Before You See Me - Chapter 9 - pastequesix (2024)

Chapter Text

Five Months Later

Picking up Lestat at Louis Armstrong had become one of Louis’ most favourite things to do these days. He’d done it twice, and today would be the third time.

Lestat would practically be unrecognisable in a hoodie, sunglasses, hat and mask to cover his face and hair. Accompanying him would be Barbara, who would leave Lestat with Louis, and then get on another plane to St. Louis to visit her family. At the arranged time, she’d pick up Lestat and take him back to France with her.

Despite both Lestat and Louis desperately wanting to move in together straight away, one major thing had thrown a spanner in the works- the US government’s Customs & Border Protection’s strict protocols on how to bring pets into the country. It meant chasing Mojo's paperwork and health records. The seeing-eye dog’s training school was helpful with the records after Mojo arrived there. But, being one of the seven puppies rescued from a dump at one month old, Mojo did not come with a fancy birth certificate from a dog’s breeder. In the end, Mojo had had to suffer through blood tests and booster vaccines and then awaiting document checks, confirmations and approvals.

Meanwhile, Lestat had locked up the house in Cargèse and had moved to stay with Armand and Daniel in Paris. He was going to twice-weekly therapy there and would continue with the same therapist after he'd moved back to the States. Even on Lestat’s first visit, after just a few weeks of therapy, Louis could tell that Lestat’s outlook on life and his own self-worth had changed for the better. He was more confident about Louis’ love for him and accepting of the fact that he deserved to be loved.

From the airport, Louis would drive them straight home and they'd immediately end up in bed, their pent-up desires not subsiding until they at least had made love three times, and Louis wouldn’t have had it any other way.

The visits only strengthened Louis’ love for Lestat. Every time he had to take Lestat back to the airport, he could imagine himself abandoning his life in NOLA and running off to France. They could live in the beach house forever and Louis would be content with that. His willingness to forsake everything to be with Lestat was too scary to contemplate.

Lestat sensibly reminded Louis that his cornea transplant would be performed in New Orleans anyway, so if Louis just kept busy with his studies, Lestat and Mojo would be moved in before he knew it.

Problem was Louis absolutely hated to be apart from him. Lestat was right. Two weeks together in five months had been excruciating! Louis could not wait for the day Lestat and Mojo would finally come to stay, and that day was today!

One of the things they did together during Lestat's visits was to go to the initial consultations with Dr. L. D. Memnoch at the Bioengineered Corneal Research Centre, slightly outskirt of New Orleans.

Back in Paris, Fareed had told them that the students at the university nicknamed Memnoch ‘Le Diable’ because he dished out many more torturous assignments than any other lecturers. However, when Louis first met the man, he wondered whether Memnoch had earned the name solely from his looks.

With smooth, seemingly ageless skin, thick, slanting brows, onyx irises that seemed to be too large for the whites of his almond-shaped eyes, Memnoch sported a sharp black goatee that accentuated a very pointy chin. His glossy black hair was straight and slightly raised on two bumps on top of the head, making it look like he had horns. He had a disarmingly friendly voice.

“Monsieur Wilde, I must say I’m a big fan of your work! Ah, call you Lestat? Of course. You may call me... Dr. Memnoch! Now, as we know, artificial corneal transplantation surgery is a very complex, multi-stage procedure. We don’t just accept any case referred to us. After passing the general physical and psychological examinations, we also take the patient’s expectations, ability to adapt to blindness, and coping mechanism into consideration. We also consider whether they have a good support system at home. Acknowledging your previous rejection of your donated corneas and assessing your case as a whole, we have deemed you an excellent candidate for the surgery. My assistant will go through the risk factors that can influence the outcomes, which you can also find in that take-home information pack, so you can go home and think about it before you give your consent.”

“Pre-op, you’ll have to complete various tests with your ophthalmologist. But having done it all before, Lestat, I’m sure you know what you’re up against. Post-op, you’ll stay overnight in the hospital and come back for appointments with the opthalmologist and specialised nurses. They will assist with the post-operative care.”

“Since they're synthetic, there shouldn't be any chance of my body rejecting them again, d'accord?”

“On the record, I would never say 'never'.” Dr. Memnoch winked at Louis, “But off the record, very unlikely.”

“When will I recover my vision?”

“On the record, no guarantee.” Those black eyes gleamed, “Off the records, two to three weeks.”

