartness of the fruit and your personal taste – and leave to cool.

Heat the oven to 170C/335F/gas mark 3 and butter a 20cm springform cake tin. Beat the cheese with a wooden spoon until smooth (if using an unsalted goat's cheese, add a pinch of salt). Add the melted butter, oatmeal, semolina or flour, sugar, eggs and orange zest, mix well, spoon into the tin and smooth the top. Bake for 25-30 minutes, until just set.

Serve the cheesecake, cut into wedges, warm or at room temperature, with generous spoonfuls of the luscious, purple sauce ladled over the top.

Duck with damson sauce

Damson recipes | Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall (1)

If you manage to glean only a handful of damsons, this is a terrific use for them. Serves five to six.

1 large (2.2-2.5kg) free-range duck
Sea salt and freshly ground blackpepper
250g damsons
1 thumb-sized piece fresh ginger, peeled and roughly chopped
2 garlic cloves, peeled and finelysliced
1 pinch dried chilli flakes
2 tbsp soy sauce
2-3 tsp redcurrant or crab apple jelly

Heat the oven to 220C/425F/gas mark 7. If the duck is tied up, untruss it and gently pull the legs apart, away from the body – this will help the heat get to the meat. Season the duck skin well with salt and pepper. Put the bird in a roasting tin and roast for about 20 minutes, so the fat starts to run. Baste the bird with any rendered fat or juices, then cover it tightly with foil. Return to the oven and reduce the temperature to 150C/300F/gas mark 2, and cook for two to three hours, until the meat is very tender and easily comes away from the bone.

Put the damsons in a small, ovenproof dish and roast in the oven for the last 30 minutes of the duck's cooking time, to soften them.

Tip up the bird, pour any fat or juices out of the cavity into the roasting tin, and transfer the duck toa warmed plate to rest. Carefully pour off most of the fat from the roasting tin (save it in the fridge for next time you roast potatoes), leaving the brown juices in the tin.

Set the tin over a low heat, add theginger, garlic and chilli flakes, and cook, stirring, for two to three minutes. Add the soy sauce and four or five tablespoons of water, followed by the damsons, and simmer, stirring occasionally, for four to five minutes, until the fruit is tender and you can easily crush it with a wooden spoon. Now press this spicy damson compote/gravy through a sieve to remove the damson stones and skins, and the chunks of ginger and garlic. If the sauce is not thick enough for your liking, return it to a clean pan, bring to a boil and simmer for a minute or two to thicken. When it's the right consistency, whisk in the redcurrant jelly and taste – you may want to add more jelly, or another dash of soy.

To serve, take the meat from the duck – it should be forkably tender – and divide between warmed plates. Spoon the sauce over and around the meat, and serve. Noodles and wilted pak choi are a great accompaniment.

Damson cheese

This traditional fruit "cheese" is avery thick, sliceable preserve thatisimmensely good served with actual cheese. It keeps for ages. Makes 850-900g.

2kg damsons
Around 750g granulated sugar

Put the damsons in a large preserving pan, add a couple of tablespoons of water and bring slowly to a simmer, stirring as the fruit begins to release its juices. Leave to simmer until completely soft. Tip the contents of the pan into a sieve and rub it through to remove the stones and skin, leaving you with a smooth damson purée.

Measure the purée by volume. For every 500ml, add 350g sugar, and combine in a large, heavy-based pan. Bring to a simmer over a low heat, stirring to dissolve the sugar, then cook gently, stirring regularly so it doesn't catch, until reduced to a thick purée. It's ready when you drag the spoon across the bottom of the pan and the base stays clearly visible for a second or two. This can take up to an hour of gentle, popping simmering and stirring.

Pour the "cheese" into very lightly oiled shallow plastic containers and leave to cool and set. It will keep almost indefinitely in the fridge. Serve in slices with bread and cheese, or, if you fancy, cut into cubes, dust lightly with granulated sugar and serve as a petit four.

Damson vodka

This rivals sloe gin for rich, sweet, deliciousness. Make it now for drinking next Christmas (allowing yourself a taster or two on bottling, of course). Makes around 1.5 litres.

1kg damsons, washed
500g sugar
1 litre vodka

Prick each damson several times with a pin, then transfer to a large, clean Kilner jar, demijohn or other suitable glass container with a tight-fitting lid or stopper. Add the sugar, pour in the vodka, seal and leave in a cool place away from direct sunlight. Every week or two, turn the jar on its head, then back again. After six months, strain the liquid through several layers of muslin, then bottle and seal tightly. Leave for at least another six months. It will be even better after two years – or more – provided you have the patience.

Hugh's new book, Three Good Things, is published by Bloomsbury at £25. To order a copy for £16 (including free UK mainland p&p), go to guardian.co.uk/bookshop orcall 0330 333 6846.

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Damson recipes | Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall (2024)


What to do with damsons left over from damson gin? ›

Decant the gin into a clean gin bottle then use the fruit to accompany a roast pork or pheasant. Damsons that have been strained from their liquor can be stoned and stirred into the cooking juices of a roast loin of pork or fillet of venison.