“Will there be a chance that I won’t see even after the operation?”

He answered without hesitation, “Yes, there's a chance you won’t see but," he whispered conspiratorially, "...and I'm not supposed to say this, the chance that your vision will be restored is infinitely greater because I am your surgeon.

He smiled smugly as Louis gave Lestat's hand a reassuring squeeze.

When they were shown to the door, Louis asked in a casual tone, “May I ask what L. D. stand for, Doctor?”

The glinting black eyes seemingly penetrated through to Louis’ soul as he paused for dramatic effect before whispering, “Lucifer Daemōn .”

Louis’ mouth fell open while Lestat frowned. “For real?”

Memnoch rolled his eyes. “Unfortunately not. It’s Leroi David. Look, I’m very aware of what my students call me. I may or may not have made up rumours about myself to generate interest. Many people come to my lectures just to see if I have a tail. Also, I find assuming this moniker to be more successful than any dating apps out there.” He laughed, very amused with himself.

Louis wasn't sure about Memnoch's character as a human being, but he'd heard that with time, all brilliant surgeons would likely acquire a God-complex. Cutting into another human being everyday must twist you inside the soul somehow.

Fareed had told them that Memnoch's success rate was 92% and they both trusted Fareed. To Louis, a 92% chance compared to big fat zero for doing nothing, sounded like good odds.

Lestat was scheduled for surgery next week. Louis had taken three weeks off so he could take care of Lestat while he was recovering.

Louis was checking the list on his phone when his mobile rang. Lestat.

“Hey, baby, are you calling from the plane? What?! You’re already here! But that’s like... a whole hour early? I’m still at the shops! Oh, Barbara's taking you home? Okay, I’ll see you soon. Yes, I’ll drive slowly! I love you, see you at home.”

At home! He hummed happily while self-checking out of the grocery store and driving home.

Their home… The view of the Victorian French townhouse on Rue Royale with its ‘Paris Green’ wrought iron gate and upper gallery railings had never failed to make him smile with affection. At first, not wanting to use Lestat’s money, Louis was planning to put an offer on a small place out in the suburbs, but Lestat had taken his hands firmly in his own and asked Louis to take him to his ultimate dream house.

The next day, Lestat stood in the middle of the living room in the townhouse, while Louis, already falling in love with the interior as much as the exterior of the house, described all the details excitedly to Lestat. Arm in arm, they slowly walked through each room on both floors.

Louis would never forget the way Lestat had smiled indulgently at him, “Even I can see that you love it so much. Buy it, chѐri. I’m happy if you are.”

It was a grand and loving gesture on Lestat’s part as he paid the hefty deposit and signed papers to buy the townhouse. Quietly, Louis vowed to himself to pay back his half.

Just before Lestat left for France, they got the keys. Louis put one set in Lestat's hands. “This is for our new home together.”

Lestat had kissed him solemnly. “And to our new life in it.”

It was a great location, and like Lestat said, a great investment for Louis' future. It came with a side courtyard that was big enough for Mojo to run around in, and extra space for a home-gym, a music room and a spa, if not a pool, to be installed. And even a nursery…

One of the biggest worries in Louis’ mind was whether Lestat wanted children. One day, when they were snuggling together on the couch, the blond had asked in a hesitant voice, “I don’t know if I’ll ever see again, but do you ever picture us with a child or two, Louis?”

He had kissed Lestat’s eyes tenderly. “With you at my side, I absolutely do.”

That beautiful smile bloomed. “Then we shall. One, perhaps two.”

The moment Louis opened the door, he was accosted by a golden-haired being with a wagging tail and a wet nose that kept nudging Louis’ hand.

“Mojo! My goodness, look at you, wow! It’s been a while.”

He gave the excited golden retriever a hug and loving pats.

There were suitcases lined up against the wall under the staircase. Making plenty of noise with his feet, Louis followed the delighted Mojo over to the living room. Louis was proud to see how all the paths were clear of hazards. He had spent many days readying the house for Lestat.

He called out. “Hello, has my new housemate arrived?”

Lestat’s deep voice, booming from the living room, turned Louis’ brain into a puddle. “Chѐri, I’m in here.”

Louis found him sitting on the couch. Gone were the hoodie, cap and mask. Today, Lestat was wearing a black pinstripe suit, silk vest, black shirt and a tie. A pair of glasses tucked his gold hair away from his forehead and his big blue eyes. A black, shiny walking stick was resting at his side and Mojo sat with his head on his knee.