What can be made from damsons? ›

Damson recipes
  • Damson gin. A star rating of 4.7 out of 5. ...
  • Damson crumble. A star rating of 3.3 out of 5. ...
  • Damson jam. A star rating of 3.6 out of 5. ...
  • Damson jelly. A star rating of 4.4 out of 5. ...
  • Spiced damson cheese. A star rating of 5 out of 5. ...
  • Caraway oatcakes with stilton & damson jam. ...
  • Damson vodka.

Can I freeze damsons before making jam? ›

Damsons freeze perfectly.

Just wash well and weigh them before freezing. Best used within three months. No need to defrost before starting the jam. Just add to the pan and proceed as above with the Damson Jam Recipe.

How do you thicken Damson jam? ›

Add pectin.

Whisk a tablespoon of powdered pectin (preferably the no-sugar-needed variety) into the pot of cooking jam. Test for thickness and add another tablespoon if needed. Learn More About Pectin: What's the Deal with Pectin?

How do you get stones out of damsons for jam? ›


If you don't like the idea of leaving stones in, you can cut down the length of the damson and twist, then use a knife to lever the stone out. Another option is to sieve the jam after cooking, although this will give a different texture. Alternatively just leave them in and warn your guests!

Should you wash damsons before freezing? ›

Here's how to freeze berries so they last longer

Make sure berries are clean and free from any damage or soft spots. Wash fruit gently and dry thoroughly on kitchen paper. 2. The texture will soften when berries defrost, because of cell damage from ice crystals, but using this sugaring technique helps minimise damage.

What are damsons called in America? ›

The damson (/ˈdæmzən/) or damson plum (Prunus domestica subsp. insititia, or sometimes Prunus insititia), also archaically called the "damascene", is an edible drupaceous fruit, a subspecies of the plum tree.

Are damsons a laxative? ›

Damson plums are good for you being very high in dietary fibre which is a key part of our digestive health as it helps move food through our digestive tract, eliminating constipation, bloating, cramping and more serious conditions such as colorectal cancer and gastric ulcers.

What is the difference between a damson and a damson plum? ›

According to Wikipedia…. The main difference between damsons and plums is actually more to do with the shape than the taste. Damsons are smaller than plums and don't have the distinct longitudinal groove that plums typically have. The versatility of the distinct Damson flavour is virtually limitless.

What is the best way to preserve damsons? ›

Damsons, Whole, Wet "Get some of the largest and best damsons, and prick them with a pin at each end, boiling some syrup on a brisk fire, in your preserving pan for a quarter of an hour ; then put your damsons in, and boil them twenty minutes ; put them in an earthen pan, cover them up with paper, and skim them as they ...

Do damsons contain a lot of pectin? ›

Also please make sure that the pulp has not fermented before using it. Damson jam is delicious and generally you can use equal quantities of damsons and sugar - damsons are high in pectin so you can use normal sugar for the jam if fresh damsons are used.

Why won't my damson jelly set? ›

We would suggest simmering the damsons just until they are soft then drawing the pan off the heat and picking out the stones (pits) before adding the sugar. The other main reason for jam not setting is that it wasn't boiled for long enough once the sugar has dissolved, so did not reach setting point.

Does lemon juice thicken jam? ›

Lemon is crucial to balancing those sweet flavors, but it also helps the pectin to firm up the jam. It can be added at the start of the cooking process or towards the end, but what must be taken into account is that adding liquids to the jam mixture will inevitably require the jam to cook for longer.

What is the best sugar for jam? ›

Coarse-grain white granulated sugar is best for jam-making as it ensures a good clear jam, but fine caster sugar can also be used. The coarse grains dissolve more slowly and evenly, giving a better result. Granulated sugar with added pectin is also available, but it shouldn't be necessary to use this.

Should you stir jam while it's boiling? ›

5. Do Not Stir Once Mixture Is Boiling. Once your jam/marmalade it has reached a rapid rolling boil do not stir it. Stirring it will alter the temperature of the jam/marmalade meaning it will take longer to reach the setting point.

What to do with fruit after making gin? ›

Don't throw away gin-soaked sloe berries once your gin has finished infusing. Instead, turn leftover sloes into moreish chocolates. Remove any remaining pips from your berries, lay them in a single layer on a lined baking sheet and dust with cinnamon and orange zest.

What to do with sloe berries after making gin? ›

  1. Decant the sloe berries from the gin and put the sloes into a lidded container.
  2. Mix in the sugar and wine, stir well and leave for up to three months. Give it a shake as and when you remember.
  3. After three months add in the brandy. ...
  4. Decant the sloe port from the container and enjoy!
Dec 20, 2023

How long does damson gin keep for? ›

How long can you keep damson gin? As long as the damson gin is left in a cool, dark place in a clean container, you should be able to keep it for a year.


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