Behind and around them, on every available surface of the few tables in the room, were glass vases of all sizes, filled with giant bouquets of flowers.

Louis looked around in awe, the soft fragrance filling his nostrils. “Baby, did you buy out the entire shop?”

Lestat stared at his direction, somewhat straight-backed and nervous. Louis wondered if it was because of the formality of them moving in together, or the impending, nerve-wrecking surgery. Whatever was bothering Lestat, Louis was certain he could comfort him.

He put a smile into his voice, “Hello, my love.” He reached for Lestat’s outstretched hand, sat down on his lap and wrapped his arms around Lestat.

As always the first kiss after a long separation from his man, made Louis feel quite teary. He sighed into the kiss and hid his face in Lestat’s neck, inhaling his scent happily. “I’m so glad you’re here, baby. I’ve missed you so much. These past two months have been horrible.”

“I missed you too,” Lestat said shyly, “Do you like the flowers?”

“Yes is my answer to that, and yes please, to you f*cking me into the mattress in the next ten minutes.”

Lestat dimpled grin melted him. “I love what you’ve done to the place.”

Louis giggled at his joke. “We can choose special furniture items together in a few weeks, after you recover from your surgery. Gosh, baby, you look amazing.” He kissed him again, deliberately slowly. “Did you get changed at the airport? It’s so sweet of you to dress up for this.”

Frowning, he tugged at his own slim-fitting maroon sweater and the vintage Levi’s. “Now I feel under-dressed. Should I go change?” He started to get up but Lestat pulled him back down.

Shaking his head, the blond said, “It’s cold today, the sweater will keep you warm. Anyway, before anything else, let me ply you with beignets.” He reached for a box beside him, and soon Louis was feeding them both the hot, deep-fried golden treats.

Louis licked icing sugar off Lestat’s lips and nose, and after a cursory check, licked a wide stripe on Lestat’s neck and chin too. “Can’t have that there.”

All that time, Lestat smiled at him, his laugh was deep and soft, and he looked blissfully happy.

Hands all sticky, Louis reluctantly got up and said, “Oops, we've finished the whole box. I’m gonna go wash my hands, baby. How about you?”

Lestat shook his head. “They're clean. I kept them on your Levi-clad ass the whole time.”

“Okay. I’m gonna get the champagne. We’re celebrating.”

Louis went to the bathroom, chuckling to see icing sugar on his eyebrow and cheek. As he wiped them off and washed his hands, something pinged in his brain. He frowned.

Noiselessly, he tiptoed back to the living room. Lestat was talking to Mojo whose nose was under the table.

Non, ne mange pas ça, Mojo.” He pushed Mojo’s head away gently, picked up a beignet from the floor and chucked it into the empty box. Then he scolded quietly, “Beignets are not good for dogs.”

Louis withdrew himself to the kitchen. He must think about this because… What the f*ck!

A few minutes later, he marched back out with a piece of paper, stood in front of Lestat and brought it up to his eye-level, “Hey, Lestat. I’ve got a joke.”

With a thick, black marker, Louis had written- ‘’A BLIND MAN WALKED INTO A BAR...”

Lestat blinked several times.

Louis watched Lestat’s eyes like a hawk. He turned the paper around to reveal the next line: “… AND A TABLE… AND A CHAIR...”

Lestat suddenly snorted loudly, threw his head back and guffawed. Tears slid down his cheeks as he laughed. But when he registered Louis’ darkening scowl, he immediately tried to tamper down his glee, “Oh, mon Dieu, I’m so sorry, Louis. I can explain but wait, first, my side hurts.”

Louis didn’t know what to feel except confused and extremely annoyed. “I’m glad it hurts! What the hell, Lestat? You can see?! Did you already have the surgery? When was it?”

Lestat had managed to school his face into a more somber expression. “Yes and yes. Three weeks ago. Someone cancelled so I got slotted in. I’ve been in New Orleans for a month.”

Louis stared at him, emotions running through him like a freight train. “Was it fun to pull one over on me like that?”

Mon amour, I’m sorry! I swear I was gonna tell you straight away, but I kept getting distracted.”

“By what?”

“Why, by you, of course. You took my breath away and I haven't been able to think straight.”

“Well, perhaps you shouldn’t have lied!”

Lestat chortled when Louis smacked his arm. “I know, I know! I’m sorry. However, I didn’t lie. I just haven’t told... I mean I tried to compliment you on the décor, didn’t I?”

“I can’t believe you did that! And also, you didn’t tell me that you were here in my city for a whole month! We talked every night... every night! You could’ve told me!”

Mon cœur, you said you were gonna be inundated in the weeks leading up to my surgery. The new date and the subsequent appointments would’ve disrupted your study. I decided that this was best.”

Louis sat on his lap again, cupping his face between his hands, peering into those blue eyes and relishing how Lestat was really looking at him now, “Did it hurt a lot? Was it Barbara who took care of you?”

“Yes. We stayed at a condo next to the Centre. You know how far that place is from here, it was much more convenient to stay nearby. After the procedure, I had an appointment every day, even two sometimes.”

Louis pouted, “I wanted to be the first thing you saw when you got your eyesight back.”

Lestat chucked his chin with adoration, “Amour, how I wish that too. The first thing I saw was Memnoch’s horns, and I almost had a heart attack... I've only just recovered my eyesight a few days ago. I had eye shields on the entire first week and when they came off the second week, I couldn’t keep my eyes open too long. It was another week before they adjusted and became stronger. I have to wear these correctional glasses and get reassessed every few months.”

“So how much can you see now?”

“Nothing too far away, but I can see you very well.” Lestat said softly with reverence, “Ah, my Louis, half a year ago, I wouldn’t have thought I’d ever be able to but here we are...” His eyes suddenly shone with tears.

Louis' confidence evaporated away suddenly, “Am I what you imagined?”

Lestat placed his hands on Louis’ forehead and heart. “I’ve fallen in love with your brain and your voice, Louis. So, even if you look like that that fridge,” He pointed to the squat, mint-colour fridge in the kitchen, “I’d still love you.”

Following his eyes, Louis smiled, “Don’t you be dissin’ the old lady. I love her.”

“When I close my eyes and hear your voice, I know it’s you, Louis. But this visual feast…” Lestat’s eyes were filled with awe. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it. My phone, it doesn’t have a single photo of us. Armand asked if I wanted to see one, but I refused, because I wanted to experience you.”

He stared at Louis in amazement. “When you walked into the room, I felt light-headed. I thought to myself, I’ve ascended to Heaven, because you look like an angel, a saint... mon saint. My Saint Louis.”

“Hmm, that’s better than the fridge comment. Keep going because I haven’t forgiven you yet.”

“Louis, it was love at first sight and I got so struck by you, and forgot every word I’ve ever learned, English or French… and then you sat on my lap and kissed me!”

“Did you like it?”

“My first thought was, 'Excuse me, sir, you’re being very forward. We’ve just met!'”

Louis giggled merrily and repositioned himself so he could grind his hips against Lestat’s. “How about now? Too presumptuous, good sir?”

“No.” Lestat lifted his hips to meet his. “But I'll need more proof of indecency to be convinced.”

Louis bent down and kissed him hard on he mouth until they were both breathless. “How’s that?”

Lestat’s kiss-swollen lips enunciated slowly, “I love you, Louis.”

Every single time, it never failed to warm Louis from head to toe. “I love you, Lestat.”

Lestat gently caressed Louis’ face, his blue eyes filled with reverence and awe. “Are you really mine?”

“As much as you are mine. Are you?”

De tout mon coeur.” His blue eyes had been searching non-stop, seemingly scared of missing a moment, but now, had visibly relaxed. “You’re exquisite, chѐri. I’m scared that if I close my eyes you’ll disappear. Right now, I’m trying to memorize you.”

It took Louis a while to remind himself that this was one of the happiest moments in their lives together, but the lump in his throat had to be cleared before he could speak. He brushed away Lestat’s hair and kissed him softly, unhurriedly. His lips went over Lestat’s eyelids, forcing them to close.

“Every night when you close your eyes, I’m gonna be here. Every morning when you open your eyes, I’m gonna be here. That’s what living together means. Get used to me being here all the time. I mean, I even work here, so you're bound to get so sick of me.”

Eyes still closed, Lestat’s accepted being peppered with kisses gracefully. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you. Do I deserve you?”

Louis contemplated his questions for a while then, with green eyes glinting, he stood up, ignoring Lestat’s protest. “How far can you see? Here. Can you see me if I stand here?” He stood six feet away from the put-out blond. “Bear with me, baby.”

“Yes, I can see you but not so clearly. Let me try on these glasses…”

Louis’ brain was depleted of blood when he saw Lestat squinting at him from behind them. f*ck… that’s f*cking hot.

“Nah, as I thought, they don’t help much yet. It’s only day one with these.” Lestat put them on the table behind him. “Now, come back here so I can touch you.”

Louis moved two feet nearer, “How about now? Clearer?”

Lestat nodded. “Yes, yes! C’est magnifique. Come here.”

“Uh-uh.” Louis shook his head. “Stay seated and watch but remember to blink… and breathe.” He winked and pulled his maroon sweater over his head, flinging it to the chair.

“What are you doing? Oh, mon Dieu… are you…”

Next, Louis slowly peeled his tight, white top off and hurled it at Lestat, who laughed in delight, plucking it from the air and bringing it up to his nose to inhale Louis' scent. Unzipping his jeans and stepping out of them like a ballet dancer, Louis kicked them to the side.Now, just in his white boxers, Louis stood in the middle of the room. Lestat gave a loud wolf-whistle and Mojo barked in response, making them both giggle.

Louis turned around, giving Lestat a full view of his fine derriere. Then, very slowly, he bent down. Looking at the stunned blond from between his long, muscly legs, his hands went behind, cupping his own buttocks. And he smacked them; the sound echoed loudly in the cavernous room.

Lestat looked like he was about to faint.

Louis admonished, “Blink, baby, 'cause this’ gon be a looooong show.”

Satisfied that the blond had blinked a few times, he straightened up. Humming a sultry tune, he turned around, and holding Lestat’s gaze, he licked his own fingers, pinched his nipples, and sang the first line, “♪ I've been really trying, baby… ♪”

A wide grin spread on Lestat’s face. “… to kill me?”

Louis smiled and continued singing, “♪ … trying to hold back this feeling for so long… ♪” He came closer, fingers shimmying his boxers down two inches, then pulling them up again. He smirked when Lestat inhaled sharply with disappointment.

“♪ And if you feel like I feel, baby… ♪”

“I do! I do! I do! I do!” Lestat tried to grab him, but Louis swatted him away.

“Stop. No touching.” His voice held the gentlest tone, “Just use your beautiful new eyes and watch me.” He cleared the lump that came back in his throat away and hummed more sultry notes.

“♪ We're all sensitive people with so much to give… ♪” Louis’ had his back to Lestat again. Looking over his shoulder, watching those darkened pupils followed his hand’s movement, he finally pulled his boxers down, stepped out of them, and then agonizingly slowly, he bent down, giving the blond a peek of what was between his cheeks.

Lestat looked as if he’d seen the inside of Sinbad’s treasure cave. Lips parted, tongue licking at his dry lips, he adjusted his sitting position, legs wide apart showing the obvious tenting in his trousers.

Louis smirked, kneading his ass cheeks. “♪ Understand me, sugar… ♪”

Hands concealing his privates, he twirled around a few times and giggled when he saw Lestat staring up at him with pleading eyes.

Montre-moi tout ce que tu sais faire! Please, I need it.”

Louis took his time, dancing and strolling over to his impatient lover. Finally, standing tall in between Lestat’s legs, he ceremoniously uncovered his co*ck, one hand holding it out in front of Lestat’s face. “♪ Since we got to be here, let's live… ♪”

Gazing with heavy-lids at Lestat, whose eyes were crossed focusing on his co*ck, he scolded, “Excuse me, my eyes are up here.”

“Uh-huh.” Lestat swallowed his saliva and kept staring, “How long is this song?”

Louis cackled, “How dare you try to cut short Mr. Gaye!”

Lestat looked up in surprise. “Isn’t that a Sonic Death Monkey’s song?”

They both snorted with laughter as Louis fell on top of him. “Yes, yes, I believe it is.”

He felt Lestat’s big hands immediately circle his waist. Singing softly, Louis bent down and kissed Lestat between every word. “♪ I love you… there's nothing wrong with me loving you, baby, no, no... ♪”

He sucked Lestat’s tongue. “♪ And giving yourself to me can never be wrong ♪”

Nibbling that bottom lip had never felt more satisfying. “♪ If the love is true, oh, baby ♪ mmmmhhhf*ck!”

Lestat had grabbed his co*ck and started pumping hard as he serenaded back to him in deep baritone, while keeping his eyes on Louis’ face. “♪ Let's get it on, ooh, let's get it on, baby… This minute, oh yeah, let's get it on! ♪”

Louis growled and pounced on his mouth. Only two words could describe the kiss- extremely improper. Tongues and teeth clashed as they fought to dominate each other’s mouths.

Sliding and grinding his naked body on Lestat’s soft woolen suit, Louis was dizzy with arousal. It felt so sexy to be completely nude and vulnerable while his gorgeous lover was dressed to the nines in expensive suit and tie; a situation that Lestat was immediately trying to remedy.

His hands were unzipping his own trousers, and he was lifting his hips to slide them over his legs. Abruptly, he stopped and cried. “Louis, we can’t! Not in front of Mojo!”

The golden retriever thumped his tail and whined.

“It’s never bothered you before.” Louis cackled when he saw Lestat’s horrified face, “I’m just joking. Don’t worry, we’ve always been mindful of his innocence. Mojo will remain unsullied.” He dismounted his man and offered him a hand, “You know where the bedroom is?”

“No, I wanted to wait for you to show me around,”

Lestat took it and stood up. “Strange that my brain still tries to map out and memorize where things are, even though I don’t have to anymore.” He pulled Louis close, grabbed that perfect behind, lifted him up to his toes and kissed him again, “I can see, Louis.”

Those green eyes looked deeply into his, suddenly shy, “You can see, and now, you’ve seen all of me... I just hope-... I hope you like what you're seeing.”

Mon deux, mon Saint Louis. You’re a vision. You are so achingly beautiful it makes my head spin. Right now, all I can think about is that I wanna see what you look like when I suck your co*ck and eat you out. I need to watch every facial expression you make when I f*ck you slow and when I pound you hard to the mattress… I need it all right now!”

He was breathlessly trying to tear off his tie.

“Upstairs... now!”

They ran up the stairs to the bedroom as if their lives depended on it. Lestat didn’t even have time to look around before Louis’ hands were on his tie. Once it had came off, and he'd helped him shrug off his jacket, Lestat suddenly grabbed his hands to stop him.

“Wait.” His eyes were grave, “I can’t believe I got distracted again. I need to do something first.”

“What? What could possibly be more important than this?”

Louis’ eyes widened when Lestat’s hand disappeared into his suit jacket and pulled out an elegant velvet box.

His knees became immediately weak and he was glad that he could sit down on the bed, still naked as Eve, while Lestat, in his beautiful pinstripe suit, half-unbuttoned black shirt, his shimmering golden hair and his spellbinding blue-eyes, got on one knee in front of him.

“Louis de Pointe du Lac...”

Feeling that he was about to pass out, Louis put a hand up. “Wait, wait, what the hell is this timing, baby? I mean, I’m naked as the day I was born! Can I at least put on some clothes?”

“No!” Lestat’s eyes roamed up and down his body approvingly. “I like you like this.”

“Oh my God…” Louis didn’t know whether he should laugh or cry, “Do you know that kids and grandkids are likely to ask, ‘How did he propose?’ How would I be able to answer that?”

“You say...” Lestat stood up, taking off his jacket and trousers with one hand. “... with twelve bouquets of flowers, a box of hot beignets,” He quickly got rid of his socks and shirt. Still in his black boxers, he quickly got on his knee again, “... and an emerald ring that matches Grandpa’s eyes.”

He opened the velvet box to reveal a scintillating diamond-cut emerald set in the centre of a clean line, antique gold, signet-style ring. “This is my family’s heirloom ring. Before I came here, I went back to the château to get it from the vault and then have it resized.”

He swallowed nervously to calm himself. When he looked up at Louis, his cheeks were wet and his voice was shaky.

“I love you, Louis. Will you marry me?”

Louis had already started bawling. “Yes, yes, of course I will.”

He laughed and cried again when Lestat slipped the ring onto his finger, kissing that ring solemnly, knocking him back onto the bed to kiss him.

He broke off the kiss to look at Louis, “Hello, fiancé.”


“My phone says it’s f*ck-my-fiancé-to-the-mattress o’clock.”

“What a coincidence. Something that’s twitching against my legs is saying that too!”

Grabbing the lube from the bedside drawer and slipping between the duvet only took two seconds. He watched Lestat kick the clothes away and close the bedroom door.

Lestat taking off his underwear was still Louis’ favourite scene to watch. He could replay it over and over again in his mind. But when Lestat crawled between his legs and started worshipping him with his mouth and tongue, while his blue eyes stared possessive hunger, Louis thought this could be his new, most favouritest thing to look at from now on.

Not pausing from pleasuring Louis, Lestat brought his fingers up to Louis’ mouth, letting him suck on them. When they were well coated with saliva, Lestat slipped them, painstakingly slowly, one by one, into Louis.

Louis grabbed on to Lestat’s hair, moaning loudly. “Baby, you’re gonna make me come way too soon!”

The blonde said nothing, only his hand and mouth switched position, which resulted in Louis' thighs to shake violently. Lestat’s hot, wet tongue snaking and curling inside him proved to be too much and Louis arched his back and shook through wave after wave of his org*sm.

Lestat’s hands caged Louis’ hips as he sucked on his co*ck’s head while Louis was coming.

Shaking subsiding, Louis watched him spit saliva and cum into his palm, coating his lubed co*ck with it. His blue-eyes blazed as he peered down at Louis. “Look at me as I put it in, chѐri.”

He pressed in slowly, watching Louis as if Louis was his favourite show and this was the only broadcast time and there was no replay or record option. When he finally bottomed out, he bent down to kiss Louis, whispering, “Your face, your eyes as when my co*ck screws inside you, seulement toi, tu me rends fou.

“Likewise.” Louis felt tears seeping out of his eyes. “You feel so f*cking good.”

Staying still inside Louis, his lips took Louis’ tears away, his hand laced Louis’ ringed hand, and he announced with reverence, “You’re mine.

And you’re mine, Lestat.”

“Yes, all of me is yours, Louis.”

“Please, f*ck me like I’m yours.”

Lestat moved, like he’d never moved before, as if he was possessed. His eyes bored into Louis’, never looking away, every drag and every push. His mouth swallowed all of Louis’ moans as if they were the elixirs of life.

“Oh, baby! Yes...there!”

Louis’ locked his long legs behind Lestat’s small back and tilted his hips up to meet the torturously, slow rocking pace of his lover.

Ca te plaît? Plus fort? Plus vite?

Oui, oui, oui!!! Jesus, baby!”

When Louis was sure he couldn’t last any longer, Lestat untangled his legs and lifted them over his shoulders. Sweating, breathing laboriously, intent on making Louis scream, he mercilessly hit that spot inside Louis, harder and faster.

It was the sight of Louis taut and coming undone all over his stomach that toppled Lestat over the edge; he sank as if trying to disappear into Louis and came deep inside him.

Lying next to each other, as their breathing finally slowed, Louis placed his hand on Lestat’s chest, the green emerald glinting in the sun. He smiled, “My God, that was so good… I’ve missed you so much.”

Lestat’s eyes were closed. “I’ve missed you too, Louis. Being with you feels like... coming home.”

“That’s because you are home.” He kissed Lestat’s cheek and continued, “To me, being with you is like…" He smiled mischievously, "It's like...”

“Like what?”

“Like slipping on an old glove.”

Lestat’s eyes snapped open incredulously. “Old glove?”

When he saw Louis’ naughty face, he chuckled, “Ah, yes… I miss your flirting. Give me more. C’mon, do your worst.”

“It feels like… putting on old socks. Lint covered ones.”

Lestat threw his head back and belly-laughed. “That has to be your best one yet. Colour me flattered.”

Laughing, cuddling with Lestat after a session of vigorous sex was wonderful. And so was falling asleep and waking up the next day with Lestat. Basically, doing everything, no matter how small or mundane, as long as Lestat was with him, was great.

Louis was not naive. There would be challenges and bumpy roads ahead, as it would be with anyone. Their love was new and exciting now, but with time, it was bound to fade into a softer, more grounded version. But when the high points were so high, it was hard to imagine that they could not hang on to that and weather any future storms. When the inevitable lows did arrive, Louis was sure they’d tackle it together, hand in hand, just like they did with everything that had come at them before this.

Lestat’s blue-eyes were staring at him again, as if he knew what Louis was thinking. He cupped Louis’ face and kissed him. “This is our new beginning, Louis. It's our life after I see you.”

Louis smiled and kissed him back. “I think we'll have that champagne now.”


Before You See Me - Chapter 9 - pastequesix (2024)


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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.